OK OK, Veronica Butler 27 & Jilian Kelley 39, Vehicle Abandoned, Texas County, 30 Mar 2024 #3 *Arrests*

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I'm more surprised that I'm seeing so many people confounded by their actions and involvement. There are too many sick people out there who are more than willing to do this for one simple reason: they lack morals and/or empathy.

There are so many cases where others were involved, who were merely acquaintances or friends, who were just standing by or more involved, for ridiculous reasons that a normal-thinking person can't fathom. Whether money, or along for the ride, or a favor for a friend, or a twisted sense of loyalty.

All of the above is my opinion only.
A lot of killers in the news have no previous records, no known mental health issues. The Twomblys don't seem like hardened criminals with such. Unless it's $$ no idea why they would even consider this plot. Seems obvious none of the four will be walking the backroads of OK except possibly as senior citizens. Life as they knew it - gone.
Astounded. Still trying to understand why the involvement of others. It's not like the C&CT were even directly impacted by court cases. Is it so easy to talk someone into committing murder, knowing there could be a possible death penalty?
Yes….Minions don’t think for themselves. Prison is full of criminals just like them. Minions are the epitome of indifference, they have no empathy, towards anyone, babies, women, society as a whole. They never do the right thing at the right time.
Must be easy to kill people, when you feel nothing. Maybe it’s why we have so many mass shooters. I hope they all, get the karma they deserve. JMHO.
But yes- makes sense that they would’ve had eyes on them right away and likely continuously in one way or another from the moment the paper trails (and likely local gossip) pointed LE right back to TA.
Having hung out in a courthouse for several years copying court records, I can tell you I feel sure the local sheriff and all the deputies (who are regularly in the hallways and testifying in all the cases) already knew about this long, drawn-out custody battle. LE would also have known the backgrounds of the players, esp. TA (a member of the hospital board and president/chairman of the local Republican Party in a very Red State and county), TC and Rickman.

LE didn't have to rely on gossip, they would have had encounters and first-hand knowledge. So, when the local sheriff handed the case off to state, undoubtedly he filled everyone in.
I wonder if they filmed themselves threatening &/or killing the victims? I think they deluded themselves into thinking that they were "justified" (in their warped minds) to terrify & kill the women. And I think they thought that either grandma's connections/influence would help them skate <modsnip - no link provided>? Stupid, dangerous, awful humans. All four of them. MOO. I would never get seated on their jury if I were in OK; I've already made up my mind about all four of them.
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This is so overwhelmingly sad to me! My late husband was a Prosecutor for many years and I’ve heard of a lot of sad cases, but this one is one of the saddest. A young wife to a Minister is trying to help people in need by Supervising visitations with their children and gets murdered in the process. It’s so senseless! Another young Mom picking the kids up for a party is also ambushed. I have no comprehension how the Twombly’s decided to go along with this planned ambush. I feel the prison system will keep them separated so they can’t come up with the same story. Thank you to all the LE who worked tirelessly and risked their lives arresting these four!
i hear you and feel the same way. This, in my opinion, was cold-blooded, calculated murder. Someone lying in wait to carry out the deed, with all of them feeling above the law and smarter than everyone else. Truth be told, this was one of the easier crimes to figure out. Motive is glaring.

It drives me crazy that some good pastor is likely laying next to his kids wondering why his God has forsaken him, like Job. Wife taken from him and his children, and her only crime was helping someone out in a tough situation. I feel for both victims, but it burns me inside to think about how truly innocent Mrs. Kelley was. No good deed goes unpunished. :(
i hear you and feel the same way. This, in my opinion, was cold-blooded, calculated murder. Someone lying in wait to carry out the deed, with all of them feeling above the law and smarter than everyone else. Truth be told, this was one of the easier crimes to figure out. Motive is glaring.

It drives me crazy that some good pastor is likely laying next to his kids wondering why his God has forsaken him, like Job. Wife taken from him and his children, and her only crime was helping someone out in a tough situation. I feel for both victims, but it burns me inside to think about how truly innocent Mrs. Kelley was. No good deed goes unpunished. :(
Especially poignant since it was the day before Easter (Resurrection) Sunday. The Kelley family will never have another Easter without this tragedy being the focus.
I imagine the body location was where they planned, as they didn’t appear to do anything to buy themselves a great deal of time, which they’d need to carry out some of the more creative things people have speculated.

I think we’re looking at a pre-dug hole.
I don’t think they had time to finish. Once the police were notified, TA had to have known she would be suspect. I bet they ended up just ditching the bodies without being able to adequately conceal/eliminate them. They had to know everyone would be watching their every move. People knew her history with VB and the hatred she had for her. They just couldn’t make a move without authorities knowing. If they had just a couple of hours before LE showed up at the car, those bodies would have never been found.
I do not understand why they left the car and took the bodies? It was apparent (blood) that they were shot at the car and were possibly dead. Did they think it would buy them time? Interested to hear where the kids were and where they are now.
I wonder if they filmed themselves threatening &/or killing the victims? I think they deluded themselves into thinking that they were "justified" (in their warped minds) to terrify & kill the women. And I think they thought that either grandma's connections/influence would help them skate <modsnip - no link provided>? Stupid, dangerous, awful humans. All four of them. MOO. I would never get seated on their jury if I were in OK; I've already made up my mind about all four of them.
Excellent theory vls12345.
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It will be interesting to hear how this plan was devised and how each role was assigned. And what did the Twombly's receive for their part in it? Was it money....or some other favor they desperately needed TA to assuage on their behalf?
A lot of killers in the news have no previous records, no known mental health issues. The Twomblys don't seem like hardened criminals with such. Unless it's $$ no idea why they would even consider this plot. Seems obvious none of the four will be walking the backroads of OK except possibly as senior citizens. Life as they knew it - gone.
Did anyone post this?
Cora raises puppies and has 1.2k facebook friends...

1.2k very shocked facebook friends...

Cora, we hardly knew ya

As I think about the 4 suspects now in custody, I am inclined to think that none of them divulged the location of the bodies. With their anti-government and self righteous attitudes, I don't think any of them would cooperate with an investigation, especially with FBI involvement.

I think electronics - cell phones and watches - are what led to the deceased. This could have been paired with drone surveillance or cadaver dog searches for recently disturbed earth or other features. MOO
I do not understand why they left the car and took the bodies? It was apparent (blood) that they were shot at the car and were possibly dead. Did they think it would buy them time? Interested to hear where the kids were and where they are now.
Especially when we know Twombley owned a trucking/freight company.
Load the car in the back of the semi.

I bet those dunces left so much evidence behind just by taking the bodies out of the suv.
Tad’s beard, alone, probably left enough to make a small tumbleweed.
It will be interesting to hear how this plan was devised and how each role was assigned. And what did the Twombly's receive for their part in it? Was it money....or some other favor they desperately needed TA to assuage on their behalf?
Looking at a fairly recent post on CT’s FB, I’m guessing he has a “ride or die” mentality.

In some ways, this reminds me of the Patricia Kimmi case in KS (threads here at WS). Her ex-husband somehow talked others into murdering her. I never could understand that. I forget what he promised them in return but it sure wasn't worth what happened! May Veronica and Jillian rest in peace and may all their babies be raised up in love and stability from here on out.
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