Found Deceased OR - Meighan Cordie, 27, Yamhill County, 18 Aug 2018

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I think this scenario may very well have happened before and turned out alright. The fact that she checked hospitals and the jail tells me she’s very worried, but not sure if it’s acceptable to be worried so soon. She almost sounds apologetic for bothering them and unsure if they will take her seriously.

When she says “Hi” and tentatively starts her report, what I hear is a woman trying really hard to convince herself that nothing bad has happened. She’s trying to hold herself together and not panic. I think she is unsure of procedure and a little hesitant about bothering the police who she’s afraid will think she’s overreacting and won’t take her seriously. So she is trying to sound rational and not hysterical, but it comes across flat and unemotional. I can imagine myself sounding like this, sort of to keep the cop from having to peel me off the ceiling and say “Just the facts ma’am.” She did very well telling him what he needed to phone, no shoes, no wallet, etc.

I could be wrong of course, but I just don’t see anything nefarious about the way she spoke.
I feel like I keep wanting to think of Meighan as a teen in reference to the Mom’s reaction, and have to remind myself that she was an adult. Not that Mom couldn’t/shouldn’t have responded differently, just that my mindset seems a little skewed for some reason.
I do hear a degree of distress in her voice. But I agree she had no sense of urgency whatsoever. It doesn't make any sense. I have no idea what she was thinking.

Mommy dearest posits to an operator that she'd been actively searching for her offspring *the day after* their heated altercation.

Do we presume straightaway, somehow that morning she'd been referred this number to file a report (as she seems to be attempting)?

Would not most people seeking someone whose been out of contact start with the yellow pages or google of the township they are in?

In which case (reading from a directory) law enforcement numbers state 'non emergency' or general, so as to efficiently inquire WHERE OR HOW one would file a missing persons report?

It is not the what she is doing, so much as the how of going about it which appears unseemly and peculiar. As much as what she says, it insinuates strange things.

I would not want to walk a minute in her shoes, for all the love and money on earth.
”Do you want to report her missing?“
”Ehm, yeah I think so.“

No urgency. No distress. That‘s how I sound when I order a pizza. But maybe she‘s the cool, calm, and collected type?

Being cool, calm, collected could involve asking questions about how to simply report her daughter as missing.
This mother is barely holding back the daughter getting out of the car, the shoes, the phone, the car, the driving, the car... Ok we get it you are a wee bit on one today.

Mentally, she reads to me as an absolute mess. Perhaps stayed up all night searching, is hungover, blanking out, driving drunk, things that leave her wondering more than what happened after daughter 'argued and got out'.

To my mind, she knows more than she's admitting. Nothing wrong with concern. Tis context which belies the disturbing.
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Hi all,

This is my first post but I've been interested in joining for some time.

This case bothers me for a lot of reasons but mainly because it happened just up the road from my house. I keep thinking of what could have happened to her and the silence around it is frustrating.

What might be the motivation for LE to release the mother's phone call now? Is it just them throwing a bone to the media or is it a tactic?

Also, I'm very curious about exactly what time of day mother placed the call.
Hi all,

This is my first post but I've been interested in joining for some time.

This case bothers me for a lot of reasons but mainly because it happened just up the road from my house. I keep thinking of what could have happened to her and the silence around it is frustrating.

What might be the motivation for LE to release the mother's phone call now? Is it just them throwing a bone to the media or is it a tactic?

Also, I'm very curious about exactly what time of day mother placed the call.

Welcome to WS! Glad you are joining us. The 911 call wasn't released by LE, it was obtained and released by the media. 911 calls are public record so they have to be released if a news agency requests them. LE can redact sensitive information or petition to get them sealed, but they are usually released.
Hi all,

This is my first post but I've been interested in joining for some time.

This case bothers me for a lot of reasons but mainly because it happened just up the road from my house. I keep thinking of what could have happened to her and the silence around it is frustrating.

What might be the motivation for LE to release the mother's phone call now? Is it just them throwing a bone to the media or is it a tactic?

Also, I'm very curious about exactly what time of day mother placed the call.
Hi, welcome! I’m sure it’s unsettling that it happened so close to your home.
Welcome to WS! Glad you are joining us. The 911 call wasn't released by LE, it was obtained and released by the media. 911 calls are public record so they have to be released if a news agency requests them. LE can redact sensitive information or petition to get them sealed, but they are usually released.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. It makes more sense and I'm happy to know that the media hasn't forgotten. It's been crickets around here.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. It makes more sense and I'm happy to know that the media hasn't forgotten. It's been crickets around here.

It would be interesting to know if there is any LE investigation on going, or if the manner of death has been determined, but as you say, it has been crickets.

And welcome to WS. Cute dog in your pic!
Hi all,

This is my first post but I've been interested in joining for some time.

This case bothers me for a lot of reasons but mainly because it happened just up the road from my house. I keep thinking of what could have happened to her and the silence around it is frustrating.

What might be the motivation for LE to release the mother's phone call now? Is it just them throwing a bone to the media or is it a tactic?

Also, I'm very curious about exactly what time of day mother placed the call.

Welcome to WS! Is that your own little doggo? :D

I do also hope we hear more news about this int he coming weeks...
Hi all,

This is my first post but I've been interested in joining for some time.

This case bothers me for a lot of reasons but mainly because it happened just up the road from my house. I keep thinking of what could have happened to her and the silence around it is frustrating.

What might be the motivation for LE to release the mother's phone call now? Is it just them throwing a bone to the media or is it a tactic?

Also, I'm very curious about exactly what time of day mother placed the call.
Anything on the local newscasts there? I'm a little surprised we still haven't heard anything.
Anything on the local newscasts there? I'm a little surprised we still haven't heard anything.
Not since the release of the phone call from her mother. And up until that phone call was reported on, there has been nothing since the cause of death was released. I'm baffled as to why there's been so little interest.
Not since the release of the phone call from her mother. And up until that phone call was reported on, there has been nothing since the cause of death was released. I'm baffled as to why there's been so little interest.

I'm so surprised! Why not more follow up from the people who released the call? Certainly it's bizarre, it should spark interest!
I'm so surprised! Why not more follow up from the people who released the call? Certainly it's bizarre, it should spark interest!
It is surprising! But maybe, as I think about it, not so strange? My guess is that a lot of media coverage in a case like this stems from the outraged participation of family and friends of the victim. If there has been a statement from the family of MC, I haven't seen it. To my knowledge there was a statement through a third party after her body was found basically saying the family was obvi upset and asked for privacy. Beyond that, nada.
So then, why aren't they participating in the getting of attention/help in solving the death of their family member? My opinion is they must not need it. Either they are aware of what happened and would like to keep it under wraps. Or, what seems likely to me based on where she was found, it was a hit and run type situation and for whatever reason LE feels a quiet investigation is beneficial. I'm not clever enough to know why that might be.
It is surprising! But maybe, as I think about it, not so strange? My guess is that a lot of media coverage in a case like this stems from the outraged participation of family and friends of the victim. If there has been a statement from the family of MC, I haven't seen it. To my knowledge there was a statement through a third party after her body was found basically saying the family was obvi upset and asked for privacy. Beyond that, nada.
So then, why aren't they participating in the getting of attention/help in solving the death of their family member? My opinion is they must not need it. Either they are aware of what happened and would like to keep it under wraps. Or, what seems likely to me based on where she was found, it was a hit and run type situation and for whatever reason LE feels a quiet investigation is beneficial. I'm not clever enough to know why that might be.

All great points. I'm leaning towards the family knows what happened. Even if it were a hit and run, you'd think someone would be out there saying "If you have any information about Meighan's whereabouts the night of August 18, please contact LE."
Thanks for clearing that up for me. It makes more sense and I'm happy to know that the media hasn't forgotten. It's been crickets around here.
LE regularly gets FOIA requests from the media for active and closed cases. Not everything that is gathered in an investigation is released to the public.
Leaving out some details in an ongoing investigation helps determine the credibility of a POI’s statements (IF there is one). People do confess to things they didn’t commit, some as attention seekers with an underlying mental health issue, or other reasons, but it happens. So if you say “the getaway vehicle was a 1996 Chevy Malibu with front end damage” then the person making the false confession says, “I was driving a 1996 Malibu with front end damage”.

Also, LE doesn’t wish to let on to any suspects what they know. Some evidence may point to the suspect's residential radius, psychological profile, previous criminal history, or their line of work. This information can be used to not only identify a suspect but to predict their next actions.

If there is an imminent threat to public safety, they WILL speak up so the community remains cautious but case-specific information that is known ONLY to LE and the POI is normally best kept from the public to maintain the integrity of the investigation.
Just adding my opinion about the Mom's 911 call:

I do not find the mom's 911 call to be hinky. I think I might be in a minority with this opinion, but I can't help thinking that how she sounds and what she says makes a lot of sense. Here's why. . .

*She mentions not being sure about when she could report her daughter missing. I totally buy this. I also thought you had to wait 24-48 hours to report an adult missing. I feel like I've heard something like that on crime shows or in the movies. The point is, I think this part of the 911 call is plausible/believable.

* She does not sound particularly panicked in the 911 call, but this doesn't set off my hinky meter either. My reasons are twofold: 1) she sounds like she is trying to sound "professional" on the phone--this is something I do when I call places--you want to be taken seriously, so you try to sound calm and collected. It did not sound fake to me, nor did it sound like she didn't care. She took the time to give all the details she had, and she did actually seem worried when she spoke about MC not having her wallet.

I don't know what happened to MC, and I think without some more clues from LE, we won't know either.

I think this case could take a lot of different paths. I can see someone MC knows being involved, and I can see a stranger being involved. I can see it being accidental, and I can see it being intentional. I guess we just have to wait it out and see what LE reveals...
Just adding my opinion about the Mom's 911 call:

I do not find the mom's 911 call to be hinky. I think I might be in a minority with this opinion, but I can't help thinking that how she sounds and what she says makes a lot of sense. Here's why. . .

*She mentions not being sure about when she could report her daughter missing. I totally buy this. I also thought you had to wait 24-48 hours to report an adult missing. I feel like I've heard something like that on crime shows or in the movies. The point is, I think this part of the 911 call is plausible/believable.

* She does not sound particularly panicked in the 911 call, but this doesn't set off my hinky meter either. My reasons are twofold: 1) she sounds like she is trying to sound "professional" on the phone--this is something I do when I call places--you want to be taken seriously, so you try to sound calm and collected. It did not sound fake to me, nor did it sound like she didn't care. She took the time to give all the details she had, and she did actually seem worried when she spoke about MC not having her wallet.

I don't know what happened to MC, and I think without some more clues from LE, we won't know either.

I think this case could take a lot of different paths. I can see someone MC knows being involved, and I can see a stranger being involved. I can see it being accidental, and I can see it being intentional. I guess we just have to wait it out and see what LE reveals...
Well said, all of that.
It’s not like they had an argument a few miles from their residences. Mom thinks - Oh, she’s done this before and not overly concerned she will get home safely.

But getting out of a vehicle with no shoes, wallet or cell phone in pitch dark late at night in a remote area?

Where was Meighan’s boyfriend? In the car? At home waiting for her?

Why didn’t he call 911 that night when she never came home?

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