Identified! OK - Oklahoma City, 'Sharon Marshall' 8UFOK, Apr'90 - Suzanne Sevakis

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i dont know if this has been posted before, but this is a good synopsis of what happened to Suzanne and pictures of both her parents..

I have also seen variations of her middle name as Marie and Maree.

I have to LOL a little bit at that page. I'm not sure if it's that it's written by someone very young or it just isn't written clearly but... the way it's worded it questions why her parents didn't put up a website in the 70's as well as questioning if Floyd emptied out her bank account and sent her off to cash a bad check. In the 70's a bad check would've taken a lot longer than that. But good general synopsis and nice photos.
UM is on Lifetime right now and theyre talking about Michael Hughes and Franklin Floyd
I have to LOL a little bit at that page. I'm not sure if it's that it's written by someone very young or it just isn't written clearly but... the way it's worded it questions why her parents didn't put up a website in the 70's

I took it to mean that why didn't they put up a website after websites were invented. They've been around many years now.
I took it to mean that why didn't they put up a website after websites were invented. They've been around many years now.

Well yes, I took it that way. I'm just saying it isn't written that way, which just says to me to take anything on the page with a grain of salt.
That blog post has classic signs of being written by someone who is a complete amateur. Words are bolded and/or underlined. It's 2015, not 1998.
it is all opinion. but it was interesting to see photos of her parents.

my heart bleeds for those missing little boys :(
Sloane777 is having problems posting on websleuths and asked that I post the following for her on the Suzanne Sevakis thread.
"I might have found a possibility for her missing infant Brother
the gender is not determined by DNA yet and it fits the march timeline! "
I'm not in a position at the moment to find supporting evidence but I think the baby brother was older than this baby. I keep seeing him talked about as an infant but I thought he was closer to pre- toddler/toddler stage. I will do some digging tonight.
Thank you Yay :) I can post now I noticed several infants in the FL area , but the strange thing I am finding with UID infants is unless they are just a day or two deceased it does not date them other than when found ,I have yet to find one that was "found " after being there for a number of years (I hope that made sense) I guess I would need an accurate birthday for him.
Darn it, I can't find the information I was looking for but the way it was worded was that Sandi and Floyd met one season in 74 and she was jailed in a different season in 75 (I feel horrible being this vague but I DID have to walk away from this case for a bit for my own sanity LOL). I remember the math at the time put the boy approaching a year with some give and take based on exactly how old he was when they met.
Matt Birkbeck's book missed one of the high schools "Sharon Marshall" a.k.a. Suzanne Sevakis attended. She enrolled as a Freshman in Alhambra High School, and is in their 1983 Yearbook. sharon_marshall.png
She was next pictured in North Hall High School in Georgia.
For more detailed information, go to
And I hope the F.B.I. has this missed information!!
I have to LOL a little bit at that page. I'm not sure if it's that it's written by someone very young or it just isn't written clearly but... the way it's worded it questions why her parents didn't put up a website in the 70's as well as questioning if Floyd emptied out her bank account and sent her off to cash a bad check. In the 70's a bad check would've taken a lot longer than that. But good general synopsis and nice photos.

I think it's worded bad. We all know when the net started lol. I think a few of his posts are worded bad

Regardless, Sandra and Cliff could have given a description, even had an artist's rendering of what "Brandon Williams" looked like, and created a web site for their missing daughter, Suzanne Marie Sevakis, kidnapped in 1975 by her stepfather. For some reason, this never happened, nor was Suzanne even listed as a missing person!
Her family's silence is ASTOUNDING.
I do not think so. I think they are grieving and traumatized. We don't know anything because they haven't spoken and they really do not owe anyone an explanation. They may also be overwhelmed and if they have come to boards and read things like this, afraid to speak out.

It sounds to me that the family thought of this more as a custody issue than a traditional missing person's case. Many are assuming that the family was not looking for Suzanne and her brother. I assume the opposite -- I assume that they were looking but not in the right places. They were doing the same searches that birth parents do for adopted kids. They weren't looking on websleuths or withNAMUS. Maybe the mom felt she had let her kids down -- she was in jail after all -- and felt on some level that she deserved to have her kids taken away. She may have thought that her kids were better off with her former husband. All these assumptions were wrong, but she would not have known that. He was a con man and her convinced her he was a great guy. And if she thinks he is a great guy, she might not have the sense of fear and anxiety that a mom who's child is in imminent danger would have and that the kids were better off being "adopted" out to him. Initially too, she might also have been afraid of making a stink, drawing attention to herself and losing the kids she still had.

The police did not help the mom when she initially asked for it. Where else do you turn? I would go to the state police or the FBI. But if you are poor and uneducated, you may not think to do this.

In the Grateful Doe case, a likely candidate is a young man has been missing for years. But because he was traveling around the country when he went missing, the mom did not know who/how to report him missing. So it is not unheard of to not report your child missing, even when a mom cares for him. There are many reasons for the family's silence but not all of them are from lack of caring.
Very well said ellemo. Floyd is a socio/psychopath of the worst kind and the havoc he has made in so many people's lives has made it so traumatizing. Many who followed the case for years and got deeply involved have a diff type of trauma associated with them.Can't imagine how it must be for the family. I hope they will speak with us on some level some day and fill in blanks. They certainly aren't obligated to though.
I never ever thought this would be solved. I am so glad it was but sad it was to late for Suzanne. What a horrible life, but so amazing what she almost made out of it. If only the mother could have filed a missing person's report at the time, this whole thing could have been avoided. FDF is a psychopath and it's so frustrating that he won't just tell the truth now that he has nothing to lose that it kills me.
That one blog pisses me off just a little bit, especially in the section where they ask why didn't her parents try harder enough to find her. I'm sure they did the best they could back in the day, but we already know the police refused to take her mother's report on her daughter being missing and whoever the OP is of that blog should think just a little about how old the parents are now. My grandmother is 82, she has no clue how the internet works and she doesn't particularly care to either. Not all older people are tech-savvy, they probably had no clue that all this info was out there.
I think it's worded bad. We all know when the net started lol. I think a few of his posts are worded bad

Most people do not vomit every detail of their personal life. In 1975, you followed what the police said. There was no other avenue. People today have trouble understanding that the world is not an unchanging place and more change has taken place since WWII than any other time in history. But you have to home school history as most schools try to ignore it.
Two decades after the murder of 6-year-old Michael Hughes, the FBI’s Evidence Response Team and anthropologists from the University of Oklahoma searched an area near the Oklahoma-Texas border where Franklin Delano Floyd said he had dumped the boy’s body after shooting him twice in the back of the head

SuzanneMarieSevakis_child.jpg another pic of little Suzanne , she looks so different and happy :(
OMG if this story is correct it was not NC it was Texas SC had moved to Dallas with her and the 3 girls NO WONDER SHE DIDNT HAVE ANY HELP!!!!!!!!!!

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