OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #5

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When my daughter was in middle school they had some kind of web site access for the parents where I could see all her classes and if she was in those classes in real time. If she was supposed to be in homeroom at 8:00 I could log in and see that she was there. It also had grade information and all that. Being a paranoid type mother I checked every day to see how she was doing and that she was where she belonged. Kids can show up for one class and ditch another. When they were in grade school I dropped them off and saw that they went inside the building. I was pretty good about calling in absences but I am sure they called if I didn't. The last thing I would ever expect in grade school would be that they would be dropped off at school and not make it to class, at least not in grade school :)

eta the web site also allowed for messaging to the teachers about excused absences and assignments. I think I remember receiving emails talking about their homework and such.
Look at how full those trees are around the school. Boys like to climb trees. Could he have become stuck in a tree by falling and getting stuck in the branches? I hope the searchers are looking up the tree trunks in that area.

If he's lost on the ground I hope he is close to water.
Could someone clarify for me what CARD is and why they are part of the investigation?
hi all, I got hooked on this forum during the Shantina Smiley case and I live in Portland. There's been some confusing info in the thread(s) I thought I could help with.

Or any surveillance cameras along Hwy 26 that would show cars passing. Long shot and very time consuming I know. I really think this tip could be something.

Cameras on the highway from the Cornelius Pass Road on ramp going west would be good; I haven't checked ODOT's tripcheck.com to see how many there are.
There are for sure no cameras after the Banks turnoff, traveling west toward Salmonberry Road. There is a weather reporting station at Timber Junction, but no camera. I commute on that part of Hwy 26.

There's an old weigh station near Banks on 26 that he would have had to pass if they were heading toward Salmonberry. It's rarely open, but they often have cameras, don't they? Might be a possibility.

Do you mean the one on the south side of the highway? If a truck were traveling west toward the Salmonberry Road report, would that camera (if there is one) even see the opposite side of the highway?

Regarding Bohemian Grove:

I've lived in Portland for 30 years and not heard of a Bohemian Grove at all. I'm very familiar with that portion of town, as well.
The only thing that came close to ringing a bell is a portion of Forest Park in the Rose Garden, in town, but again, on the far (east) side of the West Hills and no direct route there.

Bohemian Grove... is that on the river? Like at one of the rest stops? I haven't heard of the name but have seen the "bohemians" on the river at a rest stop in OR/WA.

What does this mean please?
And while you're there, what's BBM stand for on this forum?

Sooo... any thoughts about why they are searching a quarry and apparently right now for sure, they are on Sheltered Nook Rd??
There is a quarry (and the aptly named Quarry Road) just east of the school.

Answers for other things I've gleaned in the threads:

The railroad tracks are down near Kyron's home.

The school sits on top of a ridge. Several posters have noticed the river (the Willamette River) on the maps; there is a significant set of hills between the school and the river.

Kyron's home is well down hill from the school. Cornellius Pass Road itself is steep and winding. Small private roads off of it lead to homes at lower elevations (in a gully) .. the Jim Kelley report of the white pickup being down his private road twice in one day stands out in particular to me.

There was previous confusion about the school building orientation. Today's Oregonian had a map of the school in the print edition that is not online. It confirms that the main entrance IS the 'south entrance'. However, if you wanted to parse it, the exit near Kyron's home room could be called the SW exit in a stretch.

Don't underestimate the density of the terrain; these aren't tame woods, but completely natural land. Hilly, undeveloped and where the forest starts, like walking into nature.
Also don't underestimate the rain on Sunday.. it was epic!
I have been curious about how they have been searching through the night in the outdoor locations; the KOIN video from Monday night's report shows the tall grass at higher than a man's waist.
also crazycatlady...

What do you think of the email to the teacher asking about when she should pick up the project? (I think I've got that right - not sure if it is confirmed)

No mention then of the appt.?

If it was me - things would have been reversed...an email about the appt. and asking about how to get the project home (in person) at the science fair.


The rumor was posted as a comment on a news site that the sm mentioned across a noisy gym that Kyron had an appt - therefore when he was missing, the teacher thought he was with her. When sm then emailed later asking when they could pick up science project, that again made her think he was with her.
Law enforcement asking for tips, no matter how unlikely or small.
Stopping vehicles just in case the occupants were at the school and might have seen something.
No Kyron.
Not wanting "amateurs" to help search.
The parents not speaking on television.

To me, it means either
(1) they have no real clues and were treating the case in such a way as to try to cover ALL possible bases (lost, ransom possible, violence possible) but the passage of time is telling them they better get some clues,
(2) possible case of a Shawn H.-type abductor who comes from a different part of the state and that's why they are asking people as far away as central Oregon to keep an eye out.
also crazycatlady...

What do you think of the email to the teacher asking about when she should pick up the project? (I think I've got that right - not sure if it is confirmed)

No mention then of the appt.?

If it was me - things would have been reversed...an email about the appt. and asking about how to get the project home (in person) at the science fair.


If the email was sent that morning when she got home,when would the teacher have had time to read it after 8:45 with all the kids,activities and talentshow at 1pm?So,that would have run probably about an hour till 2 or so.She still would have had practically the whole school day without knowing about an appt.The backpack and coat were in the classroom,backpacks are hung up in classroom,he was seen in classroom showing his exhibit.Was the teacher not in there,didn't see him?

There are so many unanswered questions,but I can't see a teacher having time to read emails during that morning or later that day.If she read it after school when he was reported missing,to me that's just a covering of herself not putting two and two together,he was there,then he wasn't.Terri wasn't made aware by the school he was marked absent,and why they're implimenting that automatic calling to parents now when the child is marked absent.I think they screwed up,no sign ins for parents,till now,if he was marked absent,there was no sign out by Terri she was taking him out of school.
Could someone clarify for me what CARD is and why they are part of the investigation?

CARD stands for Child Abduction Rapid Deployment. It's a division of the FBI's missing persons team that were brought in to assist the Portland Police Department because they have resources that the Portland Police Department doesn't. LE made it clear that by bringing in CARD it does NOT mean LE is classifying this as for sure an abduction. It's just to expand their resources.

There's more about CARD here- http://www.fbi.gov/card/
snip ~ I find it interesting they made a point to publish Kyron's drawings yesterday. Was it to further personalize Kyron for the public? Was there another reason LE wants public to know about his drawings?

All just my thoughts & :cow:

I heard something about his drawings but haven't seen any. But why the secrecy on whether he has any known illnesses or meds he needs? And what was everyone talking about a photo released of him in his soccer uniform? What was that about?
Most kids can walk 2 miles in less than 2 hours. Kyron had over 3 times that long. He could be farther out than expected. This is what happened with Nadia...they never thought she'd be in the are she was due to the harsh environment there...even though that area WAS less than 2 miles from where she disappeared. That's an enormous area of woods and a child could easy be miles away still wandering. Luckily it's spring, lots of blackberries according to the locals and he seems to be a very resourceful kid, so he could find water. With the temps being relatively warm he could realistically keep himself going for much longer than just the 4 days he's been gone if he was scouting out something to add to his project and got turned around...again, just like Nadia. Still keeping the positive push that's what happened and he'll turn up with continued searching. BTW, has TES been asked to take part in the search?

IIRC they used helicopters and I think heat sensors at night, the night vision that catches the heat from a body. I really don't think he is in the woods. I really feel like someone was waiting for the opportunity to take a kid or it presented itself and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The mother doesn't paint a picture of what the hall was like when she walked him almost to his class. Where there other kids in the hall, adults, anyone? If he went into the boys room before class, he could have been approached by someone he knew. That day was the perfect day to get kid to your car on the pretense of helping carry something inside. I don't think he is in the area anymore. I know they have to start with the last seen place and work out, but my heart tells me he is gone from that area.
I had a quick/obvious question or 2 regarding Talent Show -

Were parents invited to the talent show?

I've seen it suggested that Kyron was participating in the show - but is that just speculation?
By the way, if you haven't lived there, you might have NO idea about the blackberry and raspberry brambles. They grow higher than your head. They make a terrible thicket. The canes can be as thick as your arm. Very tough, awful going. The wild roses likewise. VERY BAD area to be lost in.

I just have nagging feeling from the first that he was taken by a maniac, not lost. I hope I am very WRONG.
I AM NOT blaming the stepmother, so PLEASE..no one take it that way.

However, I'm very curious on something. To everyone on this board...if your 7 year old son (or step son that you raised since he was an infant) was missing..would you be going to the gym, etc?
I had a quick/obvious question or 2 regarding Talent Show -

Were parents invited to the talent show?

I've seen it suggested that Kyron was participating in the show - but is that just speculation?

I think I remember hearing that Kyron's teacher is who informed everyone that he was supposed to be in the 1pm talent show. I'm not sure if parents were invited, but I'd assume they would be.
By the way, if you haven't lived there, you might have NO idea about the blackberry and raspberry brambles. They grow higher than your head. They make a terrible thicket. The canes can be as thick as your arm. Very tough, awful going. The wild roses likewise. VERY BAD area to be lost in.

I just have nagging feeling from the first that he was taken by a maniac, not lost. I hope I am very WRONG.

I agree, Silver~Bell. I hope I'm wrong as well, but I think he was abducted. However, I think Kyron wandered out of the school (for whatever reason) and then was abducted. I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that a creep would walk INTO the school and take him.
Could someone clarify for me what CARD is and why they are part of the investigation?

FBI's CARD website:
Child Abduction Rapid Deployment (CARD) Teams

CARD Teams are primarily involved in non-family child abductions, ransom child abductions, and mysterious disappearances of children. They work with state and local law enforcement to protect and save the lives of innocent children.
i am not blaming the stepmother, so please..no one take it that way.

However, i'm very curious on something. To everyone on this board...if your 7 year old son (or step son that you raised since he was an infant) was missing..would you be going to the gym, etc?

school gym.
I AM NOT blaming the stepmother, so PLEASE..no one take it that way.

However, I'm very curious on something. To everyone on this board...if your 7 year old son (or step son that you raised since he was an infant) was missing..would you be going to the gym, etc?

I would go to the gym to keep myself occupied and to take my mind off of it, I find the gym very relaxing. Don't take that the wrong way, I would be DEVASTATED, desperate, hopeful, on edge waiting for any kind of word! But, I would have to keep myself busy for fear of becoming very depressed and anxiety ridden during circumstances such as this. Now, I wouldn't be going to parties or doing any kind of fun functions, but the gym, maybe.
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