Found Deceased OK - Tommy Eastep, 30, Lake Eufaula, 7 July 2013

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On the other site posted inthis thread, it said LE was afraid to go out there to check on the truck.

Can anyone explain why the cops would be afraid to go somewhere?

And maybe its just cause I live in an overpopulated state, but I don't understand how a truck can stay in the same spot for 4 months and only be reported twice?

What about this terrain or area makes it scary?

Its amazing what a huge problem meth is in the midwest and other rural places... but yet, I've never heard of a single person around here (RI) that has ever dealt with it in any way.

Early in the Laci Peterson investigation there was a building out in the middle of nowhere where some tipster said Laci was being held. The cops said it was too dangerous an area to check out, but they did fly over with a heat seeking device and agreed people were inside.

I guess sometimes things are perceived as too dangerous (read, not of any real interest to LE) to checkout.
On the other site posted inthis thread, it said LE was afraid to go out there to check on the truck.

Can anyone explain why the cops would be afraid to go somewhere?

And maybe its just cause I live in an overpopulated state, but I don't understand how a truck can stay in the same spot for 4 months and only be reported twice?

What about this terrain or area makes it scary?

Its amazing what a huge problem meth is in the midwest and other rural places... but yet, I've never heard of a single person around here (RI) that has ever dealt with it in any way.
This truck was evidently left well off the beaten path. I honestly believe the person/persons who left the truck there (not Tommy, imo) knew the area and picked this spot because it would not draw much attention. I don't think they wanted the truck stolen as much as they didn't want it found right away, but again that is only my opinion.

We have a real problem with rattlesnakes in Oklahoma enough where they hold festivals and have hunts to help the farmers get rid of a tons. It was mentioned the particular area where the truck was found had pigmy rattlesnakes and hog population (hogs are mean), but I have no idea of the veracity of the claim he was afraid or for what reason.

Meth is considered to be a poor man's cocaine. The most popular method of manufacturing it is called, "shake and bake" and it can be done anywhere including a vehicle. Using a simple plastic 2 liter soda bottle, this method is very dangerous as they tend to explode. It is extremely addictive and takes hold quickly.
I don't put much stock in that one. And to put officers' names out there in that respect is foolish on her part. smh

I will call it a rumor.

I wont dismiss it entirely as it is good to have names in the back of your head, In case things come up.

If I had information about corrupt officers I dont think I would keep it to myself either.

I also feel it is mighty strange that Tommy's white four door truck was found abandon from the same place the Jamisons white four door truck is from .

I once made a comment about how some cases in Oklahoma seem to mock one that came before it.

It is really disturbing and could be completely unrelated but it is odd.
Oklahoma Missing Persons Day to be held April 12, 2014

Edmond, Oklahoma – March 7, 2014 – The Oklahoma Missing Persons Day will be held on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at the University of Central Oklahoma Forensic Science Institute. Families of missing persons are encouraged to attend. Families may arrive between 10:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M.
Families will be able to complete a missing person report to law enforcement, provide additional investigative leads, enter the missing person into NamUs, and provide family reference sample DNA for entry into the FBI DNA CODIS system.

Families may bring photographs, dental, medical records, and any other pertinent information from the missing person.
Counselling services will also be available to families.

The University of Central Oklahoma Forensic Science Institute is located at 801 E. 2nd Street in Edmond, Edmond, Oklahoma.

Mike Nance
Phone 918-527-0080

On Tommy's missing Facebook page, it says Friday April 11th, 2014 @ 10 am, Fox 23 in Tulsa, Oklahoma will be doing a segment and they will be featuring his case and interviewing his father, Tom Sr. and his brother, Clint.
Sorry for the OT, but can anyone point me to the thread where the girl was missing and a husband and wife were arrested - the wife was into disney? I can't remember her name.
I will call it a rumor.

I wont dismiss it entirely as it is good to have names in the back of your head, In case things come up.

If I had information about corrupt officers I dont think I would keep it to myself either.

I also feel it is mighty strange that Tommy's white four door truck was found abandon from the same place the Jamisons white four door truck is from .

I once made a comment about how some cases in Oklahoma seem to mock one that came before it.

It is really disturbing and could be completely unrelated but it is odd.
The proper avenue to report allegedly corrupt officers is not on a public Facebook page, imo. LE has a difficult enough job without people who have an axe to grind because they feel a family member may have been mistreated (usually due to their own lifestyle choices) plastering their names all over social media. The word libel comes to mind.

I follow the Jamisons' case, but I don't see a connection yet. The Jamisons' case has some major differences.

Granted, cases in OK do tend to be similar at times and often go unsolved.
Unfortunately, I was unable to catch the interview on the news. Did anyone see it? Could I get a recap? I thought Fox would have it up on the site, but they don't. There is no mention of it on Tommy's Missing FB page either.
Soulmagent - I am also reminded of the Jamisons! Probably coincidental, but gives me the creeps regardless.
I am concerned about this person. This man's things were found in such as way as to suggest 2 likely possibilities and a third much less likely possibility.

In past cases when someone leaves their cash and ID in a vehicle and disappears it is most often either suicide or adult runaway.

I checked the DOE net's database search for the carpe diem tattoo but came up empty.

Just judging from the small amount of video I saw in online news stuff the surrounding area his vehicle was found in has some dense brush and stuff making finding a body very problematic. The one consistent thing in many such cases is that searches (even multiple searches) often miss finding the body and then years later the body gets found fairly near where the vehicle was found.

I also can not yet rule out adult runaway. There is nothing yet to suggest it as likely (other than the vehicle and the way stuff was left inside it) but I do not yet know anything of his past, his pressures, past mental condition, past criminal history (if he had any) and so forth.
I found an interview quoted in post ummm. . . #24 I think and the gas level in the truck was found to be 'it was at three-quarters of a tank.'

So my question that springs to mind is: Could he have driven from where he had partied to where his truck was found and have that much gas left (3/4 of tank) or would he have needed to stop somewhere along the way for gas and if he did need to stop would he have been remembered or would there have been any sort of security cam where he gassed up at? Would he have used one of his plastic cards to pay and thus have left a trail of sorts?

It goes towards was it him or someone else driving (if he was remembered or on camera) and whether he was alone or not etc.

Just a thought.
I found a remark in a post on another forum that gives me cause to think there might be a link between Tommy (and/or his family) and that area in which his truck was found, although it may only be a very tenuous one.

I find nothing sinister about it at all but note that it is a little piece of info I did not know before. I have no idea though if the info posted was accurate and I believe the poster had no idea the info provided might indirectly provide such a link.

“The way it stands today there is no closure for us,” says Eastep. “There’s just no answer. There’s no real direction of which way we need to go.”

His family came here today to find some direction and talk to people who care.

Eastep says missing person cases are often big stories one day but forgotten the next, making their search much harder than it should be. “It’s been horrible because nobody’s seen anything, heard anything. It’s like people don’t want to get involved,” says Eastep. “It may not affect your child today, but tomorrow who knows.”
I found an interview quoted in post ummm. . . #24 I think and the gas level in the truck was found to be 'it was at three-quarters of a tank.'

So my question that springs to mind is: Could he have driven from where he had partied to where his truck was found and have that much gas left (3/4 of tank) or would he have needed to stop somewhere along the way for gas and if he did need to stop would he have been remembered or would there have been any sort of security cam where he gassed up at? Would he have used one of his plastic cards to pay and thus have left a trail of sorts?

It goes towards was it him or someone else driving (if he was remembered or on camera) and whether he was alone or not etc.

Just a thought.
He had cash on him ($70 found in side the truck) so stopping for gas would not have required the use of his card. Maybe he used the other $30 to gas up nearby?
I found a remark in a post on another forum that gives me cause to think there might be a link between Tommy (and/or his family) and that area in which his truck was found, although it may only be a very tenuous one.

I find nothing sinister about it at all but note that it is a little piece of info I did not know before. I have no idea though if the info posted was accurate and I believe the poster had no idea the info provided might indirectly provide such a link.
I found a definite connection to the area where the truck was found and am bewildered the family has repeatedly denied Tommy could know anyone from there.
He had cash on him ($70 found in side the truck) so stopping for gas would not have required the use of his card. Maybe he used the other $30 to gas up nearby?
Right. He could have used cash - yes but I was hoping for plastic anyway. Also I was hoping for a security cam or clerk to have remembered him buying some gas and/or other items even if he would have bought it right before leaving town as that could still let us know if he was alone at that time or not.
Right. He could have used cash - yes but I was hoping for plastic anyway. Also I was hoping for a security cam or clerk to have remembered him buying some gas and/or other items even if he would have bought it right before leaving town as that could still let us know if he was alone at that time or not.
Because the truck was found so long after he went missing, it would be difficult to go back and find video of him purchasing gas. A lot of surveillance videos are only kept a short amount of time...some only 24 hours. In rural Oklahoma, there are many stores without cameras.

Early on during the investigation, his photo shown around and a few questions asked on the route he would normally take home should have been done. Also in small towns, people from outside the area stand out so someone should have been asking about seeing him.

I do not understand why they have this case centered in Holdenville when it is so far away from where the truck was found. Nothing about this case that I have seen to date has a connection to the town except what is printed on fliers and such. I wish someone could explain it to me.
Because the truck was found so long after he went missing, it would be difficult to go back and find video of him purchasing gas. A lot of surveillance videos are only kept a short amount of time...some only 24 hours. In rural Oklahoma, there are many stores without cameras.. . .
True. I was hoping that LE had already been looking for such video or that we would just get lucky and find one place that doesn't record over their tapes or that uses digital video files stored on hard drive or burnt to DVD's.
True. I was hoping that LE had already been looking for such video or that we would just get lucky and find one place that doesn't record over their tapes or that uses digital video files stored on hard drive or burnt to DVD's.
It would be a stroke of luck for certain. We can hope LE covered it, but I cannot imagine why they wouldn't release that information if he had been seen alone or with someone.

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