Identified! OK - OSBI Needs Help to ID Woman In Photo *Resolved*

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Is this PM deal still on? I'm dying to know...
I just wanted to say, I read these threads, couldn't add anything, but interest and concern.

You guys and gals rock rock rock! All that worked so hard, you were on it. This thread was unfortunately fascinating and intriguing. It was good from the beginning to the last drop.

This thread should be a national Best Seller. It's awesome. That's what this forum is all about. This thread ought to be used as a forerunner, introduction to anyone that's searching the internet for true real crime, crime solving, etc... It just doesn't get any better than this.

If someone wants to know what websleuths is all about, this should pop up.

Congratulations, sleuthers, may this girl be in Paradise, Bless you all.

I am glad our local television news station decided to pick it up being it was the only one. It certainly did give us a chance to investigate on another level.
With you saying it is okay....who needs a PM???

Me please? I have followed this thread and was in awe by the results you guys were getting, and I am just very curious to know the real story behind it. Thanks! :)
One of the posters immediately jumped on the fact that it looked like the girl's eyebrows had been threaded. Can you tell me what is it about her eyebrows that made you think that? I just thought they had been really tweezed.
Reannan, thank you so much for thinking of me.

I have been out of town and was actually in Purcell this afternoon. I just got back to Texas tonight. My mom did not have the newspaper with the original story, however, I looked through the last one (she got it yesterday I think) and there was nothing about this poor lady. There has also not been anything else on the news. I am frustrated that WE know more than the local people. Like the rest of you, this case has haunted me. I have loved reading all the theories and I agree, this has been a great learning experience.

My concern now is who is this guy who printed out this horrible picture and carried it out to Woody's? I think it freaks me out because my parents are older and live soooo close to where it was found.....
One more question. Guys, are we done with this?
(Might be a loaded question.)
It's frustrating that we might never know the true circumstances of what happened to that beautiful young woman!
You are welcome OxieTexan! Thank YOU for having taken the time to go on-site and interview the staff in the gas station where the photo was left! JanetElaine, I sent you the PM. Lizzybeth, I think the reason the eyebrows were so noticeable was because they were so very sculpted and so neatly done. Here is a link to what I learned about threading:
I had another thought while discussing the case with some friends over dinner. Perhaps she was a victim of torture for politcal purposes. I don't really think it would have been the Hussein regime because she looks to have been in a residence, and I believe Sadaam had people taken to torture houses designed for that purpose....and I don't think they would have been provided cool looking royal blue throbes. I can totally see her having been tortured and killed by one of the many existing factions in Iraq if they thought she was a spy. I can also go along with the KISS method and believe that she is one of many, many, women who have been murdered by their family because they were simply ACCUSED (they don't even have to be guilty) of some atrocious crime like falling in love with someone who wasn't signed, sealed, and delivered by dear old Papa. I am a bit amazed at the spirit of solidarity I feel towards this woman. The fact that she was in Iraq when she was murdered is not helping me with the need to see someone brought to justice....or at least be informed that justice HAS taken place. There is just something in her face that seems kind, and as another poster had said, she looks....resigned. Perhaps, I am to the point of romanticizing her, but I also see a hint of defiance in her look. I will NEVER feel resigned to anyone being victimized like she obviously was. I wish there was a way for an artist to paint her face-on as she would have looked while still alive. I think I would have liked her as a person.
T-Rex, we may have chased this dog as far as we can chase it, but we lost the trail at a spot where a million other trails head off into the distance. I think there is still a huge question about how and why the picture ended up in Purcell, Oklahoma.
Laneybeth, I sent it your way. See you guys tomorrow.
Thank you to all who PM'd me.

I have spent the last couple of hours reading all of the posts on this thread and you all are great sleuthers.

I am addicted to this forum, and like many others, my husband thinks I am nuts for spending so much time here. It all started with the Scott Peterson thread and now I am spending lots of time on the Benoit thread. When I tell him I will be on for just a few minutes, he laughs and says, "see ya tomorrow".

Thanks all for sharing your thoughts and ideas!

For anyone who still needs a PM , I will be online for a little while tonight. I can't figure out who has it and who doesn't because more than one is sending it out and we are duplicating. So if anyone needs a PM please PM me and let me know. If you post it here on the public board you may get several!:p

Also Jaded is expecting to hear back from the sheriff again on Monday about whether or not this is still an open investigation. If he says no I think she may have more info for us but I'm not sure. But at least if he says no then we can talk openly about what was in the PM, oh but not until then tho! If it is still open we are stuck with what we've got until he gives Jaded more facts. OK, that's all I know for now! Have a great Saturday eve everyone!
For anyone who still needs a PM , I will be online for a little while tonight. I can't figure out who has it and who doesn't because more than one is sending it out and we are duplicating. So if anyone needs a PM please PM me and let me know. If you post it here on the public board you may get several!:p

Also Jaded is expecting to hear back from the sheriff again on Monday about whether or not this is still an open investigation. If he says no I think she may have more info for us but I'm not sure. But at least if he says no then we can talk openly about what was in the PM, oh but not until then tho! If it is still open we are stuck with what we've got until he gives Jaded more facts. OK, that's all I know for now! Have a great Saturday eve everyone!

me please i would like a pm thanks
Our friend who is home for awhile from working in Iraq visited today and I was asleep and missed him. It was probably a longshot, but I was going to ask him if he's seen any news of this crime over there or even seen pics like this or robes like that for sale in shops.

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