OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #9

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I dont know that a child going willingly precludes abduction..jmo. If he went willingly with an adult he knew and trusted, for example. and he has not been returned then it could still be an abduction...just not a stranger abduction.

To me the biggest clue in what LE is thinking is whether or not they are out in the community rounding up the usual suspects (RSO's) in an attempt to beat the bushes for this little one.

They dont seem to think or have evidence that indicates he was snatched from the school by a stranger. They dont seem to think or have evidence that indicates he was snatched from the school at all or they would be calling it an abduction. The kids are back in school, so I have to believe that they do not believe Kyron is concealed inside of the school.

Jmo. and hmmmmm

I know what you mean ... I'm just finding it impossible to explain my theory w/o incurring a t/o for myself

Me too Boo. Mainly I've been trying to keep up by reading everyday but it's harder to keep a positive focus after a week and- nothing. Silence- and more nothing.

I think there are probably quite a few of us who can't discuss a lot right now b/c of what we're thinking happened here.

I understand why it is that way, and frankly, it's hard for me to discuss it anyway b/c of the hole it leaves in my heart. But given everything I know right now, MOO, I just feel my unfortunate theory is a most likely scenario. ARGH.

Continuing to pray for the best. I won't give up at least a shred of hope I'm wrong.
How could LE rule out abduction? It's the old, 'If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?' If a person lured him out, but no one saw it, did it happen?? YES IT DID, lol. No one saw him leave on his own or with another person...soooooo...it still could have happened..just no one saw...

Someone raised an idea that an older student could have lured him out and hurt him, and that LE should look to see who else was absent that day. Valid argument, as some children, though rare, can kill/harm (sociopathic tendencies can start in young children). Obviously, there are no reports of other missing children, so he/she would have had to have made it back home at some point. Though this is a valid point, I still feel it is an adult, if an abduction occured, and I think it did. If Kyron wandered off on his own, how have LE/S&R not found him yet??

Another idea, though a stretch, is that Kyron DID wander off, and it just so happened that a predator was nearby and struck while the iron was hot.

Sorry if i am repeating what others have said---this post moves SO FAST!! I barely have time to read everything, esp. at work.

This whole situation is just awful and gd bless this poor little guy.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5277108&postcount=333"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #9[/ame]

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5277407&postcount=375"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #9[/ame]

Below is a continuation from the discussion above.

bbm. Right, I thought about that. If the lists were assigned in advance, the sub would have known Kyron was not in the group at the beginning of the tour, so she wouldn't have been looking for him at the end of the tour. Since she was looking for him at the end that implies to me he was there at the beginning.

Unless the sub was not there in the beginning of the tour either. If she was with the group the entire time, she would have noticed Kyron was missing long before the end of the tour. Oh, my head hurts with all the what ifs. I just wish we had more.

But finally, the way we are told the sub worded her statement implies to me she never saw Kyron that day (unless I have my unconfirmed facts wrong). I believe it was the regular teacher that saw him much earlier with SM.

I guess it goes to show you how different things can be interpreted differently. Too bad we don't have all the confirmed facts about Kyron's movements that morning, because I feel like I am going round and round in circles and getting no where.
Is there a way for an "Asked and Answered" bullet list of questions that have repeatedly come up in Kyron's threads to be placed at the top of each new thread, so that we are not wasting time addressing the same questions over and over again?
Unless the sub was not there in the beginning of the tour either. If she was with the group the entire time, she would have noticed Kyron was missing long before the end of the tour. Oh, my head hurts with all the what ifs. I just wish we had more.

But finally, the way we are told the sub worded her statement implies to me she never saw Kyron that day (unless I have my unconfirmed facts wrong). I believe it was the regular teacher that saw him much earlier with SM.

I guess it goes to show you how different things can be interpreted differently. Too bad we don't have all the confirmed facts about Kyron's movements that morning, because I feel like I am going round and round in circles and getting no where.
Well,hopefully the FBI or LE will shed some more light on what's happening.
why did he want it checked?Who's horse pasture is it?

I imagine LE asked family about hobbies and interests, if Kyron had any particular places he seemed interested in, enjoyed visiting, exploring, stuff like that. Maybe he'd been bugging his parents to get him a horse. Here there is a stable/pasture just out of town where people living in the city board horses; a LOT of kids out there. Perhaps one of those horses at this pasture belongs to a friend of his. Heck, for all we know, it could belong to Kyron.
Bear with me-

Mostly random thoughts I am writing this out to help me keep fact straight. feel free to add or correct as needed!

Sheriff's office tight lipped.
1. reasoning
A. Too much media exposure could hurt the case i.e. gossip, rumor, gen panic, hurt procecution and or if alive hurt chances of finding him alive.
B. Given the amout of coverage in other cases, the lack of family response is kinda refreshing in a wierd way.

Sheriff's office giving egnigmatic information.
1. Reasoning
A. Not mentioning how long he can last with out food and water.
B. "heavy duty" police coverage for searching.
C. keeping most information very close to the vest on alomost all aspects of this case.

ok, I will stop for now (im at work don't want to get busted..lol) Please feel free to add or delete info as needed.:waitasec:
Well I have to go to work, when I get home there will be another thread down for Kyron and hopefully he will have been found by then....

I will see ya all later .....
I also find it very strange that we have not heard the 911 call which apparently took place after Kyron did not come home on the school bus and once the Horman's were told by the school that Kyron was marked absent (or was not in school) that day.
I also find it very strange that we have not heard the 911 call which apparently took place after Kyron did not come home on the school bus and once the Horman's were told by the school that Kyron was marked absent (or was not in school) that day.

Apparently it must contain details LE doesn't want released yet.
I am a teacher and have a few things to add to the discussion. I know these things were mentioned a few days ago.

1. Don't fault the teacher for not looking for Kyron. Maybe they called the office and told them. When I have a student who was on the bus not show up to class, I call the office and they take their sweet time finding the 8-9 year old. Once a child left with a social worker and no one told me. Plus- this was a sub. On a hectic day. I can't imagine trying to keep track of kids I don't know on a day like that.
2. My building is not secure. All the doors except for the main one is locked, but when visitors come in, they stop by the office on their own to sign in. I have called the security guard a few times on a wandering parent.
3. We have no idea who RSO are unless someone tells us. Some of the parents are RSO and they come to conferences and open house : (
4. I have students leave their belongings at school ALL THE TIME. I don't call home, I'm trying to teach them to be responsible and remember their stuff. If I call their parents over a back-pack, I'm not helping the kids become self-sufficient.

This is so sad. I pray that they find the little guy. I have talked to my kids about not leaving with a friends' older sibling now. I know that was one theory of what happened, and I'm not saying that's what happened, but I feel a little safer now.
Yesterday the Sheriff did say "There's just no indication on anything we've got at this point that it was an abduction".


Yes. IMO Kyron likely did go into the woods alone. House to house searches in the area : someone could have taken him from the woods. I think the latter is very unlikely, but if LE got pings from his cell in that area,IMO they would check both homes and terrain in that area. His phone battery would have died after a couple of days without charging....
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Yes. IMO Kyron likely did go into the woods alone. House to house searches in the area : someone could have taken him from the woods. I think the latter is very unlikely, but if LE got pings from his cell in that area,IMO they would check both homes and terrain in that area. His phone battery would have died after a couple of days without charging....

Kyron had a cell with him?

I totally missed that...
Have we heard any more about the woman in the white truck that was spotted in the area in the afternoon and then around 2 or 3 AM?
Have we heard any more about the woman in the white truck that was spotted in the area in the afternoon and then around 2 or 3 AM?

Last I'd heard about it was in the article where the local said LE had searched the area.
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