OK - Tommy Wolf, 9, murdered, mom injured, Nichols Hills, 16 Nov 2009 *Insanity*

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from the link above

The affidavit states officers entered the kitchen of the home with weapons drawn and saw Dr. Wolf down on the ground near the dishwasher wrestling with something. Dr. Wolf was repeatedly saying, "He's got the devil in him and you know it," according to the affidavit.

Officers ordered Dr. Wolf to get down on his stomach. Officers then noticed Dr. Wolf's 9-year-old son, Tommy, lying beneath him. The affidavit states a knife was seen in the boy's head and one in his chest. Dr. Wolf then stated, "He's not dead" and tried to grab a knife from the boy's body to continue the assault. Officers then physically intervened, according to the affidavit
not trying to be snarky - I'm really sincere asking this because I'd never thought of it before:

Why is it that so often "the devil" is involved in psychotic breaks & mental illness? Why the devil??

Why not marshmallows or pink elephants, IYKWIM??

Why does something terrible have to happen???

I actually just had a brief refresher training in mental illness where this was briefly touched on. Didn't really say why, but mentioned that TYPICALLY, the negative statements are actually directed at the person who has the mental illness. The voices/images/sounds talk about the person being bad/evil/worthless/etc. The cases that make the news are the rare ones in which the hallucinations (whether auditory or visual) make the person believe someone else is bad.

The victim had a knife lodged in the upper section of his head and a knife stuck in the right part of the chest, police reported.

The police officer ordered the doctor to get on his stomach and the doctor said again several times, "You know he's got the devil in him," according to the affidavit.

The victim then began to convulse and "Mr. Wolf leapt up off the floor and said, 'He's not dead' and tried to grab a knife from the body to continue the assault," police reported

I'm going to have to step away from the computer for a while. This is more than my heart can bare right now.
I actually just had a brief refresher training in mental illness where this was briefly touched on. Didn't really say why, but mentioned that TYPICALLY, the negative statements are actually directed at the person who has the mental illness. The voices/images/sounds talk about the person being bad/evil/worthless/etc. The cases that make the news are the rare ones in which the hallucinations (whether auditory or visual) make the person believe someone else is bad.

Thank you Lyn & everyone else who weighed in on my questions....it's just so saaaaad to me that this doctor thought his 9yo son was the devil -- when in my eyes, the bright smile in Tommy's fish photo personified goodness and innocence of childhood. :(
This story is just too sad. I wish I hadn't read some of the statements for the newspapers. That poor little boy. My son is almost 8 and also in cub scouts who goes on fishing trips. No little boy or child should have to endure what was brought on by his own father. May you rest in paradise Tommy. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I guessing he was self-medicating his mental illness with the alcohol, and his anger issues are related to paranoia and paranoid delusions.
Just read the affadavit :eek: :eek: :sick::sick: There are no words............
From this link, the Dr. was supposed to be in REHAB for drug and alcohol problems.

He's not crazy, just an addict.


Quite possibly, right.

Opiates mixed with alcohol can cause severe black-outs and severely manic behavior. It's also been suggested that Chantix mixed with alcohol causes similar side effects. What makes me believe that the basis of the episode was mental is his references to the devil. There is a short circuit in his brain somewhere. Paranoia.

Regardless of what caused this, my heart doesn't break any less for this family. All of them. The entire community, as well.
not trying to be snarky - I'm really sincere asking this because I'd never thought of it before:

Why is it that so often "the devil" is involved in psychotic breaks & mental illness? Why the devil??

Why not marshmallows or pink elephants, IYKWIM??

Why does something terrible have to happen???

While my younger sister was coming out of a coma there was another gentleman in another bed, she took one look at him, grabbed me and screamed he was the devil...
Her injury was a brain injury, I never figured it out (why she said that, the man was in a coma) and she does not remember it.

OT I know, but I guess in a way it is all related to the brain....
not trying to be snarky - I'm really sincere asking this because I'd never thought of it before:

Why is it that so often "the devil" is involved in psychotic breaks & mental illness? Why the devil??

Why not marshmallows or pink elephants, IYKWIM??

Why does something terrible have to happen???

I have a family member with a mental illness. Luckily, every time she's been psychotic, she thinks people are angels. Still scary to deal with for us, but it could be a lot worse. In my experience (I've worked with a lot of mentally ill folks) this is not all that common. But you don't read news stories about people with happy delusions.

This story is just so very sad.
I possibly agree with the other individual who said that he's just an addict. He very well may have been tripping out on drugs and hallucinating during this entire thing.

It will be interesting to find out what is going on.

My heart breaks for Mary Wolf.
The man has been hospitalized twice in the past, first for severe, and then for acute, depression. These are clinical diagnoses. He has a well-documented history of mental illness.

Here's an update, particularly about the doctor's mental problems:
"Wolf was seeing a psychiatrist this year before the attack and was on medication, The Oklahoman has learned."


The link also basically provides a transcript of 911 call #3.
Local news says police will be speaking with Mary sometime today. I wonder if she's been hospitalized all this time?
I believe she was released the same day. This is just a horrible, horrible occurrence. My prayers for the family.
LEO on the scene may need some counseling after dealing with what they saw...prayers for everyone who was involved in this horrific scene.

And the poor mom and what she's dealing with. :(

I know, that poor lady. She tried desperately to get some help from her neighbours as well, there was blood all over the porch. The thought of it all. I hope to god she will get through all this.
I know, that poor lady. She tried desperately to get some help from her neighbours as well, there was blood all over the porch. The thought of it all. I hope to god she will get through all this.

I read in one of the articles that police had advised citizens not to open doors in the middle of the night if someone was knocking - to call 911 instead of answering the door.

I don't blame the neighbor at all for being afraid & calling LE -- I would be freaked out too at 3 or 4 in the a.m...... it's just a sad world we live in when we can't open our doors to help a neighbor.

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