Identified! OK - OSBI Needs Help to ID Woman In Photo *Resolved*

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If the unidentified girl was shot in the head (it does appear to be some type of wound on the side) and her lip looks like it may have been busted (at some point) how much of her features can we depend on? There could be some swelling.
I know that's all we have but I was thinking about the lips and how they could be swollen.
Oh well, time to go home. I don't seem to be adding too much to this discussion anyway.

kgeaux, again, that was a great find on the robe.
Wow kgeaux, that does look a lot like the robe in the picture. Where did you find it?

On a websight which caters to Islamic women. I believe it was Al Hannah Islamic clothing......I started thinking that those eyebrows did look threaded, which made me think that jacobean could be correct, that she was of Middle Eastern decent. That led me to remember some robes my sister brought back from Abu Dhabi, and that made me do a search!

I really think the style and appearance of the embroidery is similar, and it is re-enforcing my belief that she may be of Middle Eastern decent, but I wanted to throw it out there for others to comment on, because I've been wrong before!
Oh well, time to go home. I don't seem to be adding too much to this discussion anyway.

kgeaux, again, that was a great find on the robe.

Bah, who says I'm not the "Watson" here? ;)
If the unidentified girl was shot in the head (it does appear to be some type of wound on the side) and her lip looks like it may have been busted (at some point) how much of her features can we depend on? There could be some swelling.
I know that's all we have but I was thinking about the lips and how they could be swollen.

The nose doesn't appear to be injured though, and that is a big difference in facial features.
If the unidentified girl was shot in the head (it does appear to be some type of wound on the side) and her lip looks like it may have been busted (at some point) how much of her features can we depend on? There could be some swelling.
I know that's all we have but I was thinking about the lips and how they could be swollen.

I was thinking along those lines also. Facial features seem to be distorted in death.
If the unidentified girl was shot in the head (it does appear to be some type of wound on the side) and her lip looks like it may have been busted (at some point) how much of her features can we depend on? There could be some swelling.
I know that's all we have but I was thinking about the lips and how they could be swollen.

She does look like she was hit in the mouth, the top lip is swollen.

The "fly" on her lip, when I zoom in it looks more like a series of horizontal lines, maybe like stitches? The photo doesn't hold its resolution very well when I zoom in, so it's really hard to tell.
She does look like she was hit in the mouth, the top lip is swollen.

The "fly" on her lip, when I zoom in it looks more like a series of horizontal lines, maybe like stitches? The photo doesn't hold its resolution very well when I zoom in, so it's really hard to tell.

When I first saw it I thought it was either stitches or a glob of dried blood. :(

ETA - If it is stitches, I think it may be home-made stitches, not done by a doctor, YKWIM?
The top you posted kgeaux is a great find. It definitely resembles what this woman is wearing. There is just something about this photo that makes me think she's wearing a cheaper garment than that though.
Maybe it's an old favorite robe, or a secondhand, "hand-me-down" robe? ETA: Though it also looked more like a chain store robe to me at first too.
trying to get the actual photo in here:


This is a silk velvet Middle Eastern robe. (Actually, I think they called it a "throbe" or something like that.)

I am interested in hearing your comments on the similarities or lack thereof in the style of the robe with the one worn by the girl in the photo.

Now we're talking :clap:
Like a few other people have said she could have had them tweezed or threaded. I didn't know a lot about the Tara Calico case but after reading today it seems she had been seen in the company of several adult men. She could have very well tweezed/threaded between the time the first photo was taken and the last one.

She looks a lot like the unidentified girl in this black and white photo.

I don't know...I think there is a real resemblance. You can see a slight cleft in the chin in that pic also. I was never convinced that the first pic they found was Tara. To me the girl in that pic looked a lot younger.
I suspect the robe is a sort of distraction. According to the impressions on her skin, at the arm (as they appear when the image is enlarged and slightly edited for contrast and gamma corrections), the robe was not what she was wearing just before the pic was taken. I think the "robe" was a late addition, perhaps added for the pic.
Okay, here I go with another stupid idea. I guess I'll just throw it out there and you guys can tear it apart. LOL.
What if this woman is IN the Middle East. Maybe this picture was taken there. That could be why someone with her description (at least as far as we know) hasn't been reported missing. Maybe a military person dropped this. The other idea was that possibly the person who had the pic was of Middle Eastern descent and that was a robe that he had (that belonged to a female friend or family member).
Okay, I'm ready.
The top you posted kgeaux is a great find. It definitely resembles what this woman is wearing. There is just something about this photo that makes me think she's wearing a cheaper garment than that though.

Everything always has a cheaper version/knock off.
Okay, here I go with another stupid idea. I guess I'll just throw it out there and you guys can tear it apart. LOL.
What if this woman is IN the Middle East. Maybe this picture was taken there. That could be why someone with her description (at least as far as we know) hasn't been reported missing. Maybe a military person dropped this. The other idea was that possibly the person who had the pic was of Middle Eastern descent and that was a robe that he had (that belonged to a female friend or family member).
Okay, I'm ready.

Lizzybeth, please don't knock your ideas. I think you have had a lot to add to this discussion and that all of your ideas have merit! it is always good to have lots of different perspectives.
Lizzybeth ditto on that. We are all just putting our heads together on this and nobodys idea is any better than anybody elses. I had that same thought as you about whether or not this woman was even in the country. I think the reason is because of when it first came up she looked middle eastern I thought well I know they shoot women over there pretty regularly for some pretty mundane things. Okay, I have to go now and stop my cat from eating a rubberband. Bye!
When I first saw it I thought it was either stitches or a glob of dried blood. :(

ETA - If it is stitches, I think it may be home-made stitches, not done by a doctor, YKWIM?

I know what you mean, but I'm hoping it's "real" stitches, because that is a great identifier. A young woman, plucked/threaded eyebrows, tiny mole on the chin line and center neck, who had recently gotten stitches on the upper lip, and who is now missing or deceased-----that's got to be a short list. If they were homemade, it's possible no one beside the person who killed her and she knew about them. If they are homemade, they might actually work against her identification: I can just picture someone saying she sure looks like my child, but my girl didn't have stitches! And who knows, it could be clumped blood or a fly.....the photo just doesn't have the resolution to see the detail well enough for me to determine.

The top you posted kgeaux is a great find. It definitely resembles what this woman is wearing. There is just something about this photo that makes me think she's wearing a cheaper garment than that though.

That particular thobe costs $42.99, so it's not terribly expensive. I'm not convinced that her robe absolutely is Middle Eastern, but I'm about 80% there.

Okay, here I go with another stupid idea. I guess I'll just throw it out there and you guys can tear it apart. LOL.
What if this woman is IN the Middle East. Maybe this picture was taken there. That could be why someone with her description (at least as far as we know) hasn't been reported missing. Maybe a military person dropped this. The other idea was that possibly the person who had the pic was of Middle Eastern descent and that was a robe that he had (that belonged to a female friend or family member).
Okay, I'm ready.

There are places in the usa to have your eyebrows threaded, particularly at spas which have a Middle Eastern theme, or near large Islamic areas. And of course you can purchase clothing catering to Middle Eastern women in any large city in USA or over the internet. BUT probably the most prolific threading is done in the Middle East itself, and the area you will find the most thobes is also the Middle East, so I've thought EXACTLY what you are thinking, Lizzy. I don't know how valid the thought is, but it warrents discussion.

Lizzybeth ditto on that. We are all just putting our heads together on this and nobodys idea is any better than anybody elses. I had that same thought as you about whether or not this woman was even in the country. I think the reason is because of when it first came up she looked middle eastern I thought well I know they shoot women over there pretty regularly for some pretty mundane things. Okay, I have to go now and stop my cat from eating a rubberband. Bye!

Gee, trixie, I hope your kitty is OK! And you are so right about nobody's ideas being more valuable than anyone else's. I am a firm follower of the saying "Iron sharpens Iron" Your thinking, Kat's, Lizzies, Jacobeans, ALL of ya'lls ideas make me stop and analyze. It makes me refine my thoughts. And hopefully my ideas will have the same effect. The end product should be some sharply refined ideas!

As an aside: Has anyone here actually communicated with the McClain county sheriff's office? Are they privy to our sleuthing attempts? I think we've had some very good ideas---even the ones I don't see, like Tara. LE needs to know that some people see a strong resemblance, that way they can rule her in or out....
There are places in the usa to have your eyebrows threaded, particularly at spas which have a Middle Eastern theme, or near large Islamic areas. And of course you can purchase clothing catering to Middle Eastern women in any large city in USA or over the internet. BUT probably the most prolific threading is done in the Middle East itself, and the area you will find the most thobes is also the Middle East, so I've thought EXACTLY what you are thinking, Lizzy. I don't know how valid the thought is, but it warrents discussion.
There was an article in our newspaper a month or so ago about a couple of women in town who offer this service (eyebrow threading)...this is in Pensacola Fl...not a big Middle Eastern population here...
All I can say is the girl in the photo is dead. It looks staged to me that the killer was doing his own memorial service with the robe and her position.I can see defensive posturing on her arms and her lip is busted from what is a blow by the perp IMO.This is an after death photo for his memorabilia. He may have passed this on to other pervs and one of them dropped it. He may be incarcerated or dead. But the network is in place. This could be early snuff filming that has been in place for years. I don't think she looks middle eastern I think her garb is part of the ritual.

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