Found Deceased OR - Anna 'Annie' Schmidt, 21, Columbia River Gorge, 16 Oct 2016

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Rest In Peace, Annie. I am comforted knowing your family bonds are eternal.
Prayers out to the family and friends. I am so glad she was found and can now be placed at rest.

I hadn't seen that the medical examiner confirmed it was Annie yet. :(

RIP Annie :rose:

thats a very deep fall to slip and fall.. i actually wonder if she actually fell .. that very far from where the female said he say her in the woods.. im glad she is found dont get me wrong, but alot thing on this case has others feeling to them.
thats a very deep fall to slip and fall.. i actually wonder if she actually fell .. that very far from where the female said he say her in the woods.. im glad she is found dont get me wrong, but alot thing on this case has others feeling to them.

Did you watch the videos posted on this thread of the hike to Munra Point? It looked very dangerous even in dry weather conditions. I believe she fell due to the poor weather conditions and it was an accident.
If you take the narrow rocky passage just above the scrub trees on this trail, falling or being blown off into that vegetation would lead to just this sort of thing - the dogs and searchers from the bottom of the gorge would have had to hike up through it to get to wherever she came to rest.

If she had intended it, I would think she would have chosen the point itself or a vertical drop and would have been at a cliff base. JMO

thats a very deep fall to slip and fall.. i actually wonder if she actually fell .. that very far from where the female said he say her in the woods.. im glad she is found dont get me wrong, but alot thing on this case has others feeling to them.
My daughter was 3 when my mom passed away and she received a visit from my mom, right after she passed (it was at home and we were all there with her, except my daughter who was asleep in the other room). My sister ran across the hall and picked my daughter up immediately after, to hug her and my daughter started talking to someone. My sister said "who are you talking to Taylor?" My daughter said "guppy." (that was her name for my mom, lol). My sister said "oh Taylor, guppy is gone." My daughter, who was very articulate at 3, said "no she's not, she's standing right there" (and pointed to the corner of the room). My sister looked around and didn't see anything, but said "what is she saying?" My daughter went on to say that her guppy told her to be a good girl and to mind her mommy and to be happy. Months later, my 15 year old sister received a visit from mom, reassuring her that she was happy and not in pain and very busy in the spirit world. A few months ago, my 19 year old daughter received a visit from my husband's mom who passed away 2 years ago, assuring her that she and my FIL were happy and not in pain anymore and together. So, needless to say, although I have never been lucky enough to receive a visit from a passed loved one, I have personal knowledge that it does happen. If her family has had a visit stating those things, then I believe Annie had an accident and is no longer with us. I just hope they find her body so that they can have a burial and although they have the spiritual closure, something that they can visit. I hope that makes sense.

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"On Monday [Nov. 14, 2016], Annie Schmidt's mother spoke with FOX 13 about Annie's passing. ...
[She] had a feeling her daughter wouldn't be found alive.
'I just felt like she was with me,' Schmidt said. 'I felt her very strongly the first day and that's why I felt she had passed at that point and I felt right from the start we were looking for her body.'"

Mom speaks after 'Piano Guys' daughter Annie Schmidt found dead in Oregon
Posted 10:12 pm, November 14, 2016
Here's a nice profile of the K-9 team that found Annie:

Utah K-9 and handler assist in recovering remains of 'Piano Guys' daughter Annie Schmidt
(published 5:56 pm, November 14, 2016)

I just noticed that the Fox 13 article (November 14, 2016, 5:56 p.m.)
apparently misspelled K9 Reu's name as "Rue."

"Reu" is used both by (a) the Tri-State-K9 web site and (b) a recent post at
about the search and rescue dogs and handlers.
Did you watch the videos posted on this thread of the hike to Munra Point? It looked very dangerous even in dry weather conditions. I believe she fell due to the poor weather conditions and it was an accident.

Yes i saw that. I'm worried that the case is being rushed a little to fast for my taste r any normal case. Also we dont know the actual weather in her time of peril. we just know what the weather suppose to have been..

It look like a slip and fall. Im not disputing that much.. Im saying , I'M having hard time believing they allow folk to hike such trials with no kind of netting in the areas to keep animal away or from from falling. No Park rangers. no signs, no anything just open woods. Its just really unprofessional and not very safe on many levels..

Im not disputing she slip and fell but some folk can take advantage of such in environment and know how the conclusion will play out. Alot of things are not adding up. I just don't think she out here there alone. I actually think someone was with her and maybe she did slip and fall that someone maybe went back and broke in the car and get things that keep them away from such events. In my mind it would explain the 2 sleeping bags and car ransacked with nothing of her's missing.. But take it with grain of salt.. just wild assumption on my end.

I hope her family is ok in these hard times. God bless them. Im very happy she is found and can have a proper funeral.
It look like a slip and fall. Im not disputing that much.. Im saying , I'M having hard time believing they allow folk to hike such trials with no kind of netting in the areas to keep animal away or from from falling. No Park rangers. no signs, no anything just open woods. Its just really unprofessional and not very safe on many levels..

I think the lack of safety features is part of a response to people complaining that such barriers, ranger presence and restrictive policies were inhibiting their ability to enjoy these wild areas.

Sometimes, these policies have contributed to tragedies. For example, National Park rangers cannot make assessments of people's skills or equipment and also cannot close trails due to weather concerns. These things contributed to a group of 7 people drowning in Utah. Texas park rangers, however, can evidently make skill / equipment assessments, then deny people permits to certain areas based on them.

I think it would be great if the states and the national government could come up with a system where trails are divided into various levels of difficulty and hazards. The highest danger level would need a skill / equipment assessment and weather consideration to get a permit. If one sneaks on with out a permit and needs a rescue, you get rescued- and fined.

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