GUILTY OK - Travis Taylor for stalking, threatening woman online, Terlton, 2011

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Saws and knives...proof of intent? Maybe I am alone here but I currently have at least 5 steak knives in the kitchen drawer, plastic garbage bags under the kitchen sink, and a SHOVEL in the wellhouse. Guess that could be used as evidence to prove a murderous intent? Well plus a few guns, the knives, garbage bags, and shovel are for household duties, the guns have only one purpose.

Why didn't I see the message about eating body parts on teh blog? Did I miss it? Seriously if it was there but on a sub link I did miss it. Only saw the Clive Barker "abdominal wound intercourse cliche" mentioned on the blog. I am sure Clive wasn't the first to come up with that idea, but it is rather popular and hardly original. The guy obviously reads a lot of serial killer/snuff related stuff, there is NO CONSISTENCY to his ideas, he writes what has dramatic appeal at that moment. Real killers have specific acts that strongly appeal, they don't take snippets from various sources that just happen to sound dramatic and sexy at the time.

People can say what they want but that guy is a good writer.
Saws and knives...proof of intent? Maybe I am alone here but I currently have at least 5 steak knives in the kitchen drawer, plastic garbage bags under the kitchen sink, and a SHOVEL in the wellhouse. Guess that could be used as evidence to prove a murderous intent? Well plus a few guns, the knives, garbage bags, and shovel are for household duties, the guns have only one purpose.

Why didn't I see the message about eating body parts on teh blog? Did I miss it? Seriously if it was there but on a sub link I did miss it. Only saw the Clive Barker "abdominal wound intercourse cliche" mentioned on the blog. I am sure Clive wasn't the first to come up with that idea, but it is rather popular and hardly original. The guy obviously reads a lot of serial killer/snuff related stuff, there is NO CONSISTENCY to his ideas, he writes what has dramatic appeal at that moment. Real killers have specific acts that strongly appeal, they don't take snippets from various sources that just happen to sound dramatic and sexy at the time.

People can say what they want but that guy is a good writer.
"Good" is not the adjective I personally would choose when describing this guy's writing ability.
Here is the part you missed. It would be disturbing for most to read these words writtens about them or anyone else.

>> Your delicate skin, and perfect, white teeth. In all honesty, I was following you that night in the woods, when you got your Tracker stuck there. I fantasized about that for weeks- and then it finally happened... you were stranded in the middle of nowhere. I could have chopped you up. Nobody ever would've known. I could have slit your throat. And drank your blood. Maybe cooked some of your parts. Fried your brain. Liver. Baked your heart, stuffed it with your pubic hair and eyelashes. Delicious, delicious eyelashes. You have such a lovely head of hair! If I had really taken my time, and had it to do over again, maybe I could've carefully scalped you. And keep your hair for me. And wear it. And a bra. And your hot cheerleader uniform. Then "LEXIE" would be on my back. And your severed breasts in the bra, jiggling sumptuously while I dance. Of course, I would have to get a tan. Your complexion is sublime.<<

Additionally, if you put his writings,his saws/knives and his confession together I think it pretty well spells it out. For LE to ignore all that that would be irresponsible.

This puts the whole thing into context as to the intent implied from locating the knives and saws:

>>&#8195;At this time, Taylor was interviewed and allegedly told officers that he had planned on killing, dismembering and cooking Hennigh&#8217;s body parts. He then told deputies that he had just the right weapon to do it but refused to tell them its whereabouts. Another search warrant was obtained. That search produced three handsaws, one tree limb saw and five kitchen knives which could have been used to dismember a body, according to deputies.
"good" is not the adjective i personally would choose when describing this guy's writing ability.
Here is the part you missed. It would be disturbing for most to read these words writtens about them or anyone else.

>> your delicate skin, and perfect, white teeth. In all honesty, i was following you that night in the woods, when you got your tracker stuck there. I fantasized about that for weeks- and then it finally happened... You were stranded in the middle of nowhere. I could have chopped you up. Nobody ever would've known. I could have slit your throat. And drank your blood. Maybe cooked some of your parts. Fried your brain. Liver. Baked your heart, stuffed it with your pubic hair and eyelashes. Delicious, delicious eyelashes. You have such a lovely head of hair! If i had really taken my time, and had it to do over again, maybe i could've carefully scalped you. And keep your hair for me. And wear it. And a bra. And your hot cheerleader uniform. Then "lexie" would be on my back. And your severed breasts in the bra, jiggling sumptuously while i dance. Of course, i would have to get a tan. Your complexion is sublime.<<

additionally, if you put his writings,his saws/knives and his confession together i think it pretty well spells it out. For le to ignore all that that would be irresponsible.

This puts the whole thing into context as to the intent implied from locating the knives and saws:

>>&#8195;at this time, taylor was interviewed and allegedly told officers that he had planned on killing, dismembering and cooking hennigh&#8217;s body parts. He then told deputies that he had just the right weapon to do it but refused to tell them its whereabouts. Another search warrant was obtained. That search produced three handsaws, one tree limb saw and five kitchen knives which could have been used to dismember a body, according to deputies.


Couldn't have said it better myself!

Not sure how this situation wouldn't have been taken seriously....

And then there's his confession....
I don't quite understand Sonya's point. On the one hand, she says the stalker's work is entirely derivative of master horror writers such as Clive Barker; on the other, she says the stalker "is a good writer."
The blog...with the transcripts/emails and missing "live chat". Very interesting. At the bottom of the blog is a link talking about how fearless she is. It also contains a video of her singing "On the Cover of the Rolling Stones" on youtube. A cute hot video in which someone named Lexie sings about how she wants to make the cover of the magazine.

Is that really the victim's blog? Harrowing tale and transcript of scary flattering article with cute hot video embedded.
I'm just glad this guy was caught before he did actual physical harm. It seems he has been planning this since high school.

The blog...with the transcripts/emails and missing "live chat". Very interesting. At the bottom of the blog is a link talking about how fearless she is. It also contains a video of her singing "On the Cover of the Rolling Stones" on youtube. A cute hot video in which someone named Lexie sings about how she wants to make the cover of the magazine.

Is that really the victim's blog? Harrowing tale and transcript of scary flattering article with cute hot video embedded.
Yes that is the victims blog. This girl is a survivor isn't she? Gotta love her.
Thanks for linking or I would have missed that cute video.

This is how her friend that posted the video describes her:

Thanks, Lexie, for being a good sport and allowing me to post this for even MORE people to watch. When I saw this video, I knew it was perfect for the inaugural “Fearless Friday.” Because even if you’re nipping at the heels of 30 and are a professional with a Master’s degree, growing older doesn’t mean you have to be boring.

Remember, we do not blame the victim here. She probably thought he would go to jail, so she didn't have to worry so much. If I remember correctly from the articles, she was making plans to insure he did not find her again.

This was NOT her fault and it is NOT her responsibility to get him help. She is a victim.


Bumpity bumpity boo:)
I am amazed at the strength and grace the victim has shown. I truly hope for her sake that it all WAS just a sick joke. But unfortunately due to his confessions to the police, I think she has a legitimate right to take whatever means necessary to continue to protect herself.

I know there won't be much movement on this case until the next trial date, but I'll continue to see if there anything else I can find out on the perp.
Saws and knives...proof of intent? Maybe I am alone here but I currently have at least 5 steak knives in the kitchen drawer, plastic garbage bags under the kitchen sink, and a SHOVEL in the wellhouse. Guess that could be used as evidence to prove a murderous intent? Well plus a few guns, the knives, garbage bags, and shovel are for household duties, the guns have only one purpose.

Why didn't I see the message about eating body parts on teh blog? Did I miss it? Seriously if it was there but on a sub link I did miss it. Only saw the Clive Barker "abdominal wound intercourse cliche" mentioned on the blog. I am sure Clive wasn't the first to come up with that idea, but it is rather popular and hardly original. The guy obviously reads a lot of serial killer/snuff related stuff, there is NO CONSISTENCY to his ideas, he writes what has dramatic appeal at that moment. Real killers have specific acts that strongly appeal, they don't take snippets from various sources that just happen to sound dramatic and sexy at the time.

People can say what they want but that guy is a good writer.

  • Where was it stated that the saw and knives were used as proof of intent? He confessed to having intent and means. The evidence found supported his confession.
  • You did miss the message on the blog. Feel free to re-read for clarity as often as necessary.
  • Is a perceived lack of literary originality more offensive than threatening a person? Is there any research to support that?
  • Can you provide a source for the idea that written threats which lack "consistency" and/or originiality should be taken as less serious or genuine in intent than threats which are more "consistent" and/or origninal?
  • Can you provide a resource to support the idea that "real killers have specific acts that strongly appeal" and that "they don't take snippets from various sources?"
  • What does being a good, but cliched and unoriginal writer :)waitasec:) have to do with violating criminal laws? Should particularly articulate criminals be given more legal leeway than those that are less eloquent?
  • Where was it stated that the saw and knives were used as proof of intent? He confessed to having intent and means. The evidence found supported his confession.
  • You did miss the message on the blog. Feel free to re-read for clarity as often as necessary.
  • Is a perceived lack of literary originality more offensive than threatening a person? Is there any research to support that?
  • Can you provide a source for the idea that written threats which lack "consistency" and/or originiality should be taken as less serious or genuine in intent than threats which are more "consistent" and/or origninal?
  • Can you provide a resource to support the idea that "real killers have specific acts that strongly appeal" and that "they don't take snippets from various sources?"
  • What does being a good, but cliched and unoriginal writer :)waitasec:) have to do with violating criminal laws? Should particularly articulate criminals be given more legal leeway than those that are less eloquent?

I didn't want to just "thank" this post I wanted to jump and down screaming cheers and then bow and say I'm not worthy.

I don't think there is a more succinct way to have said it!!! Well done!
The blog...with the transcripts/emails and missing "live chat". Very interesting. At the bottom of the blog is a link talking about how fearless she is. It also contains a video of her singing "On the Cover of the Rolling Stones" on youtube. A cute hot video in which someone named Lexie sings about how she wants to make the cover of the magazine.

Is that really the victim's blog? Harrowing tale and transcript of scary flattering article with cute hot video embedded.

I figured she had the blog set up before this all started, and the video was on there for a while. It appears to have been filmed in Spring of 2010.

Regardless, I don't know that I would label the video "cute hot," :waitasec: but I agree it's cute and the article is flattering. She seems like a darling and vivacious woman whose good manners and strong moral compass made it difficult to immediately and harshly blow this guy off.

I would almost think there's an implication that she somehow manipulated this entire situation for attention, but that is just so absurd I can't possibly fathom that anyone who has read even a sliver of information on this case would imply that. So I'm sure I'm mistaken.
I didn't want to just "thank" this post I wanted to jump and down screaming cheers and then bow and say I'm not worthy.

I don't think there is a more succinct way to have said it!!! Well done!

LOL, :blush:, why thank you:)
Nice to see you again, btw;)
It may neither be here nor there, but although the video was recorded earlier she posted it on 2-22-11- after her encounter.
Let's move on past the video it is irrelevant but wanted to clarify that.
thank god they arrested him! with this internet age, threats can be made online and one can have no idea of the insanity of the one behind the threats.
i'd glad to see the police took action, lord knows what the man would have been capable of.
  • where was it stated that the saw and knives were used as proof of intent? He confessed to having intent and means. The evidence found supported his confession.
  • you did miss the message on the blog. Feel free to re-read for clarity as often as necessary.
  • is a perceived lack of literary originality more offensive than threatening a person? Is there any research to support that?
  • can you provide a source for the idea that written threats which lack "consistency" and/or originiality should be taken as less serious or genuine in intent than threats which are more "consistent" and/or origninal?
  • can you provide a resource to support the idea that "real killers have specific acts that strongly appeal" and that "they don't take snippets from various sources?"
  • what does being a good, but cliched and unoriginal writer :)waitasec:) have to do with violating criminal laws? Should particularly articulate criminals be given more legal leeway than those that are less eloquent?

i didn't want to just "thank" this post i wanted to jump and down screaming cheers and then bow and say i'm not worthy.

I don't think there is a more succinct way to have said it!!! Well done!

Totally Agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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