OR - Child killer Diane Downs up for parole - again

A convicted killer being up for parole is nothing more than a show to make it look like the U.S. justice system is extraordinary. Our justice system maybe be better than most countries but it is not head and shoulders above other countries like some people think it is.
I've watched tons of interviews with killers. Elizabeth's are always the most frightening. Let's she takes her last breath behind bars. Society is not safe with her running around. By the way, Jeffrey MacDonald looks and acts so much like her.
her daughter had been shot no doubt she would of been suffring from trauma she was at the time in the care of the proscuter so would of been highly open to suggestion the peoscuter later adopted her and thats weird as hell consedring she plenty of living relatives.
her daughter had been shot no doubt she would of been suffring from trauma she was at the time in the care of the proscuter so would of been highly open to suggestion the peoscuter later adopted her and thats weird as hell consedring she plenty of living relatives.
Diane downs killed her kids...her actions afterwards were exactly like darlie routier...”the killer is still out there” quoted by Downs...”the killer is in the garage” quoted by Routier...both women have their children bloody and dying in front of them and they’re not trying to save them..talk to them..hold them as they’re dying ..saying mommy loves you mommy loves you..laughing and joking days after their kids were buried...Diane Downs and Darlie Routier are both murdering mothers..end of story!,
her daughter had been shot no doubt she would of been suffring from trauma she was at the time in the care of the proscuter so would of been highly open to suggestion the peoscuter later adopted her and thats weird as hell consedring she plenty of living relatives.
I don’t care how long the prosecutor had at her...I know that I would never say my mother tried to. Murder me if she didn’t..I don’t care how long a prosecutor tries to make me say that...Why would anyone blame their mother if she didn’t do it?..don’t be stupid and try to see things the murdering killers way
I've watched tons of interviews with killers. Elizabeth's are always the most frightening. Let's she takes her last breath behind bars. Society is not safe with her running around. By the way, Jeffrey MacDonald looks and acts so much like her.
Who is elizabeth..what case have I missed?..
I don’t care how long the prosecutor had at her...I know that I would never say my mother tried to. Murder me if she didn’t..I don’t care how long a prosecutor tries to make me say that...Why would anyone blame their mother if she didn’t do it?..don’t be stupid and try to see things the murdering killers way
Her son was a baby..her daughter wasn’t...he was sleeping according to his egg donor..how would he know that..no..she killed her children..end of story..thats why the psychopath will die in jail
A witness behind her driving said she was driving slow..thats because she was waiting for her kids to die ..she already got rid of the gun so how is she going to shoot the kids somewhere else..she had no choice..she banked on her kids sticking up for her just like a narcissistic sociopath would..She was more concerned about the blood in her car..she was laughing hitting her arm while demonstratig to cops what happened..she told doctor to let her kid die..she wasn’t hysterically covered in blood try8 g to save her kids..whispering mommy is here..hold on..NOTHING..she is where she belongs..psychopathic crazy cold blooded killer!
Diane Downs' first name is Elizabeth.
You’re right...I forgot that..I was wondering if you knew if there was a transcript of the trial anywhere on line?..I was able to find Darlie Routier whole trial and I read it all..saw something in the news about a fingerprint recently and I wanted to make my own decision on her guilt or innocence..she is another guilty as sin mother...and I base my decision not on the forensics but Darlies actions..as a mother I would be on the ground doing whatever i had to do to save my kid and to try to make sure my kid wasn’t scared..maybe whisper he is dreaming as I am doing whatever I could to stop that bleeding..crying I love you..mommy loves you..so that is what I base my decision on..her cold cold reaction to the death of her children...only time she went back to her kid was to stab him two more times to make sure he died..for that alone she should rot in hell....

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