**Old thread**Focusing solely on George Anthony

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I was reading over Lee's interview w/ OCSO today and came across something I don't remember reading before. We all know the story George gives about the 24th and askng Casey for the wedges to rotate the tires on one of the cars, an excuse used to look in her trunk. Well, in this interview of Lee's, the story changes somewhat. He says that Casey was walking out of the house with some of her clothes that she had come for, and George followed her out to the car. Don't know if it makes any difference, but I thought it interesting.

The part of Lee's interview where he states his version of events, on the 24th, is on page 45 at the link below...

It makes a difference in that the connection with the clothing implies that GA was aware that Casey was preparing to stay away from home for some time, was unhappy about it and was following her out to the car pressing her for answers about the situation.

The tire clocks make it a more benign story. GA just happened to have to get something out of the trunk. There isn't any implied alarm or dissatisfaction about Casey's behavior - or any possible awareness of behavior on Casey's part that was "out of the norm" or dare I say...a red flag?
George has mental issues. I always thought it was a paranoid schizophrenia form. He will not get through this trial w/o something happening. He is a very angry man and always has been.
Casey had stolen hundreds if not thousands from her parents, was sneaking in and out taking food and her belongings (but not anything for Caylee) she'd been caught stealing from her GGP's- and they never called LE YET he calls over gas cans he knew she had to have taken cus nothing else was stolen in that shed--he even told LE he knew it was her b/c he could see the tell-tale signs of pouring gas into the car using cans!

GA calls LE about 50 bucks worth of gas cans--doesn't make sense considering all she's done before that........

Hey Traffic! This is a great point - perhaps anger was his motivation. This time she wasn't going to get away with anything. Funny how GA was astute enough to notice the signs of gas being poured into the car by a gas can, but failed to be the one to notify LE about the decomp in the car that they just got out of the tow-yard, which his daughter and granddaughter should have been in by all accounts.....
Hey Traffic! This is a great point - perhaps anger was his motivation. This time she wasn't going to get away with anything. Funny how GA was astute enough to notice the signs of gas being poured into the car by a gas can, but failed to be the one to notify LE about the decomp in the car that they just got out of the tow-yard, which his daughter and granddaughter should have been in by all accounts.....

Very astute, as gas evaporates quickly in the heat, humidity and rain in Florida. Most newer gas cans are equipped with built in funnels now a days so I am curious how GA "noticed" this clue but failed so miserably in all the other "red flags" that were up in his face, under his nose(literally) and LE and media reporters called him on.
JMO but the whole wheel rotating thing and needing wheel chocks and him looking in the trunk could all be a lie....something to just throw the story off.
Thanks for bringing the statements from RP, SP, and that couple. Some of that stuff I didn't know. So possibly, quite possibly, both GA and KC were racking up bills in Cindy's name on credit cards she didn't know she had? :eek: $45,000 is a nice chuck of change. Also, they were garnishing CA's paycheck (half!) because of GA's debts? Well, that's one reason why CA is the way she is. She worked while the other two stole from her. OMG. That is so frustrating, but yet, she let them get away with it while she did all the work.

Obviously GA has issues that KC inherited. He hasn't been able to keep a job. KC didn't bother to find a job. She just went merrily off to work everyday even though there was no job. :crazy:

If we tried to dig in and analyze this crew, we'd make ourselves crazy. We've analyzed, but I think we shouldn't go any deeper or someone will be knocking on our doors carrying straight jackets just for us. We've already ascertained they aren't the average family group. Poor little Caylee. Poor little Caylee. I can understand why Lee stays low. :eek:

I had no idea her check was being garnished. I think I read that they refinanced that house shortly before Caylee was murdered and that CA had to use her retirement $ to bail them out of KC and/or GA's cc debts. How on earth was CA managing to keep them afloat? GA seems so angry. Maybe they were about to divorce, were getting their financial affairs in shape by refinancing and getting the house ready to sell when all this happened and now GA is trapped. I'm very curious about the origin of his anger, aside from the obvious. It's almost like he's mad he's stuck being a part of all of this mess since Caylee was probably his only comfort and joy in the family.
From the beginning I thought GA had problems emotionally, then I backed away from that due to Cindy's "In your face" persona. I gave GA a break. After all this time and observing his behavior, I will not do that again. He loves the drama that surrounds his life, in fact, he is addicted to drama. he fulfills Cindy's needs and vice versa. He allows her to totally control him and this takes away all of his responsibility. Cindy's greed and need to spend are fulfilled by George not being able to say a word. Cindy and George are both co-dependents. If he didn't serve a purpose, he wouldn't be there. Fact is, cindy can't live alone. George can and she knows that so she keeps him around. She really doesn't want to give up anything to get rid of him, so she will allow him to hang with her. George knows this. More drama is on the way.

The night he was hose spraying that guy with Cindy by his side remains imprinted on my mind...those two, partners in crime.
I wouldn't feel very sorry for Cindy having to be the bread winner. She liked it that way....maximum control and she gets away from the house for awhile.

She is a spendthrift, for sure. Look at that place, packed with stuff. She overindulges in the money department. They had a low mortgage and she makes VERY good money. I am sure GA contributes with some form of money....various lawsuits with Worker's Comp has made BIG contributions. It should have been an easy ride but they were out of control. When emotions are as raw as what I've seen, money problems will most likely follow. They do not live below their means.....never will.

They now have reached the point they do not have to worry anymore. Cindy will eventually have plastic surgeries and GA may too. It is all about appearances, is it not? After the trial, they will most likely move and buy another house....and start the cycle all over again with over spending.
I wouldn't feel very sorry for Cindy having to be the bread winner. She liked it that way....maximum control and she gets away from the house for awhile.

She is a spendthrift, for sure. Look at that place, packed with stuff. She overindulges in the money department. They had a low mortgage and she makes VERY good money. I am sure GA contributes with some form of money....various lawsuits with Worker's Comp has made BIG contributions. It should have been an easy ride but they were out of control. When emotions are as raw as what I've seen, money problems will most likely follow. They do not live below their means.....never will.

They now have reached the point they do not have to worry anymore. Cindy will eventually have plastic surgeries and GA may too. It is all about appearances, is it not? After the trial, they will most likely move and buy another house....and start the cycle all over again with over spending.

I agree with this theory of yours. I have neveer seen so many stuffed animals in a childs room in my life. Toys, yes, but stuffed animals, that kids can't really play with? No. They all liked to spend the bucks!
I think there is so much stuff come out in this trial that the A's wont be able to hold their heads up.
I wouldn't feel very sorry for Cindy having to be the bread winner. She liked it that way....maximum control and she gets away from the house for awhile.

She is a spendthrift, for sure. Look at that place, packed with stuff. She overindulges in the money department. They had a low mortgage and she makes VERY good money. I am sure GA contributes with some form of money....various lawsuits with Worker's Comp has made BIG contributions. It should have been an easy ride but they were out of control. When emotions are as raw as what I've seen, money problems will most likely follow. They do not live below their means.....never will.

They now have reached the point they do not have to worry anymore. Cindy will eventually have plastic surgeries and GA may too. It is all about appearances, is it not? After the trial, they will most likely move and buy another house....and start the cycle all over again with over spending.

I was just commenting on this (bolded) on the CA thread! I wondered how they have soooo much stuff! I figured CA had to make good $$$ in her field, but didn't know they had a low mortgage. I recall hearing they just refinanced their home before Caylee and KC "left". I'm curious if the mortgage is still low. I'm sure the "Foundation" will cure whatever financial woes the "licensing fees' didn't. No need to ever work an honest day again for either of them. I think I agree with GA enjoying the drama. His comment early on in the case that "we've joined an elite group"......was strangely innapropriate to me. Who thinks like that in a time of extreme crisis? Caylee was just missing at that time, supposedly. He made it sound like they were allowed entry into an exclusive country club.....it rang similar to KC having a "nanny" instead of a "babysitter".....always something making them special....
I think there is so much stuff come out in this trial that the A's wont be able to hold their heads up.

Not that we'd want that to happen....................:bang::clap::)
I agree with this theory of yours. I have neveer seen so many stuffed animals in a childs room in my life. Toys, yes, but stuffed animals, that kids can't really play with? No. They all liked to spend the bucks!

I swear they were added just for the GVS show!! Those rooms did not look like that in the LE photos..........and yes, ITA with your statement! I need to spend some time searching for before and after shots to see if they really were staged just for the cameras.....because that caught my eye at the time.
After studying these people for a year, I just simply don't understand how in the world they paid their bills. GA just didn't make much, KC didn't contribute anything, and I just don't see CA's salary enough to cover their lifestyle. Even shopping at Target, KC and Caylee had lots of clothes, then there's 3 cars needing gasoline, and all the usual household expenses. How did they do it??? I haven't seen THAT much of what KC bought to run up the cc bills so high. GA gambling debts must surely account for a large part of the high cc bills. In his interview he so quickly offered up to LE the Nigerian scam and all, but none of it makes sense. I just don't think CA brought enough $$ home to hardly cover the basics. And, a year later, it's all still such a mystery. Man, I would love love love to see those monthly cc statements.......and, I guess while I'm at it, I'd love to review the monthly bank statements too LOL. There's something more to the story and I would have thought it would have come out somehow by now.

I HEAR you loud and clear. Just wondering aloud, WHAT type of Insurance did this family carry? Maybe the Family stood to gain alot if GA was dead? House morgage paid off? ....:rolleyes:
Where did you read that half of Cindy's paycheck was being garnished? If you can provide a link, it would be appreciated. :)

Hello Patty G ;)

SP: ...(inaudible) And she gets the big, you know, they keep half of her check or something, so she, she just tells me stuff a little bit at a time because she don't want to worry me. Now if...

I do not know if this is why we are saying that Cindy's checks were garnished? This is information from SP in her interview to LE. What I mean to say is I posted that interview a few posts back and I have the link for the interview, if that is what you need? But I am thinking you are speaking of a link to actual documents showing that Cindy's checks were being garnished. Is that public record? Probably not?

BTW: Do you think it is true that a person would have a history of mental illness(depression) before they would make it to George's age and THEN attempt suicide? I know when someone is successful at suicide friends and family usually say they had no idea the person was depressed, so maybe George fits right in...and then I guess you add in that there was a huge traumatic event of Caylee's death...so I wonder if a professional would think his attempt was: "normal" or "expected" if you are catching my drift?

Where did you read that half of Cindy's paycheck was being garnished? If you can provide a link, it would be appreciated. :)

Patty: I think this information came from a post #266 on Cindy's inconsistencies thread. It was regarding Cindy's mother giving a statement to YM about all the debt that CA was in because of GA and KC. On page 25 of SP's statement, at the top, she states that "they are taking half of her check". That was all I could find. SP has gotten this from Cindy so how true it is??????? Plus I thought creditors were limited as to how much they could actually garnish someone's paycheck. And after a number of garnishes on your paycheck employers tend to let you go as it is listed in most employee handbooks that too many are a no, no. SP seems confused as to who ran up what on Cindy's cards but states quite clearly that KC ran up $45,000 which almost cost the A's their home. If Cindy's garnished wages are reported somewhere else I'd like to read it also. Thanks
Hello Patty G ;)

SP: ...(inaudible) And she gets the big, you know, they keep half of her check or something, so she, she just tells me stuff a little bit at a time because she don't want to worry me. Now if...

I do not know if this is why we are saying that Cindy's checks were garnished? This is information from SP in her interview to LE. What I mean to say is I posted that interview a few posts back and I have the link for the interview, if that is what you need? But I am thinking you are speaking of a link to actual documents showing that Cindy's checks were being garnished. Is that public record? Probably not? ...jmo...

I am only interested in where it states that half of Cindy's check was being taken.

Based on the interview http://www.wftv.com/blank/18974289/detail.html page 25, there was a conversation between Shirley and Cindy regarding the IRS and finding out George cashed in his "savings" which possibly could have been his 401K from his previous employer.

Since George "allegedly" never told Cindy and obviously never reported on their taxes for that year, IRS more then likely sent a letter to the house regarding taxes owed.

IMO, within the IRS letter, it would have stated what needs to be paid, how it can be paid, and if not paid the IRS would garnish their payroll checks.
Patty: I think this information came from a post #266 on Cindy's inconsistencies thread. It was regarding Cindy's mother giving a statement to YM about all the debt that CA was in because of GA and KC. On page 25 of SP's statement, at the top, she states that "they are taking half of her check". That was all I could find. SP has gotten this from Cindy so how true it is??????? Plus I thought creditors were limited as to how much they could actually garnish someone's paycheck. And after a number of garnishes on your paycheck employers tend to let you go as it is listed in most employee handbooks that too many are a no, no. SP seems confused as to who ran up what on Cindy's cards but states quite clearly that KC ran up $45,000 which almost cost the A's their home. If Cindy's garnished wages are reported somewhere else I'd like to read it also. Thanks

Actually the statement is: "they keep half of her check or something". There is no "are" in Shirley statement. :)

There is no statement that Cindy's check was being garnished, only that - "they keep half of her check or something". "They" is the IRS, and if the taxes weren't paid, the IRS could garnish half of her/his paycheck.
I've known two people who had their paychecks garnished by the IRS and in neither case was it anywhere near to 50% of their paycheck!

Grandma may have been repeating this info to the cops (what Cindy told her), but we all know how fast and loose with the truth Cindy is.
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