OK OK - Joan Croft, 4, Woodward, 9 April 1947

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I know that some have suggested that Joan couldn't have been taken to be a child for a childless couple as it was two men that abducted her and stealing a very young child to raise as your own was usually done by women... but why couldn't a woman have hired these men? Men "rescue workers" would raise less suspicion than a strange woman.

I thought the same thing. A woman hires men who are skilled at kidnapping kids to give to childless women. These men find out about the tornado and decide to visit the hospital for seemingly orphaned kids or kids who injuries rendered them "out of it", so to speak.

I believe Joan lived to adulthood. If she has passed, it's as an adult of natural causes. Those men DID NOT kill her.
I did a Google search of her name and got some weird results. There is a blog post that says, "The begins of my story." The author is Joan Gaye Croft. There is a Facebook page for Joan Gaye Croft from Woodward Oklahoma living in Oklahoma City. There is a non-profit registered in Oklahoma City to a Joan Gaye Croft. Either a relative was given the same name, someone has a sick sense of humor, Joan Gaye really is alive like the letter to the editor suggested or it is a very odd concincidence.
I did a Google search of her name and got some weird results. There is a blog post that says, "The begins of my story." The author is Joan Gaye Croft. There is a Facebook page for Joan Gaye Croft from Woodward Oklahoma living in Oklahoma City. There is a non-profit registered in Oklahoma City to a Joan Gaye Croft. Either a relative was given the same name, someone has a sick sense of humor, Joan Gaye really is alive like the letter to the editor suggested or it is a very odd concincidence.

But the missing girl's name was Joan Gay Croft. The Facebook page spells it as Gaye.

Parks acknowledges the tragedy and vents her grief by decorating the graves of the three unidentified girls that Stecher buried.


Also, Steve Huff has a blog about it. There are some interesting posts in the comments section - one person who believes she may be Joan, and one who believes Joan was her former roommate:


Where is information on the other three girls? I see a few mentions here but no links. Also, does anyone remember the content of the comments on Steven Huff's blog? The link is inactive now.
That's a good question, I had never thought of that. The sister saw 2 men in khaki work clothes come to take Joan and she thought they might be medical workers. But Joan was never seen again. Maybe they really were medical workers and made some type of mistake when treating her that caused her to die? Like administering the wrong medication or too much? I wonder if the men carried her out on a stretcher. It wouldn't take 2 men to carry a small girl away but if they were medical workers that would explain why they were dressed alike and why nobody asked them why they were carrying Joan out. Then again, a lot of people wear khaki work clothes, maybe 2 men in some kind of construction trade came and abducted her. You don't often see 2 people working together to abduct a child but if they had a mutual reason for doing so they might. A common interest (they could have both been pedophiles) or maybe they were related to each other and one of them had lost a child and so they abducted her for one of them and his wife to raise.
Here's another question. In one website article I found that the men specifically asked for Joan. Her mother was killed in the tornado and her stepfather seriously wounded. Do we know where her real father was? Was he still alive? Maybe the men were from his side of the family. Did she and her sister have the same father?
Where is information on the other three girls? I see a few mentions here but no links. Also, does anyone remember the content of the comments on Steven Huff's blog? The link is inactive now.

No parents or relatives were ever found for three girls age, 8 months, 4 years and 12 years who were killed by the twister. A Woodward funeral director speculated the girls were the children of destitute, transient parents caught up in the storm, who could not afford the cost of three funerals, and who simply left the bodies for the county to pay for the burials.

An exhaustive search of families and schools in the county did not turn up any relatives...

It is not known if the girls were sisters or related in some other way...

The three girls were buried in Woodward&#8217;s Elmgrove Cemetery. Their identities are still a mystery.

Natasha (Tash) Simp said:
Joan was also abducted at age four... most people don't have clear memories until age 5 or 6 - if she was placed with a childless couple, she might have grown up not remembering her real family.
Do you have a source for that information about memory? I have many clear memories from the age of three onward and even a couple from before I turned two. I have an aunt who has memories from before she turned one.
annegrete said:
I believe Joan lived to adulthood. If she has passed, it's as an adult of natural causes. Those men DID NOT kill her.
She may have been sold. (I wonder whether her picture had appeared in any newspapers prior to her abduction.) However, it's entirely possible that the men were sexual predators who used her and then killed her. I agree with a previous poster thaf DNA needs to be taken from the unidentified toddler buried after the storm.
I don't know anything about the person on Facebook. The page was created and appears to be abandoned. However, they are "friends" with another Joan Croft. There are friends on both pages from Oklahoma. Anyone can create a Facebook page, but a real person with some sort of identification, had to register the non-profit in Oklahoma City.
Found a couple of other odd things. I don't know much about twitter but there is a tweet from a Joan Gaye Croft in 2011 that says she posted her case and hopes family understands. I don't know what @ part means but it has the same last name as a person who is friends on the Facebook page.
There is a federal appeals court case Constien v. United States. It is a case out of Oklahoma. Way down on the details of the case, the article mentions a letter that had the return address of Joan Gaye Croft at the same location as the person who filed the case lived. It is the same name as the person mentioned on the twitter post.
That gives two legal documents (the court case and the non-profit registration) for a Joan Gaye Croft in Oklahoma. The legal case ties her to the same last name as mentioned on the tweet and as a friend on the Facebook page.
Found a couple of other odd things. I don't know much about twitter but there is a tweet from a Joan Gaye Croft in 2011 that says she posted her case and hopes family understands. I don't know what @ part means but it has the same last name as a person who is friends on the Facebook page.
There is a federal appeals court case Constien v. United States. It is a case out of Oklahoma. Way down on the details of the case, the article mentions a letter that had the return address of Joan Gaye Croft at the same location as the person who filed the case lived. It is the same name as the person mentioned on the twitter post.
That gives two legal documents (the court case and the non-profit registration) for a Joan Gaye Croft in Oklahoma. The legal case ties her to the same last name as mentioned on the tweet and as a friend on the Facebook page.
The name may be a coincidence.

Although I mentioned before that the men might have been sexual predators, I should probably add that I consider it unlikely.

I think they were probably from a private adoption agency. Someone (perhaps to earn a quick buck) may have told them that Joan's parents had been killed and that Joan was available for adoption. It may have even been a family member--perhaps someone who didn't think the stepfather could handle two daughters on his own.
Name could be a coincidence but the tweet says she "posted my case. Years in the making!. hope family understands." The Facebook page says she is from Woodward, Oklahoma. One of those instant records online sources lists Joan Gaye Croft in Oklahoma City as 74 years old. That is a lot of coincidences.
Even if the the tweet and Facebook pages are fake, there is a person named Joan Gaye Croft, the correct age, living in Oklahoma City. Of course, to believe it is her, you have to believe she didn't leave Oklahoma and never married. There is also the matter of the Gaye/Gay middle name. The letters to the journalist say she lived in Oklahoma but under a different name.
The letter to the journalist change the spelling of Gay/Gaye in the letter. Her father's name is listed as Orlin, but was apparently Olin. Maybe the letters, Facebook page and tweet are an elaborate fraud. Since the tweet references a real person, J. J. Constein who seems to have some connection to real person named Joan Gaye Croft, it would have to be a pretty elaborate hoax.
I don't know what @ part means

On Twitter an @ is the first element in every handle or user name. It effectively denotes a twitter account. So @whitehouse is the official twitter account of The White House. If you include someone's user name in a tweet, complete with the @ in front, that user will see your tweet.

Eg, if you tweet "It's time @whitehouse got a handle on this", the people actually operating The White House's account will see your tweet.

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