OR - In memory of Tesslyn O'Cull, 3, Lane County, 14 June 1997

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This story just makes me want to vomit. I have a baby who will be three in a few months and I can not even beging to imagine hurting him or letting anyone else hurt him.

Ok now this is the first time I am seeing this site for prisoners to aquire pen pals! WTF!!!! That is just wrong IMO! And what is worse 'jail junkies' actually become their friends through this site! (BTW-'jail junkies' are the twits that fall in love with these low life people) I am sorry but they are in prison, if someone want to run a pen pal web site for them then I think that a FULL description of the crime(s) they comitted should be posted.

Here is the Jesse Compton's penpal site. I think I just might e-mail him and tell him what I think.


Here is another one for Stella. I just about puked when I realized we have the same B-day.

Let me know if you decide to send that an email, cause I am right behind you sending mine...

Looking at her picture makes me sick, she looks so arrogant & conceited...STUPID BIOTCH! SHE WILL BURN IN HELL ALONG WITH THE OTHER !
Let me know if you decide to send that an email, cause I am right behind you sending mine...

Looking at her picture makes me sick, she looks so arrogant & conceited...STUPID BIOTCH! SHE WILL BURN IN HELL ALONG WITH THE OTHER !

I want to but it says you must send a return address, I am thinking about making up an address. Somebody on Tesslyn's myspace page said they did write Stella a nasty note but never got a response.
This story just makes me want to vomit. I have a baby who will be three in a few months and I can not even beging to imagine hurting him or letting anyone else hurt him.

Ok now this is the first time I am seeing this site for prisoners to aquire pen pals! WTF!!!! That is just wrong IMO! And what is worse 'jail junkies' actually become their friends through this site! (BTW-'jail junkies' are the twits that fall in love with these low life people) I am sorry but they are in prison, if someone want to run a pen pal web site for them then I think that a FULL description of the crime(s) they comitted should be posted.

ITA with you, I swear there's something WRONG here! Aren't these two in prison for the torture, rape, murder of a 3 yr. old? Their website reads like their two NORMAL people!! I'm so upset by this, my blood pressure is through the roof!
I want to but it says you must send a return address, I am thinking about making up an address. Somebody on Tesslyn's myspace page said they did write Stella a nasty note but never got a response.

Why not make one up? Or better yet, use the address of the graveyard where the baby is buried! I doubt if she would even know the meaning behind it though.

You can use.
Babe Tess
111 Clover st. Lot 12, 4
resting gardens.
(This is only an example, I dont know the actual address but it seems someone else on the board does)

Sounds pretty morbid but that nasty troll needs to think of that baby every second of the day.
so glad you were able to visit Tesslyn. I will also be going there soon. I would guess the items left on her grave were from her father. I believe he is still here in the area. Not sure about any other family. Next time I talk to my sis-in law I will ask here more questions. (she is my ex sil but more family to us than my bil is) I should actually be seeing her soon as we have gifts for here and my nephew here.

So sad to think that she never knew waht a normal, loving family was.

As to her mom and the pen pal thing?? it sickens me. and to say she's normal? Well, anyone who would even think of giving her a serious response is sick. This excludes any of us sending her a nasty note though, of course.

Happy New Year to All...
Why not make one up? Or better yet, use the address of the graveyard where the baby is buried! I doubt if she would even know the meaning behind it though.

You can use.
Babe Tess
111 Clover st. Lot 12, 4
resting gardens.
(This is only an example, I dont know the actual address but it seems someone else on the board does)

Sounds pretty morbid but that nasty troll needs to think of that baby every second of the day.

Oh, I think that would be good. Unfortunately she has no heart or soul.
I want to but it says you must send a return address, I am thinking about making up an address. Somebody on Tesslyn's myspace page said they did write Stella a nasty note but never got a response.

I am going to do it. I could care less if I get a response, just knowing that she possibly may read it makes me feel a little better, she needs realize there are alot of people who wish her the WORST! As a matter of fact, wish them both the WORST!
I am going to do it. I could care less if I get a response, just knowing that she possibly may read it makes me feel a little better, she needs realize there are alot of people who wish her the WORST! As a matter of fact, wish them both the WORST!

I know, it would make me feel a little better too. Thanks for the idea Pixie, it is really a good one. I might also enclose a picture of Tesslyn's grave. She acts like nothing has happened and she is this great person. It makes me sick they even think they deserve penpals. Hopefully if all she gets is nasty letters, she will quit searching for penpals but unfortunately there are people out there who will write her.
so glad you were able to visit Tesslyn. I will also be going there soon. I would guess the items left on her grave were from her father. I believe he is still here in the area. Not sure about any other family. Next time I talk to my sis-in law I will ask here more questions. (she is my ex sil but more family to us than my bil is) I should actually be seeing her soon as we have gifts for here and my nephew here.

So sad to think that she never knew waht a normal, loving family was.

As to her mom and the pen pal thing?? it sickens me. and to say she's normal? Well, anyone who would even think of giving her a serious response is sick. This excludes any of us sending her a nasty note though, of course.

Happy New Year to All...

Rosario, I was able to find Tesslynn resting place by the directions you gave in your post. I'm a little further from Victorville than what I thought! Please let your sister in-law know that there are people that truly care for Tesslynn.
I know, it would make me feel a little better too. Thanks for the idea Pixie, it is really a good one. I might also enclose a picture of Tesslyn's grave. She acts like nothing has happened and she is this great person. It makes me sick they even think they deserve penpals. Hopefully if all she gets is nasty letters, she will quit searching for penpals but unfortunately there are people out there who will write her.

Yeah, thanks Pixie. I agree she acts like nothing ever happened. Who in their "RIGHT" mind would ever want to have some kind of relationship with her? or even him? I just cannot fathom even being in the same room, let alone being friends with that ! GOOD LORD...I just don't get it.

I started to read Tesslyns story, but I couldn't finish it, I was getting so upset that I had to stop. She looks so fragile in her picture (the one on her grave), just looking at her sad face makes me sad. I have a 4 year old son & I just hug & hold him as much as he lets me. I cannot imagine hurting him. When he hurts himself by falling or whatever I am have a stroke!

I am gonna send that a letter reminding her what a she is. I am gonna send the other a letter also.
I don't know about the rest of you, but the more I think of this pen-pal thing it really pi$$e$ me off! The part about her hobbies: reading, writing, arts, crafts, listening to music & hanging out with the girls, hey, isn't she in prison? Isn't prison suppose to be a bad thing?! Why do these people who commit such heinous crimes allowed to have any privileges?
I don't know about the rest of you, but the more I think of this pen-pal thing it really pi$$e$ me off! The part about her hobbies: reading, writing, arts, crafts, listening to music & hanging out with the girls, hey, isn't she in prison? Isn't prison suppose to be a bad thing?! Why do these people who commit such heinous crimes allowed to have any privileges?

I know paddy, I was thinking why was she wearing jeans and a t-shirt in the one pic and him too. He should be in chains and shackles all the time. Also I thought people on death row were not to have access to the internet or outside world. I was just talking to an ex-police chief the other day and he said it is better on death row because they are not in the general population. I want to slap their cocky smiles right off their fugly faces!!!
when i was a kid i was terrified of jail. My dad always told us we would only get bread and water. Heck, most prisoners have way more than some people with their "luxuries".
I don't know about the rest of you, but the more I think of this pen-pal thing it really pi$$e$ me off! The part about her hobbies: reading, writing, arts, crafts, listening to music & hanging out with the girls, hey, isn't she in prison? Isn't prison suppose to be a bad thing?! Why do these people who commit such heinous crimes allowed to have any privileges?

I wonder that SO much...shoot it seems (to me) like these prisoners have so many priveleges these days it's like they are at day camp or some crap! Schooling. tv. radio, etc...
Of course we have to offer them these things or else they'll be worse criminals coming out...so I have heard...bs to me...don't DO THE CRIME IF YA CAN"T DO THE TIME is the way I look at it...
I don't think TV should be allowed...or radio...schooling, yeah, b/c some CAN be rehabilitated...but what is a tv/radio gonna do for a convict in the future? Honestly?
This is possibly one of the worst stories I have ever heard.

My guess is, the boyfriend and the mother, get their stuff posted on the Internet via friends/relatives. They don't actually have access but they get posted anyway.

One possible recourse would be to write the governor of the state, the head of the prison system, and the head warden to inform them of this, and send copies to whatever local reporters you can find addresses for--in hopes that some reporter will draw attention to this and maybe make it harder for the two abusers.
I remember reading about Tesslyn. It broke my heart to know that this small innocent child suffered so much at the hand of the mother and boyfriend.

I cried when I read the article about the injuries Tesslyn suffered.

If someone goes to her grave to pay respects, please say: People from all over the world remember you, they will never forget you and that I am sorry that you suffered so much and no one was there to help you. We let you down. Rest in peace little one. I hope in heaven you are free of pain and suffering and you can play with other kids.
I wonder that SO much...shoot it seems (to me) like these prisoners have so many priveleges these days it's like they are at day camp or some crap! Schooling. tv. radio, etc...
Of course we have to offer them these things or else they'll be worse criminals coming out...so I have heard...bs to me...don't DO THE CRIME IF YA CAN"T DO THE TIME is the way I look at it...
I don't think TV should be allowed...or radio...schooling, yeah, b/c some CAN be rehabilitated...but what is a tv/radio gonna do for a convict in the future? Honestly?

I'm going to write to prison officials & governors, the more I read at these prison pen-pal sites the more disgusted I became. Here's an example: "I just finished getting my bachelors degree in human resources". Excuse me! I have a single daughter who is working 2 jobs and raising a child. She had to drop out this last semester because she couldn't find funding. I showed her some of these pen-pal sights, her response "Maybe I should rob a bank"! Is it me or does anybody else see something wrong with this? I encourage all of you to please write to the Governor of your state to protest.
I'm going to write to prison officials & governors, the more I read at these prison pen-pal sites the more disgusted I became. Here's an example: "I just finished getting my bachelors degree in human resources". Excuse me! I have a single daughter who is working 2 jobs and raising a child. She had to drop out this last semester because she couldn't find funding. I showed her some of these pen-pal sights, her response "Maybe I should rob a bank"! Is it me or does anybody else see something wrong with this? I encourage all of you to please write to the Governor of your state to protest.

I'm with you paddy. There was a man a while back who shot the postman so he could go to prison and have his medical bills taken care of! They get free education and medical care. I work in a hospital where we have a contract with a local prison and believe some of the illnesses these people have aren't cheap to take care of. We should give this money to social security and let them work and earn money in prison and pay for their own medical expenses.
:behindbar :furious: :behindbar :furious: :behindbar :furious: :behindbar

EVERYONE, PLEASE SIGN. We must have Jesse Compton executed for the brutal murder of Tesslynn O'Cull. He does not deserve to live!!!

Please forward this to everyone on your email list. WE NEED SIGNATURES.

Thank You,


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