OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #7

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Why would the Jamisons take photos of the oil field signs? If they bought the land would any royalties have been conveyed to them?

Everything that mtrooper has pointed out conveys to me that the Jamisons were ambushed, and had no idea what was coming, unless of course, two of the Jamisons were ambushed by a third, and with help from someone else. If that's not the case, then the other possibility that comes to mind, excluding stranger murder or murder by other family member for the moment, is a double murder, and suicide, but that seems unrealistic as well since neither of the adult Jamisons could have moved the bodies of the other two. Sherilynn wouldn't have been strong enough, and Bobby had a back injury.

I remain baffled that no reward for information has been offered by any family members. I find that, among other things, quite troubling.
I am not sure why they took pictures of the signs. They definitly were interested in properties with oil rigs on them. I am not sure if they thought if they bought the property they would get the mineral rights and possibly the oil lease? I know that Bobby's parents had some oil leases, but I am not making the connection. I know this is a totally stupid question...But could the dead oil well be used for anything else? I know the equipment was still there when they went to look at the property. So maybe they didn't know it was no longer active.
Sometimes wells can be reworked. We have a lot of stripper wells in Texas. They don't pump much, but somthin's better than nuffin. Wish I had one or two.

I really don't know what the Jamisons were like. They could have just wanted the photos for bragging rights even if they weren't going to get a dime from those old wells. Some people would be like that. My brother would have. : (
I know that people get tired of answering questions. I just don't understand why it is such a burden. I don't have this problem. If I know the answer I will answer the question. It only takes a second to do and can be helpful. If a person doesn't want to answer the question then don't. No need for complaints about people asking questions.

A search on this thread didn't return the information before mtrooper was kind enough to answer the question. The sarx information is very helpful. But, when I click on the sarx url listed it tells me that I don't have permission to view that page.

Maybe there should be a thread for impatient people who already know the answers and a thread for those like me who just joined.

I have no access to it either. It says "notsoconfused, you do not have permission to access this page."....I get this everytime I try to search anything on Websleuth...grrrr... Can someone tell me how to find out why I am limited on WB?
I have no access to it either. It says "notsoconfused, you do not have permission to access this page."....I get this everytime I try to search anything on Websleuth...grrrr... Can someone tell me how to find out why I am limited on WB?

I wonder if you need to be a member for longer/post more before you can see that? I think you need to have posted at least 50 times before you can send PMs.
pudd is right, notsoconfused. If you want to gain a lot of posts in a hurry go down to the private forums and play a bunch of games. You will only have to make 21 posts to get you up to the necessary 50 to view sarx's blog and everything else that's available on WS.
I was looking at the albums on the FTJ fb page this morning, particularly the ones of the mountain and the property...and I tried to imagine living there, in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the VERY DARK nights, with no electricity and no running water, no neighbors in sight, only mountains, mountains, and more mountains, covered with thick trees...I felt terrified at the thought. And then I looked at some of the last photos taken of Bobby and Sherilyn, and how their body language is so very telling: Bobby grinning a fake grin, leaning over and putting his head on Sherilyn's shoulder, whose body is as stiff as a board and tilted away from him as much as possible. The long, long letter she wrote to him, seething with hatred, complaining that he was too much of a hermit. They were really going to move off the grid together? To a place where they would have to rely solely on each other...and would be together more than they ever had been before, I'd assume? Crammed in a small shipping container together on top of a lonely mountain....none of it makes any sense.
I am not sure why they took pictures of the signs. They definitly were interested in properties with oil rigs on them. I am not sure if they thought if they bought the property they would get the mineral rights and possibly the oil lease? I know that Bobby's parents had some oil leases, but I am not making the connection. I know this is a totally stupid question...But could the dead oil well be used for anything else? I know the equipment was still there when they went to look at the property. So maybe they didn't know it was no longer active.

Surely they didn"t think that the minerals would come with the purchase of the surface?These days I do not think that is the norm.IMO-that would be highly unlikely in that area!The large company that drilled the wells to produce either oil or gas would have bought up all the minerals they possibly could.Some mineral owners would have merely leased their mineral rights to the larger company and be receiving royalty checks on a monthly basis if their percentage was large enough or whenever their earnings reached a certain amount.

MTrooper were the signs of the gas company name,location #,township and range or the drilling co name?Was the equipment on location a drilling rig or a work-over rig used for completion/or plugging and abandoning of the wells?

Surely they didn"t think they could use the old wells for water or maybe to hook up to and buy/steal gas from for living up there??? I know people that are hooked up to wells or gas lines for personal use if the well or pipeline is on their propeerty!!
I was looking at the albums on the FTJ fb page this morning, particularly the ones of the mountain and the property...and I tried to imagine living there, in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the VERY DARK nights, with no electricity and no running water, no neighbors in sight, only mountains, mountains, and more mountains, covered with thick trees...I felt terrified at the thought. And then I looked at some of the last photos taken of Bobby and Sherilyn, and how their body language is so very telling: Bobby grinning a fake grin, leaning over and putting his head on Sherilyn's shoulder, whose body is as stiff as a board and tilted away from him as much as possible. The long, long letter she wrote to him, seething with hatred, complaining that he was too much of a hermit. They were really going to move off the grid together? To a place where they would have to rely solely on each other...and would be together more than they ever had been before, I'd assume? Crammed in a small shipping container together on top of a lonely mountain....none of it makes any sense.

If this was the case, he was a hermit and wanted Sherilyn who is possibly (not sure) a people person to go with him.. and live like that... I think it is very possible she told other people what their plans were and had help getting rid of Bobby or something else happened to her as well.

Living like that is crazy. I consider myself to be a loner/hermit type person but being so far from civilization w/o power and forced to live w/ 2 other people in something I envision being about the size of the back of a semi trailer? No. Effing. Way. My 'witch' level would go through the fluffernutting roof within 3 days, and there would be blood shed.
I am not sure why they took pictures of the signs. They definitly were interested in properties with oil rigs on them. I am not sure if they thought if they bought the property they would get the mineral rights and possibly the oil lease? I know that Bobby's parents had some oil leases, but I am not making the connection. I know this is a totally stupid question...But could the dead oil well be used for anything else? I know the equipment was still there when they went to look at the property. So maybe they didn't know it was no longer active.

Mtrooper, you mention that the equipment was still there when they went to look at the property. Do you know when that equipment was removed and by whom?
IMHO-All the business of moving a storage container up there somewhere in those hills for a so called permanent home just doesn"t make a bit of sense to this ole boy!And what I have found out in my years is,if it doesn"t make sense it AINT TRUE!!!

Now if they were looking for a small piece of land to set up a get away for some piece and quiet or for say a hunting cabin I will buy that.

Sherilyn supposedly already thought of Bobby as a hermit.Maybe she was going along with it so Bobby could go stay up there by himself and really live the hermit life.I figure living off the land up there would be a real challenge to most anyone except someone that was born and raised in the area.

I would imagine the best living up there would not be LEGAL!!
IMHO-All the business of moving a storage container up there somewhere in those hills for a so called permanent home just doesn"t make a bit of sense to this ole boy!And what I have found out in my years is,if it doesn"t make sense it AINT TRUE!!!

Now if they were looking for a small piece of land to set up a get away for some piece and quiet or for say a hunting cabin I will buy that.

Sherilyn supposedly already thought of Bobby as a hermit.Maybe she was going along with it so Bobby could go stay up there by himself and really live the hermit life.I figure living off the land up there would be a real challenge to most anyone except someone that was born and raised in the area.

I would imagine the best living up there would not be LEGAL!!

Just like Judge Judy, my hero!!!
If this was the case, he was a hermit and wanted Sherilyn who is possibly (not sure) a people person to go with him.. and live like that... I think it is very possible she told other people what their plans were and had help getting rid of Bobby or something else happened to her as well.

Living like that is crazy. I consider myself to be a loner/hermit type person but being so far from civilization w/o power and forced to live w/ 2 other people in something I envision being about the size of the back of a semi trailer? No. Effing. Way. My 'witch' level would go through the fluffernutting roof within 3 days, and there would be blood shed.

In order for me to believe the idea that they wanted to live in a storage container, I would have to see survivalist material present in their home, and association with other known survivalist types.

I will say this: people do have dreams, and sometimes those dreams are incompatible with their physical realities and limitations. That doesn't stop them from dreaming or having it as a fantasy, and verbalizing it to others, but if they actually tried to live it out, they would regret following through on the fantasy.

Some hunters use storage containers as camps, but for the short term while they are hunting. They then go back to their heated and air-conditioned homes. I don't think many would want to live in one full time. Most people who like the outdoors want to see the outdoors from inside their abode. Cloistered in a storage container would be antithetical to that.

Note: Did anyone try the little test I posted, my post #198, page 8 of this thread? I'm very curious about what the outcome was for anyone trying it.
I am not into cell phones all that much, own a simple one, and that's it. I charge it when I need to, and most of the time you can't reach me on it because it's uncharged.

That being said, I've been thinking about those voicemail checks that showed up as Bristo calls and the other two voice mail checks that showed as incoming calls.

I'm hoping one of you astute cell phone users can figure something out from the following. I tracked down a company that can provide one cell phone with two numbers, so that the phone offers a split operation. I can't explain it well so it would be better if you just went here, and maybe someone smarter can deduce something by this:
Questions 10 & 11, might be of possible help.

In general, here are some not so usual? questions about what one can or
can't do with a cell phone:

Just hoping someone can look at something, and have that flash of brilliance, and say, wow, this is how this was achieved or happened re: Bobby's cell phone.

This other site is probably less helpful, and perhaps only a gimmick. Don't

I have seen talk of having two SIMS cards, whatever they are, and such, but this stuff is too technically advanced for the likes of moi.
pudd is right, notsoconfused. If you want to gain a lot of posts in a hurry go down to the private forums and play a bunch of games. You will only have to make 21 posts to get you up to the necessary 50 to view sarx's blog and everything else that's available on WS.

Ha, didn't even know there were games...lol..Ok..I'm off to play me some games... :seeya:
How bad was Bobby's back?

Who lifted the rocks to the bed of the truck? Did Bobby call and ask for help do accomplich this ? Maybe paying someone to ? And then other money that wasnt under the seat was taken?

Sherilyn doesnt look like she could lift alot .
How bad was Bobby's back?

Who lifted the rocks to the bed of the truck? Did Bobby call and ask for help do accomplich this ? Maybe paying someone to ? And then other money that wasnt under the seat was taken?

Sherilyn doesnt look like she could lift alot .

Ya know, I always thought, "How bad could his back be, if they were possibly going to move off the grid, onto Panola Mountain?" It seems like lots of daily work would be involved, and not just in the move itself - rugged places, mountains.

Another part that doesn't fit.
The way I've understood it, Bobby's back was in pretty bad shape. From the way his mother sounded in the ID program, it was a really bad accident he was in.

I'm still undecided about the rocks in the bed of the truck.

I'm still wondering why the water tank didn't have any spray paint on it. It would have been the "perfect canvas" for Sherilyn.
This has been on my mind all day, so I'm just going to throw it out here.

Could Bobby and Sherilyn have gotten caught spray painting the drilling equipment, by the gas company technician or field officer? The paint cans WERE in the back of the truck. Also, the field officer would be the only person who had permission to be on the property.

I'm also thinking they could have been buried under the water tank. I'm just trying to figure out how it could have been done.
pudd is right, notsoconfused. If you want to gain a lot of posts in a hurry go down to the private forums and play a bunch of games. You will only have to make 21 posts to get you up to the necessary 50 to view sarx's blog and everything else that's available on WS.

Thank you...I came back here for my 50th post...am I a true WSer now...lol..
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