OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #7

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Did Bobby and Sherilyn ever have a babysitter stay with Madyson?

WFG-You beat me to it,Rats!!Great question Little!!!OK there has to be some other angles to this case that havn"t been explored also,that I am sure of.

Several years ago there was a woman and her young boyfriend that took a baseball bat to the woman's husband while he was asleep in bed.Needless to say he was killed.They wrapped his body up and put it in his bass boot.They headed to the lake armed with cement blocks but luckily they were stopped (traffic violation)and by chance the body was discovered.The woman and her boy friend are in the pen doing LIFE.The point is there was a lot of water close to where the Jamisons live.
Did Bobby or Sherilyn use their phones alot before this happened? The phone records should verify if they were or not.
Excellent question! And to it I add an earlier one, was the Jamisons's only vehicle the one that was found abandoned? (Not including boats of course! Though it would have been very handy to dispose of the family at home, then trundle them out onto Lake Eufaula and, well, burial at sea, so to speak.)

I may have missed earlier replies re: "only? vehicle."

And, of course, I'd like a list of everyone they knew socially, etc. etc. And a large slice of sweet potato pie. With milk. Thanks.

I think this quote is from a CNN article/ response, but I found it at this link. I think Niki also said they had 3 vehicles. Not 100% positive.



I am Connie Kokotan, Sherrilyn Jamison's mother......
It's bad enough that this has happened but i just found out that my daughter's mother-in- law has gotten a court order so that she has possession of the house, furnishings, money, and any thing on the outside of the house including 2 cars and the truck.
Thanks, Pugsley! I had read that before and long forgotten all about it.
Just an opinion...I know the church people were questioned, but someone from the church was suppose to go with them that day (why? not sure I have read that answer.) But I do remember reading they did not go because of the weather? (the weather was fine as far as I have read) Maybe Mtrooper can answer..were their whereabouts accounted for?? Not many people knew they were going up there. As far as I can tell it was just the church person.
Did Bobby or Sherilyn use their phones alot before this happened? The phone records should verify if they were or not.

To my knowledge, Bobby used his all the time. Sherilyn- rarely.
I think this quote is from a CNN article/ response, but I found it at this link. I think Niki also said they had 3 vehicles. Not 100% positive.



I am Connie Kokotan, Sherrilyn Jamison's mother......
It's bad enough that this has happened but i just found out that my daughter's mother-in- law has gotten a court order so that she has possession of the house, furnishings, money, and any thing on the outside of the house including 2 cars and the truck.

And this, my friends, is where the legal, search and rescue, and prosecutorial nightmare began.

Thanks for reposting. This is the reason why there are no chips in the locker. KWIM?
To my knowledge, Bobby used his all the time. Sherilyn- rarely.

Oriah, Didn't Sherilynn speak with Billy Magnum the day she was on the mountain? Assuming of course she used her cell phone. I will try to find where I read that info.

*** Not being critical of your comment, just trying to figure out if what I read is correct.
Oriah, Didn't Sherilynn speak with Billy Magnum the day she was on the mountain? Assuming of course she used her cell phone. I will try to find where I read that info.

*** Not being critical of your comment, just trying to figure out if what I read is correct.

No worries about being critical, lol. Constructive criticism is VITALLY IMPORTANT here, lol!!!

The phone records look like Bobby used his phone a lot (or someone did.) Sherilyn's phone was used much less so. As to who called whom, on which phone- dang. Now I have to go check the phone records again. I thought that was Bobby's phone. But I could be totally wrong. Let me know what you find. And keep in mind that there's no way to tell who was speaking on either line. Unless someone had a warrant somewhere ahead of time to tap... that we, umm, don't know about, LOL.
Whilst all else are a-bustle actually solving this mystery, let's the rest of us take time for....

Man Towing Car Without Tires Blamed For Sparking Fires In McClain Co.

short version:

McClain County Sheriff officials said Gary Lee Albertson, 35, was towing a truck without any tires behind his vehicle. The metal on the road then sparked at least four fires within a couple miles of each other near C.R. 1340 and MacArthur Boulevard about a mile south of Highway 74 B.
"That makes me feel like he must have been kind of a dummy. You know, he shouldn't have been doing that. He should have knew you know with sparks flying out everywhere that something was going to catch on fire," said Rick Montgomery, whose home was damaged by one of the fires.
Dunn said the winds were about 17-20 mph and conditions were very dry.

more with video at link above, if that's not enough for ya
WFG-You beat me to it,Rats!!Great question Little!!!OK there has to be some other angles to this case that havn"t been explored also,that I am sure of.

Several years ago there was a woman and her young boyfriend that took a baseball bat to the woman's husband while he was asleep in bed.Needless to say he was killed.They wrapped his body up and put it in his bass boot.They headed to the lake armed with cement blocks but luckily they were stopped (traffic violation)and by chance the body was discovered.The woman and her boy friend are in the pen doing LIFE.The point is there was a lot of water close to where the Jamisons live.

I have an angle but it's really scary....and makes me personally involved. I DID not realize that...I'll pm Oriah or WFG. Takes it a whole 'nother direction.
No worries about being critical, lol. Constructive criticism is VITALLY IMPORTANT here, lol!!!

The phone records look like Bobby used his phone a lot (or someone did.) Sherilyn's phone was used much less so. As to who called whom, on which phone- dang. Now I have to go check the phone records again. I thought that was Bobby's phone. But I could be totally wrong. Let me know what you find. And keep in mind that there's no way to tell who was speaking on either line. Unless someone had a warrant somewhere ahead of time to tap... that we, umm, don't know about, LOL.

Niki stated (on topix..) that the last 4 outgoing calls made from "their" phones were to Billy M.
I wish someone had tapped the phone, I would love to know what those conversations were about.
I have an angle but it's really scary....and makes me personally involved. I DID not realize that...I'll pm Oriah or WFG. Takes it a whole 'nother direction.

Sooner- that's what PM's are for. You know you can count on me. I'll help however I can.
Sooner- that's what PM's are for. You know you can count on me. I'll help however I can.

Ok...sent and copied WFG. Let me know if they should just carry me off to the loonie bin......:banghead:
can someone please tell me who billy m and also who maizy are? i got lost somewhere..
this link again:

"Beauchamp said the paranoia could suggest an addiction to drugs, but has found no evidence they were users or dealers. Ruling out the role of drugs in the family’s disappearance is another issue.

The circumstantial evidence can’t be ignored, the sheriff said. Both had lost substantial weight in the months before vanishing. They carried large amounts of cash. And a security camera mounted at their house showed them moving in what Beauchamp described as trance-like motions.

"On the video sometimes they would just stop and stare,” Beauchamp said. "It was strange.”

Connie Kokotan, Sherilyn Jamison’s mother, now wonders about a comment Bobby made last summer.

"They were having financial trouble,” said Kokotan, 59, of Midwest City. "Bobby told Sherilyn, ‘I know where I can get the money, but I won’t involve you.’ But if they were involved in drugs, I never saw any.”

Kokotan lived with the family between March and June last year. She described her daughter as bipolar, and said Bobby Jamison lived with back pain from an automobile wreck in 2003."

so le has the home security videos and says that they would just move around trance like sometimes and stop and stare. sounds like people either very depressed or on dissociates. would they stop and stare at something or nothing?
now if sherilyn was on certain psych meds for bipolar that may have made her go trancelike at times, as i know certain bipolar meds do that to people.

as for bobby's auto wreck, it's likely he's been living off social security disability and i would think he'd get painkillers for his back.

speculation only this here is, maybe he was thinking of selling his pills?

maybe sherilyn was on ssd also for bipolar if she couldn't work. if they are both getting ssi or ssd checks from the govt, then that would be why they wouldn't use banks.

they sound very paranoid if they always kept cash on them, maybe they thought their house would get robbed. even the security cameras; prevention of robbery. it sounds like whatever reasons, they were paranoid of someone coming after them.

sherilyn brought a brown leather briefcase with them that day and put it in the back of the pick up; this was never found, neither was her .22

a lot in this article is important, that graffiti on the storage container; i think sherilyn may have wrote it herself. maybe whoever was killing local cats angered her since she loved animals. she would refer to herself as the "witch" who didn't like the black cats killed.

honestly if this were a murder-suicide, there are no bodies, honestly i don't think its the case.

whoever had been killing cats in that area? did they ever catch that person? usually people who kill animals such as cats are sociopaths. was the cat killer doing it on purpose to try and anger/hurt sherilyn?

the jamisons seem to have a lot of money in cash around and also their properties, timeshares, etc and if they were to run away you'd have think they would cash that in first.

the whole thing about the spirits in the house that both sherilyn and bobby claim they saw is bizarre; either they didn't see them and the pastor made it up in attempts to discredit sherilyn for whatever reason. or they really thought their house was haunted and slightly maybe delusional.
that sherilyn could name 2 of the spirits, michael and emily, is odd. are there any people in their lives named that?

them telling the pastor about the spirits sounds like a cry for help of some sort.

you have bobby telling the pastor about the spirits and then bobby saying he's reading the satanic bible for a remedy??? if the jamisons were religious christian etc why tell a pastor that your reading a satanic bible for remedy? why not ask for an excorism?
this is also why i think sherilyn maybe wrote the graffiti herself, angry that innocent pets cats were being killed, referring to herself as a "witch". perhaps they were pagans or wiccan to a degree.

it's very possible someone was after them, killed them and they are up there somewhere as beauchamp says, maybe sherilyn brought her .22 for protection with them and someone who killed them all took it.

i'm thinking also they had a lot of money in the briefcase. if they were going to buy land maybe bobby had a large sum in the truck, then the remainder in the suitcase.

if someone caught wind of them traveling with all that money there's a motive for murder.

would sherilyn's teenage son have known they were going and told a friend or someone?

so many questions and no answers =(
can someone please tell me who billy m and also who maizy are? i got lost somewhere..

Billy m. is Sherilyns ex husband and the father of her oldest child a male who is not missing.

Maizy is the not so super ,super dog who was left in the truck and the subject of much back and forth guesses as to why chips where not eaten.

My new guess is the chips make you disappear and Maizy knew that.
Whew, just got caught up on Topix (again). I now know what it must have been like in the WWI trenches, fighting with the Team Sanity forces and, forty yards away, through a No Man's Land of barbed wire, the "They're Not Missing!" squad, with regularly lobbed cannisters of mustard gas filling the air (and with UFOs hovering above the barbed wire, in some versions). Both sides are ready to go over the top at any minute. It's like the first day of the Battle of the Somme, Allies v. Huns, bodies lying everywhere.

("this quotation uncapped for reader convenience")

I never could understand why [Sherilyn] held on to that and shot it at every one except the one who deserved it for so long.

This statement was made after a reference to Sherilyn always being ready to "stick by her guns" (page 89, post 1822, link here), so perhaps it is not meant literally. But still, it does make one wonder: who deserved it for so long? and why choose to use, if this is the case, a gun metaphorically, when a literal gun does feature in this case?

Also noted in passing: sliced wrists, mental homes, 10 month spans being out of touch with best friends, tooth fairies, Elton John, an aforementioned UFO or two - and then it gets weird.
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