OK OK - Molly Miller, 17, & Colt Haynes, 21, Wilson, 7 July 2013 - #1

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She also said no spitting or coughing up blood.

Well, she also mentioned bleeding out of his ears when she said the story kept growing "after that info was out." If you look here:


Molly's brother said:

Telephone records show the couple also made several calls to friends, Lambert said, adding that Haynes reportedly told some friends he had broken an ankle and was coughing up blood.

Hmm, I just checked the BlogTalk transcripts and only the broken ankle is mentioned. No coughing up blood. So maybe not.

I was sitting here obsessively refreshing the page because the discussion was getting really good but that one goof had to jump in and derail the whole thing, and then JG signed off and went to bed. :banghead:
There's something else I found and bookmarked a few days ago while working on the timeline. First the guy says he lives in the area and LCSO was out searching on horseback. This would've happened on July 27.

And then he posted again the next day with some info "from the riders":


Mentions a 4-wheeler stolen, and asking for help at a house.

So when I pulled up that NewsOK article a few minutes ago, I noticed this:


“They made phone calls to some friends that morning, wanting a ride,” the police chief confirmed. “We talked to those people. They said, ‘Yeah, we got phone calls,' but they said they were busy and couldn't go pick them up.

“And then that's the last they were heard of,” he said.

From that, it sounds like none of their friends came looking for them.

When I had the transcripts pulled up to see about coughing up blood, I also checked to see what was said about a 4-wheeler and a neighbor's house:


H: … I understand both of them were trying to call for, trying to call for rides.

JHM: Yes, they did. Um, actually another person unrelated that doesn't know anyone involved, uh, commented on one of the fellows that had received a phone call driving in her yard with a four-wheeler, looking for him. So they went out looking for him.

H: Okay, so somebody did go out looking for him.

JHM: Yes.

H: Okay, because I had heard one story that someone had been knocking on a door asking, have you seen my friend?

MHS: No, he wasn't knocking on the…

H: And that that person had…

MHS: Uh, no, he wasn't knocking on the door. He just, he was in their yard at three something in the morning and the owner of the house come out and he said he was looking for his friend. Now, I didn't talk to this guy. I talked to two of the guys that he had called, uh, two of the other guys he had called and they told me the same story, that Colt had called and he was freaking out. Said that he was lost between Pike and Long Hollow Road in the woods and that his ankle was broken, the bone was sticking out, and they kept asking him if he could look up and, you know, see anything in the sky and he said I can't see an effin' thing. You know, I don't know which way is up and down. I don't know if he had hit his head or what had happened that he was disoriented, but they said he was pretty agitated and sounded scared and, and they both told me the same exact story so…

H: So there'd be no reason to really doubt them.

MHS: Exactly. And it, their story hasn't changed. I question them. I make them tell me the story over and over and over again and it does not waver, not one single bit.

JHM: The lady whose yard they were driving in, she didn't know them and she didn't know us either. She just somehow happened across the story on Facebook and told us about the incident she'd had in her yard that morning, at like 3:00 in the morning. So, I mean, that's the only way that, and that, you know, that goes back to telling us the story is true also that they went and looked for him because she doesn't know anybody involved and so she would have no reason to fabricate that story.

So who was driving that 4-wheeler?
Okay, so now I'm reading the post on OMPDB again and they're talking about exactly the same thing, lol.

One poster on there, who was also interviewed in the Haynes Family Speaks Out article earlier this week, is saying something about "he" stole a 4-wheeler. Does she mean Con?

Did we ever hear about a stolen 4-wheeler that night? I don't remember that, not at all. That's the reason I bookmarked the OKShooters page.
A lot of info. The climbing the tree makes some sense as in being lost and trying to get higher to see more. I don't think a lot of people in Oklahoma realize what it is like to be in the woods at night. It is too easy to be lost in small acreages much less large tracks of land. It gets dark and nothing looks familiar.
And now, not only were they driving up and down the road honking horns, they were firing guns in the air as well. The JT guy caused quite a stir when he posted that CN came back to a party with blood on him. There as been no validation of a party that night as far as I can tell.
And now, not only were they driving up and down the road honking horns, they were firing guns in the air as well. The JT guy caused quite a stir when he posted that CN came back to a party with blood on him. There as been no validation of a party that night as far as I can tell.

No, I don't think the party is validated either. That came from the guy's post on OFMM and apparently the info came from his son. CR says the only party she knows of was Project Mud Creek and that was before that night.

I never heard of guns being fired before. I'd think that would be very noticeable at 3:00 in the morning, so I'm skeptical until a family member confirms it.

Wow. The mystery of how the ankle was broke has just been solved, ok not really. Seems it was no mystery at all. He texted and told some people he fell out of a tree but then again, he could have said that because of the car chase and wreck. (Not wanting to get in trouble)

Why did I even read this? I generally stay away from social media surrounding WS cases I'm following. I just can't look past all the drama! That was the first time I had seen anything about blood coming out of his ears and falling out of a tree. And if true, I'm really not sure how it would change the scenarios. MAN I WISH WE HAD THE TEXT MESSAGES AND CALL LOGS! (Yes, that deserved all caps!). I really think the puzzle piece that makes this whole thing make sense is in that bit of info.
Me too but notice she said that the blood in ears was wrong. I does make sense though. Climbing in tree to get a better vantage point.
Why did I even read this? I generally stay away from social media surrounding WS cases I'm following. I just can't look past all the drama! That was the first time I had seen anything about blood coming out of his ears and falling out of a tree. And if true, I'm really not sure how it would change the scenarios. MAN I WISH WE HAD THE TEXT MESSAGES AND CALL LOGS! (Yes, that deserved all caps!). I really think the puzzle piece that makes this whole thing make sense is in that bit of info.

Yeah, anything said on those non-family pages has to be taken with a huge grain of salt. If a victim's family member didn't say it, or LE didn't say it, or a mainstream media story didn't say it, it's only a rumor.

Oh, the drama! I hate it. I hate conflict, and rudeness, and belittling. Just can't tolerate any of it. Humans really disappoint me sometimes.
I think it depends on the state's laws, as far as recording a phone call without someone's consent. It may actually be breaking the law and at the very least, not admissible in court. I wish I knew the answer, but it is a very good question.

As I understand it, you can record your own conversations. Just as you can put video cameras up on your own property and record anything that goes on there.
As I understand it, you can record your own conversations. Just as you can put video cameras up on your own property and record anything that goes on there.

I think in Oklahoma the law is that at least one party must know they are being recorded. So, I can't record persons A and B talking, but I can record a conversation between myself and persons A or B. I think. I'll try to find something to back this up.
Been quiet, but watching. It's good to see all the movement and interest in this case. While it seems to get more complicated by the day, I think (and really really hope) that there is a resolution coming soon.
I think the biggest "complication" in this is that there is no official story line. I understand keep some information under wraps but the story line should not affect anything except maybe jury selection. With this much publicity, it is gonna get a change of venue. LE should at least publish some kind of timeline and people can actually help. Just MO.
I think in Oklahoma the law is that at least one party must know they are being recorded. So, I can't record persons A and B talking, but I can record a conversation between myself and persons A or B. I think. I'll try to find something to back this up.

Well, that is very good news! That means it is probably admissible in court too. Some states' laws are different. Remember Monica Lewinski and Pres. Bill Clinton? The law in that area is very different. You need consent to be able to record any phone conversations. The consent must be on both ends of the conversation Even writers for any number of subjects of magazines or newspapers (business, sports, home and garden, trade, etc.) have to ask the phone interviewee for permission or let them know they are being recorded. Since OK laws are different, then SFG's words can be used against her if LE is interested.

I think the biggest "complication" in this is that there is no official story line. I understand keep some information under wraps but the story line should not affect anything except maybe jury selection. With this much publicity, it is gonna get a change of venue. LE should at least publish some kind of timeline and people can actually help. Just MO.

Always keep in mind they are not interested in giving us details. Their interest is to make the appropriate arrests for the crimes committed and to make them stick in court. They have a lot of hurdles to jump sometimes.

True, but the strangle hold they keep on information sometimes actually hinders them. Several years ago there was a guy raping women in the Tulas area. He would go around apartments and break into windows, pull them out and rape them. His victims were from 5 to like 20 years old. They kept so much info under wrap they it took them a couple of years to find the guy. Maybe even 3. They had his prints from one the crime scenes too.
One day a guy that was working with me came in and had severe scratches down his arm. Deep and they looked like a person but he explained it away as a dog jumped on him. Not only had police not reported the rape or let info out on it but they never said anything during anytime about possible scratches. We they finally caught the guy of course it was the guy I had worked with. If they would have shared more info, several girls would not have been raped, including the youngest. Just a side note too, I know for%2
The scratches were in late 2003. Just think how many of these young ladies wouldn't have had to go through this if they had shared info with the public. There were a few of us that were suspicious, I even checked the news but nothing was to be found.
True, but the strangle hold they keep on information sometimes actually hinders them. Several years ago there was a guy raping women in the Tulas area. He would go around apartments and break into windows, pull them out and rape them. His victims were from 5 to like 20 years old. They kept so much info under wrap they it took them a couple of years to find the guy. Maybe even 3. They had his prints from one the crime scenes too.
One day a guy that was working with me came in and had severe scratches down his arm. Deep and they looked like a person but he explained it away as a dog jumped on him. Not only had police not reported the rape or let info out on it but they never said anything during anytime about possible scratches. We they finally caught the guy of course it was the guy I had worked with. If they would have shared more info, several girls would not have been raped, including the youngest. Just a side note too, I know for%2

Oh, I'm sure there are cases out there where they made the wrong decisions on getting out certain information, but many times they need to keep certain details hidden so they can catch the perps too. They have to be very mindful of the pros and cons of giving out info. In this case, I doubt there is the same type of danger to the public you have described. Sometimes LE leaks info on purpose to see if they can get a tip, a witness, or to make the perp nervous enough to make a mistake. It is probably a cat and mouse game sometimes. However, they have to do everything according to the law, the constitution, and they need to make sure it all stands up in court. Sometimes the leaking of information can lead to a rapist or murderer getting off scott free.

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