OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #13

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You are correct. What was verified has now been unverified, if that's possible. ha.

Looks like somebody's going to have to listen to the presser and transcribe that part. I've done quite a bit of that throughout this case. I'm going to let somebody else take a turn this time.
The late morning was amended to 9am

Gates said, "about 9 a.m.," the meaning of which is open to debate. It could mean "8:45-9:15" or mean "9 a.m., give or take a few seconds," or anywhere in between. Just another one of those maddening things we don't know in this case.
We need new information in this case. I just don't see Kyron going off with a complete stranger. It if wasn't family, and if the stranger knew Kyron, then he/she would probably have been all up in the middle of 'helping search' for Kyron - or they would have dropped off the planet to all of their own family and friends. Either of those two situations would be an alarm bell to LE - but they have to ask the public's help to identify everyone that fell into one of those categories. Frustrating...
Hi Reannan, Great to see you! The one saving grace I think lies with the research abilities of the FBI. For instance, take the Oriental woman driving with the child. I think they could ID that auto, see who owns all of those in both Washington and Multnomah Counties and track those owners to learning who this person is driving that car. That would be from the photo. I bet they collected allot of photos taken by parents at the Science Fair and named everyone in them. IMO
Good Yosande,
I keep having the thought they asked each child who was there for them.
Child, "Yeah, my uncle monster came". LE would check it out right away.

I keep thinking an adult friend of a student Kyron knows.
If he wakes up early, he may consider 9am late morning...
As I recall, he said, "later morning." That could mean "later than 8:45." Or it could mean just about anything else. The next day, Gates gave the last sighting as happening "around 9 a.m."
I'm not sure about that since school doesn't normally begin until right before (or right at) 10am. It was open early that day, right? I can't imagine attendance would have been officially taken if school wasn't officially in session yet...does that make sense?

No. Early bell is at 8:35 a.m., final bell at 8:45 a.m. The school opened early that day at 8 so parents could see the exhibits. At 8:45 the children went to class at the bell and then split into groups for the rest of the fair (that ended at 10).

Regular start time is 8:45 a.m.
Regarding Captain Shults, I was reminded of this. It's the Susan Smith case, but it gives inside information on how the police work to gain trust...it's not always for the comfort of family members.

From the start of the case, investigators carried out meticulously planned interrogations of Susan Smith that were designed to gradually break down her defenses so that she would confess. The investigators behavior and movements were carefully scripted and choreographed. There were no ad libbed or casual questions to Susan. Sheriff Wells and Agent Pete Logan acted as the "good cops."


I haven't seen that Shults was interrogating people! I thought he was a liaison... Can you refer me to where it says that Shults has interrogated someone in this case?
from what i know of elementary classrooms, attendance is usually taken once in the morning and again when the children return from lunch/recess. i have a feeling kyron may have been marked absent at the after lunch attendance rather than the morning one.
Regarding Captain Shults, I was reminded of this. It's the Susan Smith case, but it gives inside information on how the police work to gain trust...it's not always for the comfort of family members.

From the start of the case, investigators carried out meticulously planned interrogations of Susan Smith that were designed to gradually break down her defenses so that she would confess. The investigators behavior and movements were carefully scripted and choreographed. There were no ad libbed or casual questions to Susan. Sheriff Wells and Agent Pete Logan acted as the "good cops." Logan has thirty-five years of law enforcement experience; twenty-seven of those years were spent in the FBI. Logan spoke gently to Susan and manipulated her into trusting him. The investigators believed that if they could build Susan's trust in them, they could coax her into confessing. Logan was careful not to push Susan too hard. Investigators were familiar with Susan's previous suicide attempts and they were concerned that if they pushed her too hard she would shut down or commit suicide.


Well, if that's the plan here, it's working. She looked scared to death today, IMO. Petrified.
To the person who posted about the rumor of someone who worked at the school but was not staff....

What could that mean? Even cooks, bus drivers, and janitors are considered staff aren't they?

How bout a Big Brothers/Big Sisters person? I know they come to our school. ETA - they just hang with their little for an hour - playing games, shooting baskets, whatever they want to do really.
That was me Mommya. I think it would include those people too. So someone who goes to the school on a regular basis even if it is not that often and performs a service needed that isn't covered by regular employees of the school itself. xox
I haven't seen that Shults was interrogating people! I thought he was a liaison... Can you refer me to where it says that Shults has interrogated someone in this case?

I can refer you to videos of Shults demonstrating that he's gained the trust of the family. They're in the media thread. Just look for any time that Shults has spoken to the media.

He himself stated that he's been at the family house while they've been questioned by FBI. Likewise, the media thread.

Interrogated - questioned. Tomayto - Tomahto.
And then on Tuesday Gates said "I can't answer that" after being asked if the 9AM time still held as the last sighting of Kyron.

Okay. He neither confirmed nor denied. Like everything else. Nor denied being the key phrase there. They were no longer commenting on just about everything. That's not the same as denying.

Your opinion may be they were retracting. My opinion is they were not. The only person who *knows* is the LEO.
I am sure you guys and gals have already discussed this, but I am going to ask it again - why Kryon... why that day?

Why that day, imo the Annual Science Fair.
Why Kyron;
preferred age and gender, and opportunity.
I am sure you guys and gals have already discussed this, but I am going to ask it again - why Kryon... why that day?

To be simple, it fit in with someone's plan and perceived needs. But Reannan you've been on wb a long time so you know that, I'm preaching to the choir and just speculating outloud. It's either a family member or not, and from there you have to break down what the needs are of each of those two categories. I do believed it was planned (no, don't have evidence) and that LE will solve this.
Gates said, "about 9 a.m.," the meaning of which is open to debate. It could mean "8:45-9:15" or mean "9 a.m., give or take a few seconds," or anywhere in between. Just another one of those maddening things we don't know in this case.

True that. Funny he didn't say "about 8:45am". :waitasec:
Well actually I think it is a possibility that Kyron could have been taken by a sex offender.

It is certainly a violable possibility imo.


Can we also talk about Postpartum depression?

IMO: I think Kyron was taken by a female. Most females that hurt or take anothers child usually have postpartum depression or they are women who have no children and want their own that they steal one.

I feel that most women who harm are somehow damaged on an emotional level...
I haven't seen that Shults was interrogating people! I thought he was a liaison... Can you refer me to where it says that Shults has interrogated someone in this case?
The poster didn't say that he was interrogating anyone.
No. Early bell is at 8:35 a.m., final bell at 8:45 a.m. The school opened early that day at 8 so parents could see the exhibits. At 8:45 the children went to class at the bell and then split into groups for the rest of the fair (that ended at 10).

Regular start time is 8:45 a.m.

Thanks for the clarification. Our school has those same start times. I remember thinking 'wow, that's a late start time'.
I wonder if mom and Tony are being briefed, updated, etc. the same as dad and SM?
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