OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #6

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Do you have a link for the 9am sighting being the boy who said Kyron was going to the electricity project? I haven't seen the 9am tied to that yet.


Multnomah County Sheriff's Capt. Jason Gates said Kyron's stepmother brought him to school for a school science fair and last saw Kyron near his classroom at about 8:45 a.m.
Tanner Pumala, Kyron's classmate, said he last saw his friend at about the same time when Kyron told him he was headed to look at another student's science project.


Not tied. I'll reedit mine. I somehow assumed that Tanner was the 9:00 siting.
School Safety In Light of Disappearance​

06/08/2010 Bend
In light of the search for a Portland second grader who vanished from his elementary school, KOHD looks into safety precautions at local schools.​
Jewell Elementary in Bend says that won't happen here. "My teachers are required to take their attendance by 9:30 in the morning and 1:30 in the afternoon so if there are any inconsistencies the office is checking where that child is," says Principal Bruce Reynolds.
"Every single time that my kids have missed school for any reason I've gotten a phone call and sometimes very fast, very surprisingly fast," says Southard.​

Can we PLEASE refrain from discussion regarding any of the family and their activities? I would hate to have the thread locked again.
I was wondering, since a LEO is at the house 24/7, if that's even really the stepmom posting on the FB at all...

Okay, I need a break from all this, I'm becoming dingy. When I read Bean's posting above, I thought "this should be in the astro thread" - LOL "LEO in the house 24/7"
Had to read it again. Haha. But it is a great point. Maybe posting is being monitored or "filtered" to protect the investigation.
Yes --- maybe he was! Since there were so many windows, maybe he was carried in a playful way on a grown man's shoulders, both laughing, nothing looking strange to observers. Or... carried out in a container that didn't look suspicious at all --- a duffel, a large toolbox? If Kyron was taken at the SW door (with a paved path to the main road and the field right outside the door), then who would be able to pull right up there (or close to there) in a vehicle and not be noticed as unusual? Building and Grounds? Janitorial? A town vehicle? An official vehicle? Who would feel safe being observed from any of the wall of windows at the school????

Excellent thought.
The volunteers don't have to have background checks, and that day, they didn't have to wear tags or sign in :(

At my daughter's last preschool, I got a note once asking for volunteers to watch the kids one day a month during nap time, so the teachers could be in a meeting. SO THE TEACHERS COULD BE IN A MEETING. They weren't even in the room. No background check required. Even more strangely, I was the only parent who seemed horrified at that idea...

She doesn't go there anymore. :shakehead:
Agree with post below. I was pretty much taken aback by the gym comment.

I've felt, and expressed the same since the onset of Kyron's disappearance but, with that said, it's also important that the immediate family not post openly about going to other, ordinarily routine functions, such as the gym. Not smart IMO.

Which is one reason I wonder if that was intentional.

I respect your post, but I disagree with this. Just my opinion, but I can't see the purpose of "hitting the gym" being an intentional statement on SM's FB account, as in LE/FBI instructed her to state this? The statement, imo, is far too bazarre to fool anyone into thinking it is anything less than what it is, if that makes sense. Can't elaborate here. And, again, these are just my opinions.

Oh, ok, sorry, I'll stop now about the FB comment, but someone did mention it was mentioned in the press already. I will refrain from stating my opinions on it until it is ok to do so, if that happens.
School Safety In Light of Disappearance​

06/08/2010 Bend
In light of the search for a Portland second grader who vanished from his elementary school, KOHD looks into safety precautions at local schools.​
Jewell Elementary in Bend says that won't happen here. "My teachers are required to take their attendance by 9:30 in the morning and 1:30 in the afternoon so if there are any inconsistencies the office is checking where that child is," says Principal Bruce Reynolds.
"Every single time that my kids have missed school for any reason I've gotten a phone call and sometimes very fast, very surprisingly fast," says Southard.​

Not sure what time they start there but if the student is not there at say 9:15 and teacher takes attendance at 9:20 and again at 1:30 - there wouldn't be an inconsistency. At this point, I believe Kyron was missing before 9:30, so I don't think that would have raised any flags in this case because he would have been shown absent at both times.
I am glad they do the dual attendance checks though.
At my daughter's last preschool, I got a note once asking for volunteers to watch the kids one day a month during nap time, so the teachers could be in a meeting. SO THE TEACHERS COULD BE IN A MEETING. They weren't even in the room. No background check required. Even more strangely, I was the only parent who seemed horrified at that idea...

She doesn't go there anymore. :shakehead:

You're a great parent :)

I hope all parents of young children are asking to review not only any written or verbal policies at their schools about security, but also asking questions about whether the policies are all followed, which aren't, what occasions any of the policies are deviated from and how, etc.

This school was a predators dream. MOO.
I kept scratching my head over that as well, and agree that this is probably what they really meant (though it certainly was not clear, so just a guess).

Regarding the sheriff's "we will have this wrapped up by the end of the week" comment- Maybe he is following the profiler's directions. With stranger/acquaintance child abductions, the body is disposed of and only partially covered. It is dumped within a few miles of the abduction site. The dump site becomes further from the abduction site as the age of the victim increases. Perhaps the sheriff believes that they will have all of the "miles" searched by the end of the week.???
I was wondering, since a LEO is at the house 24/7, if that's even really the stepmom posting on the FB at all...

good point

I think the mother's husband being a police officer is significant too; not meaning to imply he'd over-ride or interfere with local LE, but I'm sure he has input and I can see the family relying on him for advice and his interpretation of what's happening.
Multnomah County Sheriff's Capt. Jason Gates said Kyron's stepmother brought him to school for a school science fair and last saw Kyron near his classroom at about 8:45 a.m.
Tanner Pumala, Kyron's classmate, said he last saw his friend at about the same time when Kyron told him he was headed to look at another student's science project.


Not tied. I'll reedit mine. I somehow assumed that Tanner was the 9:00 siting.
Ok,Now I'm really confused LOL.I assumed Tanner was the sighting at 9:00 too.It wasn't?Was the sighting at 9:00 from someone else?Was it the person who saw him near the south entrance?I thought I read somewhere Kyrons class room was on the northside?Was it?
good point

I think the mother's husband being a police officer is significant too; not meaning to imply he'd over-ride or interfere with local LE, but I'm sure he has input and I can see the family relying on him for advice and his interpretation of what's happening.

I must have missed this! Who's husband is a police officer?
The volunteers don't have to have background checks, and that day, they didn't have to wear tags or sign in :(

bbm.....and THIS is what really bugs the carp out of me (and has me worried like crazy about poor Kyron). Both the school my daughter attends and the school where I teach part-time REQUIRE visitor sign-in and stickers for every single school event.....period. end of story. no exceptions. If you plan on stepping foot out of the office (even to visit for 2 mins with a teacher) you must sign in and get a sticker. ALL STAFF are trained to politely stop any person (non-student....even older kids who appear older than elementary-aged) and ask if they have signed in at the office. Our visitor check-in books are enormous at times and tabulated by day of the week. Staff members and the "regular" parent volunteers (background-checked) have photo id that are mandatory and must be worn when on the school campuses. This is just a few hours north of Portland in Seattle. If I forget to wear my photo badge (or one of my parent volunteers forgets hers), then a temporary "one-day only" is issued. We take school security and safety extremely seriously and yes---some visitors complain about the hassle---but it's worth it IMO!!! Just the other day (Monday afterschool) we had the choir kids concert (grades 3-5 at my school) and had tables set up in the only unlocked entry to the school where folks could sign up and grab a pre-printed sticker before going down the hall to the gym. If it's done efficiently, it is completely feasible....even with wandering science-fair events. Only ONE entry to the school, staffed by extra personnel, and anyone not wearing a sticker in plain sight is easily spotted. Not a perfect system by any means, but we like it!! We even have parents sign-in and sticker up for conferences and for special events like "eat lunch with your kids" days. I know hindsight is 20/20 but I just wonder if this could have helped out at Skyline. I'm worried sick about this sweet boy and hope and pray for a good resolution. Praying for Kyron............

ETA: I had a student named "Byron" last year....I believe Kyron is most likely an alternate to Byron? Just IMO....for those wondering about his unique name. Hugs.
Ok, now this is speculating that indeed his jacket and backpack were left at the school... and that his teacher assumed he had an appointment that day.

I find it unusual that if his jacket was left at the school, not sure of the weather that day, but wouldn't someone (the teacher) think it strange that he left for an alleged appointment but that whoever he was leaving with wasn't concerned if he was cold or not since he was without his jacket? Yes, I know the weather could have been crisp in the morning and warmer during the day, but if he was not at school at 9:15 AM, one would assume his appointment was in the morning, when it was cool enough to have a jacket. And yes, I know kids are notorious for leaving their jackets at home/school. Just tossing things around here.

How about his lunch? Did he pack a lunch? Was it in the backpack? If I was a teacher and I wondered if a child was really gone off on an appointment that was presumably scheduled a bit after 9 am, but this child still wasn't back for a talent show hours later, I might check his backpack to see if a lunch was in there. A lunch would be a warning signal that the parent intended for the child to be back at school before lunch time after his appointment. And yes, I know, appointments can run later than anyone planned.

And finally, LE might be interested to know if a lunch was packed or not. There should be a lunch in his backpack. Of course if the school has a lunch program, then this is a moot point.

I think finding out if he had a lunch in his backpack would be an excellent indicator if he planned to return to school (if he really did have an appt). I agree LE should see if he had a packed lunch that day, or if he regularly bought school lunch. If he always brought lunch from home and did not have one packed in his backpack that day - WHY?
good point

I think the mother's husband being a police officer is significant too; not meaning to imply he'd over-ride or interfere with local LE, but I'm sure he has input and I can see the family relying on him for advice and his interpretation of what's happening.
Is the stepmom's dad in LE or is it the biological mom's dad that is in LE?
You're a great parent :)

I hope all parents of young children are asking to review not only any written or verbal policies at their schools about security, but also asking questions about whether the policies are all followed, which aren't, what occasions any of the policies are deviated from and how, etc.

This school was a predators dream. MOO.

Thanks, BeanE - but it's probably because I like this site so much and am always worried about the bad guys. This was also a highly recommended, licensed (highest star rating) school. This should be a requirement for licensure and apparently it isn't.
The reports have said she was walking him in the hallway toward his classroom, and he said he was going to his classroom, they waved good-bye, and she left. One report said they were 150 feet from his classroom when they parted.

From the electricity project article, that child saw him in the hallway. The child didn't mention seeing the stepmom.

The stepmom:
8:45 a.m. Kyron Horman and his stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, attend a science fair at Skyline Elementary School. He is seen walking down a hallway toward a classroom.

"He told her, 'I'm going back to the classroom, Mom,' and she waves to him and left," Moulton said. "She thought he was safely at school just like he is every day."

The electricity project kid:
"He walked by the hallway

ETA: the 150 feet:
He was last seen by his step-mother walking toward his classroom, 150 feet away.

What I want to know for sure is whether the electricity kid saw the stepmom at all, and also how close to the classroom Kyron was when the electricity kid saw him in the hallway.
Quote from the newspaper article.
Shelby said that Porter saw Kyron in her classroom with his stepmom before 8:45 a.m. and another instructor reported seeing him in another classroom at some point.

Another intructor?saw him in another class at some point?What class was he seen in?
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