OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #14

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This is unbelievably late to request/secure this sort of recorded information for a missing child's case.

However ... with the FBI & CARD team there immediately for Kyron's case, I have to think this information was collected earlier - but perhaps just with the most obvious locations - the locations known by all to have such surveillance system.

When I get nervous about the criminal side of this investigation, I remind myself of that. It calms me down somewhat. :crazy:

I don't know the recommended protocol for preserving retail or business-related surveillance tapes, maybe someone else does.

Is it possible that on tapes they originally collected and reviewed and compared with other investigation informaiton, they have isolated some things that they want additional more tape of, if available, thus the mass request?

I can't remember seeing a mass-publicized request like this before on another case - perhaps others can? I want to think that first requests were likely made by investigators logically, systematically, timely and in person.
I guess you never know who has a surveillance system. In the Steven Koecher case the only reason there is video of him where his car was found is because of a residential surveillance system.
Actually, the one thing that LE has pretty clearly stated is that Kyron was last seen around 9 am near one of the school entrances. There was no mention at all by LE that he was seen at that time WITH the step mother. So, it seems pretty clear that he was seen alone at that time.
But 8:45am is around 9am.
Here is an explanation of what IB programs are:

IB programs - Google Search

An early poster somewhere explained that the expo was a way to display topics the kids had studied and then chosen a specific area to do more study on their own and create a display of that topic. It is my understanding that these kinds of expos are not limited to science, but can also include social studies, history, foreign languages, etc.

IB = International Baccalaureate
The Horman house is tiny. Only 1400 square feet. I would guess that there isn't room for guests there, and even if there were, I really doubt that Desiree would want to stay there.
Ok, so if SM last saw Kyron at 8:45 when the first bell rang. And LE are saying he was last see at 9am near south entrance, Where was he for a full 15 minutes in between 8:45 and 9:00????????????????? I just have serious question about this timeline.

At 8:45 the bell rang and his SM waved goodbye to him, he was supposed to go into his classroom, get into groups and tour the SF or whatever they are calling it now (IB expo)?????? But someone (some reports have said it to be another student) have claimed to see him at 9am by the south entrance.....I just don't get it.......where was he for 15 minutes??????????????????? No one saw him???????


I just have a feeling that whatever happened to Kyron, it happened before 9am. I don't believe the 9am sighting to be accurate at all. Opinion only

I sort of have this feeling too. First do kids look at a clock or note the time when seeing something that is common place? I don't think so. this could be off by 10 to 20 minutes. I think the kidnapping happened in the 15 minute time frame. But what I still don't get, is the halls had to have some kids or teaches in them, the doors to class rooms open and buzzing with all this excitement of the day. (I am trying to imagine what the school and halls looked like) because no one is describing the scene. But no one notice a child walking away with a man or a woman, or even following them outside. So bizarre
After this PC, I think even more what I woke up thinking; that the direction changed simply because they did not find him and not because they received or verified information over the weekend that made they stop the search. And I am back to thinking that they do not have any idea what really happened.

I do think they had a legitimate reason to be searching off that bridge/island, but they could not find anything there either. I don't think they would have searched out there the way they did if they did not have a cell ping or other strong evidence that someone they were looking at had been out there.

By LE saying it won't become a cold case-it's not really up to them, sadly. If nothing new comes in, no new evidence is found...it will become a cold case in the sense that media will stop reporting it, and LE won't have much to do behind the scenes other than wait for leads. JMO
Not even having anyone sign in is an open invitation to predators.


...and there's always the possibility that a relative brought in by a recognized parent or grandparent, is an RSO.

That's why I believe schools should have security cameras. Your picture is a good ID, and it's a hands-off approach. Screening everyone as they walk in, to make sure they're not an RSO, is a cost that schools may not be able to absorb.

A camera works for less than a school secretarial staff. :angel:
I have such a weird feeling about this case and the cryptic PC's or at least very short PC's with no Q and A. Something just isn't right. I am just thinking they know something and are not saying. I don't feel like it has to do with family. I just feel like there is so much more going on here that we are not aware of. What could it be?
The Horman house is tiny. Only 1400 square feet. I would guess that there isn't room for guests there, and even if there were, I really doubt that Desiree would want to stay there.

Our home's about that size (plus the finished basement). That's room for a kitchen, dining room, five bedrooms and three bathrooms on two levels, plus living, TV, and computer rooms. Tiny?

We could easily have another couple stay with us downstairs, and hardly have contact with them, if we wished.
This forum is inspiring. It is wonderful to read that people are caring enough to research things and post here and help with suggestions about solving this tragic situation. This little boy needs to be brought home. I cannot imagine going through something like this.

If family is innocent (all of us assume they, including his SM, are), isn't it best to follow the lead of those who came before and have passed on valuable information on how to deal with these tragedies?? Mr. Klaas (Polly's dad) always says that as hard as it is to have to rule out family first (and thus go through some early suspicion), it is just best to do that early on and get it over with. He says if you get the parents cleared early then LE and the community can FOCUS on others.

My question is DOES ANYBODY KNOW where this child and his SM parked the morning they went to his science fair?
Has anyone read or heard anything about this? Did they park far away or were they in a space up close with others getting in and out of their cars? If they parked far away and the dear child was instructed to go back to the car to wait/meet, this might greatly reduce the chances of someone seeing this boy get back into his own family's car and might explain why 1) no one saw the child and his step parent 'leave together' and 2) no one saw either of them at the school after 8:45-9am.

I do not want this to end up being a SM involved situation as it would greatly add to the pain of all involved; it would feel better if some of these burning questions could be put to rest quickly then. If they parked up close to the school where a bunch of people were getting in and out of cars then I would think she probably was NOT directly who her step-son left with. It is such a shame that no cameras were trained on the school parking lot. If the perp is familiar with the school (as the SM and lord knows how many others were), then cameras would have prevented that person from thinking this would be so easy. :banghead:

This child looks like such a sweet little boy and like the rest of us, just wants to be loved. I truly hope he is found and the family can be whole again.

Surely LE has the answers by now to where the car was parked and the errands that were run by the SM that day. If anyone knows anything about these things please re-post. Sorry if I missed these details in earlier threads. I do hope SM is not in any way involved in the disappearance.

I'd also like to know if anyone has read or heard how long they have lived in the house with Skyline as Kyron's school. I thought I saw somewhere days ago that the previous Beaverton area house was sold just over a year ago. When did they move to the Skyline area? What was the catalyst for the move? Could it mean it was this little boy's first year at Skyline school? Did any of the articles or press releases mention how long he had been attending this school? Are the baby, the house, and the school all new circumstances and surroundings to Kyron and his SM/BD family? Do any of these dynamics play a role? I have no idea.

For now, of the 3 possibilities we had before: wandered off, family involvement, or stranger/acquaintance abduction, only 2 options remain. Right? LE has how eliminated the possibility of the child wandering off on his own. This is just horrific. Bring Kyron home!!
Okay, what if a teacher or aid called off for that day, but had a child that was participating in the show or science fair. He or she would have a reason to be on school property, no sign in that day, and not expected to be in the school that day, but is there, just long enough to ask a child to help with a box or two from a trunk. Now if Kyron is following this person out, he is not a stranger, not someone who would stick out and not be expected to be there in the school that day. Could this be the PERFECT STORM?
I have such a weird feeling about this case and the cryptic PC's or at least very short PC's with no Q and A. Something just isn't right. I am just thinking they know something and are not saying. I don't feel like it has to do with family. I just feel like there is so much more going on here that we are not aware of. What could it be?

I think that there is a very good reason that they aren't taking questions at the pressers right now. I think that they are working on building a case now, that they know that there has been deception in one person's explanation of where that person was that day, and that they are slowly and steadily applying pressure as they build the case against that person.

I am sure that the family is not being told every investigative piece of information that detectives have, and for good reason.
This link was found by Jersey Girl, but I'd like to throw out this discrepancy....according to some reports thus far, Kyron was seen by the South door (thus causing some of us to wonder if he was taken out or left on his own out that door). However, according to the school's handbook, that door would have been locked (page 7). Obviously, that could have been part of any 'lax' policies taking place that day, but it's worth noting.

...and there's always the possibility that a relative brought in by a recognized parent or grandparent, is an RSO.

That's why I believe schools should have security cameras. Your picture is a good ID, and it's a hands-off approach. Screening everyone as they walk in, to make sure they're not an RSO, is a cost that schools may not be able to absorb.

A camera works for less than a school secretarial staff. :angel:

Tagging RSOs' picture IDs would be great too.
Our home's about that size (plus the finished basement). That's room for a kitchen, dining room, five bedrooms and three bathrooms on two levels, plus living, TV, and computer rooms. Tiny?

We could easily have another couple stay with us downstairs, and hardly have contact with them, if we wished.

Desiree has her own family members around her right now. I don't think that the Youngs are staying with the Hormans.
Do you have a link for the bio mom being on her way to Portland etc?

Anybody have links for the 18 month old baby being with a babysitter? or at day care?


I can't speak about the bio mom (though I know the info came from someone who knows her) but I have read everything from post one, day one, and do not believe there is any concrete information about care for the baby. Honestly, I don't know where the rumors came from, either. But nor am I sure that it really makes a difference where the baby was, because by now they know where SM and dad were (or were not...I think i've heard that line before).
I think that there is a very good reason that they aren't taking questions at the pressers right now. I think that they are working on building a case now, that they know that there has been deception in one person's explanation of where that person was that day, and that they are slowly and steadily applying pressure as they build the case against that person.

I am sure that the family is not being told every investigative piece of information that detectives have, and for good reason.

I sure hope you are right which I feel like you probably are. Of course we all want the answers and its hard for those of us that care so much and especially for myself who has a small child to not know where this young boy can be. Just Poof into thin air. Scary. And people wonder why I constantly keep my kids in my eyesight. Now maybe my oldest knows why I call him so much when he is out with his friends. Praying for you Kyron, praying very hard.
For those just joining in:

The press conference was extremely brief. There was no Q & A. There will be no more regular press conferences, only if something significant should occur.
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