OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #14

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I have asked this before, why has LE waited so long to request video's from stores and pictures that any one may have taken at the science fair??????? Am I the only one asking this question, so far I have not gotten an answer. :banghead:

I thought they had gotten pics from the beginning. I'm really surprised to. With all the help the pass week I was thinking that they would go in different directions in searching either the wandering off plus abduction sides. Which in other cases they asked for all video from areas...
I called KOIN and they directed me to this article:


Horman's desk mate says substitute noticed Horman missing
Reported by: Kohr Harlan

Tanner is Kyron's deskmate in their combined second-third grade classroom. Tanner says Kyron was in school for at least an hour Friday morning and that he saw Kyron's step-mother leave the school without Kyron.

The point, though, is that he did not say he saw her driving away without Kyron, which is where all this began. The only thing Tanner said is that SM left the building, alone. No one on record said they saw Terri drive away alone or with Kyron...no one on record has said they saw her outside the school. For that matter, no one on record has said they saw Kyron outside the school.
I have asked this before, why has LE waited so long to request video's from stores and pictures that any one may have taken at the science fair??????? Am I the only one asking this question, so far I have not gotten an answer. :banghead:

They asked for videos and pics from people at the school in the very beginning.
I don't see that info at the link you posted. Am I just missing it?

Yes and no. :)

it's actually in the video portion and not the written portion of the article. I should have made it clearer. sorry.

@ 1:31 mark: Reward that leads to the location of Kyron.

@ 4:10 mark: Would you have to find Kyron to make an arrest? No

Thanks BeanE - how adorable this little guy is, seems he has a perpetual smile. Every picture I've seen of him he seems so busy, organized, and happy. Just adore this little cutie. :heart:
I called KOIN and they directed me to this article:


Horman's desk mate says substitute noticed Horman missing
Reported by: Kohr Harlan

Tanner is Kyron's deskmate in their combined second-third grade classroom. Tanner says Kyron was in school for at least an hour Friday morning and that he saw Kyron's step-mother leave the school without Kyron.

Exactly, as several of us have been posting, with links to the articles and videos, TP never said anything about anybody driving.
I have asked this before, why has LE waited so long to request video's from stores and pictures that any one may have taken at the science fair??????? Am I the only one asking this question, so far I have not gotten an answer. :banghead:

Hard to keep up with 14 or however many threads isn't it???? Others have asked this question quite a few times, and basically the LE statement made it clear that they did already seek and obtain numerous videos from the area. What they were asking for at that time were videos from places that LE might be unaware that they even had a security video system. EXTRA ones from private homes or any of the small rural type businesses in the area. If you Google street view some of those places you can see what type of area it is and why there may be people who choose to have video on private properties for their own security.
I have asked this before, why has LE waited so long to request video's from stores and pictures that any one may have taken at the science fair??????? Am I the only one asking this question, so far I have not gotten an answer. :banghead:

I am sure they have done that; they just aren't saying. I am sure they ck'd any tapes that are available to verify SM's errands. I would think even the gym may have videos IF she went there...seems almost every place does these days. Not doubt they have ck'd that by now and will save all videos to verify any other potential POI's IMO.
I am still confused (and will always be confused) as to how no red flags were raised given Kyron was AT SCHOOL that morning. Surely someone saw him...when he didn't return, I'm shocked that no one noticed he was gone. If he'd never shown up at all, I guess that would be more understandable; but, his coat was there, bookbag was there, SCIENCE PROJECT was set up....and kids saw him in the hall. Was there no one who would question where he was??? I guess, even after seeing postings on this, I still just don't get it.

I am a teacher, by the way, and just don't understand this one at all.
The case of the little girl taken from the school in St. Louis ---I believe the door hadn't latched correctly. Here, with the bringing in of projects from cars, etc, someone could have done something as simple as prop a door open a bit with a rock. It's a thought.

I agree. A couple of schools my kids have to over the years had no problems propping doors open with chairs, rocks, books, whatever....
A few times I entered the building through the propped doors to "make a point" at the schools.
I have one comment about the 8:45 timeline. Since that is the official start to the school day, surely that is when attendance was taken- and Kyron was marked absent.
The kids had to assemble in their classroom to be sorted into the touring groups of 5 or 6, and that would have been the only logical time to call the roll (if they still do it that way!).
So Kyron never made it to the classroom at all that day.
If he was there then, he wouldn't have been marked absent. If he was there then, the "where is Kyron?" question would have been raised at 10am or so.
He can't have been marked present at 8:45 and absent later on. He must have disappeared within a few brief minutes after SM waved to him. It doesn't make sense that he would wander around the halls and never go to his classroom during the 8:45-9:00 period.

(Speaking of calling the roll, were any of you the kind of kid who pompously said, Present, rather than Here? I'm afraid I was! Then it became majorly cool to say Yo! rather than here.)
Yeah, and two witnesses saw Amber Dubois walking on Broadway 200 feet south of her school. Eyewitness testimony is inherently unreliable.
The point, though, is that he did not say he saw her driving away without Kyron, which is where all this began. The only thing Tanner said is that SM left the building, alone. No one on record said they saw Terri drive away alone or with Kyron...no one on record has said they saw her outside the school. For that matter, no one on record has said they saw Kyron outside the school.

Ah, That is a difference. Sorry. I just knew he had referenced the SM
Would be extremely surprised if SM (Terri) were a POI. I imagine that she has thoroughly accounted for her whereabouts and the LE are satisfied. Otherwise, why would mom Desiree be holding her hand during that PC? I for damn sure wouldn't be holding the hand of the person responsible for my child when he disappeared if she had a weak alibi!
I keep wondering if maybe Kyron went outside to see if he could catch his stepmom because he forgot something in the car .....
The security tapes were requested for both June 3 and June 4. I believe that they are being used to check up on the travel route of a POI. Perhaps the POI said, oh, I was picking up a load of hay at 9am on the 4th, and the hay store owner said, that hay was purchased on the 3rd, etc.
I have one comment about the 8:45 timeline. Since that is the official start to the school day, surely that is when attendance was taken- and Kyron was marked absent.
The kids had to assemble in their classroom to be sorted into the touring groups of 5 or 6, and that would have been the only logical time to call the roll (if they still do it that way!).
So Kyron never made it to the classroom at all that day.
If he was there then, he wouldn't have been marked absent. If he was there then, the "where is Kyron?" question would have been raised at 10am or so.
He can't have been marked present at 8:45 and absent later on. He must have disappeared within a few brief minutes after SM waved to him. It doesn't make sense that he would wander around the halls and never go to his classroom during the 8:45-9:00 period.

(Speaking of calling the roll, were any of you the kind of kid who pompously said, Present, rather than Here? I'm afraid I was! Then it became majorly cool to say Yo! rather than here.)

Not me, if anyone had dared to say Yo! in the schools I grew up in, they would still be in detention after all these years!!! :crazy:
It has been confirmed numerous times that the school policy was to do NOTHING when a child was absent. That means that the teacher would not "sound an alarm" because that was not the way the school handled any kind of absence. The same school officials have said that many times kids left with parents without notice on such days. Absences at that school were recorded, but not followed up, which has been made clear in their policies and statements.

I don't think that's exactly accurate. If he'd never come to school, then yes. But once he was in school and had been doing the assigned activities, then vanished, that's quite different. He, for instance, could have been hanging dead in the bathroom like the little boy in Texas. Somebody has to be in charge. She either assumed correctly or incorrectly that the SM was, or she dropped the ball completely. You don't get to just dismiss that a child that was there earlier is now gone.
I'd have a couple of parents accompany us when I'd take a group from my class to foreign language competition in another town. The chaperones weren't in charge of their own child, *I* was. And if something had happened to snowflake on my watch, the district would have been open to a lawsuit, no doubt.
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