Omaha double murder

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Hate to say it, but OPD seems more interested in image issues than solving this case. There, I said it.
I have bitten my tongue on this board more than once in the past several months and tried to give them the benefit of the doubt. I think there are very good people involved in this thing there, but I also think overriding it all is an attitude by some that letting this case go unsolved is preferable to further tarnishing their image.
I don't know that any or much expense would have been involved in allowing this to go forward, I still cannot believe what I read.
Maybe the families need to contact another program- at the same time they can do a piece on what is wrong with OPD. I have gone full circle now, am back to my original feeling that something is being covered up here.

Im in a rush at the moment but: :clap::clap::clap::clap:

RANT: What the hell is wrong with the LE in Nebraska???? Why can't they get anything solved??? No offense and maybe I am out of line over here but the Corrie Wood case, this one and others. WHY IN THE HECK WOULD YOU TURN DOWN AMW??? WHY WHY WHY? It has been a year!!! These families are suffering but they aren't ready for help yet? Give me a break! :banghead:

John, as always great coverage and article!! :clap:
Could it be that OPD has made mistakes in the investigation of this case that they don't want aired? I can't believe they would turn down the opportunity of having this case aired on AMW. Doesn't make sense to me.
YellowDog- yes, that is my feeling. Rather than any sinister reason I think mistakes were made at the outset they just do not want to be publicized.
The public and families are breathing down their necks now and this is all coming home to roost.
I have emailed councilman Jim Vokal- he represents the Dundee area on the city council and he told me in a reply this morning he intends to ask the chief directly about why AMW is not being involved. Jim is running for mayor in the city election next month, he has been a very good advocate for action in this case, we'll see.
Snick - If they aren't zoning in on one particular suspect with enough info to get a possible conviction, then I think they should welcome AMW with open arms. It might bring forth new clues especially on the identity of the person in the composite drawing.

No way, will I ever believe it was someone who didn't have some sort of connection to the boy, his family, the housekeeper or her family. A person just doesn't pick a house at random, gain entry and start stabbing people to death. There has to be a motive even if it's not one that the average person can accept. Something set this killer "off".
People of this community should be protesting the fact that AMW was sent away. I have never heard of this happening before. Why does LE want this case in the shadows? You would think they would welcome the help.
In case anyone didn't know, there is a thread on the AMW website about this crime I started last Summer, it has not gone very far. I just updated with a comment about the police not wanting AMW involved so we'll see if that gets a rise out of anyone. Title is 'Omaha Double Murder, now unsolved case?" It's under unsolved crimes.
I have to say that I am getting very pessimistic about this case ever being solved. I cannot post on this board what my opinion of the Omaha police homicide division is in their handling of this matter. Right from the start, it's as if they wanted this to be a cold case and go away.
The victims are at peace with God. The families and those of us that care are finding peace a bit difficult these days.
Today it is one year since this awful crime. There seems to be no mention of this in local news media, if there is I will try to post a link to anything of interest.
I would still be interested as would others if anyone knows of a medium or someone who could do a reading on this case. I did post on the astrology board but they are far behind at this time. I have mixed feelings about the value of such but at this point I think that may be a valid thing to try. I think someone previously mentioned they were going to make inquiries, this was appreciated. I think there are a few locals in Omaha who do this sort of thing but I have no idea who they are or how to contact them.

I will try to help you hunt someone down to help out. I think the "Charts" are a pretty good source as well.

God Bless the families on the one year anniversary of this awful tragedy.
I think we need to concentrate on why OPD does not want to enlist the help of AMW at this time. I think there needs to be a letter writing campaign drawn up locally leading it to the national level.

This car has to be out there somewhere. Someone somewhere would have seen SOMETHING. Whether a family member, car rental place, car dealer - SOMEONE would be able to reconize this sketch and this description of this car. Also, I wanted to make note that the Toyota Rav4 also looks VERY similar to the CRV as the CRV has not been confirmed by LE.
In today's Omaha World Herald:

Published Monday March 16, 2009
Classmates, neighbors remember 11-year-old slaying victim

It had been a day much like Sunday.

Friends and neighbors in Dundee had been enjoying some of the first nice days of spring, shaking off winter as they strolled down tree-lined streets, unaware of a shocking crime in their midst.

• Photo showcase: Tom Hunter vigil On that beautiful March day a year ago, two lives were stolen and so many hearts were broken. Thomas Hunter, 11, and Shirlee Sherman, the Hunter family's 57-year-old housecleaner, were killed by an intruder on March 13 inside the family's home near 54th and Davenport Streets.

One year later, the people who had gathered on the sloped front lawn of the Hunter home included grade school girls wearing pastels and holding candles; adolescent boys waiting to release colorful balloons; solemn-faced parents, some hiding their tears behind sunglasses.

Sunday was about Tom. It would stay beautiful.

Neighbors organized a vigil at the Hunter home for Tom's classmates from King Science and Technology Magnet Center and the neighborhood to mark the one-year anniver-
sary with prayers and songs.

They would not dwell on the lack of arrests or lack of answers. The Hunter and Sherman families still don't know why the two were killed.

Instead, the focus was on Tom and on comforting his family.

Tom was the kid who was "so at ease with himself," neighbor Mary Rommelfanger told the 75 people gathered.

He was happy to be hanging out with friends or socializing with neighbors.

And he would probably think that such a large group gathered in his front yard was pretty cool.

A few of Tom's friends stood on the Hunters' porch, scanning the crowd, while one of Tom's classmates read a prayer.

Then, seven boys moved onto the porch stairs. For sad young guys remembering their buddy, this was tough work. One by one, each read a line of another prayer.

"At the rising of the sun and its going down," the first boy spoke.

In soft, subdued voices, the crowd responded: "We remember Tom."

The boy released a single balloon, his composure breaking as the balloon drifted upward.

He bit his lip, but that didn't help. So he started to cry, wiping his nose with the edge of his hoodie sleeve.

Tom's next friend read his line, then shielded his tearful face with the vigil program, a photo of Tom swinging a Nintendo Wii controller now facing the crowd.

The seventh boy ended with a message of hope.

"As long as we live, he too will live, for he is now a part of us."

The crowd replied: "We remember Tom.

The boys returned to the porch to find comfort in Tom's older brother, Robert.

A teenage boy playing a guitar struck the chords to an old, familiar tune.

"When you're down and troubled and you need a helping hand," a few neighbors led in song.

Others chimed in.

"Close your eyes and think of me, and soon I will be there," their voices rose, "to brighten up even your darkest night."

The show of solidarity reflects a neighborhood trying to soldier on. We're a strong neighborhood, they said.

Even so, Tom's death has changed them. A car can't be parked on the street without someone taking note, catching those details that the neighbors wish they had gotten the day of his death. Parents keep an even closer eye on their kids.

Tom's parents, Drs. Claire and William Hunter III, are private people. Their neighbors realized how difficult it was for them to allow this public outpouring for their son.

But the neighbors couldn't let the day pass without remembering Tom.

"We love the Hunters," said Wendy Wiesman. "We love them."

At the vigil's end, Claire Hunter returned the love by passing around round red tins of homemade chocolate chip cookies.

• Contact the writer: 444-1083,

* * *

Have information? Call the Omaha Police Department's homicide unit at 402-444-5656. Tips can be left anonymously at or by calling Omaha Crime Stoppers at 402-444-7867.
Last week I contacted the City Councilman from the Dundee area regarding OPD not utilizing AMW (thank you for the suggestion Snick!). Following is the reply I received (I have not edited anything, other than replacing my name with *advertiser censored* and replacing the Chief of Staff's name with *advertiser censored*).

*advertiser censored*: I have been coord’ing the Police issues on behalf of all Councilmembers. CM Vokal and I recently spoke with the Police Chief, and I have been asked to respond on behalf of the Councilmember who is off to another committee meeting.

The Police have an ongoing investigation in this case. I am not privy to the exact Police details, as to what/how they proceed ( nor do Councilmembers or Mayor) with the crime , this is strictly confidential and Police Investigator information only. However, based on this conversation with the Chief, he has indicated it is not in the best interests of solving this crime to have it aired in the public. If we truly want this crime solved, we need to trust the professionals who work this stuff and are highly trained. (( You should know the OPD has an above norm grade for solving such crimes, and this is according to the National Accreditation agency that rates such things- however, having said that, not all crimes are solved and some are far more difficult that others.))

The Police, as well as the Councilmembers really appreciate the pain this has left the families and the community, and you should be assured the Dept is working very hard on the issue. At this time, there are some leads that makes them believe it is not at all helpful to have it aired openly. This may change, but for now, that is the answer. *advertiser censored* *advertiser censored*, Ch of Staff, City Council.
Proudmama, the reply you got could mean nothing or then again, maybe there are things happening outside our field of vision in this case. They may be looking at some strong suspect(s) and fear the flight risk if this gets national exposure.
The memorial service looks to have been for the neighbors and friends of Tom, as it ought to be. I doubt I could have kept my composure if I'd have been there.
If the intent was to hurt the Hunters the scum that did this sure succeeded. Let's hope his days of walking among us are numbered.
Hi Snick,

Just thought I would pop in and add a question. Does anyone know if the Mother of Tom sat on any board that decided what candidates are eligible for heart transplants? If so where there any children turned down? Did the hospital turn down any patients due to lack of funds?
Hi Bern-

I did a quick Google on her name and heart transpant. I cannot say for sure but it sure looks as if she may have been involved in this. As far as her sitting on boards that decided etc that will require some checking. Will try to get back on that- anyone else is welcome to try to answer.
That would be motive if someone blamed the hospital or a Dr, or a committee for a child not receiving a heart or other organ due to a decision on their part. Just throwing things out there. A place to look into, and it could go back a few years.
I could go back through the thread and see, but I am wondering, has there been any speculation as to this having been a botched kidnap attempt?
Possibly by pedophiles?
Think about how the guy seemed to know just when to strike, just a short time after Tom got off the bus. He also didnt seem to know his way around the neighborhood and had to look for the address. Does that suggest anything? Maybe an accomplice had been watching the home for a few days, taking notes on the times and who would be there, etc. I think we have established that Shirlee had been with the family only since 2005, however from what I can tell about her I think she would have fought anyone trying to abduct Tom.
We know these people are out there. If so, where and how was he targeted? at the YMCA? School?
By the way, I sent what I think was some very usable information on this case through Crimestoppers last week. So far no acknowledgment. Typical.
I could go back through the thread and see, but I am wondering, has there been any speculation as to this having been a botched kidnap attempt?
Possibly by pedophiles?
Think about how the guy seemed to know just when to strike, just a short time after Tom got off the bus. He also didnt seem to know his way around the neighborhood and had to look for the address. Does that suggest anything? Maybe an accomplice had been watching the home for a few days, taking notes on the times and who would be there, etc. I think we have established that Shirlee had been with the family only since 2005, however from what I can tell about her I think she would have fought anyone trying to abduct Tom.
We know these people are out there. If so, where and how was he targeted? at the YMCA? School?
By the way, I sent what I think was some very usable information on this case through Crimestoppers last week. So far no acknowledgment. Typical.

I think kidnapping could easily have been the motive. I also think the killer thought that Tom would be alone in the house at that time. When he found out the boy was not alone, he panicked and went into "survival mode".
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