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(Sorry if previously mentioned) TEXT MSSGS between KC and AL (TL) from 6/15 and 16! These may be key so being w/held by LE (please feel free to even PM me if released or anyone can find a description of their 80 minute conversation on same dates) TIA!
George's account of the following calls which were the ONLY two calls he made from his cell to Casey during the entire period 6/1-7/17:

6/16/08 MON 3:04:06 PM 26 seconds (just 1hr prior to the initial "flurry" of calls)

7/8/08 TUE 9:05:31 AM 5.5 minute call​

Confirmation of individual(s) Casey was in contact with @ Lexus.
<<I would also like the JC Penny receipts>>

Me too.
<<Confirmation of individual(s) Casey was in contact with @ Lexus.>>

I thought this was proven to be a mistake? I remember one thread talking about this number is actually CA's work number.
<<Confirmation of individual(s) Casey was in contact with @ Lexus.>>

I thought this was proven to be a mistake? I remember one thread talking about this number is actually CA's work number.

No, the mistake was that it was being referred to as Gentiva (CA's work) but was REALLY Lexus. There is no question it is Lexus if you go by the actual phone number and not by the summary charts various people (including LE) prepared.
I want to know if there were finger prints on the duct tape.
Also missing is what was found on the Amscot video. Did someone really help Casey push her car into the parking lot. How did she get to her parents house and back. Does it show someone picking her up and dropping her off?

I can't wait til we see that video!
The info I'm most interested in:

1) Annie's interview
2) The (possible) letter KC wrote to Annie while in jail
3) Clarification on the placement of the duct tape -just over the mouth or around the enitre skull (sorry if that seems graphic, I just think that will be very important in determining several aspects of the case)
Would like to see When Casey did searches for Missing Children....Seems I heard this awhile ago & have not ready anything on it? What months were these done & on what computer? :waitasec::waitasec:
After new information has surfaced in the story of how the remains were found I would like to know what calls came to and from the PI and the A's cell phones and what parties were in communication from Nov. 1 to the present. Can they supones those records or would that be a violation.

Also if there have been any visitors to KC in jail around that time frame.
I would like to see Jesse G Sept 8th FBI interview (referenced in police log notes Doc dump 3 or 4 - Nov 26th)
Help... this is probably not the right thread for this but can someone post the link for all of the text messages that have been released? I was reading through them yesterday and now I can't figure out where the heck it was..... thanks?
I would like to see the cell phone pings, logs, and texts prior to June establish a pattern of behavior and what KC's mindset was leading up to June 16th. (what was said early in June when KC was spending the night with Caylee away from the home....leading up to the big fight)

I'm dying to see the text messages between CA and KC during her 31 day hiatus.

(and of course, everything else you guys have listed!)

Yes, me too!
I bet you that's expanded on in the missing LA FBI interview. Either LA or Heather was telling a big fib. My bet is on LA because IMO Heather doesn't exist, just like the people she was vouching for don't exist.

I also think Lee made up the email from Heather and that she doesn't exist. Obstruction?
I also think Lee made up the email from Heather and that she doesn't exist. Obstruction?
Heather is not made up. According to IIRC his name is Mike at Colorvision, Casey's old boss, Heather is a real person, he knew her. per interview with LE in doc dump.
I too am also very interested in Annie D and if she was KCs best friend why is there no interview, not any mention of her? I am sure that LE has a lot left that has not been released yet, just waiting for the right time.
I too am also very interested in Annie D and if she was KCs best friend why is there no interview, not any mention of her? I am sure that LE has a lot left that has not been released yet, just waiting for the right time.
IIRC, Jeff H., yes there is one, in the doc dump interview with LE, states that Annie D. is Casey's bff. Someone else states that as well, but I can't remember who at the moment.
sticky threads, official documents thread has a list of doc dumps and interviews. :)
I am dying to know who CA went to see as a family therapist and why.

according to CA's mother there were issues CA was discussing with her therapist???

I want to know what happened June 9th.

Neighbours report on when they overheard fight?? june 8th or june 15th?
Sorry, that is not true, initially it was said it came from kc or caylee, then when the decomp evidence came back it was determined to be caylees', since of course kc is still alive

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