OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #16

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New here and have not been able to stop reading and thinking about little Kyron.:( I have a 7 year old son so this really hits home.

I am just wondering if the school science picture was talked about? To me it looks almost photoshopped. The shadowing on his left arm just looks really odd to me. Any thoughts or was this already talked about?
We have discussed it. It just looks funny because his shirt is too big for him. His sleeve is much bigger than his arm so it still sticks out when his arm is behind his back.
"If using the well known gauge of an "excited utterance", that statement and behavior says a lot! He didn't just say we're going to find you buddy. He said we are going to bring you HOME. Home is with dad and step mom."

This is my opinion (and thus I won't be defending it no matter how much I am goaded to do so), but 'home' is where you are wanted and loved. NO ONE other than Kyron knows where exactly it was that he truly felt wanted and loved.

Not necessarily. Home could also be just where he lives, with just dad or with mom and stepdad.
We have discussed it. It just looks funny because his shirt is too big for him. His sleeve is much bigger than his arm so it still sticks out when his arm is behind his back.

Sorry, I am speaking about his right arm ( Not the arm behind his back) and the "shadowing" around it. Does that make sense? It does not look like a shadow, but almost looks like a cut and paste. Just odd to me as I have never seen that in any photo personally before.
For reference, this is the Kyron Trucks picture released along with the pics of his artwork, as discussed in the previous thread:

A stuffed Tonka truck, is that what that is? And is that a rattle on top of the truck? :waitasec:
at this rate? I have to really think about that.

This investigation could go in any direction at this point. The family? a stranger? a school employee? I think LE is on the trail and let's give it a bit of time to see what is revealed.

Whichever way this goes, I HOPE we can all switch gears and continue the discussion as things develop.
I am :praying: that we DON'T need a Kyron forum. I hope this is brought to a conclusion in a fair amount of time.

We certainly DON'T need another Haleigh forum or case like that. It's too sad.

YEA!!!!! Thankx JBean - that's so cool!
I'm bring this post over about ping maps from another case so people have an idea how they look and how they are used in an investigation.

Since there has been discussion and questions regarding phone pings, I am posting a ping map that was made with a missing persons cell ping info. If you go to the below link and scroll down a bit you will see the map. You can see how the high probability area in yellow is marked. I thought many would be interested to see what a ping map looks like.

Map is at:

John's thread at WS is:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47834"]IL IL-John Spira, 45, St. Charles, 2007 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
A stuffed Tonka truck, is that what that is? And is that a rattle on top of the truck? :waitasec:

It is an Easter basket with some kind of toy or candy inside. I think I saw a picture of him wearing the basket as a hat somewhere, too. Very cute! Where are you Kyron?!
ARRGGGGHHH!! I find myself constantly perusing threads as they are filling up and being closed! The quotes in this post were brought over from the previous thread:

Ummm....we know that the home was NEVER roped off and processed as a crime scene, that takes many days and would be the FIRST and most important place to look at in any case like this if a WITNESS said what is being rumored. The car would be in police custody and held there, it was not, as we saw it on video being driven. I have no problem with the searches and did not imply worng anything about them. But if the child was seen LEAVING THE AREA, the searches would have been centered in an entirely different location. AND once again, you don't search for him at the school if two witnesses said that they saw him LEAVE the school.

raeann, I am with you so firmly on this issue. If LE had even ONE credible witness that Kyron left the school with his step-mother, her car would have been the absolute FIRST SEARCH CONDUCTED. It is total nonsense to believe that LE would first "search the areas they know he is not" so that no one could accuse them later of not looking in those places, and later get around to searching the last place Kyron was seen.

Logic alone will tell you that LE will search the last place a missing person is seen first!!!

Of course the story varies the further down the line it gets. It is known that two teachers saw SM with Kyron. The school superintendent reported that himself. It did kind of grow legs when it turned into "and the teachers SAW her leave with him." I think what started out as "the teachers knew SM left with him" became SAW. Which I believe is incorrect. I believe the teachers knew she left with him, but not that they actually visually saw it.

That's how most rumors start - with a foundation of truth and then it grows.

Are you sure it was said that two teachers saw Kyron with SM that morning? I've read that school staff saw him with his SM at the SF. I've read that he was last seen by school staff at a particular time, but I haven't seen that the staff were identified as teachers. TIA!

I am also curious about your last statement. I have not read any credible report about the teachers KNOWING that Kyron left with SM. I've seen RUMORS, but nothing official. So is your point that one rumor morphed into an even worse rumor? Or do you have something to base your belief that the teachers knew Kyron had left upon?

Agreed. Possibly there would be a struggle, a noise, a something. Unfortunate as it is, the SM placed herself as the last to see him. We then received more info and it was X or Y or Z who MAY have seen him last and had an unclear timeline. Well, then, things changed. I'm not picking on the stepmom; I have not said 1 thing derogatory about her in any way. I think she deserves to be sleuthed because she placed herself as the last to see Kyron before the other info came out, which was conflicting and disjointed to say the least. I dunno if SM did it, or anything, but it's more logical to follow the crime to the "last one who saw him/her." If we haven't been able to nail down sub/teacher/friend, etc., as last to be with Kyron, then who else do we have? I'm just running on logic now, and not even feelings... not until they find Kyron. THEN! I will let myself get angry at whomever took him.

I didn't know that SM has placed herself as the last person to see Kyron. I thought LE had declined to identify the person who last saw Kyron. LE did not use the word "may" in their statement about whether or not this unidentified person actually saw Kyron or not. They say the witness DID see Kyron. Has something new come up?

However, the sheriff's office news release says school staff did not see Kyron after 8:45 a.m. and that he did not make it to his classroom.

Yep! School staff would be teachers, para-professionals, custodians, cafeteria workers, etc. We still don't know who the witness is (see above post) that LE has spoken about being the last person to see Kyron, but the time might mean that the unidentified witness is a staff member.

As tacky as it is (lol), I'm quoting myself, as it was a fact, early on, that SM was the last placed with Kyron. Ever since, we've received "maybe, I dunno, maybe he was there, maybe he was here," which is totally understandable given the day and the circumstances, as well as (let's face it) days blend together. She placed herself with him 1st, right off the bat with saying she dropped him off and saw him walk away. So far, I haven't been able to see anything different regarding dropping him off YET.

Since Kyron was reported missing on the same day he went missing, I doubt that the day "blended" with other days for too many people. There was much to set that day apart in people's memories, even in student's memories, because it was an atypical school day.

We do know that SM arrived with Kyron, that she was seen taking his picture in front of his exhibit by a credible witness, and that they were seen separately and together by others. So the time of arrival and the actions they took in the school are in the realm of "fact" for me. SM places herself with Kyron, and that is backed up by multiple witnesses, but we still don't know that she is the LAST person to SEE Kyron.
new here and have not been able to stop reading and thinking about little kyron.:( i have a 7 year old son so this really hits home.

I am just wondering if the school science picture was talked about? To me it looks almost photoshopped. The shadowing on his left arm just looks really odd to me. Any thoughts or was this already talked about?

Expert Believes Boy's Family Not in Question He believes an abductor has him in serious danger. by KBND News Sources
A security consultant and former FBI agent says, if Kyron Horman is in the hands of an abductor, he could be alive, but he's in serious danger. Brad Garrett says it's difficult for a kidnapper to keep a child because, if he’s on the move, there’s a good chance he or the child will be seen. Garrett says he believes investigators have ruled out family members in Kyron's disappearance.

Alright so I have been back to the 1 st thread doing reading when LE was a little more open about some details, anyhow I have gleamed last time seen 8:45 - 9:00 am. class started late 10:00 am and Kyron was not there. That means he was gone within that hour of time if what SM says is true imo.... links:


His stepmother took Horman to a science fair at the school Friday morning. They walked through a number of classrooms and his stepmother left at 8:45.

According to the sheriff’s office, the stepmother saw the boy walking toward his classroom as she left the building but officials with Portland Public Schools said Horman’s teacher never saw him in class which started at 10 a.m. The teacher marked him absent

Did I kill the thread ? lol.... sorry
New here and have not been able to stop reading and thinking about little Kyron.:( I have a 7 year old son so this really hits home.

I am just wondering if the school science picture was talked about? To me it looks almost photoshopped. The shadowing on his left arm just looks really odd to me. Any thoughts or was this already talked about?

This photo was snapped in front of the president of the PTA, so it seems to have the stamp of authenticity on it.

I apologize if I asked something I wasn't supposed to. I just saw we are already on #16 and didn't know at what point a forum was opened. I don't have a lot of experience here yet. :) But I didn't mean it as a critique. :)

No one got mad at you! The case is still young and with the few facts we have and the many rumors, it may be better to keep it as threads. I think our poor moderators are being worked HARD!
Alright so I have been back to the 1 st thread doing reading when LE was a little more open about some details, anyhow I have gleamed last time seen 8:45 - 9:00 am. class started late 10:00 am and Kyron was not there. That means he was gone within that hour of time if what SM says is true imo.... links:


His stepmother took Horman to a science fair at the school Friday morning. They walked through a number of classrooms and his stepmother left at 8:45.

According to the sheriff’s office, the stepmother saw the boy walking toward his classroom as she left the building but officials with Portland Public Schools said Horman’s teacher never saw him in class which started at 10 a.m. The teacher marked him absent


Just adding this to the mix:
Authorities said the last reported sighting of Kyron was at about 9 a.m., but they have refused to say who made that sighting.
Gates said a source at the school saw him around 9 a.m. Friday, but declined to provide details.
Just adding this to the mix:

And this.

Multnomah County Sheriff's Capt. Jason Gates said Kyron's stepmother brought him to school for a school science fair and last saw Kyron near his classroom at about 8:45 a.m.

Tanner Pumala, Kyron's classmate, said he last saw his friend at about the same time when Kyron told him he was headed to look at another student's science project. http://www.kptv.com/news/23842774/detail.html

Shelby said that Porter saw Kyron in her classroom with his stepmom before 8:45 a.m. and another instructor reported seeing him in another classroom at some point. http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/details_emerge_about_the_day_k.html
Expert Believes Boy's Family Not in Question He believes an abductor has him in serious danger. by KBND News Sources
A security consultant and former FBI agent says, if Kyron Horman is in the hands of an abductor, he could be alive, but he's in serious danger. Brad Garrett says it's difficult for a kidnapper to keep a child because, if he’s on the move, there’s a good chance he or the child will be seen. Garrett says he believes investigators have ruled out family members in Kyron's disappearance.


I am really tired of hearing from "experts" who are not associated with this case...maybe it's just me.
Of course he would be in serious danger if he is with an abductor...and I'm no expert. JMO
Quite a bit has been made of the fact that the SM watched Kyron walk down the hallway without taking him to his classroom. I can tell you, as a parent, as some point around 7 or 8 years old, kids tell us "Mom, I can go myself." You watch from a "safe" distance for awhile (so they don't know you're looking), and then you walk away. How is it any different than parents who drop their kids off in front of the school?

I believe Kyron was lured away by a familiar face...though the fear that runs through me thinking about a child taken out of a school bldg. is indescribable.
New here and have not been able to stop reading and thinking about little Kyron.:( I have a 7 year old son so this really hits home.

I am just wondering if the school science picture was talked about? To me it looks almost photoshopped. The shadowing on his left arm just looks really odd to me. Any thoughts or was this already talked about?

:woohoo:WELCOME TO WEBSLEUTHS!:woohoo:

I'm an Oregon "mum" too! So glad to have you here!
Alright so I have been back to the 1 st thread doing reading when LE was a little more open about some details, anyhow I have gleamed last time seen 8:45 - 9:00 am. class started late 10:00 am and Kyron was not there. That means he was gone within that hour of time if what SM says is true imo.... links:


His stepmother took Horman to a science fair at the school Friday morning. They walked through a number of classrooms and his stepmother left at 8:45.

According to the sheriff’s office, the stepmother saw the boy walking toward his classroom as she left the building but officials with Portland Public Schools said Horman’s teacher never saw him in class which started at 10 a.m. The teacher marked him absent


I keep remembering that the teacher (and substitute) reportedly (Tanner's video) took the students on a tour of other classes to see the other students' work. Then we have the sub noting that Kyron was not with the class......to me, this IMPLIES (please note that this implies to me!!!) that the sub had seen Kyron WITH his classmates as they toured the other classrooms.

(Am I making this clear as mud? LOL) The school official says the teacher never saw Kyron in class which started at 10.

IF Kyron was never with his classmates as they toured the exhibits, WHY the the sub note his absence?

Just a little something that has been bugging me.
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