OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #7

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It's about time you came clean, wfg! Now we know why you're at Walmart all the time.

I, too, believe Sherilyn wears (wore) the pants in the family. I'm also toying with the thought that Bobby is most likely dead. That would account for the money being left in the truck. He was the only one who knew it was there.

I think Sherilyn and Madyson ran away with the help of the church family.

Of course, my opinion only (just for today).

how do we know that sherilyn wasn't aware of the money being left in the truck? :confused:
Did the Jameson's have a computer and was it checked for any possible online connections, such as lovers?
Perhaps a well covered up escape, but Im doubting that someone who hears voices and is bipolar is smart enough to stage the truck in the way she did. Leaving the dog, her purse, her money. Thats a well thought out disappearance, and even the smartest criminal wouldnt leave cash in their purse behind. I especially doubt an avid journal writer would leave her journal behind when it points to her anger at her husband, thus making her a suspect.

Could be though. If she pulled it off shes smarter than anyone gives her credit for.

where does it say that sherilyn heard voices?
does anyone have the link to the contents of her journal?

i agree that i doubt they would leave all that cash behind if they were planning on taking off.
how do we know that sherilyn wasn't aware of the money being left in the truck? :confused:

I don't think we do, specifically, though one is drawn toward the surmise after much time spent pondering the psychological aspects of the personalities of the two adults missing.
several things about this case really bother me

in the picture of little madyson that day, she looks cold, has her arms crossed against her chest (either defensive stance or cold) and she looks very unhappy. especially in comparison to other pictures of her in the video of the jamison family a poster had made.

didn't the sheriff originally (around when they first went missing) call off searches since he said it was hunting season and i guess hunting season took priority over the jamison family and he said hunters would stumble across bodies?

star giving away madyson's clothes just doesn't seem right to me at all, especially since they haven't been found.

someone mentioned a friend asking for search help then when it was offered doing nothing about the help

no reward for the family

the fbi releasing the blackberry, sherilyn's son taking it and using it as his own then of course drops it in a pool. (now i don't know about this new generation of kids, yet if his mother, stepdad, and little sister are missing you'd think he'd cherish the phone not use it as some status symbol) i know those phones are expensive. i pray the fbi doesn't loose the phone records

what ever became of the former boarder who was racist and made threatening remarks about sherilyn being first nation? did le question him at all and if so why was he ruled out?

as for the journal sherilyn bringing, she likely was the sort that liked to write and brought it on their travels in case she wanted to write down a moment.

the ss# checks bobby got would only allow him to have a cap in his bank account, or he wouldn't get a check/would owe money. usually the cap is around $2500.00 it may vary on the state. that may explain why things if they were, were in sherilyn's name or they didn't use banks and carried large amounts of cash.

the pup surviving could be possible as stranger things have happened, i'm sure the police aren't going to mention in the news about defecation or urine in the car from the pup. if their was hotdogs, they likely brought some snacks for themselves and madyson (you don't have to cook hotdogs) and as someone mentioned, aside from the cooler water, also the window condensation could have kept the dog alive.

the lack of le working this case actively that actually update us on things is disturbing.

imo, i don't think this was a murder/suicide, or one that went wrong.

i really think they met with foul play somehow. imo, it seems like le isn't making this case top priority, a child is missing for god's sake! that county doesn't seem like it's overburdened with a caseload of police work.

i would love to think that the family just took off to start a life over somewhere, however if they were to do that, it's most likely they'd bring the cash. if they were living off of social security checks, then they can't just disappear. that would end their income.

as for their choices of land to look at, some people enjoy living away from others in nature and are private people. they'd still be able to get internet and all that just like the rest of us in the mountains. i know people out in the sticks who have a cell tower out there for reception and their internet was just fine.

it just bothers me that it seems le hasn't made this case a top priority.
some of those locals have to know something.

wasn't it mentioned at first that a hunter had seen the truck twice and the second time called it in? and if that was 2 different hunters or atv riders, this is a rural area, and people talk.
where does it say that sherilyn heard voices?
does anyone have the link to the contents of her journal?

i agree that i doubt they would leave all that cash behind if they were planning on taking off.

I would love to see the contents of her journal. Her recent one and one from arround the end of her last relationship.
Have been wondering if Bobby or Sherilyn were into texting ? If so, guess it would be too late to try to retrieve any messages sent or received. Also, I am certainly perplexed by the phone activity on the 12th...I have AT&T, if my phone if turned off (or dead) any incoming calls do not show up on my call records. IMO, his phone would have had to be on to record those incoming calls.
posted by chemcopout, above

several things about this case really bother me

in the picture of little madyson that day, she looks cold, has her arms crossed against her chest (either defensive stance or cold) and she looks very unhappy. especially in comparison to other pictures of her in the video of the jamison family a poster had made.

Most of those who have spent much time with the case feel that thar's something hinky about that there picture (to put it in Okie-ese!). That picture has a certain dark je ne sais quoi about it. But is it pivotal to the case?

didn't the sheriff originally (around when they first went missing) call off searches since he said it was hunting season and i guess hunting season took priority over the jamison family and he said hunters would stumble across bodies?

Yes, the first search was shortened because Sheriff Beauchamp didn't want to put searchers at risk, what with so many hunters roaming the hills carrying weapons and watching for the first sign of movement; the wrong sort of trophy might be bagged.

star giving away madyson's clothes just doesn't seem right to me at all, especially since they haven't been found.

someone mentioned a friend asking for search help then when it was offered doing nothing about the help

no reward for the family

Giving away the clothing plus never offering a reward are two of the main tenets of the "something's wrong with this picture, and in that family" scenario.

the fbi releasing the blackberry, sherilyn's son taking it and using it as his own then of course drops it in a pool. (now i don't know about this new generation of kids, yet if his mother, stepdad, and little sister are missing you'd think he'd cherish the phone not use it as some status symbol) i know those phones are expensive. i pray the fbi doesn't loose the phone records

"Doh! Dropped it in the pool!" seems somehow very convenient as an excuse, but, on the other hand, kids are kids. It is felt by some that one might profit by looking into Sherilyn's ex- and their relationship.

what ever became of the former boarder who was racist and made threatening remarks about sherilyn being first nation? did le question him at all and if so why was he ruled out?

Yes he was questioned (by FBI), yes he had a sufficient alibi. That doesn't mean, though, that he's not firmly in the picture as one with motive, and perhaps means and opportunity as well. But - again - LE did clear him, and he hasn't fled the area, I don't think.

as for the journal sherilyn bringing, she likely was the sort that liked to write and brought it on their travels in case she wanted to write down a moment.

Perhaps, though it also seems a document of strife, perhaps carried like an extra weapon.


the lack of le working this case actively that actually update us on things is disturbing.

imo, i don't think this was a murder/suicide, or one that went wrong.

i really think they met with foul play somehow. imo, it seems like le isn't making this case top priority, a child is missing for god's sake! that county doesn't seem like it's overburdened with a caseload of police work.

Latimer LE have a limited budget, theirs being a small, poor county with little tax base. OSBI never solves anything, it seems. The FBI evidently feels the matter should be handled by more local agencies (and their budgets).

I agree that the most logical scenario is foul play. But it's a crowded pie, and that's just one slice, one that doesn't necessarily loom all that larger than the any of the others.

would love to think that the family just took off to start a life over somewhere, however if they were to do that, it's most likely they'd bring the cash. if they were living off of social security checks, then they can't just disappear. that would end their income.

as for their choices of land to look at, some people enjoy living away from others in nature and are private people. they'd still be able to get internet and all that just like the rest of us in the mountains. i know people out in the sticks who have a cell tower out there for reception and their internet was just fine.

Heartily agreed on wishing they've just gone off somewhere, of their own accord, thought.

The "looking at land, moving off the grid" scenario would seem to fit Bobby but not necessarily Sherilyn. It seems more an act of surrender than it does a positive, people seeking their privacy, one.

LE made a statement to the press that they felt the Jamisons were "scammers," what with the lawsuits filed or in contemplation and the SS disability checks. I think many feel that they were at least living an existence in which strife would seek them, and they would seek strife.

Can anyone answer whether it is true that there was a call made to Bobby's voicemail on the 12th from a land line in another town?? I read it on another forum, but don't think I read such info here.

Thank you.
People dont just disappear. They are somewhere. Somewhere. Everyday. It always seems so complex when you hear about the different people who disappear. When some are found it makes even less sence than when they went missing. This case is going to be one of those cases.

It is completely maddening .
....and meanwhile, in Off-Topic-Land.....

It's YOUR Just Startin' the Work Week OK Bizarre Incident of the Day!

Chase with half-naked Oklahoma man injures 2 Arkansas officers

HACKETT, Ark. — A man who was seen with his pants down in a Pocola, Okla., cemetery is in jail after hurting two Fort Smith police officers during a chase that ended when the suspect's vehicle hit a house.

Officials told Fort Smith, Ark., television station KFSM that 29-year-old Anthony Yoder faces multiple charges after leading Fort Smith police officers on a high-speed chase through the city Saturday night. Officers tried to talk to Yoder at the graveyard but he fled into Arkansas. One officer hurt his back and another his knee when Yoder's vehicle rammed two patrol cars. The chase ended in Hackett when the suspect's vehicle slammed into a house. Two people inside were unhurt.

Officers say Yoder's pants were still down when they arrested him.


KFSM video
If anyone keeps up on it Topix has been smoking once again the last few days!!Thank goodness we can discuss things in a very civilized manner here.Thank You WS!!!!
If anyone keeps up on it Topix has been smoking once again the last few days!!Thank goodness we can discuss things in a very civilized manner here.Thank You WS!!!!

Yes, Topix has been making the Shootout at OK Corral look like a pre-school church picnic of late.
Yes, Topix has been making the Shootout at OK Corral look like a pre-school church picnic of late.

That is sho right!!Why in the world will a website let a couple of people completely high-jack a discussion thread?Can they not block or ban them from the website?
posted by chemcopout, above

Most of those who have spent much time with the case feel that thar's something hinky about that there picture (to put it in Okie-ese!). That picture has a certain dark je ne sais quoi about it. But is it pivotal to the case?

Yes, the first search was shortened because Sheriff Beauchamp didn't want to put searchers at risk, what with so many hunters roaming the hills carrying weapons and watching for the first sign of movement; the wrong sort of trophy might be bagged.

Giving away the clothing plus never offering a reward are two of the main tenets of the "something's wrong with this picture, and in that family" scenario.

"Doh! Dropped it in the pool!" seems somehow very convenient as an excuse, but, on the other hand, kids are kids. It is felt by some that one might profit by looking into Sherilyn's ex- and their relationship.

Yes he was questioned (by FBI), yes he had a sufficient alibi. That doesn't mean, though, that he's not firmly in the picture as one with motive, and perhaps means and opportunity as well. But - again - LE did clear him, and he hasn't fled the area, I don't think.

Perhaps, though it also seems a document of strife, perhaps carried like an extra weapon.


Latimer LE have a limited budget, theirs being a small, poor county with little tax base. OSBI never solves anything, it seems. The FBI evidently feels the matter should be handled by more local agencies (and their budgets).

I agree that the most logical scenario is foul play. But it's a crowded pie, and that's just one slice, one that doesn't necessarily loom all that larger than the any of the others.

Heartily agreed on wishing they've just gone off somewhere, of their own accord, thought.

The "looking at land, moving off the grid" scenario would seem to fit Bobby but not necessarily Sherilyn. It seems more an act of surrender than it does a positive, people seeking their privacy, one.

LE made a statement to the press that they felt the Jamisons were "scammers," what with the lawsuits filed or in contemplation and the SS disability checks. I think many feel that they were at least living an existence in which strife would seek them, and they would seek strife.


Thank you for holding down the fort, wfgodot!
posted by chemcopout, above

Most of those who have spent much time with the case feel that thar's something hinky about that there picture (to put it in Okie-ese!). That picture has a certain dark je ne sais quoi about it. But is it pivotal to the case?

I tried to blow up that picture to see the dark object below her arms. It does not appear like it is part of the rock, it looks like it is front of the rock. Has anyone else tried to figure out what it is?

To me it looks like a dog, in which the picture was taken in motion, so it is distorted.

I'm glad there is no judging feature on here. I'm sure I would be flooded with peanuts.
Did Bobby and Sherilyn ever have a babysitter stay with Madyson?
Did Bobby and Sherilyn ever have a babysitter stay with Madyson?

Excellent question! And to it I add an earlier one, was the Jamisons's only vehicle the one that was found abandoned? (Not including boats of course! Though it would have been very handy to dispose of the family at home, then trundle them out onto Lake Eufaula and, well, burial at sea, so to speak.)

I may have missed earlier replies re: "only? vehicle."

And, of course, I'd like a list of everyone they knew socially, etc. etc. And a large slice of sweet potato pie. With milk. Thanks.
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