OR - In memory of Tesslyn O'Cull, 3, Lane County, 14 June 1997

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Thank you for posting this imthemom. I read about this case a couple of months ago and it absolutely broke my heart. I'm glad she's being remembered here.

As for the mother, I found an ad she has on prisonpenpals.com


Words fail me.
I read about Tesslyn and cannot get her out of my mind. What this poor sweet baby endured is unimaginable to most of us. It breaks my heart that people knew this was abusing, & torturing her and no one was there for her not even her own mother. Thank you for letting us know where Tesslyn is buried, I live about 30 minutes from there. I will visit her this Sunday, I will tell her how much she is loved and that there are people that care.

Paddy,that makes me so happy you are going to visit Tesslyn. I live in Illinois but I do have family in Cal. and one day when I visit, I really want to visit Tesslyn. Please tell her she hasn't been forgotten and so many people would have loved to have her as their own and would have saved her. It is too bad none of those people were around.
Thank you for posting this imthemom. I read about this case a couple of months ago and it absolutely broke my heart. I'm glad she's being remembered here.

As for the mother, I found an ad she has on prisonpenpals.com


Words fail me.

From that ad:
I'm very much a sweetheart, but at the same time I must say I'm a little naughty too!

:slap: :croc: :doh: :hand: :silenced: :behindbar
Thank you for posting this imthemom. I read about this case a couple of months ago and it absolutely broke my heart. I'm glad she's being remembered here.

As for the mother, I found an ad she has on prisonpenpals.com


Words fail me.

OMG, unbelievable. She says she is kind, loving, loyal. UHG :sick:. Looks like she is having a nice life there in prison. I want to drop her a line and tell her to drop dead. I want to write to other woman in that prison and tell them what she did to poor Tesslyn.
Aaah...maybe we could *all* become her "pen pals". I'm sure she'd just LOVE hearing from all of us! (heavy sarcasm)
Yeah, I just now actually read her ad and threw up in my mouth a little. Evil witch.
I read about Tesslyn and cannot get her out of my mind. What this poor sweet baby endured is unimaginable to most of us. It breaks my heart that people knew this was abusing, & torturing her and no one was there for her not even her own mother. Thank you for letting us know where Tesslyn is buried, I live about 30 minutes from there. I will visit her this Sunday, I will tell her how much she is loved and that there are people that care.

Please tell her she hasn't been forgotten and so many people would have loved to have her as their own and would have saved her. It is too bad none of those people were around.

What imthemom said! :blowkiss:

I'm glad that you'll be able to visit Tesslyn's grave on Sunday. I passed by there today and thought of her. She is buried in the area behind the mosoleum wall. almost in the middle. Lots of children buried there. You can stop by the office and they can look her up and give you a map.

My son's team mom from baseball also has a son buried there. You'll be able to see his memorial. He has a bench that says "Vinny" right next to his grave. It just along the south road. Close to his grave is a sudent from the school where I work - Amanda Aslatt. She was run over on graduation night. She was crossing the road to get on the bus for grad night and a car hit her. This was a long while back. maybe 6 years? or more. Right across the street frm where it happened a memorial to her remains. People who own the house where it stands say it can stay there as long as they live there.

We lose so many kids here in the high desert. Drugs, abuse, but mostly in car accidents as the roads are not well lit and the speed limits are kinds high.

I hope you'll be able to find Tesslyn tomorrow. Such a darling, swet, innocent angel. may she and all the others find peace.
Thank you for posting this imthemom. I read about this case a couple of months ago and it absolutely broke my heart. I'm glad she's being remembered here.

As for the mother, I found an ad she has on prisonpenpals.com


Words fail me.

What a *advertiser censored*. :razz:
What is up with women in prison?! Seems like women would be more apt than men in serving jailhouse justice to a child killer. Maybe someone with a loved one in her prison could get word out about her and what she did......That would be wonderful.

(on a side note: That website is insane! Did you read the "success" stories". How pathetic)
This lttle girls story reminded me of anthony buhr < I hope I spelled that right> either way I cannot believe how these two suffered so terribly and no one stepped in...
I really cant stand to think of what they went thru
Aaah...maybe we could *all* become her "pen pals". I'm sure she'd just LOVE hearing from all of us! (heavy sarcasm)

I am so tempted to send her a letter...Just to give her a piece of my mind. Is it possible to send letters to people in prison just to tell them off???
I am so tempted to send her a letter...Just to give her a piece of my mind. Is it possible to send letters to people in prison just to tell them off???

Not sure if she'd get it.... all mail gets read, at least for people on death row... I'm thinking it may be like that for lifers too. I don't know what they look for though (other than the obvious "you'll be sprung next week" ;)) so not sure if it would reach her or not.
One of the most infuriating, sickening cases of child abuse/murder I've ever read about.:mad:
From the first post on this thread, first link.

The medical examiner who conducted the autopsy concluded that Tesslynn had died of shock, and he listed the cause of death as "battered child syndrome." Compton was indicted on six counts of aggravated murder, murder by abuse, first-degree sexual penetration, and second-degree abuse of a corpse. The jury convicted him of all counts, and he was sentenced to death.

Hope the mother and her abusing bf burn in **** after serving the rest of their pathetic lives on earth in prison.
I have tried 4 times to post this message, is anybody else having problems?

I went to see Tesslyn yesterday, It was very emotional for me. I told her how much she is loved and how her story has touched many of our lives. I'm glad that I went & will try to go back for her birthday June 8th.

It makes me so mad to know that she suffered at the hands of people who were suppose to be protecting her! To think her own mother stood by and allowed & helped this animal abuse, torture & murder her. Why is this mother not on deathrow? Why is he still alive?
Our only consolation is knowing no one can hurt her any longer.
I have tried 4 times to post this message, is anybody else having problems?

I went to see Tesslyn yesterday, It was very emotional for me. I told her how much she is loved and how her story has touched many of our lives. I'm glad that I went & will try to go back for her birthday June 8th.

It makes me so mad to know that she suffered at the hands of people who were suppose to be protecting her! To think her own mother stood by and allowed & helped this animal abuse, torture & murder her. Why is this mother not on deathrow? Why is he still alive?
Our only consolation is knowing no one can hurt her any longer.

Thank you paddy for going to see Tesslyn. I felt so compelled to start a thread about her because I just couldn't get her off my mind, I just felt so sad and kept imaging her crying and no one helping her. I just want you to know it has given me some closure to know you have visited her and told her she was loved. I know she is in Heaven and can hear us but it makes me so happy you were able to actually visit her physical body and see her precious resting place.

As for her mother, I wonder if she ever feels badly or thinks about her baby girl that she helped murder. Does she hear her cries, see her face in her dreams. I hope so, I hope she is haunted every moment of the day by what she did.
This whole story has broken my heart and I can't believe that people are capable of such pure evil. I can't stop thinking about Tesslyn. I'm so glad she is not in pain anymore and is an angel playing in heaven.

Check this out if you get a chance...it's some archived case studies that were taken from newspapers in Oregon. You have to scroll down to 1999 and then continue to scroll down to almost the bottom of the page and you will see the names of the two creeps...it indicates that Jesse Compton actually had his own child taken away from him for, suprise...child abuse...So sad...a train wreck waiting to happen....I guess he couldn't finish the job on his own child so he used someone elses...

Thank you paddy for going to see Tesslyn. I felt so compelled to start a thread about her because I just couldn't get her off my mind, I just felt so sad and kept imaging her crying and no one helping her. I just want you to know it has given me some closure to know you have visited her and told her she was loved. I know she is in Heaven and can hear us but it makes me so happy you were able to actually visit her physical body and see her precious resting place.

As for her mother, I wonder if she ever feels badly or thinks about her baby girl that she helped murder. Does she hear her cries, see her face in her dreams. I hope so, I hope she is haunted every moment of the day by what she did.

imthemom, I feel the same way about Tesslyn, I can not get her off my mind. I keep asking myself what she was thinking when this horrible abuse was taking place?
I found some peace after visiting her resting place, someone loves her, someone cares, someone had visited her. I want to believe it was for Christmas, they left a small white teddy bear, a bunch of baby pink roses in an opal vase. I was so happy for her, maybe it was her daddy or perhaps her grandma? On her headstone there is a picture of her, in her little hand is a candy cane. On the bottom of the headstone is an inscription which reads "Walk softly an Angel lies here".
As for that "THING" that gave birth to Tesslyn, she has no conscious. She is a worthless piece of trash as bad as Jesse Compton, they both deserve to burn in h*#L!
"I'm looking for a male companion who is stable and knows what he wants, but is also very loving, kindhearted, honest, and loyal as I share these qualities".

Yeah, Stella. You win today's prize for the most loving, kindhearted, honest, and loyal person evah.
"I'm looking for a male companion who is stable and knows what he wants, but is also very loving, kindhearted, honest, and loyal as I share these qualities".

Yeah, Stella. You win today's prize for the most loving, kindhearted, honest, and loyal person evah.

She can't possibly have a heart, just an empty hole.

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