GUILTY OK - Patrick Misner for raping 4yo girl, Sapulpa, 2012

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Then where do they get the 'failure to protect'? Who is supposedly guilty of failure to protect? Did Tommy or the mom even know the rapist?
My apologies to those of you who were around for this whole situation. I do this to my family too. Walk in at the end of the program, get interested and say 'what's this about?'. So, sorry, everyone.
My apologies to those of you who were around for this whole situation. I do this to my family too. Walk in at the end of the program, get interested and say 'what's this about?'. So, sorry, everyone.

No problem, EXIA15145, I'm very interested in how this turns out.
We shall see. But my guess is, the local authorities look like a bunch of dunces and this is their feeble attempt to save face.
Why is 'saving face' more important than protecting the innocent, convicting the guilty and seeing justice? Because what you say is true. To the prosecutors, to the police, it's not about who's guilty, it's about them and who they said did what. Regardless of the truth, regardless of the evidence. Like in this case, wasn't it along the lines of 'we knew it was him because his story wasn't plausible'? Well, guess what, it wasn't Tommy. The sad thing is, instead of admitting it, some D.A.s and cops would let it stand. At least these ones said sorry, we goofed.

We shall see. But my guess is, the local authorities look like a bunch of dunces and this is their feeble attempt to save face.
This is something that was hanging with me as I read thru the thread. Where does it say there's a table blocking the entrance/exit?
If you have a source for this, this IS a very important clue. If the crime had been committed by the mom's bf, why would he block the access? Someone that doesn't want walked in on would block the access, correct? If he's the only one there, why would he need to do that?

The dog was killed then it's body was thrown behind another trailer. Makes me think the dog was putting up a fuss and the boyfriend got rid of the body so mom would not see it when she came home. He could claim it was just missing. The dog probably put up a fuss when the little girl was being hurt. The window that is broken has glass outside and a table blocking the entrance/exit. It is all pointing to the boyfriend to me.
link regarding the dog:
Then where do they get the 'failure to protect'? Who is supposedly guilty of failure to protect? Did Tommy or the mom even know the rapist?

I thought he lived in the trailer park for a time, no idea if they were friends though.
There was another case posted somewhere around here. Where CPS removed the child due to what they assumed was abuse. After the child was removed, father ended up killing the mother and himself, apparently fearing being prosecuted and convicted for child abuse. After that it was discovered that there was no abuse, and condition of the child was due to incurable genetic condition. But it was too late for the parents-they were already dead. The child didn't live long and died as well, due to the incurable genetic condition.
Oh I think I remember that case, both parents were police officers?
I am hoping someone will contact the media. In other cases until the media or lawyers got involved, DHS continued to split the family apart.
Once lawyers/media got involved it was miraculously resolved. Hopefully that will happen in this case as well.

Obviously we don't have the details... what we do think we know is:

A beautiful 4 year old girl was brutally attacked by an INTRUDER in her own home.

Her father figure was then wrongly arrested for that crime, she asked for him while she was recovering.

That man was held for more than 3 months until they were able to clear his name and arrest the correct guy.

Despite having his name cleared, this man cannot get a job, cannot be with his family and cannot see his kids.

He says that DHS is turning "lies" against him. Obviously I believe him, so do many others... but we don't have proof of anything.

I just want to know what did he do to deserve being separated from his family at this point?
Hello to all of you that has taken an interest in this case. I would first like to say I just stumbled on this page after typing in Patricks name trying to find out when his next court date was going to be. it brought me to this page and much to my surprize to see all of you whom had so much concern for our grand daughter. as I read some of the things that was wrote it brought tears to my eyes to see the surport that my grand daughter and her family have and we didn't even know it. I know there is so many questions so let me see if I can help with them.... Ok first the traier they lived in was a 80 ft. trailer and they was at the other end with two fans going.( which Picrick Misner told the creek co. DA that our little girl did not cry out. but just layed there with tears runnig down her cheeks, in which that was a very hard thing for us to hear to know that she was to scared to even cry out.) that was why they did not hear her cry. but we thought that maybe he might of put his hand over her mouth. About the blood on the front porch it was not a big pool of blood like was reported but drops of blood like maybe one of the puppies got hurt. there was no blood anywhere inside the home except in the little girls room. (I know this because we went over and moved them out the Sunday the day before our grand daughter got out of the hospitle, and we cleaned the trailer up from one end to the other and the only place we saw blood was in her room. also we do believe that the mother was at home at the time of the attack. also Patrick told the DA ( I think thats who he talked to that is who told us what he said) that he broke in from the outside in and that he did not go in with the intent of rape but to rob the house. that he broke in though our grand daughters room and walked out down the hall got to the end of hall and looked around and turned and went back down the hall to exit out the window and then he saw our grand daughter. (which we do not believe that statement because they had all kinds of things he could've sold to get money like xbox,flat screen tv alot of games and all kinds of movies two lap tops and alot of nice things he could of just walked off with. IMO he broke in to do what he did to our baby girl. he also said that the night he broke in that he was drunk. he denied killing the puppy. which we do not believe that either.I do not know if I'm allowed to say what Patrick told the DA but they did not say that we could not tell anyone and trust me we have been telling people about what this monster has done. Tommy and our daughter do not drink, or do drugs they do not even smoke cig.s they do not party. and they did not know the monster that did this to their daughter. Patrick lived kinda caddy corner from them in the back, he lived with his Mother and little sister who is 17. ( which after the police dept. found out who done this they got ahold of someone that lived in the trailer park that knew our daughter and they ask to met with her to say they were sorry for what he had done. they felt really bad. our daughter did meet with them WITH this friend because she really did not know what they were up to and I was telling her no no no but in the end it was a good thing. they are very good people and surport our daughter and her family all the way. The grandmother told us that if they would of called the k-9 in they would of caught him because his sent would of been all over that room and that he was standing out in the front yardwhih his family watching them bring out the evidence. Which we were told that they did bring out the k 9 and that it never left the house. and it also said in the papers that they had on out and that there was a big search around that area. but again we were told by quite a few people in the trailer park that they did not have no k-9s or a big seach party like we were told by creek co. people. I will be back shortly with more if in the meantime you have any questions please if I can help answer some for you let me know. there may be some that I can not answer because of DHS but I really wish I could. and I have already seen that alot of you already know the reason why....
Oh yes and as for our beautiful little granddaughter she and her brother are still with their Mother which is the safest place for them. they live with us in the county on top of a mountian. Which was her most favorite place to be in the world. she is in a small school with only eight other students and a wonderful Teacher whom is aware of all that has happiend. and is so good when she has her fearful moments. and she knows that if it is to stressful to contact her mother. Our baby girl still has alot of times that she just kinda loses it like fighting us, biting kicking yelling and crying for no reason that we see and don't even know what triggers it. (we think we know but I can not say here and it is just our opion.) She is now 5 years old and her little brother is two. for the most part she is happy about being here but she is not even close to being the same little girl that she was and for that it breaks our hearts because we do miss that little girl. But we do get to see her come out now and then and those times are special to us and we know with time and help she will be back to stay.
Nana thanks for updating us. Hopefully with time, and new experiences and memories to replace the old ones, you will get your girl back. Maybe not exact, but close. Best wishes to your girl and to the family.
Nana22, thank you for joining our group and filling us in. I can't even IMAGINE what your family has gone through. It just sounds like a nightmare from every angle.

My best wishes to your family and I hope your granddaughter will be able to recover both physically and spiritually from this assault. Your daughter seems like an amazing mother and the love your entire family has for Tommy speaks volumes about him. It's unfortunate that he was a victim in this as well.
Just wanted to say :welcome: nanna, thank you for giving us the details from your more informed perspective.

Know that your family has a lot of support and we will continue to ask questions til someone provides answers.
Welcome Nana22!!! So glad you're here! Love and sympathy to your family for what you have endured thus far and for that still to come. My heart breaks for your granddaughter but I have hope that she will overcome this travesty done to her. Hope and prayers to you and your family!!!
Thank you all for the welcome and well wishes and so much thanks for all the prayers....
Actually I do have a question for Nana.

So this monster's family apologized to your daughter and all...but dang. There's a part of me what wonders how could they not have suspected him from the getgo. I mean, he was recently released from prison...could have conceivably given them SOME suspicion (weird behavior, maybe they heard him leave the house in the middle of the night, hiding bloody laundry, throwing his shoes away, I don't know SOMETHING). I mean this guy doesn't sound like a braintrust. And then he skips town out of the blue right after the rape? could they not have wondered???
well they did say that Patrick slept all day and was out all night. and that he left the same day that Tommy was picked up but also at the time the news and such was pretty much putting it out there that Tommy was the one that raped our grand daughter. and to tell the truth I was even convinced, because they said that our grand daughter said it was him. and they had all this evidence against him. So really I do believe that they did not even think he could of done it his crimes before were not of a sexual nature even the sheriff dept. did not think it could of been him they were shocked to find it was him when the DNA came back a match. He also had two daughters of his own around five years old and a son. so I guess they just never thought he could do anything like that to a child. they really seem to be sinere and they go to court on court days and sit with us and our daughter to show him that they surport our grand daughter and her family. I was reading the earlier post and there are some things that I would like to say. 1. not all of this family surported Tommy all though this thing sad to say. there were times I really wanted him locked away and never to get out hearing some of the things our grand daughter went though, It was kinda back and forth between us believeing it at first but when they said our grand daughter said it thats all it took for me. although at the Hospitle I stayed with her Mom all week-end and our grand daughter was asking for her Daddy(Thats what she calls Tommy she calls her bio dad "daddy and then his first name." ) wanting to know when he was coming.where he was at why wasn't he there? Then when she got out the (th we had to take her stright to the police station where the sheriff took her back with a female interveiwer, DHS worker and the female sheriff, then there were two other sheriffs that had went back. they were back for around and hour and a half then they brought her back to us. from that time forward her Daddy hurt her. Our daughter did not believe it because unlike they say she does not only believe her daughter but also knows her daughter good enough to know that she was not scared of him after what was done to her then he must not of done it. plus our daughter kept telling them that he loved that little girl and he could never of done anything like that. she just kept telling them what if your wrong and its not him and that guy is still out there some where doing it again? and they all got very mad at her and still are to this day. we have not always loved Tommy or even agreed with him on alot of things but we do believe that he does love his family and would take care and protect them with his life. he just wants to do what ever it takes to get his family back and to start rebuilding their lives as also our daughter the same thing. our grand daughter ask us everyday when can she see her Daddy and that she wants her family. she misses eating pop corn and drinking hot coco and watching a movie. we tried to do that for her but she would not do it with us she wanted to wait untill she could could watch a movie with her Daddy,Mama and bubba so she just took her hot coco and pop corn and went in the bedroom to watch the other tv. she will not come and watch movies with us in the living as a family. sometimes I think she blames herself because she can't see her Dad. just really wish they could hurry and do their thretment plan and be able to be together at least by Christmas....
Nana, thank you for posting for us!

If I might give my opinion... I feel like you should be VERY proud of your daughter.
Your daughter is amazingly strong, courageous and confident in Tommy to be able to defend him.

I hope I raise children who are as confident and able to stand up for what they believe in as your daughter is.

I honestly do not know if I would do the same thing in her situation. My fear might outweigh my desire to defend.

I hope Tommy truly appreciates what your daughter did and I hope your daughter understands how amazing that is.

I also HOPE that they can be together by Christmas. It is wrong to keep this little girl from her Daddy any longer.

I was one who believed from day one that Tommy was innocent.
I just want him to be back with his family so they can move on.

Thank you again for taking the time to post with us!
Sounds like she is desperate for her old normal routines to find comfort in. I'm rooting for Christmas too, hopefully well before then. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Hang in there Nana.

I'm also really glad they located and arrested the that did this to her. I didn't realize he had young children her age. Good lord.

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