Ok, she does/did drugs, allegedly

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Correct, and also gum. I have seen ppl chew through their lips when they run out of gum. Not so much about dehrdration as it is about the fact that it tightens your muscles and makes you very tense. Chewing gum helps deal with the muscle tension and suckers help keep the jaw loose. Lockjaw is a risk with ecstasy.

cocaine also does this. Ecstasy users also drink a lot of water and orange juice will heighten the effects of the drug. Lots of after-hours clubs will serve OJ & water just for that reason. Coke also makes people grind their teeth.
I don't think she had any drug problems. I don't think it's an excuse. I think she knew exactly what she was doing when she killed her daughter and hid her body. Again, why are we giving her an excuse? She drank and smoked a little weed, maybe tried ecstasy once or twice...so what. so did half of my college. none of them killed someone!
cocaine also does this. Ecstasy users also drink a lot of water and orange juice will heighten the effects of the drug. Lots of after-hours clubs will serve OJ & water just for that reason. Coke also makes people grind their teeth.

Right you are. The only thing with water and X is that X makes it hard to process water, too mush and you end up with seizures and brain damage from drowning your brain.
My fiancee and I are both recovering drug addicts, me from X, him from coke. I'm three years clean, he's 10 years clean. Unfortuanately we are the resident drug experts in our neighborhood. Anybody wants to know if their kids is using, they come ask us first, cuz we know the signs.
Especially after seeing these pics, I have to suspect drug use based on this:


If you look up info on this drug, you will see that users sometimes use suckers to keep from gringing their teeth, and notice the many people with suckers?

Also if you look at the effects of this drug, you will see the behavior in the pics would be consistant with that.



Right you are. The only thing with water and X is that X makes it hard to process water, too mush and you end up with seizures and brain damage from drowning your brain.
My fiancee and I are both recovering drug addicts, me from X, him from coke. I'm three years clean, he's 10 years clean. Unfortuanately we are the resident drug experts in our neighborhood. Anybody wants to know if their kids is using, they come ask us first, cuz we know the signs.

Thanks for this information, and CONGRATULATIONS on your sobriety !!!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
i think she was a carrier and delivered drugs for money.

So, she was a mule. That would explain her referring to "work", needing 2 phones for "work", a babysitter for "work", needing to lie about a legitimate job at Universal. Drug runner would explain a lot. JMO
The only thing with water and X is that X makes it hard to process water, too mush and you end up with seizures and brain damage from drowning your brain.

Wasn't she taken by an x to the hospital for a seizure?
I remember the first time that KC parents were on tv --(that is the first time I saw them)...They were adamant about stating that she did not use drugs --and even before I heard the rest of this mess..I thought to myself that they were protesting her innocence toooooooooooo much:sick:
Knowing her love for partying and clubs...I doubt very much that she would hesitate to use whatever was offered at the time....
Right you are. The only thing with water and X is that X makes it hard to process water, too mush and you end up with seizures and brain damage from drowning your brain.
My fiancee and I are both recovering drug addicts, me from X, him from coke. I'm three years clean, he's 10 years clean. Unfortuanately we are the resident drug experts in our neighborhood. Anybody wants to know if their kids is using, they come ask us first, cuz we know the signs.

Awesome job on your recovery!! I'm 10 years clean from cocaine, meth, X & alcohol. It's so funny--looking at me now (a mom of 'almost' three, grad degree, normal life and fat!)--you would be shocked.;)
I don't think she had any drug problems. I don't think it's an excuse. I think she knew exactly what she was doing when she killed her daughter and hid her body. Again, why are we giving her an excuse? She drank and smoked a little weed, maybe tried ecstasy once or twice...so what. so did half of my college. none of them killed someone!

Huh?! When did I imply that I was excusing anything? Or imply that drugs make people killers?

From my post above:
The problem with any drug use is the low-life people who supply the drugs. The pics from "Lake Vaj" depict a 39 yo male who is closely associated with local strip clubs. To make the assumption that he may be someone who is acquainted with the local drug culture is only logical, especially viewing his age & his condition in the photos--to me, it looks like drugs. This association only puts Caylee at more risk--that is my point.
i think she was a carrier and delivered drugs for money.

That is what I said earlier.

I am not making excuses for her, because in all likelihood I believe that she killed her daughter, whether it be "accident" or deliberate, and she hid her body.

If we are to look at a alternate explanation; however, we have to rule out other scenarios such as she left Caylee with some people who were not good when she was out getting the drugs to bring back.


Heck, these people could have put Caylee in the trunk of her car either passed out or dead and she could have been driving around with one of these people while her daughter was in the trunk. Perhaps she did not know that at that point, but found out later. Right?
Another thought--I overdosed on coke & meth at the home of a prominant Houston attorney. All the people at the party were well-off financially. As I was convulsing on the floor, they refused to call 911. I was trying to crawl out the front door to see if I could get someone's attention & finally one person called for help. I was in ICU for 3 days in a coma. These supposedly "normal" people, lawyers, doctors, ect., would have prefered to watch me die & then throw my body in an alley.

What I'm saying is that if Casey was getting involved in drugs, either by occasional use or being a mule, this is the type of mindset of the types of people that group around drugs. There is little regard for anyone's life. It explains how these people had basically no reaction to a missing little girl, or a mother who is suddenly without a daughter with no explanation. It also explains why Casey would be so quick to dispose of her daughter to pursue this lifestyle--people go to great lengths to keep the high going. It seems to me that Casey was addicted to the attention of males, looking hot & going to clubs. Drugs only fuel this meaningless drive for attention & blocking out reality.

Look at the stealing she did--it's a desperate crime because there was no way she wouldn't be caught. People in a drug lifestyle also have little concern for long-term consequences. All that matters is RIGHT NOW. Casey killed Caylee so she could continue the party RIGHT NOW--and during the month she kept Caylee's absence secret, we see her doing just what she was most motivated to do: Party and chase after men.

I guess my point is that I can undersand her motivation as a former drug user--she is acting in pure selfishness, which is how drug users act. If Casey is not on drugs, then she is just a person I can't wrap my mind around. Drug use DOES NOT EXCUSE anything--but it is an explanation for her monstrous actions. Just like when you read about Andrea Yates--you never excuse her actions--she is totally responsible for her murdering her children. It is her fault totally for not getting medical help for her depression. Her husband is totally responsible for not observing his wife's psychosis--BUT, it gives you a "reason" for the crime--she was psychotic. It is easier to understand what was going on. Drugs would explain why her friends are so unconcerned about anyone but themselves and why Casey made so many ridiculous decisions.

And...all of this is only my opinion.
Ryan's stataement supports the fact that he believes from the little that Casey said to him that she had gotten into drugs. This was a change in behavior as far as he was concerned.

Ryan P. Casey's childhood friend from Jacksonville
July 30 interview via phone with Det. YM Raw data from transcript paraphrased
Saw her two or three weeks before the actually date that she said that Caylee was missing.
The end of May the beginning of June. I was in Orlando to see family.
I’m going to say the weekend of June 14th ending up going to the beach that weekend. So I went down the 13,14, 15 and I left that Sunday
She was suppose to come out to my Aunt’s house for a big cookout but I spoke to her a couple of times and I can’t remember what excuse she had but never came out there.

Ryan said that Cindy had told him that Casey had stolen money from her parents about three three ½ weeks before Caylee went missing.

I found out later she was doing drugs and she never ever did drugs. I mean every body smokes pot but then she started to smoke pot and whatever else is laying around. Just the fact that she released to me she was smoking pot because she knows I am totally against it so popping pills whateve I could see that she was doing that [Casey said to Ryan about a week week ½ before Caylee was reported missing.] She was involved in something she was like apologic but she just didn’t seem like she was maliciously go out and kill her daughter or something.

If drug use was a new thing by Casey and the possibilty that some of these people may have been hard core users she may have gotten in deep really fast. Lack of experience when under the influence on what she could do and not do would be reasonable. Caylee paid the price? May be one of the reasons she is keeping her mouth shut. She knows Caylee is dead but if she talks she is dead too and would rather take her chances with JB and a trial. Just speculating
librarianmama -

Do you think it is possible that someone else put Caylee in the trunk???
This phone call KC is in the jail talking with LA. They are discussing the blackjack phone and disussing the whereabouts of said phone and LA asks her if she was at Universal for work or for fun and she says neither (not a quote) but she was with mutual friends, LA says Gotcha, I understand. So does this mean that LA knows his sister did not really work at Universal, that she just hung around Universal and these mutual friends ,mutual between LA and KC, could this be drug related? Listen to the phone call again....

This phone call KC is in the jail talking with LA. They are discussing the blackjack phone and disussing the whereabouts of said phone and LA asks her if she was at Universal for work or for fun and she says neither (not a quote) but she was with mutual friends, LA says Gotcha, I understand. So does this mean that LA knows his sister did not really work at Universal, that she just hung around Universal and these mutual friends ,mutual between LA and KC, could this be drug related? Listen to the phone call again....


Some of the WS'ers have thought that she was referring to LE since both her and LA had spoken to them. I also am in the camp that LA may have known what Casey really did when she referred to working at Universal. There is so much that we don't know yet.
And it is possible that the people who murdered Caylee knew no one would believe Casey if she said someone else murdered Caylee because she is so messed up herself.
I think she is a light recreational user. Alcohol is likely her drug of choice, but she is not an alcoholic.

She's not on meth. Meth use shows very quickly, and rather horribly..
Not always true.
My daughter used Meth and the only effect it had on her was she lost
a little weight.
I had NO clue... I thought she was just working out.
She did not look any different other than the weight.

If she was addicted to a drug, she would have gone into withdrawal.

They also treat you in jail for withdrawals. We didn't see Casey for a week.
It wasn't until her first bond hearing. IMO she could have had withdrawals
in jail and we wouldn't know.

JMO from my personal experiences with my daughter and withdrawals in jail.
Casey was researching sinkholes, I think there was one in Orlando or somewhere in Florida. Would it be possible for Caylee to be found in one if Casey threw her in it? I never heard of sinkholes before, so please excuse my ignorance.

I am curious. Does anybody have any idea when Casey did research on sinkholes or chloroform? That's important.
i think she was a carrier and delivered drugs for money.

I concur- drug mules LOVE to travel in the company of children. It makes them look less suspicious and strollers and baby bags are good places to conceal. Maybe she "lost" or stole some in transit and that's why she was stealing money. Maybe Caylee got into them? :(

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