Identified! OK - Oklahoma City, 'Sharon Marshall' 8UFOK, Apr'90 - Suzanne Sevakis

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DNA Solves
I am confused. The FBI story made no mention of Suzanne's brother. Why is he not mentioned?

That totally baffles me! Now I'm so confused, where did the info about Suzanne having a brother who Floyd kidnapped with her come from, just Matt's blog or was there another source?
I still follow this case and rec'd a google alert about your post. I have some stuff saved since ID was made and I'll post anything I have about other children I have saved on my Evernote as I have time:

Cold Case Investigation
Solving a Decades-Old Mystery

The death row inmate was generally uncooperative, Lobb said, but during the course of many hours of conversation, he told the agents that in 1974, under the name Brandon C. Williams, he married a woman in North Carolina who had three daughters, and the new family made its way to Texas. He identified the oldest daughter as Suzanne Marie Sevakis, born September 6, 1969, in Michigan. Floyd said that after the mother was jailed for minor charges in Dallas, he took Suzanne and moved to Oklahoma City, dropping the other two daughters at a children’s home.
On Wiki -- Under Franklin Delano Floyd

Her true identity remained a mystery until 2014 when she was positively identified as Suzanne Maree Sevakis, the daughter of a woman to whom Floyd was briefly married. He disappeared with Suzanne, her two sisters and infant brother while her mother was serving a 30 day jail sentence in 1975. Suzanne's brother has never been located
and this was also mentioned
It was revealed in October 2014 that Sharon Marshall was positively identified as Suzanne Maree Sevakis, a North Carolina child who had gone missing with her stepfather, Franklin Delano Floyd, in 1975. DNA matched the mother of Suzanne Sevakis to Sharon. Floyd had been left to care for the woman's three daughters and baby boy while she went to jail for a small crime for 30 days. When she was released, he and the children were gone. She later located two of the daughters, but Suzanne and the baby boy were never found. The boy's fate is unknown. Sevakis's mother attempted to file kidnapping charges, but was told by local authorities that as their stepfather, he had a right to take the children.
Since the FBI story did not mention a brother, the brother is not in NAMUS or any other database and as far as I can find, no official source has mentioned a brother, I believe that the brother does not exist. Perhaps someone got the brother and Suzanne's son confused somewhere down the line.
Since the FBI story did not mention a brother, the brother is not in NAMUS or any other database and as far as I can find, no official source has mentioned a brother, I believe that the brother does not exist. Perhaps someone got the brother and Suzanne's son confused somewhere down the line.

It really ought to be clarified somewhere, since it's a pretty simple yes or no - was there a baby brother or wasn't there?
I am sorry y' neighbor had emergency as I was compiling some notes to post and I dashed out of here and never returned :) I got back to the house and life happened - I never finished my posts last night.

Those that know me know how I feel about the hurdles we have in some of these cases being internet/amateur sleuths, drives me bananas.

So, when I started posting last night my intention was to continue and make an example of the conflicting information found when researching this particular story. The misinformation floating out there is astonishing (I don't mean here, I haven't read this thread yet).

I haven't researched to see if this is the only thread here at present relating since Suzanne was IDed, that's next-I'm so curious! I DO know there is an abundance of info and work done here over the years and I'm sure it's 'round here somewhere.

I printed this thread to see 'what's up'-what is known before I post further...I'll be back (hehe - as I typed that I imagined the Terminators voice)
welcome back Christine! :blowkiss:

There is one other current thread started after the identification down in the cold case forum. And the archived Forum for this case is still viewable it's in the archived threads area.

Do you want me to link them for you?

eta wrong case, it is a different id'd case in the cc forum. The archived form is still there to view.
welcome back Christine! :blowkiss:
Thanks, I never really 'left', just been quite, lurking here and there. I have con't working all the cases that had me here...WS came up on one of my GAlerts yesterday and thought I'd check out where y'all were with this...I learned all I knew about Sharon (me too, that is who she is to me) here, working with others on OCCI, JQ, PL, and many other wonderful sleuths out there. I'm happy to share, update, etc, etc. those interested in the cases/progress (I have a long list I still am involved with, lol) if interested...I still get notified when a PM comes through.

Do you want me to link them for you?
Please, this way saves me time and I can be sure to see the latest y'all are discussing. :loveyou:
This is the current thread. It was moved here from the cold case forum when she was identified.

I'm way past my bed time. See you later and glad you're out of lurkdom.
So, everyone knows the family- has learned of mom and dad, seen photos, know the 'story'.

The one thing I don't see is info here from a report I have somewhere in this binder.....

But, I do see that it is posted Michael was killed, shot twice and where he was buried, per FDF. They have searched this area, however, not yet found his remains. I have read in a few reports that FDF did take 2 girls and an infant son, the 2 girls were dropped of with someone and the infant was killed. I'm sorry, I hate to post that without links, but I wouldn't post if I didn't know it to be in an official report somewhere. It's in my notes that this was told to FBI by FDF, I think we found it.....I'll post after I research more and try to get linked. I know it's hard to take anyone's word on this type of thing. I apologize in advance if I am remembering incorrectly.

I'm curious.......How many of you think FDF lied about where Michael is? Remember?? He lead me (and other sleuthers working on this) to believe Michael was buried at GA Baptist Boys home......'back *advertiser censored*'....I still think that may have been Michael. I don't believe in that Psycic stuff- but why did I get that email, randomly, the day I was to go on search based on FDF's prompting? I am trying to find that email-I still have the original pics from that search (are they still here somewhere?)

The evidence introduced at trial demonstrates that on September 12, 1994, Floyd abducted Michael from his elementary school in Choctaw, Oklahoma. James Davis testified that Floyd used Davis's pickup truck to transport Michael from the school. Davis's pickup truck was next found in a Wonderbread parking lot in Dallas, Texas. Evidence was introduced that in October, 1994, Floyd was employed by a painting contractor in Louisville, Kentucky. One of Floyd's co-workers testified that Floyd confessed to him that he had abducted a five-year-old boy and that the boy had been with him in Atlanta, Georgia. Floyd's confession that he took Michael to Atlanta is corroborated by the fact that a partial map of Atlanta was found in Floyd's abandoned truck. A second map of Atlanta was found in Floyd's possession at the time of his arrest.
The district court's finding that Floyd transported Michael outside of Oklahoma is further supported by Floyd's admissions to federal investigators. An FBI agent testified that Floyd admitted that he left Oklahoma on September 12, 1994 and went to Kansas City, Missouri, then to Dallas, Texas, then to Atlanta, Georgia, and finally to Louisville, Kentucky. Floyd also told investigators that they might locate Michael by running advertisements in various foreign countries. Floyd further represented to investigators that if charges against him were dropped, he would arrange "the safe return of Michael to Oklahoma." We can infer from this incriminating statement that Floyd transported Michael outside of Oklahoma.
I'm skeptical of this ID. I just find it hard to believe Matt is the only one reportingx

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It is also very interesting that she was taken from Dallas and the NC authorities were not the ones who refused a report, DPD I can totally see it , and Suzanne's Mom had just freshly married him and moved there , she probably had no one to help one close , which means the baby brother must have been left here in Dallas or dumped. I think it was Matt who said the NC authorities were no help ...but if the FBI is correct that's probably what the problem was. which makes this even sadder.
Something I am looking for is some information on where the young "Williams" family lived in Charlotte. I am familiar with the area and am curious as to what kind of neighborhood they were in.
wait, wholse marriage certificate is hinky and why do you think so?

The one of Floyd & Suzanne. I want to see the primary documents, if possible. If not, I'll try to contact a researcher whose work I respect at the NOLA library. Sorry, the Marshall/Sevakis threads give me intellectual whip-lash & I forget to come back after headaches.
It is intellectual whip-lash--just seems like too few primary sources are out there. But please do come back and post. Would love to hear more opinions on this sad and mysterious case.

The one of Floyd & Suzanne. I want to see the primary documents, if possible. If not, I'll try to contact a researcher whose work I respect at the NOLA library. Sorry, the Marshall/Sevakis threads give me intellectual whip-lash & I forget to come back after headaches.
I've been looking for this thread. I remember seeing this case on Unsolved Mysteries a few years ago. RIP Suzanne Marie Sevakis
I'm glad you've been identified.
I keep checking here to see if any more light is shed on this very sad case and I am always completely shocked to see nothing.

((())) Suzanne and Michael.

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