OK OK - Molly Miller, 17, & Colt Haynes, 21, Wilson, 7 July 2013 - #1

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I truly mean no offense by this because it doesn't matter if they are accurate or junk science, but the reality is they are not going to be taken serious if a psychic is leading the way. Have other organizations that have experience with these sorts of cases been contacted?

Regarding the 6:00 a.m. call, do we know who that was made to? If not name, maybe nature of relationship? I know friend, but a recent friend? An old boyfriend? Someone who was only an acquaintance and maybe had stronger ties to others? It would seem to me a close friend would recognize her voice. For some reason they don't believe this person. That would make them complicit in whatever happened.

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm having a hard time picturing where everything went down. Last question. Where was this hole in relation to where the friends went driving/honking their horn looking for Colt?

Many thanks for your patience.

I'm not into the whole psychic thing either. If they were very effective, we'd have few cases left to discuss here on WS. But he was with a small crew out on foot that weekend, searching where they were allowed to search, so that's good. And the report he wrote afterward was pretty interesting, providing an outsider's glimpse into what the families have been dealing with in trying to find Colt and Molly.

We don't know a name or a relationship of the person who claimed to receive that call, just that it was a male. We don't know if LE has confirmed his story. We don't know why one of Molly's cousins doesn't believe it was her on the phone. If it was Molly calling, he would have to be someone whose number was stored in her phone, or someone whose number she knew from memory.

I certainly wish we knew where the hole was, but "east of Pike Road" is the only description I've seen.
They are cooperating and sharing info. I think the concern on the part of Molly's family is that if the two are lumped together, people would just assume they ran off together and not bother to read any further. I don't know, that's just kind of the drift I get.

I said earlier that I'm not convinced Molly lived long after the 911 call. That doesn't mean my mind is completely closed to the possibility that she did make those calls or texts. There just isn't enough evidence available to us that proves she was the one using her phone.

Don't forget, the two families seemed to describe two different calls. The "calm" call was around 6:00 a.m. and we don't know when the "crying" call would have been. The 33 text messages are mentioned in this post on Operation Find Molly:


This was a repost of the psychic's report from that weekend's search and it wasn't posted by a family member (I think), but the family did let it stand so that leads me to think the 33 text messages and two phone calls did show up on her phone record.

I remember that weekend, constantly refreshing the OFMM page for any news while the search was going on. Can't find the comments now and they may have been deleted, but I do remember the psychic posting requests for food and water to be brought to the search team and also that someone get a message to a specific person to contact him. He did give a name and, if I remember correctly, indicated that all 33 texts were to that person.

Am embarrassed to admit that I don't even look at my own phone record so I honestly don't know if all 33 texts would be outgoing or would that also include incoming?

That is a good point about if they work publicly together, then people would assume the 2 have just ran off together. So long as they are working together in private and sharing all information is all that matters. Now is the time to put aside any differences and find the 2 people.

I also agree that Molly's alleged 6 AM call just seems a little odd and out of place so I can see why there is doubt regarding that phone call. It could have been the wrong day the friend remembered, like the morning before the chase instead of the morning after the chase. I would hope by now, LE would have pulled all the necessary phone records to try to confirm times and texts of calls.

I also agree that it would not be wise to publisize working with any physics as they are just not accepted by a lot of people. If they want to work with them in private, that would be their choice, but I agree more conventional means is the best way to go with this type of case.

I do hope they are beginning to get more help from better resources that have no bias ties to the area. That seemed to be their biggest problem at the start of this case and they lost a lot of valuable early time by not having people they could trust would really help them.
I just wanted to share a story once where I was hunting and one of our hunting partners got lost and luckily we had radios, so we could talk with him, but he had no idea where he was. He started panicking and it was pretty serious as we were in some thick woods for miles. We used 2 methods to help find him including the horn honking method.

How we found him........We first told him to stay still and we would drive around to different spots and honk our horn, and we kept asking him if he heard the horn. In some places we even lost radio contact, so we had to drive back to original spot to talk with him again.

Once we found a road that seemed to pickup the best radio reception and where he best heard the horn. We asked him if he thought he knew which direction the car was. He said yes, and so we stayed still on the road and asked him to walk towards the horn honk and keep talking and we would see if the reception got better. It worked as he got clearer and clearer on the radio as he walked, and we kept honking and he heard it louder and louder. He finally popped out on the road about 1/8 mile down the road, and when he got to us, you could see the relief in his eyes.

Just wanted to share a true story and so I do kind of believe the friends calls to Colt because of this situation I also had.

I now always carry a hand-held GPS unit when hunting and mark my Truck with a Landmark point before I go hunting. Then I actually turn it off and throw it in my backpack. If I ever need to find my way back, I turn on the GPS and do a "GO TO" my truck, and then I use my compass to navigate to the direction which is given in "degrees" (example - 245 degrees). The compass makes it easy to go in the direction which the GPS tells me. The GPS also tells me how far it is. It is wonderful, and as you see the GPS tell you that you are getting closer and closer, it is a great feeling when in the woods trying to get back to truck.
Just saw yesterday that the US Marshals and OHP are getting busy on the case and have some things in the works, so that's encouraging. I hope they are planning to excavate that hole as well.
I just wanted to share a story once where I was hunting and one of our hunting partners got lost and luckily we had radios, so we could talk with him, but he had no idea where he was. He started panicking and it was pretty serious as we were in some thick woods for miles. We used 2 methods to help find him including the horn honking method.

How we found him........We first told him to stay still and we would drive around to different spots and honk our horn, and we kept asking him if he heard the horn. In some places we even lost radio contact, so we had to drive back to original spot to talk with him again.

Once we found a road that seemed to pickup the best radio reception and where he best heard the horn. We asked him if he thought he knew which direction the car was. He said yes, and so we stayed still on the road and asked him to walk towards the horn honk and keep talking and we would see if the reception got better. It worked as he got clearer and clearer on the radio as he walked, and we kept honking and he heard it louder and louder. He finally popped out on the road about 1/8 mile down the road, and when he got to us, you could see the relief in his eyes.

Just wanted to share a true story and so I do kind of believe the friends calls to Colt because of this situation I also had.

I now always carry a hand-held GPS unit when hunting and mark my Truck with a Landmark point before I go hunting. Then I actually turn it off and throw it in my backpack. If I ever need to find my way back, I turn on the GPS and do a "GO TO" my truck, and then I use my compass to navigate to the direction which is given in "degrees" (example - 245 degrees). The compass makes it easy to go in the direction which the GPS tells me. The GPS also tells me how far it is. It is wonderful, and as you see the GPS tell you that you are getting closer and closer, it is a great feeling when in the woods trying to get back to truck.

Excellent story!

Seems like there was a pretty good cell signal in the Pike/Long Hollow Roads area. Even a smart phone could help someone find their way out of the woods by using Google maps (the built-in gps shows where you are on the map). Granted, Molly and Colt may not have been lost, but if they were, a charged smart phone would have been a huge help.

I still wonder if Colt's friends drove along both Long Hollow and Pike. If Molly and Colt were at that creek near Pike, I don't think they would have been able to hear any horns and hollaring from Long Hollow.
I wonder if CN tried to find Molly and Colt after being told they were missing? Perhaps he searched the area on his own. If it was me, I would have looked around.
I wonder if CN tried to find Molly and Colt after being told they were missing? Perhaps he searched the area on his own. If it was me, I would have looked around.

Well, that would have been nice of him. From what I understand, the guy has never faced a consequence in his life. If he didn't actually kill them, I could imagine him fleeing the scene and leaving them behind to save his own hide. If they were still alive the last time he saw them, curiosity might have eventually gotten the better of him. He is said to know that area like the back of his hand, so he might have gone out and found the bodies, and been like oh, $h*t!

If that had happened, it would have been nice of him to notify someone of their location. He could have done so anonymously and, if this happened early enough, forensic examination might have been able to prove that he didn't murder them, that they died of other causes. So he may have shot himself in the foot if something like this did happen and he burned the bodies in the hole instead of reporting their location.

Interesting idea, McSpy. I hadn't thought of it quite that way.
Just saw on OFMM that the US Marshals searched The Property That Cannot Be Searched yesterday. No word if they found anything.

ETA: Woops, that was on Justice for Colt!, not OFMM.
Just saw yesterday that the US Marshals and OHP are getting busy on the case and have some things in the works, so that's encouraging. I hope they are planning to excavate that hole as well.

That's great to hear. This absolutely has to be taken out of the hands of local LE, even if there's absolutely no corruption. The ties already acknowledged are sufficient to warrant that.

Any idea if equusearch or groups like that have been contacted. They could at least professionally search the area surrounding the land that apparently permission isn't being given to. It could eliminate areas and who knows, maybe pick up a scent that points them in a direction. Speaking of which, would dogs even be able to help at this late date?

ETA - Nevermind. I see the Marshalls have hopefully searched.
Excellent story!

Seems like there was a pretty good cell signal in the Pike/Long Hollow Roads area. Even a smart phone could help someone find their way out of the woods by using Google maps (the built-in gps shows where you are on the map). Granted, Molly and Colt may not have been lost, but if they were, a charged smart phone would have been a huge help.

I still wonder if Colt's friends drove along both Long Hollow and Pike. If Molly and Colt were at that creek near Pike, I don't think they would have been able to hear any horns and hollaring from Long Hollow.

When we were trying to find our lost hunter, I was amazed at how difficult it is to hear a car horn when in the woods. It really is hard to hear it even if they are relatively close. If you turn one way, you can sometimes hear a distant horn, but if you turned the other way you sometimes cannot hear it.

So, I agree with you that unless they were pretty darn close to the car, they may have not heard the car horn.

P.S. Us humans dont have good ears for hearing. That is why animals such as deer and dogs have a satellite-dish shaped ear that can amplify the sound and hear better. Deer can actually turn their ears to focus on the sound. It is amazing to watch a deer when their ears start turning to pick up sounds.

Us humans are terrible at it....LOL
Now Colt's sister is saying there was no search that she knows of.
Okay, according to Molly's cousin PMF:


<Mod Snip>So now we have a better timeline. The 911 call at 12:57, the "calm" call at 6:02, and the "crying" call at 9:33.

And, am I interpreting this correctly? Several other calls made from Molly's phone by a male?

PMF also confirms that there was no search yesterday. It was a false rumor.
Okay, according to Molly's cousin PMF:


So now we have a better timeline. The 911 call at 12:57, the "calm" call at 6:02, and the "crying" call at 9:33.

And, am I interpreting this correctly? Several other calls made from Molly's phone by a male?

PMF also confirms that there was no search yesterday. It was a false rumor.

Good question. Did a male make calls from Molly's phone or did she receive calls from a male? I am interpreting it that a male made calls from Molly's phone.

I wonder what transpired after the calls were made that she can't discuss yet?
Okay, according to Molly's cousin PMF:


So now we have a better timeline. The 911 call at 12:57, the "calm" call at 6:02, and the "crying" call at 9:33.

And, am I interpreting this correctly? Several other calls made from Molly's phone by a male?

PMF also confirms that there was no search yesterday. It was a false rumor.

Maybe Colt's phone died, so he called his friends on her phone? If so, it is funny they refer to him as a "male"—not by his name. It suggests it could have been someone else or it has not been confirmed it was Colt.
Maybe Colt's phone died, so he called his friends on her phone? If so, it is funny they refer to him as a "male"—not by his name. It suggests it could have been someone else or it has not been confirmed it was Colt.

IIRC Molly's family went to the Wilson police department a couple weeks (or several weeks) after she went missing and asked for the report. Wilson PD had acquired her phone records and they were in the report. As I understand it, Molly's family was working on tracking down each phone call from her phone. So it may be since they can't confirm if it was Colt or CN, may be why they just said male.
Maybe Colt's phone died, so he called his friends on her phone? If so, it is funny they refer to him as a "male"&#8212;not by his name. It suggests it could have been someone else or it has not been confirmed it was Colt.

Yeah, that was my thought, maybe Colt's phone battery ran out and he used hers.

So the chase was two hours before the 911 call, and the last call was at 9:33 a.m. That's ten and a half hours, more or less. If Colt was still alive at 6:02, was he still alive at 9:33, when Molly was alone and crying?
Yeah, that was my thought, maybe Colt's phone battery ran out and he used hers.

So the chase was two hours before the 911 call, and the last call was at 9:33 a.m. That's ten and a half hours, more or less. If Colt was still alive at 6:02, was he still alive at 9:33, when Molly was alone and crying?

According to OFM on FB, something else happened after Molly's last call at 9:30am, but they can't discuss. This is how I interpret it.

I'm pretty sure LE told them not to disclose anything or they could compromise the investigation. Seems like the investigation may be progressing.

Makes me wonder if Molly managed to find a ride.
According to OFM on FB, something else happened after Molly's last call at 9:30am, but they can't discuss. This is how I interpret it.

I'm pretty sure LE told them not to disclose anything or they could compromise the investigation. Seems like the investigation may be progressing.

Makes me wonder if Molly managed to find a ride.

With whom? Where do you think might she be now, if she did get a ride out of the area?

I appreciate PMF so much for posting what she did last night. There's a degree of certainty to her statement that allows me to finally let go of the one cousin's doubt that Molly made any phone calls after the 911 call. And the new timeline allows us to discard some of the theories we've been kicking around.

Seriously, I was bowled over by the news that Molly was on the phone at 9:30 am. My thinking was not leaning that way at all.
With whom? Where do you think might she be now, if she did get a ride out of the area?

I appreciate PMF so much for posting what she did last night. There's a degree of certainty to her statement that allows me to finally let go of the one cousin's doubt that Molly made any phone calls after the 911 call. And the new timeline allows us to discard some of the theories we've been kicking around.

Seriously, I was bowled over by the news that Molly was on the phone at 9:30 am. My thinking was not leaning that way at all.

Those texts have got to fill in some blanks. Who she was with. Where she was at. What she was doing. If it was a stranger who picked her up after 9:30 to give her a ride and something happened then, why is CN and clan not cooperating? Other "activities" going on on the property? Meth lab comes to mind as to why they wouldn't want the property searched. Would love to know what those texts say.
Those texts have got to fill in some blanks. Who she was with. Where she was at. What she was doing. If it was a stranger who picked her up after 9:30 to give her a ride and something happened then, why is CN and clan not cooperating? Other "activities" going on on the property? Meth lab comes to mind as to why they wouldn't want the property searched. Would love to know what those texts say.

I totally agree. I hope investigators have the texts by now and can at least share some info with immediate family about them.

The texts could be more important than the actual phone calls.
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