OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #12

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maybe they know more, maybe they think he is no longer alive but are going along for a case against the person who harmed him. Maybe because of that dad couldn't handle saying that
We just looked at google street view and in one shot you can see the old bridge, the next one you can see the new bridge, and the next one you can see when it was under construction .. that was odd! =)

Thats Google maps for you ... lol :)
Something about this place bothers me, so I need to ask you: why would you go there to dump a body? Any spot in particular? I know it was being searched on ground and from above, so maybe the corn fields or pumpkin patch? :eek:

IMO, there is too much private land between SR 30 and the school. As rural as Portland can look, it's actually dense with people and traffic. Oh my the traffic can be horrible. I feel Suavie is the closest place that offers that much privacy. Alot of possible places at Suavie.
Originally Posted by s_finch
Step dad said "We miss you, we love you and we just need you home right now. Kyron we believe in you,,,,appreciate support, love and thoughts as we wait for you, ,,,,you mean everything to us,,,, Kyron please keep up the hope, we believe in you and until you come home this family is not complete"


What exactly does that mean? "we believe in you" "keep up the hope" .. he is speaking to Kyron...

Believe that he will come home?
Kind of sounds like Kyron may have thought his parents didn't believe in him??
I don't get it?
The coastal range is another possibility. But there is no indication that LE is looking out there.
I have another take on it myself. I think this was the perfect day for someone to snap up a child from the school. Full of people not typically there, no apparent check in system for visitors and so things were not as they usually are. IMO, this is a day when someone that may not usually be in a school, was in the school and the opportunity presented itself.
OTOH, it may have been someone that is in the school frequently and knew that things were not as they should be and took advantage of that.

Most likely because of the countless, totally senseless cases I have followed for many years I find these both to be entirely possible and this was potentially a crime of the moment with no planning.

The only problem I see with this is that the two event scheduled on the day Kyron disappeared did not take place in a vacuum. There have probably been many events at the school through this past year in which parents attended. We know that this is a ruralish school. Most people know each other in schools that are rural like this. 300 students. 30-40 students PER GRADE. People know each other and there would be a familiarity there. If someone new popped up, that person surely would stand out to teachers, school volunteers, room mothers.

I've been to events like this at my son's school. Also a rural school--probably with a few more students than Skyline has. People are cordial, you see each other, you know each other. A stranger would stand out.

If this is what happened, then LE already has a description on the lone stranger who showed up at the school on science fair day. They just haven't told us about it.

Otherwise, it's going to be someone with an association to the school. A parent. A relative. A staffer. Someone whose face has been seen on campus before.

yes, that could make a difference. someone visiting the talent show (which was advertised on the schools website) may have grabbed him

Maybe he did go get a drink or go to the bathroom and come back and then disappeared later
I think Tanner would have seen him if he came back. Tanner seemed very sharp to me. The school superintendent was simply trying to give good PR on that matter IMO.

That is why I am wanting to know more about the electrical project, which room it was in {1st floor or ground level, whose was it and who was looking at it when Kyron got there ~ if he even got there at all !!!

I know, that is impossible for us to sleuth with so little info. xox
I don't believe for one second that the teacher marked Kyron absent, after him being there earlier, without the belief that he left with TH. Why she believed this is the question I have.

Yes. I agree. That is the missing piece of the puzzle...perhaps the most important one.
If you tell your child you believe in them,you're encouraging them to do something,either keep doing what they're doing,don't stop,don't give up or to do what you want them to do.KWIM This is how we see you,we know you can do this,we have faith in you,don't give up.It's not like Tony could say,"Kyron,run!!!"
I think LE feels that Suavie Island was the destination via SR30. The only question remaining is which road was taken from the school to SR30.

Bethany south leads to 24 Hour Fitness. Just fyi, moo, omg, bbq. :)
UPS, Fed Ex, regular mail, janitorial supplies, food service, utility trucks, meter readers, mowing crews.......


These people are usually the same ones every time. They have routes. Office staff would know them by name.
Really, other than not sharing info, LE has not handled this so abnormally, if they have no real info to share. They are not saying why they are searching where they are, but by the school is an obvious place to search if they don't know what happened, and the other place is probably from a tip or a cell phone ping of someone they might be looking at. None of this points to LE having any specific scenario in mind and asking for video just adds to the mix, let's look at everything, scenario. Also we have not seen a missing child coupled with a school in recent history, so maybe this is the way they would deal with any such case involving a school.

A person would still need time enough to talk Kyron into going with him/her, as they could not risk a struggle or a screaming, shouting child in the midst of this busy school where people know one another. That pretty much rules out a stranger to me.
That's why I think someone had promised to meet him at the electrical project and explain it to him. It makes perfect sense Kyron would be fascinated by electricity, loving science as he did. xox IMO
Homeschoolers do not get thier textbooks from taxpayers.We have to buy our own curriculum and it has to be approved by the county.

Then I would suggest that you go to your lawmakers and have it changed, if private schools get textbooks and busing as they do in my state.

Homeschoolers should not be left out of the mix. However, if they are religious based textbooks, they would not be paid for.
Yeah me too. That is why the ransom and vendetta type situations just don;t add up at this point. To me, the opportunity was there and someone just walked off with him and no one noticed.

If he never made it to school, or we only had one persons account for him being at school I might think otherwise.
I also think for him to walk away on his own would be the most noticeable thing of all.

I am with you on OCCAM's RAZOR.

The only factual placement we have of him at the school is the photo made by Terri on the morning of the science fair, sometime between 8 and 845.

The most recent presser at which Gates was asked about the time of the final sighting, he was specifically asked if the last sighting was at 9AM, a time that we had previously thought to be pretty concrete, and his only reply was "I can't answer that."

So, to my knowledge, the only factual placement we have is that photo between 8 and 845ish.
As SM was leaving the school, maybe there was a vehicle parked at the back door waiting for Kyron...

As SM said she waved good by as he was going to his classroom???? Is there an exit door by Kyrons class or on the other side of the parking lot?
I have no idea, is this even possible?
Once I heard LE is asking for video from June 3 and 4, that just made me feel the main theory I have had since the beginning could apply, though that doesn't make me feel good at all.

I stated previously my hunch was that the perp meticulously planned this out to the very last detail and hoped they'd get away with it. I stated previously I had a hunch that the perp chose and prepared the second location (the school would be location #1). On June 3, the perp may have done a dry run to time the drive and finalize any last minute details at the second location. I'm not able to say any more, nor do I want to.

If you disagree with this, it is because you have a different theory. That is ok. I'm just saying it works out for my theory.

Now I am hoping so very much someone somewhere has video that will help find Kyron. Praying for Kyron's return.

I think it's very plausible.
Then I would suggest that you go to your lawmakers and have it changed, if private schools get textbooks and busing as they do in my state.

Homeschoolers should not be left out of the mix. However, if they are religious based textbooks, they would not be paid for.

Dang the private schools in your state get textbooks and busing,also?Not here on that either.I didn't know any state had free private school or homeschooling.Maybe it's because schools cost so much to build and the schools would be more crowded and cost the state more.
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