OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #13

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They need to get all those people at the school that morning back in there.
They just need to put the scene back the way it was, thats the only way they are going to get the real picture of who was there and where they were. I know alot of trouble and inconvenience for everyone, but thats all I can see that can be done to get to the bottom of this.
The old saying 'SOMEBODY SAW SOMETHING' fits this case more than any I have ever seen. The guilty party was among them and will reveal themselves when they are returned to the scene.
Hi Bern -- What I am saying is that IMO it will be someone known to the family that nobody would suspect, thus my using of the word shocked. Once there is a POI or an arrest made, I think people will look at different things along the way, that when added together in context to this person, they will make sense to them. Does that make sense?

Yes it does, thank you. I too think it will be some one that has some connection to Kyron and maybe family. Heck it can be a person that works in a food store that they see every week, a kid wouldn't think twice about someone like that.
I keep seeing post about someone should have seen it coming and we will be shocked at who it is or something to that effect.

Ditto! I am quite confused by this statement. Considering that some (perhaps many) people are looking askance at the inner circle/family and making noises in that direction, I'm not sure what would be 'shocking?'

I mean, this forum has pretty much seen it all over the years....everything from random stranger abductions to acquaintances to a family member being involved in the crime du jour.

Surprise/shock at this point is reserved (by me anyway) for evidence of an alien abduction or some paranormal/supernatural event. And while we've seen it all, we haven't seen that!

ETA: I just saw CJ1132's explanation of 'shocked' above. Okay thanks for explaining it. Safe from the little green men for another day I think.
Just a quick observation.........I just watched the full video of the presser from today. I saw that when the 4 parents came in, Desiree took Terri's hand, and then the speaker stood right in front, so I couldn't see it anymore. At least once, a while later, he moved and I did see that the 2 moms were still holding hands. I was glad to see that, after the comments the other day about the body language between the 2 of them. I watched on a 22 inch screen, and was trying to pay attention to the reactions between the moms.

It was so nice to see these two mothers giving each other support.

I feel the other day when Desiree first was at the PC she was just in her own world of pain. She was probably very glad that Terri had her arm around her. I am sure she felt she couldn't hardly stand up. They all have to be so exhausted and drained. And other than Mr. Young they all had to be so nervous knowing they were in front of the media on national TV.

From early on LE has said that Kyron's family was consoling each other.

They are all bound together by the love each one of them has for Kyron.

Like they said without him their world is not complete.

Even the knowledge that this day was coming, when official searching would halt, does not make it easier to accept. I am kind of startled that it ended so abruptly and not continued through the end of today to close out the weekend, but perhaps they knew it was futile and wanted to let volunteers get back home before the new week starts.

The fact that they have been saying for several days that this was a isolated event leads me to believe that this was not a stranger or even a teacher, school employee, etc...as those types of POI's would not have been only a danger to Kyron. I think they are focusing on someone closer to his life circle. And the fact that they have put up a reward tells me that they are hoping to recover Kyron's body, and have not obtained a confession. I think maybe some video surfaced over the weekend that shows Kyron leaving the area in a vehicle-this would cause them to stop searching near the school.

I hope now that this case moves swiftly forward so that the community can gain some sense of peace and comfort. It it draining for us here and must be much more so for those nearby. JMO
When Joesph Duncan cruised into rural Idaho looking for victims he was not a registered SO in that state either.

He came in from another state.

And he took his victims to an isolated location.


And that is why they need to be branded on the forehead, so you can see them coming.
They need to get all those people at the school that morning back in there.
They just need to put the scene back the way it was, thats the only way they are going to get the real picture of who was there and where they were. I know alot of trouble and inconvenience for everyone, but thats all I can see that can be done to get to the bottom of this.
The old saying 'SOMEBODY SAW SOMETHING' fits this case more than any I have ever seen. The guilty party was among them and will reveal themselves when they are returned to the scene.

Only problem being that the guilty party won't show up and there's no way of knowing exactly who was there that morning to know who's missing. If it were someone that worked there and obviously had to have been there then that may work.
The testiness was apparent as the investigation entered its 10th day today. Sheriff’s officials would not say why searchers were on Sauvie Island or whether marine boats were used.

Asked if investigation would involve a kidnapping charge, Lt. Jason Gates snapped, “Quit asking that.”


Wowser. Poor Gates. He must be absolutely exhausted and so frustrated.

Prayers for all LE as they continue their work on this difficult case.
Well I am home from work and today is my Friday, I was so hoping for something more for Kyron this afternoon when I got home.
Watched the presser and see it is a criminal investigation now, what took so long ? Alot of time was lost , I am not trying to be critical but 10 days have passed.....

I still find it odd there has been no plea really to let Kyron go, please dont harm him, just drop him off we miss him, especially after the anouncement today.... I do not wish to be critical of the family or judge just an observation from me I don't know how they are holding it together, I wouldn't be able to ......

I hope somewhere the perp slipped up and there is video somewhere of them. Kyron can't just dissappear into thin air .....
I am still hopeful Kyron is still alive, but where oh where is he ......
I guess they've heard what's being said around the interwebs, too.

All I see are 4 completely devastated parents. I don't see "step" anything.

Thank you and that is all I see too.

Four very devastated parents.

Map of search area enlarged by Mamaeb (thanks!)... I added locations to it.

From previous thread:
I'm not talking about 'allowing' or 'monitoring' (passive). The LEO encouraged the family to go grocery shopping, exercise, etc. (active - the LEO, not the family). Should engaging in those actions that the LEO actively encouraged incriminate the family, then I believe that would indeed be entrapment. Again, IANAL.

Even if it were not specifically entrapment, it would be ludicrous for a LEO to take an action that would be bound to cause problems for the potential prosecution of any case.

From Pensfan: Entrapment is when LE encourages someone to commit a crime in which that person would have not otherwise participated in doing. The FBI
 encouraged them to “go about their activities of daily living” but didn’t force them to do anything. They were watching their behavior to make necessary assessments. Many times in filicide cases, there has been abuse in the home. Many times there has been long-term marital conflict and impending divorce which could cause retaliation. They needed to assess for undiagnosed mental illness in the parents. The FBI needed to make assessments so they can determine what happened to Kyron. If the family is told they must all sit on the couch for 24 hours/day until the child is found, they can’t make the necessary accurate assessments.

Here are other research articles about filicide in case you want to read through them.





Just a quick observation.........I just watched the full video of the presser from today. I saw that when the 4 parents came in, Desiree took Terri's hand, and then the speaker stood right in front, so I couldn't see it anymore. At least once, a while later, he moved and I did see that the 2 moms were still holding hands. I was glad to see that, after the comments the other day about the body language between the 2 of them. I watched on a 22 inch screen, and was trying to pay attention to the reactions between the moms.

Bless you for observing and posting what so many have missed. I have not watched this conference yet and appreciate that you noted this show of unity between the "moms".

I got to tell ya, in this day and age not to have some sort of surveillance cameras on school property is unheard of. Schools have them here just because of vandals and theft.
They need to get all those people at the school that morning back in there.
They just need to put the scene back the way it was, thats the only way they are going to get the real picture of who was there and where they were. I know alot of trouble and inconvenience for everyone, but thats all I can see that can be done to get to the bottom of this.
The old saying 'SOMEBODY SAW SOMETHING' fits this case more than any I have ever seen. The guilty party was among them and will reveal themselves when they are returned to the scene.
I so agree with you BB, and I think it should start with the opening of the school doors. SM and Kyron were there at 8am, right?
I'm curious if they were able to determine, with a 99% confidence level, exactly who was the last person at the school to see Kyron before he went missing?

Does anyone know if they have AND have they said who it is?
Map of search area enlarged by Mamaeb (thanks!)... I added locations to it.


Well, haven't you been busy? ;)

Maybe you can answer this question for me: are these areas that have already been searched, because I keep hearing LE at the PCs saying they aren't going to comment on the search areas...yet here we have huge maps. So I'm assuming these aren't the areas being searched NOW?

ETA: I guess since the ground search has been scaled back, these probably ARE the areas that have already been searched...
Hi Puff, The one thing I don't have is a camera or you bet I would go take photos. xox
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