OR - PRESIDENTIAL PARDON - Militia members occupy federal building in Oregon after protest #4

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It is a good article! She did her homework.

I think Maxine has grown leaps and bounds from when I first ran across her during the Kyron Horman disappearance in 2010. She seemed at that time to be kind of a stooge for the incompetent (imo) Sheriff's Office. Or, maybe it's the difference between getting info from the small fish vs from the big fish?
I shouldn't laugh, but this guy...

Bill Keebler had a detention hearing on Thursday in Salt Lake City.

U.S. District Judge David Sam agreed with prosecutors that Keebler posed a danger to public safety and denied pre-trial release.

Special Agent Steve Daniels testified at a federal court hearing Thursday about the activities of William Keebler, 57, who was arrested in June and charged with offenses connected to his alleged effort to blow up a remote cabin owned by the federal government.

Keebler commanded a small anti-government militia group called the Patriots Defense Force, also known as Patriots of America, which became the object of an FBI investigation about two years ago after Keebler took a high-profile role in the standoff between militias and supporters at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada.

Two undercover FBI agents infiltrated Keebler's group and had an informant inside.

Sam ordered that Keebler be kept in jail pending trial, saying, "The evidence is very substantial and overwhelming in support of detention."

Keebler formed his group Patriots of America after he returned in 2014 from the Nevada Bundy Ranch confrontation that erupted when the BLM tried to seize Bundy's cattle because of unpaid grazing fees.


Prosecutors interviewed an FBI special agent and played video obtained during a March 19, 2016 event in Stockton, Utah when Keebler was preparing plans for doing some damage to government buildings.

He held the conversation in an RV owned by the FBI with two of the undercover agents present.

"I think we all know what happens if someone in the inner circle turns," Keebler can be heard saying in the recording. "But if I didn't trust ya' I wouldn't be having this conversation."

Keebler also said in recordings that he planned to later harm a Mosque in Salt Lake County. He said the only thing he hated more than a Muslim was an FBI informant. He named off a few that he knew and said if he ever found out anyone in his militia was a confidential informant "he would slit their throats," Daniels said.

Keebler had plans for using bullets that could penetrate the Mosque and use explosives that could "blow up people potentially playing basketball in the parking lot," Daniels said adding that Keebler also had plans for illegal immigrants too.

The Stockton man popped up on the FBI's radar when he was involved in an armed stand-off in 2014 as the number two man in charge of the unorganized militia groups coming to the Cliven Bundy Ranch. He was also friends with LaVoy Finicum.

Boys and their bombs (and explosives)

“When he is apprehended, he doesn't try to flee even though he has a weapon," Donaldson said in court adding that the "rabbit rancher" was not as violent as he was made out to be. He was a tough talker, but didn't want to hurt people, Donaldson said.”​

Ryan Haas ‏@ryanjhaas 14m14 minutes ago
Judge Anna Brown's words to Ken Medenbach. #Oregonstandoff


Ryan Haas ‏@ryanjhaas 1h1 hour ago
For #Oregonstandoff defendants who separated their case from the Bundys, trial will begin Feb. 2017


Maxine BernsteinVerified account ‏@maxoregonian 5h5 hours ago
#oregonstandoff Def. Ryan Bundy, in new motion, questioning court's jurisdiction in refuge takeover case

Kansas mom whose kids sang at Oregon standoff loses custody

Odalis Sharp’s children had detailed to the Shawnee County District Court judge how their mother had beaten them, yelled at them and called them names. They talked about how their siblings would scream at the pain and how their mother would say she was trying to “beat the fire” out of them. She’d make them put pumps of hand soap in their mouths to wash it out. She’d cut them off from the outside world, the kids said.

Sharp, of Auburn, Kan., told the judge she wasn’t a bad mother. She wasn’t a monster. She loved her kids.

But by Wednesday afternoon, Judge Steven Ebberts had heard enough. There was a line between punishment and abuse, Ebberts said, and the mother had repeatedly crossed it.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article92255522.html#storylink=cpy

In bizarre court documents filed Tuesday, Ryan Bundy declared himself sovereign from state and federal government and wanted to be paid $1 million to accept “the role” of defendant or inmate.

Bundy, the brother of co-defendant Ammon Bundy in the case of the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, is acting as his own attorney. The federal court filings were submitted by his court-appointed legal assistant.

Ryan Bundy said he does not accept the role as defendant or inmate without fair and just compensation of $1 million. He also said he is willing to play the “role” of “judge” or “bailiff” for $1 million.

Enjoy federal prison, Mr. Bundy.

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 52m52 minutes ago
No mention of judge's oath in K. Medenbach's latest filing that challenges fed control of Malheur wildlife refuge


JJ MacNab ‏@jjmacnab 3h3 hours ago
JJ MacNab Retweeted Maxine Bernstein
Ryan Bundy goes full sovereign citizen. 1000s have tried this crap. None have won. #Oregonstandoff #sovcit #socitpa

JJ MacNab ‏@jjmacnab 2h2 hours ago I once saw a sovn try to use this myth even aft judge pointed out that the flag in her courtroom had no fringe.

Ryan Haas ‏@ryanjhaas 31m31 minutes ago
#Oregonstandoff judge warns R. Bundy against extrajudicial filings. Basically: Your sovcit logic is a waste of time

I think Mom & Pop Bundy taught the family a bunch of made up paranoid delusions (FDLS type) instead of letting them socialize outside of their community. If your mouth is moving and you believe what you are saying, then stand strong. Fine on a ranch or farm with no contact with civilized human beings but not in the real world. Look at the Sharp mom and her beliefs.

They'd be better off watching tv. jmo
Prosecutors: Oregon standoff defendants broke into safes, stole federal documents, called refuge takeover 'another Bunkerville'

The government outlined its case against Ammon Bundy and seven co-defendants in a 33-page trial brief. The eight are set to go to trial Sept. 7 on charges of conspiring to impede federal workers at the refuge through intimidation, threats or force.

Nine of 26 defendants indicted in the case have pleaded guilty to the conspiracy charge. A tenth defendant is set to enter a guilty plea Monday. Eight others are set for trial on Feb. 14.

Goverment Trial Briefs & exihibits linked in article.

Prosecutors: Oregon standoff defendants broke into safes, stole federal documents, called refuge takeover 'another Bunkerville'

Goverment Trial Briefs & exihibits linked in article.


Lots of information at that link.

I just can't let this slide by without comment:

Defendant Joseph O'Shaughnessy is set to plead guilty to the conspiracy charge Monday.


Then off to Nevada to face his music there.

And this:

Shawna Cox, described as an occupation spokesperson, was caught on a video with Ammon Bundy meeting with a group inside a refuge office. They discussed the placing of the "CLOSED PERMANENTLY'' sign outside the BLM district office, which Cox said made the employees "scared,'' according to the government's brief.

After her Jan. 26 arrest, Cox told investigators that she was at the refuge "because God sent her'' and that she and others were there to ensure the refuge land was returned to the people. She told agents that the weapons were for defense and would have been used to stop the government from entering the property, the brief said.

From Shawna's mouth to the feds' ears.

I look for some more "I am a total idiot" filings from her now that she is representing herself.

Shouldn't take her long to get one of those stern admonishments from Judge Brown.
Is this what people learn in homeschools?

Yes. This is why I go back and forth on homeschool good vs. homeschool bad as often as I go back and forth on Cherry Garcia vs. Chocolate Fudge Brownie.

[FONT=&amp]PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – An Arizona man charged in a pair of standoffs involving members of the Bundy family has pleaded guilty to the one in Oregon and is expected to do the same in Nevada.

[FONT=&amp]In federal court in Portland, Joseph O’Shaughnessy admitted to conspiring with others to prevent Interior Department employees from working at a national wildlife refuge near Burns, Oregon.[/FONT]
O'Shaughnessy, 44, of Cottonwood, Arizona, is expected to face about six years in prison under a negotiated plea deal pending in Nevada.

His plea deal in Nevada was contingent on him pleading guilty in the Oregon case, according to attorneys involved in the case.

O'Shaugnessy is the 10th of 26 defendants to plead guilty to the conspiracy charge stemming from the 41-day occupation of the federal refuge outside Burns in Harney County. He's the fourth of seven defendants facing federal indictments in both Nevada and Oregon to accept global plea deals to resolve both cases.

He's now expected to be transferred to Nevada to enter a guilty plea and be sentenced there before returning to Oregon for a Dec. 2 sentencing in the refuge case.

He is expected to get 12-18 months on the Oregon plea to be served concurrent with his Nevada sentence.

He, as well as the others, forfeits his right to poses a firearm. Forever.

No more .50-cal for you, "Mid-level" Joe.

"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"

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