OK OK - Molly Miller, 17, & Colt Haynes, 21, Wilson, 7 July 2013 - #1

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I hate to say this, but if Molly and Colt are on Addison Ranch land, they will be probably be found by hunters.

Now there's an idea! I really hope they aren't in that hole. I hope all evidence of what happened to them hasn't been destroyed.

BTW, that brown creek on the right is Walnut Bayou.
Does anyone know what Colt's living situation was? Did he live alone? Did he have roommates or did he live with family? Did he live in a trailer, apartment or a house? What town did he live in? I'm curious, because I think that is where they were trying to get a ride to . .
Does anyone know what Colt's living situation was? Did he live alone? Did he have roommates or did he live with family? Did he live in a trailer, apartment or a house? What town did he live in? I'm curious, because I think that is where they were trying to get a ride to . .

He was living in Ardmore, according to his sister, but she didn't say if he had his own place or lived with family, a roommate, or what. News reports say Colt and Molly spent the night at a house in Ardmore before meeting up with CN on that Sunday. I'm not sure if that was where Colt lived or if it was someone else's house.
Here's a slightly larger view of the area with icons representing houses and oil & gas sites. I think you can guess which is which, lol.


As you can see, very few homes in the immediate vicinity of the dirt road.

Now I'll go see if I can trace all the creeks...
I went back to the radio interview, because there was some discussion of how far the Millers were from the location of the car when they got the call that it had been found, and it seems more relevant now:

GL: The first search that we decided to go down there, they got the word and, like, they knew they needed to get busy, and they re-looked and they just happened to, you know. How close were y'all to finding it? I mean...

PMF: Uh, we were close.

GL: Y'all were what? Three hundred yards away from it?

PMF: Um, I don't know that. But I know we would've found the car had that deputy not found it when he did.

GL: Yeah, y'all were like, like, the way he explained it, was like (unintelligible) Road*. I mean, y'all were headed that, I mean…

MMS: Yeah, we were within a half, not even a half a mile.

* As I recall, the (unintelligible) Road sounded like El Reno Road, but I couldn't find any named roads in the vicinity that sounded anything like that. You guys are welcome to go listen and see if you can figure it out if you think it's important.

So Addison Ranch is basically a lodge and 5,000 acres of wilderness. It sounds like the Millers were somewhere on that ranch when they got the call, then either hurried back to their vehicles and drove around to where the car was, less than half a mile away, or maybe they hurried over on foot if that was the quickest way to get there from where they were.

But, by the time they got there, the car was already gone. They didn't get to look at it or in it. If it was me, I would've headed straight to the salvage yard or impound lot, wherever it was taken, and looked at it for myself. If it was my child missing and that's the last place she was known to be, I would insist on seeing it for myself and, if anyone tried to stop me from seeing it, there would have been a commotion of epic proportions. But none of the family members on either side mentioned that they did go look at it, so I'm wondering if they ever did. I think about that a lot.

Okay, back to the dirt road. There appears to be a gate at the entrance off Pike Road. This is the closest view we can get on Google Maps:


There's a fence stretching off to the southwest from the spindly-looking shape, which must be a gate, and the darker rectangular shape beneath it is a cattle guard, I think. You can see from the shadow thrown across the road by the utility pole that the light is coming from the east, so the rectangle doesn't appear to be a shadow. There's no street view available for this location, so we can't get a visual from ground level to confirm that's a gate and a cattle guard, but that's my best guess.

If this road is gated and it passes through private property, then it would make sense that there's a back gate somewhere along that road before it comes out on Long Hollow, but I couldn't find one. It may be hidden by trees. Could that gate be what the car crashed into? Or maybe CN swerved off the road to drive around the gate and through the weaker fence beside it and it wasn't as successful a maneuver as he hoped. Still, it's a poorly-maintained road that has a number of "rotten" spots, or crumbly areas where it would be easy to spin out or skid off the road if you were driving too fast, so there's more than one place that looks like a good possibility for the wreck.

I went back to Google Earth and traced as many creeks as I could, and there are probably more hiding in the woods:


Some of these are wet-weather creeks; dry most of the time until a good rain falls and then the runoff flows down them.

There are swampy areas as well, some just boggy and some with a good amount of standing water. Not something you'd want to hike through, especially in the dark.
O/T But maybe you'll know the answer....is it true after your battery shuts itself off...that you can take it out and rub it so the static electricity will give it a little more charge to make a call/text?!?! AND....Can you text 911 or does it depend on where that call goes?!?! TIA

Charging by static electricity -No - there would need to be a way for the static electricity to enter the battery - the battery cannot just absorb the static electricity (well, it can with a specialized ambient charger but this is not what we are talking about).

911 - well, obviously if the phone is not powered on you cannot call 911. But if your phone is on but it says it has no service due to low power or you are out of your calling area, it depends. 911 is a special case. When you dial 911, the first thing that happens is that your phone turns its GPS receiver on. Every single phone in the US today has a GPS receiver - even if it is not a smart phone. Your GPS position will be transferred to the receiving 911 call center much in the same way as your phone number in caller id. If there is no tower in your network to send this call then a competing network will attempt to transfer this call and GPS/caller id data. It's very possible that the voice call will not go through because of different standards among mobile carriers (CDMA, GSM, LTE) but an alternate carrier will try to send the Caller ID/GPS to the 911 call center. It doesn't happen instantaneously but it should happen.
Somebody is posting on OFM that they are alive and have spoken with relatives. It is NOT a family member (or known family member) posting this. Just might want to watch the page.
Somebody is posting on OFM that they are alive and have spoken with relatives. It is NOT a family member (or known family member) posting this. Just might want to watch the page.

Just saw that! Hoping it's not a rumor!
Somebody is posting on OFM that they are alive and have spoken with relatives. It is NOT a family member (or known family member) posting this. Just might want to watch the page.

False rumor. Not found.
Extended family member just posted it is NOT true. Why would somebody post that on there without having any details, etc?!

Wow. Just wow.
Extended family member just posted it is NOT true. Why would somebody post that on there without having any details, etc?!

Wow. Just wow.

Some people are heartless idiots. That would be my guess.
Poster said her friend "googled" it. Really???? Who posts something like that without CONFIRMATION?!

Yeah, my heart was about to leap out of my chest until I saw she was from Georgia and knew something was fishy. Why would she know before any of the local supporters did?

ETA: Holy crap, she's still on there insisting it's true.
Yeah, my heart was about to leap out of my chest until I saw she was from Georgia and knew something was fishy. Why would she know before any of the local supporters did?

ETA: Holy crap, she's still insisting it's true.

....and she's still claiming they are alive and have spoken with somebody, even after a family member said it's not true. But, now the family member isn't responding either.
In order to post a post on the page your post has to be approved. I don't understand why that post was approved to begin with..
In order to post a post on the page your post has to be approved. I don't understand why that post was approved to begin with..

The initial post only asked if they were found. It wasn't until she commented on her own post that she said she'd heard they were alive and had talked to relatives.
The initial post only asked if they were found. It wasn't until she commented on her own post that she said she'd heard they were alive and had talked to relatives.

She did a Google search on Molly and found the wrong Molly. There was another Molly Miller who was missing in Connecticut, but she turned up. I ran into that article too, when I first heard of this case. Right away I knew it was not Molly of OK, because of the location and the picture. The person, who posted on OFMM, doesn't appear to be very sophisticated. She didn't know that more than one person can have the same name. Although, it is odd that there were 2 missing Molly Millers recently.
I went back to the radio interview, because there was some discussion of how far the Millers were from the location of the car when they got the call that it had been found, and it seems more relevant now:

* As I recall, the (unintelligible) Road sounded like El Reno Road, but I couldn't find any named roads in the vicinity that sounded anything like that. You guys are welcome to go listen and see if you can figure it out if you think it's important.

So Addison Ranch is basically a lodge and 5,000 acres of wilderness. It sounds like the Millers were somewhere on that ranch when they got the call, then either hurried back to their vehicles and drove around to where the car was, less than half a mile away, or maybe they hurried over on foot if that was the quickest way to get there from where they were.

But, by the time they got there, the car was already gone. They didn't get to look at it or in it. If it was me, I would've headed straight to the salvage yard or impound lot, wherever it was taken, and looked at it for myself. If it was my child missing and that's the last place she was known to be, I would insist on seeing it for myself and, if anyone tried to stop me from seeing it, there would have been a commotion of epic proportions. But none of the family members on either side mentioned that they did go look at it, so I'm wondering if they ever did. I think about that a lot.

Okay, back to the dirt road. There appears to be a gate at the entrance off Pike Road. This is the closest view we can get on Google Maps:


There's a fence stretching off to the southwest from the spindly-looking shape, which must be a gate, and the darker rectangular shape beneath it is a cattle guard, I think. You can see from the shadow thrown across the road by the utility pole that the light is coming from the east, so the rectangle doesn't appear to be a shadow. There's no street view available for this location, so we can't get a visual from ground level to confirm that's a gate and a cattle guard, but that's my best guess.

If this road is gated and it passes through private property, then it would make sense that there's a back gate somewhere along that road before it comes out on Long Hollow, but I couldn't find one. It may be hidden by trees. Could that gate be what the car crashed into? Or maybe CN swerved off the road to drive around the gate and through the weaker fence beside it and it wasn't as successful a maneuver as he hoped. Still, it's a poorly-maintained road that has a number of "rotten" spots, or crumbly areas where it would be easy to spin out or skid off the road if you were driving too fast, so there's more than one place that looks like a good possibility for the wreck.

I went back to Google Earth and traced as many creeks as I could, and there are probably more hiding in the woods:


Some of these are wet-weather creeks; dry most of the time until a good rain falls and then the runoff flows down them.

There are swampy areas as well, some just boggy and some with a good amount of standing water. Not something you'd want to hike through, especially in the dark.

It does look like a big gate on the dirt road. Looks like tall electrical towers running along side of that dirt road too. Is this the end of the dirt road which starts at Long Hollow?

Also, I noticed that there is a section of Pike which runs north (parallel to Long Hollow). It goes all the way to Oswalt Rd. There is a creek running along it in places, which is probably the same creek that runs diagonal near the perpendicular section of Pike (runs east to west).

You should check out Bing maps. Their bird's eye satellite view shows a different perspective.
I wonder when these Google map photos were taken. Do they look like late spring or early summer to anyone? Wouldn't the grass not be as green in July? Seems like there was plenty of rain prior to when this photo was shot. I'm just trying to get the real picture of what the area was like when Molly and Colt disappeared. TIA
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