OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #2

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Just decided to renew my newspaper archives sub. Last time I paid for it, I still had dial-up and it took forever for the articles to load........


A little more info,

Janet's maiden name was Calhoun
Ex was Lindsay Carter
Her nude body was found beside Clingman's Dome near the NC/TN border
She had been in Birmingham (NC??) working for an insurance company prior to her flight.

Not sure if any of this helps....
I went back and looked at the article in NewspaperArchives, it was posted correctly as the date listed, there is no other information, or any pictures, nothing else in the archives about this girl.
LisainWV said:
...She had been in Birmingham (NC???) working for an insurance company prior to her flight...

I believe that it was Birmingham, Alabama, since this it is very close to where she was last seen alive.

Thanks for confirming that no pictures were included with the article.

Now, the question of the day: anybody want to contact the estranged father for info and/or pictures? It is probably too soon for this step, but we should keep it in mind as an option.
In an article dated 10-31-73 it states that "she and Lindsay Carter of Hueytown were divorced about 2 months ago". Lindsay told the FBI "his daughter is not with relatives, and he fears she also is dead".
Edward J. Krupinsky - special agent in charge of FBI Charlotte office

she died of suffocation

body was found Oct. 7 off a road near the top of the peak at Clingman's Dome

a native of Winston-Salem NC, she was married in Hueytown AL in 1970

was reported missing the latter part of September 1973
.....A little more info, Janet's maiden name was Calhoun....

Does anyone know where FDF's parents originally came from? His mother's maiden name was Fowler.. Did he have any maternal aunts, etc?
Is there any way to find out if he had relatives in Cherokee Co AL (near Suzanne Davis Summit)?

And where did Janet's family live? If it was near there also, there may be a link. If Janet was hiding her daughter from her ex-husband, she may have left her with her relatives, possibly distant, who, when Janet didn't return, handed the child off to someone else, (as in FDF).

I realize this is farfetched, but is something to consider.

I don't know how to go about researching this info. If any of you feel like it's worth pursuing please check it out.
FDF's father, Thomas H. Floyd, was born in Georgia in 1912 and worked in a cotton mill. When he died, FDF's mother Della moved in with her mother in Barnesville, GA. Della later lived in Indianapolis, Indiana and also Chicago. I'll see what else I can find.

Janet Calhoun was a native of Winston-Salem, NC...I assume her family still lived there after she got married and moved to Alabama.

Here's a map showing the location of Clingman's Dome (where the red star is) and where it's located with respect to Winston-Salem and Birmingham: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v368/ginad42/?action=view&current=ClingmansDome.jpg

Here are the Sharon Marshall archives from Websleuths...lots of info there!

Ok this is interesting...check out the Alabama references in this thread. Sharon knew the names of several small towns in Alabama, and apparently mentioned them to friends. Also, when she ran away with her boyfriend in high school, they ran to Alabama. http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39982&page=2
Interestingly, Suzanne Davis Summit in Cherokee County AL borders Floyd County Georgia. This is in northeastern AL. However, Barnesville, GA is in the southern, central part of Georgia. So its doubtful that Floyd's mother was from there originally. The towns near the summit are Forney and Rock Run. This area is extremely remote and rural. I used to live in Cherokee Co, AL but had never heard of Suzanne Davis Summit until this thread.

All the small towns Sharon mentioned that were on the earlier thread are in south Alabama.
I dunno, it was all just a thought I had, trying to find a connection between FDF and Janet Calhoun Carter somehow.

I found a post on a message board where a woman was looking for a Christina Lynn Carter whose mother had left some items with her mother and she was trying to locate this person to return the items. However, this Christina was two years older and the mother had a different name and had left the items after 1973 when Janet had been murdered, so it was nothing more than a coincidence. Evidently, Christina Lynn Carter is a very common combination of names (there are numerous listings around the country for that name).
Maybe FDF just happened upon this woman and child in his travels, killed mom, took the baby. Maybe there is no link.

I don't remember reading about it, how was this woman travelling - did she have her own car and where was it found??
I can't find mention of a car anywhere. What's interesting is that she was in the middle of a custody battle with her ex over her daughter and had recently "gone into hiding". I would not be surprised if the ex had a hand in this. Maybe killed Janet and took Christina (very common in parental abductions involving custody battles - power and revenge). Then maybe he didn't really want his daughter (just didn't want his ex to have her) or maybe he wanted to avoid suspicion, so he passed her off to someone else.
I can't find mention of a car anywhere. What's interesting is that she was in the middle of a custody battle with her ex over her daughter and had recently "gone into hiding". I would not be surprised if the ex had a hand in this. Maybe killed Janet and took Christina (very common in parental abductions involving custody battles - power and revenge). Then maybe he didn't really want his daughter (just didn't want his ex to have her) or maybe he wanted to avoid suspicion, so he passed her off to someone else.

I agree with you here. This seems to be the most plausible explanation, and recently we've heard a lot of this type of behavior on the news, (though usually the baby is still in the womb.)

It is interesting when you google clingman's dome murders, you get many hits, except for this one. Seems to be a hot spot for murder/disappearances, but I can't find anything for this woman. (except for the little info already posted)
What we have to remember is that FDF seemingly had connections everywhere. I don't know how many people he met in jail, but suppose a former prison mate of FDF had some hand in this.

Also, if there was any car involved, it would probably be a stolen late-model (1972-1973, perhaps) pickup truck. Trouble is, FDF could have stolen this from anywhere, so we have no real way of tracking this. FDF always seemed to have a truck although when he wasn't on the run he seemed to have additional sedans as well--I think we've confirmed him to have an AMC, a Malibu, and of course that Olds 88.

Another thing--if we are going by the Chicago prostitute theory, could Sharon have been someone else's child given to Linda Williams or whoever the prostitute was? Sharon seemed way too smart, although you never know about these prostitutes...some of them may just have come from bad backgrounds and were forced into it for money (sort of like FDF himself did with Sharon).

Finally, has anyone tested David Dial's DNA with Sharon's?
I've read all the pages of both part 1 and part 2 of this, and I just have one thing to add.

My mother was a drug addict and I think I turned out ok. :) You don't necessary have to be stupid to be a drug addict, even the smartest of people can end up addicted. So, in our case, my drug addict mother did in fact give birth to a pretty smart kid. :)

Also (ok, I have more than one thing to add!), do we know who fathered all of her babies, or only one? Was it possible that FDF could have fathered one of the others? Doesn't seem he would "get rid of it" if so, though. Really doesn't make sense why he wouldn't keep them either way. Maybe both of the other 2 were girls and he wanted a boy?
According to the book, there were 2 boys and 1 girl. Boy #1 fathered by Sharon's bf in high school, adopted by a family in Texas. Then Michael, fathered by Greg Higgs in Phoenix. The third, a girl, I'm not sure if it's known who her father was. She was adopted by a family in Louisiana. I can't think of any logical reason Floyd would keep one child and not the other two. But it's kind of hard to apply logic to someone like Floyd :waitasec:

P.S. I'm glad you turned out ok :)
I have no idea who the third child, a girl, had for a father, but wasn't Sharon dating someone when she was working at that strip club in late 1988?

Maybe he was going to try to get some sort of tax writeoffs or something with Michael. FDF was always looking for a quick and dishonest dollar.
Well, now we know he hasn't passed his DNA on to anyone!

Wasn't FDF accused of being the father of Sharon's first child when she was still in high school? I think I read somewhere that the students thought it was unusual how close the two would sit in his truck on the way to school (I guess Sharon didn't ride the bus or drive herself...I think my dad drove me to school exactly once in all 13 years so I'm sure they'd find it a little bit unusual)
Me too...didn't she have to sneak out a lot for dates though? If I recall this was the case...unless FDF wanted her to get pregnant to have an excuse for her not to to go college (I always thought he was the one who encouraged that...he could make more money having her dance for him than for her to go away for four years...which would mean he'd have to spend money on supplies for college).
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