OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #3

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Michelle looks so much like Michael it's disturbing. I think her stepfather and mother have been fingering each other for the crime. I know it's been discussed before and I thnk the outcome was that she wasn't Sharon.
Michelle looks so much like Michael it's disturbing. I think her stepfather and mother have been fingering each other for the crime. I know it's been discussed before and I thnk the outcome was that she wasn't Sharon.

I see that she was three when she was missing with a DBO as 1966 makeing her a nine year old in the LAP photo @ 1975.
it is disturbing how much they look alike and makes one think Serial kidnapper maybe there is more then anyone knows to Floyd and Dial.

I am still searching !
Please forgive me if this has been asked before. I Have read A Beautiful Child and in the book it says that at Sharon's funeral FDF had to members of LE as bodyguards. Is this accurate or am I wrong? I can't find my copy. If true how did FDF integrate himself with local LE? Also at Sharon's funeral one of Sharon's friend who was also a dancer said she saw a photo of Sharon as a little girl FDF but didn't recognize the man as Floyd. This just sounded strange to me. Third question, What about the picture that Sharon said was her mother? Do you think that it was just a lie FDF told Sharon to make her feel like he was all she had or could there be truth to it? TIA
Please forgive me if this has been asked before. I Have read A Beautiful Child and in the book it says that at Sharon's funeral FDF had to members of LE as bodyguards. Is this accurate or am I wrong? I can't find my copy. If true how did FDF integrate himself with local LE? Also at Sharon's funeral one of Sharon's friend who was also a dancer said she saw a photo of Sharon as a little girl FDF but didn't recognize the man as Floyd. This just sounded strange to me. Third question, What about the picture that Sharon said was her mother? Do you think that it was just a lie FDF told Sharon to make her feel like he was all she had or could there be truth to it? TIA

Nyla4, welcome! I can't answer your questions, but perhaps Tuffy101 will check in and be able to answer the questions. I too had the book but lent it out and never got it back. I wish I was of more help!

(There are archives of the case if you chose to look around the site. A lot of book information and other "stuff" is there.)
I see that she was three when she was missing with a DBO as 1966 makeing her a nine year old in the LAP photo @ 1975.
it is disturbing how much they look alike and makes one think Serial kidnapper maybe there is more then anyone knows to Floyd and Dial.

I am still searching !

I recently found Floyd looking similar to another case.

Floyd, and Jacob Wetterling suspect sketch
look at the mouth. when Floyd kidnapped the boy from school he used a weapon, so did Jacob's abductor
Please forgive me if this has been asked before. I Have read A Beautiful Child and in the book it says that at Sharon's funeral FDF had to members of LE as bodyguards. Is this accurate or am I wrong? I can't find my copy. If true how did FDF integrate himself with local LE? Also at Sharon's funeral one of Sharon's friend who was also a dancer said she saw a photo of Sharon as a little girl FDF but didn't recognize the man as Floyd. This just sounded strange to me. Third question, What about the picture that Sharon said was her mother? Do you think that it was just a lie FDF told Sharon to make her feel like he was all she had or could there be truth to it? TIA

Great Question,thou I have the E- Book on my desk Top for look ups ,FDF, made contacts like this in Oklahoma,and is the only state that FDF according to the Book "A Beautiful Child" that FDF had these kind of contacts. A Sheriff resided in the Mobile Home park in Tulsa @ 2009 East 62nd Pl. North Tulsa address listed on Tonya Hughes DL. (the address is a moble home park and that space as of 2009 is vacant.
does not mean that the next door Sheriff was one of FDF body guards.
Yet does seem likely.As for the Photo that FDF placed on the casket of Sharon and some man...I
f this dancer you are referencing to is Connie I believe the Book indicates that It was someone she did not recognize It was a stranger and was not Floyd.
that the Photo could be the now famous Lap Photo that was not discovered until 1994 -or 95 when the Investigation into Micheal Hughes kidnapping led to its discovery when LE became aware of Sharon Marshall kidnapping in 1975.
The Lap photo was in 1975 those in Tulsa that knew Floyd knew him as he looked in 1990 in the 1975 a younger Floyd with dyed black hair.....15 years later.
I feel Sharon had some memory of whom her Mother was and was why she may have had some photo that resembled what she reembered to go along with the story that her mother had died.....(the photo may have not been the mother just a way to pasifer her.

Phycoligy says that by age three those things are well established in a childs mind Temperment,and basic drives and if she was an only child her postion in the family unit well established.
Sharon Marshall with her leadership abilities ROTC and strong sence of resposibilites she may have been the oldest if not an only child.
What does this have to do with Sharon? Curious! Is it the "Marshall" last name?

I should have added that I found this case interesting as to someone takes a child and makes the child there own I know that there are many cases re"I Know My Name is Steve"where the kidnappers intent was to raise the child as his own the Story about steve has had a movie written about a 7 year old that did make it home again.The guy that took steve was following orders .......Sorry I did not add this last night.
Interesting to note also that potos taken of Steve was made known and Steve was aware that there was photos....What did Sharon find in FDF chester-draws that would put him away for life...?the photos....? of Sharon at a young age also contained according to LE photos of other children...Thus Sharon tells Connie...about what she (sharon) had been going through admits FDF is not her father and that he hd been molesting her...
Did Sharon give up her Children to protect them from FDF or the person that FDF refrances as (HE) that FDF would not give up the name to....stateing that another person tried to strangle Sharon.
Steve story to me helps give some insight to Sharons Story and other stolen Children Hope you dont mind posting this here....
There was a Memorial
Steven's hometown of Merced, California has granted permission for a memorial to be built honoring Steven for his courage in rescuing Timothy. This memorial will stand as a beacon of hope to families and friends of other missing children that their loved one may someday return. It will also recognize other victims of stranger abductions, and will serve as a permanent reminder of our inherent duty to protect our children.


Here is the Court TV about Sharon Marshall
What does this have to do with Sharon? Curious! Is it the "Marshall" last name?

Sometime ago a WS member found this Marshall story I just added it here that even if this was 1983 kidnapping ...as FDF made refrance to someone other then his self was present at the time of Sharon Marshall Kidnapping FDF refrances "HE ! tried to strangle her and I protected Sharon" I should have given more information when I posted this SORRY !
I also added Stevens; Story should you watch this the heart break of the trail and the discovery of what was done to steve effects his whole family.It was photos that LE found that they used against Steves kidnapper.
hi, i'm new to websleths but have read the book and been reading the threads for a few months now. has any one thought about the fact that if FDF is telling the truth about her mum being a hooker. could it be possible that he could be her pimp! he was pimping sharon before she died.
i just noticed something in the pictures that were all put up side by side and really never noticed it all this time untill now and i have seen that same picture over and over again for the longest time. the picture with sharon as a child and floyd in the picture sharon does not look happy it looks like to me that she was told to pose with him and she may have not liked. i dont see a smile on her face could it be the way he wanted he photographed or am i just over thinking her not smiling looking happy in the picture
I recently found Floyd looking similar to another case.

Floyd, and Jacob Wetterling suspect sketch
look at the mouth. when Floyd kidnapped the boy from school he used a weapon, so did Jacob's abductor

What other case are you talking about can you give the Link ?
i just noticed something in the pictures that were all put up side by side and really never noticed it all this time untill now and i have seen that same picture over and over again for the longest time. the picture with sharon as a child and floyd in the picture sharon does not look happy it looks like to me that she was told to pose with him and she may have not liked. i dont see a smile on her face could it be the way he wanted he photographed or am i just over thinking her not smiling looking happy in the picture

If you are talking about the photo that appeared to have been done in a studio (the photo with Floyd and Sharon looking up?) I was wondering if it was simply posed that way because if the photo was taken in 75, Sharon would be about the age of loosing teeth- some people think smiling (with missing teeth) could take away from the photograph (hence the no smile, grim look). This is JMO~ :)
Great Question,thou I have the E- Book on my desk Top for look ups ,FDF, made contacts like this in Oklahoma,and is the only state that FDF according to the Book "A Beautiful Child" that FDF had these kind of contacts. A Sheriff resided in the Mobile Home park in Tulsa @ 2009 East 62nd Pl. North Tulsa address listed on Tonya Hughes DL. (the address is a moble home park and that space as of 2009 is vacant.
does not mean that the next door Sheriff was one of FDF body guards.
Yet does seem likely.As for the Photo that FDF placed on the casket of Sharon and some man...I
f this dancer you are referencing to is Connie I believe the Book indicates that It was someone she did not recognize It was a stranger and was not Floyd.
that the Photo could be the now famous Lap Photo that was not discovered until 1994 -or 95 when the Investigation into Micheal Hughes kidnapping led to its discovery when LE became aware of Sharon Marshall kidnapping in 1975.
The Lap photo was in 1975 those in Tulsa that knew Floyd knew him as he looked in 1990 in the 1975 a younger Floyd with dyed black hair.....15 years later.
I feel Sharon had some memory of whom her Mother was and was why she may have had some photo that resembled what she reembered to go along with the story that her mother had died.....(the photo may have not been the mother just a way to pasifer her.

Phycoligy says that by age three those things are well established in a childs mind Temperment,and basic drives and if she was an only child her postion in the family unit well established.
Sharon Marshall with her leadership abilities ROTC and strong sence of resposibilites she may have been the oldest if not an only child.

Thanks for answering. :) Which dancer says that Sharon confessed to her that Floyd was molesting her whole life? This is the only person that we know of that Sharon confessed to right? I might be totally off base but I got the feeling when reading ABC that the lady kind of looked down on Sharon. Why wouldn't Sharon say anything to Jenny or her other dancer friends? Thanks for all the photos of Floyd I can see how his looks changed but for someone who personally knew both wouldn't she be able to recognize the both of them? Is it know that it was the same picture that was in the book?
The Dancer and her stage name was Connie,an interesting charter and even more so when a person surmises that Connie,is the only person that WE know of that Sharon confided in....

Which I am not buying that....

and as the dancer in Florida was Cheryl the only person that is Sharon's Friend and is residing in the same Mobile home as FDF she would have been more then likely to have asked questions of Sharon as to the belligerent attitude that FDF seems to posses,would seem a likely scenario and would be more the reason for her to killed.Two females living under the same roof with a guy like Floyd....Please !!!!!!
As for this Connie the only person with more interaction with FDF then any other charter in the book A beautiful Child listening time lines as to conversations just for Connie proves interesting.

if Connie is saying that she did not recognize the photo on top of the casket then just maybe who took Sharon Marshall is different then in the determined kidnapping date of 1975 was FDF as was established in the 1976 now famous Lap photo and her enrollment in to grade school......per FBI investigation of 1995....

The only evidence is that Lap Photo ..&..the Oklahoma City Police interaction with Floyd at the time of the Hit and Run ..that lets us know whom Floyd is.....?
Thus the Lab Photo and the OCPD are identifying Floyd....from Oklahoma.....
Too many people do not see Floyd again after he leaves Georgia after Sharon Graduates until he goes to Court in Oklahoma City for the Kidnapping.
that leaves Connie as the only (Real Live Wittiness) as to the Floyd from Georgia and the Floyd photo on the casket is it one in the same.....or different...Giving your question more then solid foundation that there are other players in the Sharon Marshall case....That are never mentioned in the book or investigated by LE.(As far as we know).
I have no way of knowing if that "casket photo" and the lap photo was one in the same asking Matt B. might provide an answer or Connie her self....
Floyd wont talk and say where he got Sharon and states "She was abanded to me" the person that took Sharon may not have been Floyd.....
Floyd runs his sentances togather and pauses often...(see court TV episoed).http://www.youtube.com/jeanneanne101
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