OK OK - Molly Miller, 17, & Colt Haynes, 21, Wilson, 7 July 2013 - #1

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It does look like a big gate on the dirt road. Looks like tall electrical towers running along side of that dirt road too. Is this the end of the dirt road which starts at Long Hollow?

Also, I noticed that there is a section of Pike which runs north (parallel to Long Hollow). It goes all the way to Oswalt Rd. There is a creek running along it in places, which is probably the same creek that runs diagonal near the perpendicular section of Pike (runs east to west).

You should check out Bing maps. Their bird's eye satellite view shows a different perspective.

Yeah, the dirt road would come out right there. Don't know how or if [the driver] planned to get through any gates, but there are plenty of places along that road to hide a car if that was his intention.

The creek near that corner is Simon Creek; it flows southeast from Pike Road and runs into Walnut Bayou just north of Highway 32. Google Earth gives an image date of April 17, 2012, so it was springtime in this view.

I live about 130 miles north of the area and our summer this year began with a lot more rain than we usually get. Lots of thunderstorms. We normally have 100+ degree days for weeks at a time, and there were some 100-degree days this summer, but not nearly as many. June was really nice; temperatures didn't start heating up until July. Most years, during August and the first half of September, walking out your front door feels like walking into a blast furnace, but this past summer was milder than usual.

Couldn't say if the same conditions were true in Love County in July. I've never tried to look up specific weather data for a particular area before; is there a website that has that info?

The satellite images on Bing do look a little less green. Maybe early summer? Late summer would probably be more brownish. When you zoom in for a close-up view, the season changes to autumn. It's very annoying, though, when you're scrolling along trying to follow a particular road and have to wait for the next image to load. Grrr...

Have you tried Google Earth? You can change the angle of view on there, but without any lag time when you're scrolling. Beats the heck out of Bing and Google Maps.
The initial post only asked if they were found. It wasn't until she commented on her own post that she said she'd heard they were alive and had talked to relatives.

Why even approve the initial post? They then waited 30 minutes to chime in and say it wasn't true lol. And then say they can't believe people are starting rumors. I just don't see why the initial are they found was approved. It was unnecessary.. She then said it was an accident and then changed her reasoning to it was a simple question and she answered it. No, she waited thirty minutes to watch everyone go nuts and then answer it lol. When people started calling them out on it the post was deleted. Something about the way that page is ran is very odd to me!
Just reading up on this case. Wow. This is a really frustrating case. Corrupt LE, uncooperative driver of the vehicle, property unsearchable. 911 calls not responded to by LE, this case is nuts.
Just reading up on this case. Wow. This is a really frustrating case. Corrupt LE, uncooperative driver of the vehicle, property unsearchable. 911 calls not responded to by LE, this case is nuts.

Yes it is! You are welcome to join us in our :bang head: party over here. Would love new thoughts and insight!
Why even approve the initial post? They then waited 30 minutes to chime in and say it wasn't true lol. And then say they can't believe people are starting rumors. I just don't see why the initial are they found was approved. It was unnecessary.. She then said it was an accident and then changed her reasoning to it was a simple question and she answered it. No, she waited thirty minutes to watch everyone go nuts and then answer it lol. When people started calling them out on it the post was deleted. Something about the way that page is ran is very odd to me!

Agree! There was drama on there a while back so they changed it where new posts had to be approved, so somebody had to approve the original question.

Something about that page doesn't sit right with me either.
Why even approve the initial post? They then waited 30 minutes to chime in and say it wasn't true lol. And then say they can't believe people are starting rumors. I just don't see why the initial are they found was approved. It was unnecessary.. She then said it was an accident and then changed her reasoning to it was a simple question and she answered it. No, she waited thirty minutes to watch everyone go nuts and then answer it lol. When people started calling them out on it the post was deleted. Something about the way that page is ran is very odd to me!

If it seemed like an innocent question at the beginning, why wouldn't they approve it? Do you really think the family was sitting there watching all this go on and getting some kind of a kick out of it? I don't understand why you seem to be so suspicious of their motives.

Not a single family member is a suspect in this case and we are not allowed to sleuth them or discuss any of their possible character flaws here. Just a few days ago, someone else's post (Post #425) was edited by a mod for going too far in that direction.
Yes it is! You are welcome to join us in our :bang head: party over here. Would love new thoughts and insight!

Just what everyone else has. CN is in full CYA mode, he's the key to this. I'm wondering how he ever got a record to start with with all the people covering his hinny in this.

It's a shame their friends couldn't find them that night. It seems they both thought they were in the same place as per their calls, but obviously something was amiss since they couldn't be found.
If it seemed like an innocent question at the beginning, why wouldn't they approve it? Do you really think the family was sitting there watching all this go on and getting some kind of a kick out of it? I don't understand why you seem to be so suspicious of their motives.

Not a single family member is a suspect in this case and we are not allowed to sleuth them or discuss any of their possible character flaws here. Just a few days ago, someone else's post (Post #425) was edited by a mod for going too far in that direction.

I don't think she was saying anything bad about the family. It was strange the way it played out. IMO the original poster was very convincing in some strange kind of way. The post was approved and then left there for some time instead of being taken down immediately. I almost got the impression that the family member wasn't too sure either and had to confirm before deleting/responding further.

I, personally, am in no way suspicious of the family or their motives, but even I got my hopes up last night the way this particular family member handled the post.

I try not to look at family search/help pages. In my experience, there is always a lot of drama and bickering that is in no way helpful. And, FWIW, I have seen family search pages that left people wondering if they were somehow involved and/or covering.

I guess the moral of all of that is just to take these pages with a grain of salt.
I don't think she was saying anything bad about the family. It was strange the way it played out. IMO the original poster was very convincing in some strange kind of way. The post was approved and then left there for some time instead of being taken down immediately. I almost got the impression that the family member wasn't too sure either and had to confirm before deleting/responding further.

I, personally, am in no way suspicious of the family or their motives, but even I got my hopes up last night the way this particular family member handled the post.

I try not to look at family search/help pages. In my experience, there is always a lot of drama and bickering that is in no way helpful. And, FWIW, I have seen family search pages that left people wondering if they were somehow involved and/or covering.

I guess the moral of all of that is just to take these pages with a grain of salt.

I'm not sure all the admins are family members. Maybe a "too many cooks in the kitchen" situation. I can see how miscommunication about what the family wants to allow on the page might happen if that is the case.
I agree, it is rare I go to the search pages. way too much drama!
Why even approve the initial post? They then waited 30 minutes to chime in and say it wasn't true lol. And then say they can't believe people are starting rumors. I just don't see why the initial are they found was approved. It was unnecessary.. She then said it was an accident and then changed her reasoning to it was a simple question and she answered it. No, she waited thirty minutes to watch everyone go nuts and then answer it lol. When people started calling them out on it the post was deleted. Something about the way that page is ran is very odd to me!

Keep in mind, they may not have a smart phone where you get timely fb email notifications. If Molly's folks (the OFMM fb groups's administrators) depend on their computers, then they may not be sitting at it all day long to keep up with every comment made on facebook. They seem to very reasonable people to me. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

Am trying to pin down some definitive info about the owner of the car recanting her stolen car report, so I was poking around OFMM and stumbled across some interesting comments by JG, another of Molly's cousins:


I think the family didn't understand police procedures. Most cops anywhere would keep people away from the possible crime scene until it is processed. They don't want to see any possible criminal evidence compromised.

Also, a "totaled" vehicle is different in the eyes of insurance companies compared to the average person or cop. It is all about the costs of fixing it as far as insurance companys' go. The vehicle may not looked wrecked, but the damage to fix it could have been significant as far as cost.

I think the family didn't understand police procedures. Most cops anywhere would keep people away from the possible crime scene until it is processed. They don't want to see any possible criminal evidence compromised.

Also, a "totaled" vehicle is different in the eyes of insurance companies compared to the average person or cop. It is all about the costs of fixing it as far as insurance companys' go. The vehicle may not looked wrecked, but the damage to fix it could have been significant as far as cost.


Agree. A vehicle can be "totaled" due to flooding or even exposure if enough damage is done that it's going to cost too much to fix it. They could have run it along an embankment and ripped out the entire undercarriage, but the rest of the car look in good shape.

And, yes, I would have been really surprised if they let anybody see the car or go near it. I do think that is simple police procedure.

HOWEVER, the timing of when they found it and all that is crazy! Looks like the N family knew it was there all along (so probably evidence was already compromised), but when the family and/or searchers looked like they were getting close, they made a hurried call to the Love County LE.
Consider all posts thanked. You guys are great.
Agree. A vehicle can be "totaled" due to flooding or even exposure if enough damage is done that it's going to cost too much to fix it. They could have run it along an embankment and ripped out the entire undercarriage, but the rest of the car look in good shape.

And, yes, I would have been really surprised if they let anybody see the car or go near it. I do think that is simple police procedure.

HOWEVER, the timing of when they found it and all that is crazy! Looks like the N family knew it was there all along (so probably evidence was already compromised), but when the family and/or searchers looked like they were getting close, they made a hurried call to the Love County LE.

Possible. It does make me wonder if CN's girlfriend was told where it was located and when she made a claim on her insurance. There must have been phone calls or texts between the girlfriend and CN. Somehow, she found out he took it or she knew he took it from the start, became angry, so she told police it was stolen. I wish I knew the true whole story on all this. Was it possible CN told her the location of the vehicle before LE informed her? Did he plead with her to to not report it stolen? I hope LE questioned her at length.
Unfortunately, I don't think it looks good for Molly and Colt. They were calling friends for a ride, but to where?? Was it to Colt's home in Ardmore? To me, it makes more sense that they simply wanted a ride to Colt's home. IMO, they just wanted to distance themselves from the car wreck and the police chase. I cannot see why they would run off forever. It was unnecessary. Colt or Molly weren't driving. Although, I don't know the stipulations on Colt's probation. Perhaps there is another reason he may have wanted to flee the area and stay in hiding.

Colt's and Molly's friends probably know the answer on where the couple wanted to go. Colt or Molly probably told them where they wanted to be dropped off. Yet, maybe the conversations didn't get that far. If they wanted a ride to Colt's home, then, IMO, it doesn't seem as if they made it very far from the area they were last heard from.

My opinion may change with new or more info . . .
Here is another thought. What if Molly had something illegal in her purse, which was found in the wreck? One side of me thinks she didn't, but what if she did? This could be a reason they went into hiding. A long shot, but a viable reason to flee and hide out.

I'm trying to think of a reason they would hide. Otherwise, I don't think they made it far from the creek bed. Although, maybe they think they were in worse trouble than they actually were . .

Just some thoughts . .
Please do not copy and paste from social media sites.


Woops, sorry! Thought it was okay if it was a missing person page run by the victim's family and not a personal FB page.

ETA: Okay, just reviewed the rules and see where I went wrong. Can still link to and refer to, just not copy actual content of posts/comments. Got it, thanks!
Here is another thought. What if Molly had something illegal in her purse, which was found in the wreck? One side of me thinks she didn't, but what if she did? This could be a reason they went into hiding. A long shot, but a viable reason to flee and hide out.

I'm trying to think of a reason they would hide. Otherwise, I don't think they made it far from the creek bed. Although, maybe they think they were in worse trouble than they actually were . .

Just some thoughts . .

I'm like you. I keep trying to think of reasons they would hide because at this point it's be better option.
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