OR - PRESIDENTIAL PARDON - Militia members occupy federal building in Oregon after protest #4

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He is expected to get 12-18 months on the Oregon plea to be served concurrent with his Nevada sentence.

He, as well as the others, forfeits his right to poses a firearm. Forever.

No more .50-cal for you, "Mid-level" Joe.

"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"

This sounds like really bad legal precedent to me. How the hell can they have him serve two sentences from two different cases in two different states concurrently? I understand the concept of sentences from the same crime being served concurrently, but from two cases in two states? If he had been dealing drugs, and had drug charges in two different states, I’m sure the sentences would not be concurrent. They would maximize the sentences to keep him in prison as long as possible. But apparently if you use violence to overthrow the government, they let you out as soon as possible, but if you sell drugs they will keep you in prison the rest of your life.

I’m starting to think even the Bundys will be out in a couple of years, to continue their anti-governmant activities.
And these odd ducks:

A Nevada man whose family was nearly killed by bombs set off by a former colleague says he has no idea why he was a target.

In his first public statements about the attack, Joshua Cluff told the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Friday that Glenn Franklin Jones never threatened him when they worked together at a hospital in Caliente.

The Clark County coroner determined Jones had died from a gunshot wound to the head.

Court records in Arizona state that the FBI recovered notes the 59-year-old Jones left behind in Kingman, Ariz., suggesting he was planning a “terror attack” on July 4 against a government building before he attacked the Cluff family instead.

More than a dozen improvised explosive devices in various configurations and stages of completion were found in the RV along with “various hand tools, power tools and materials used in the manufacture of IEDs,” according to a search warrant document obtained Friday from the Mohave County courthouse in Kingman.

The document also details journals and notebooks, recovered from Jones’ RV and the car he left parked at a Kingman rental car lot, that apparently prompted the FBI to question Joshua and Tiffany Cluff and search their property in Panaca on July 21.

According to the search warrant document, Jones’ notes included bomb diagrams and “indicated that at least one explosive device was to be used in a planned terror attack against an unidentified Bureau of Land Management facility on July 4, 2016.”

“Glenn Jones indicated in his journals that a subject named ‘Josh’ solicited and financed the construction of the explosive device to be used in the terror attack,” the document said.

Thanks to that note, Cluff said he spent about 12 hours last week with FBI agents who interrogated him and his wife separately for several hours each.

He said he also took and passed a polygraph test and let the FBI rifle through all his records and belongings, including his cellphone and a trailer on his property where the family was storing items recovered from the wreckage of their home.

“I was fully exonerated,” he said. “If I hadn’t, I’d have been arrested.”

The FBI has declined to discuss details of the investigation from the start.

More interesting stuff here:

The resemblance to Cousin LaVoy comes through in the interview with the LVRJ.
This sounds like really bad legal precedent to me. How the hell can they have him serve two sentences from two different cases in two different states concurrently? I understand the concept of sentences from the same crime being served concurrently, but from two cases in two states? If he had been dealing drugs, and had drug charges in two different states, I’m sure the sentences would not be concurrent. They would maximize the sentences to keep him in prison as long as possible. But apparently if you use violence to overthrow the government, they let you out as soon as possible, but if you sell drugs they will keep you in prison the rest of your life.

I’m starting to think even the Bundys will be out in a couple of years, to continue their anti-governmant activities.

These are all federal cases, not state cases.

All of their time will be served in Bureau of Prison facilities other than the credit they will receive for pre-trial detention.

Serving federal time concurrent for federal convictions out of multiple federal districts is not without precedent.

Some will get relatively short sentences. The Nevada charges will have heftier sentences due to the overt bearing of firearms directly at federal agents.

Federal sentencing guidelines have a downrate provision that lowers the recommended sentences for "accepting responsibility in a timely manner."

In other words, accept an offer to plea in a reasonable amount of time before the trial date and get a lighter sentence.

Wait up until the last minute or go to trial and expect your sentence to be greater than you thought it might be.

I expect most of the Bundys, possibly Santilli, and I'm hoping Shawna Cox for the comedy value, will run this thing all the way to trial.

The sentencing downrate is why so few federal cases actually go trial. I see this same pattern in the federal drug conspiracy cases I follow on an ongoing basis.

Helps keep the courts and prosecutors less bogged down and free to bring charges in complex cases.

Part of the issue is that actual sedition conspiracy charges have proven to be very difficult for federal prosecutors to get convictions when the defendants are militia/klan/etc. defendants. Louis Beam, et al; Hutarree Militia; and a small group of militia out of Georgia whose "name" I can never remember.

Because of the history of acquittals on sedition conspiracy charges, federal prosecutors are more and more reluctant to file them in cases like these. I think convictions for sedition would be difficult with the facts of these cases, going by the facts of the cases that saw acquittals.

I'm not convinced this is a bad thing. I can imagine an easy to use sedition conviction tool in the hands of, say, a Presidential administration that resembles fascism, and it becomes a frightening concept.

Jokers like these crews will never be able to coalesce themselves anywhere near in numbers to be any kind of serious threat to the stability of our government.

These guys were a good example of how they will eat themselves up from inside and the lack of competency on so many levels.

Can they do harm and hurt people? Absolutely. Oklahoma City will always stand as a testament to that possibility.

Not unlike the "war on drugs," vigilance towards anti-government violence and other unlawful acts is a game of whack-a-mole.

They'll always be around, but leaving them unwhacked risks consequences.

They also create damage, IMO, through the electoral process with their "constituional"sheriffs, some of the wackiest state and federal representives and, conceivably, presidential elections. :cough:

Those are not criminal violations (although it feels that way sometimes) and has to be challenged with rigorous participation in the electoral process. MOO and all that jazz.

When comparing sentence ranges for drug related crimes to the sentences we will see in these cases, it is important to recognize that state sentences will vary from state to state and federal has its own guidelines, too.

Are there inconsistencies? Absolutely. In a sense, the separation of state and federal jurisdictions guarantees that.
These are all federal cases, not state cases.

All of their time will be served in Bureau of Prison facilities other than the credit they will receive for pre-trial detention.

Serving federal time concurrent for federal convictions out of multiple federal districts is not without precedent.

Could you give me a couple of examples? Because I can’t think of any.

What Are "Consecutive" and "Concurrent" Sentences?
[FONT=Hind-Regular !important]
A consecutive sentence (also called a "cumulative" sentence) is when a defendant has been convicted of more than one crime, usually at the same trial, and the sentences for each crime are "tacked" together, so that sentences are served one after the other. For example, if a defendant is convicted of three crimes that carry sentences of five, three, and two years, he'll serve 10 years in prison, assuming he doesn't get parole or some other sentence reduction of credit. In other words, sentences are served one at a time. [/FONT]


Not only is this not the same trial, it’s not even the same court. I’m sorry, but I have to see evidence that there is precedent for this. I think it is highly unusual.
Could you give me a couple of examples? Because I can’t think of any.


Not only is this not the same trial, it’s not even the same court. I’m sorry, but I have to see evidence that there is precedent for this. I think it is highly unusual.

Isn't it in your link? it says

The convictions don't have to come at the same time, although they usually do. That is, a sentence on a new conviction may be ordered to run concurrently or consecutively with a sentence that a defendant's already serving.
A federal judge may also order the sentence for a criminal conviction to run concurrently or consecutively with the sentence on a conviction in state court.
In general, sentences on multiple convictions are supposed to run concurrently, unless the court decides otherwise or the specific law that defendant broke says differently.
Isn't it in your link? it says

I was referring to the statement, "Serving federal time concurrent for federal convictions out of multiple federal districts is not without precedent.”.

I would like a few examples of that. Because I can’t find any, including in the link I posted. I’m sure there are some cases, but I can’t find any. I’d be interested to read the cases.
I was referring to the statement, "Serving federal time concurrent for federal convictions out of multiple federal districts is not without precedent.”.

I would like a few examples of that. Because I can’t find any, including in the link I posted. I’m sure there are some cases, but I can’t find any. I’d be interested to read the cases.

I will withdraw my assertion.

Two of the examples I was thinking of were near-simultaneous federal and state prosecutions. My recall erred with those so they are not relevant.

The third example did involve two simultaneous federal prosecutions against an individual out of two districts in two different states/jurisdictions.

A guilty plea and sentencing in one district is easily discerned; the disposition in the second district is less clear although there exists a record of an intent to enter a guilty plea. Because sentencing in the second district is not visible, I can't offer it as an example.

I don't disagree that this is an unusual situation.

One of these courts will be sentencing with only an anticipated sentence in the other. That does appear to be unusual regarding two federal courts; less so regarding anticipated sentencing between a federal and a state court.

I'm good to leave it at that and see what happens.

I'll still happy dance at their sentences. :)
I thought the quotes about sentences received at different times would include sentences out of different courts. At least it was never explicitly ruled out. <br>
<a href="http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/concurrent-consecutive-sentences-double-punishment.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/concurrent-consecutive-sentences-double-punishment.html</a><br>
Apparently a hypothetical example but the same scenario: <br>
<font color="#333333"><span style="font-family: &amp;quot">. Haydn’s forgery conviction was in Michigan. At the time of the Michigan conviction, Haydn was already serving a sentence in Indiana for forgeries committed there. (Indiana turned Haydn over to Michigan temporarily to stand trial.) When the Michigan judge sentences Haydn on the Michigan forgeries, Haydn’s attorney can ask the Michigan court to allow Haydn to serve the Michigan sentence concurrently with the Indiana sentence. If the judge agrees, every day that Haydn serves in Indiana will count as though it were served in Michigan.</span></font>
<br>But he might have been sentenced in state court I guess... I understand forgery is both a federal and a state level crime.&nbsp;<br><br>
If I understand the statutes correctly the court is given a choice. <br>
<font color="#3C3C3C"><span style="font-family: &amp;quot">(a) Imposition of Concurrent or Consecutive Terms. - If multiple terms of imprisonment are imposed on a defendant at the same time, or if a term of imprisonment is imposed on a defendant who is already subject to an undischarged term of imprisonment, the terms may run concurrently or consecutively, except that the terms may not run consecutively for an attempt and for another offense that was the sole objective of the attempt. Multiple terms of imprisonment imposed at the same time run concurrently unless the court orders or the statute mandates that the terms are to run consecutively. Multiple terms of imprisonment imposed at different times run consecutively unless the court orders that the terms are to run concurrently. (b) Factors To Be Considered in Imposing Concurrent or Consecutive Terms. - The court, in determining whether the terms imposed are to be ordered to run concurrently or consecutively, shall consider, as to each offense for which a term of imprisonment is being imposed, the factors set forth in section 3553(a). -</span></font>
<font color="#3C3C3C"><span style="font-family: &amp;quot"> See more at: <a href="http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/uscode/18/II/227/D/3584#sthash.Y3GjjJFO.dpuf" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/uscode/18/II/227/D/3584#sthash.Y3GjjJFO.dpuf</a><br><br>If different districts always sentence consecutively they could state it a lot clearer than this...</span></font>

Here's a Supreme Court decision that seems to be saying that besides certain mandated exceptions federal courts have the power to mandate that federal sentences run concurrently or consecutively to other federal prison terms. Again, not explicitly ruling out previous federal sentences from other districts.

Contrary to that court's interpretation, §924(c)'s prohibition applies only to the section's mandatory firearms sentence, and does not limit a district court's normal authority under §3584(a) to order that other federal sentences run concurrently with or consecutively to other state or federal prison terms. Pp. 3-10.
Does the previous post look weird to you? I posted the same way I always do but it left all the editing tags showing.
Thanks I.b. I did post in the wrong thread. I flagged the post to move it. oops

Ammon Bundy to appeal his detention, again seek delay in Sept. 7 trial

Ammon Bundy plans to appeal two federal court orders requiring him to remain in custody pending trial.

Bundy's lawyer Marcus Mumford on Monday gave notice to the U.S. District Court of Oregon that he will ask the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to hear his appeal immediately or he'll file an emergency motion to delay the pending Sept. 7 trial until the appellate court can rule on his detention challenge.

Bundy, the leader of the 41-day occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, argued last month for his release pending trial and his attorney sought a trial delay.


Update: Ryan Bundy on Tuesday filed a notice to appeal his detention orders as well.

-- Maxine Bernstein
This is an interesting set of recent tweets from JJ McNab. She is talking about anti-government people and groups:


Posted in reverse order, read bottom up

JJ MacNab &#8207;@jjmacnab
I now think they just reallocated their resources to stir up the Trump fanatics.

JJ MacNab &#8207;@jjmacnab
It was such a sudden stop that it was noticeable. I figured they lost their funding or were satisfied with the Malheur takeover.

JJ MacNab &#8207;@jjmacnab
In January, something weird happened, the pro-Putin memes and social media accounts seemed to have stopped in the militia groups I monitor.

JJ MacNab &#8207;@jjmacnab
@mavoorhees The final group that has been spending money and time to shape the movement would be foreign - Russian trolls, in particular.​

(For anyone reading who might not know, JJ McNab is a Writer, anti-government extremism at http://Forbes.com | and a Fellow @ the George Washington Univ Center for Cyber & Homeland Security, Program on Extremism)

We'll see what else turns up out of the bombing. Time to take a closer look at the bomber.

Military records show Panaca bomber Jones served 11 years in Army and National Guard
Las Vegas Review-Journal
By Keith Rogers
August 9, 2016


“Panaca bomber Glenn Franklin Jones served 11 years in the peacetime Army and National Guard in Colorado, according to military records obtained Tuesday by the Las Vegas Review-Journal.”


“Jones, who died after detonating two powerful car bombs July 13 in the eastern Nevada community of Panaca, appears to have had some training with explosive devices, but records were unclear regarding how much knowledge he had gained from his time in the military.”


“Late last month, Joshua Cluff told the Review-Journal he had no idea why Jones targeted his home. Joshua Cluff said Jones had never said a harsh word to him, let alone threatened him or his family.

An FBI spokeswoman said late Tuesday that she had nothing new to report on the investigation.”​

Goes into some detail about his service record but, nothing about it is particularly revealing. I hope the Review-Journal continues to dig. The Cluff / Finicum connection is just too alluring.
Ohhhh, the judge is going to be so mad at this group.

Kyle Iboshi &#8207;@KyleIboshi 9m9 minutes ago Portland, OR
Lawsuit against judge and prosecutors filed on behalf of other defendants in #Oregonstandoff https://www.scribd.com/document/320844905/Medenbach-v-Judge-and-Prosecutors &#8230;

Kyle Iboshi &#8207;@KyleIboshi 8m8 minutes ago Portland, OR
Ken Medenbach argues #Oregonstandoff defendants should be released and paid lost wages. https://www.scribd.com/document/320844905/Medenbach-v-Judge-and-


Link to court doc filed today.

This from yesterday:

Deputies: Ryan Bundy confrontational during jail transport, force used
Posted: Aug 09, 2016 1:45 PM PDT
By FOX12 Oregon Staff


“PORTLAND, OR (KPTV) - Force was used against Ryan Bundy after he became confrontational during a transport from the Multnomah County Jail to the federal courthouse, according to deputies.”


“A jail sergeant and deputy began the process of placing Bundy in handcuffs, but they said he refused to put his hands behind his back.”​

You will have to read it to find out what happened.

A Clue: They did not shoot him dead.
This from yesterday:

Deputies: Ryan Bundy confrontational during jail transport, force used
Posted: Aug 09, 2016 1:45 PM PDT
By FOX12 Oregon Staff

“PORTLAND, OR (KPTV) - Force was used against Ryan Bundy after he became confrontational during a transport from the Multnomah County Jail to the federal courthouse, according to deputies.”


“A jail sergeant and deputy began the process of placing Bundy in handcuffs, but they said he refused to put his hands behind his back.”​

You will have to read it to find out what happened.

A Clue: They did not shoot him dead.

In the comments section, incredibly, there are actually idiots defending Bundy- claiming he would've cooperated if only the cops had asked him nicely enough!:doh:

Jon Ritzheimer, 32, admitted that he conspired with Ammon Bundy and others to prevent U.S. Interior Department employees from doing their jobs at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, and they did so by threats of force or intimidation.

Prosecutors dropped two charges as part of a plea agreement - theft of government property and possessing a firearm on federal property. Assistant U.S. Attorney Craig Gabriel said prosecutors will recommend 2½ years in prison when the Arizona man is sentenced in May. Ritzheimer's attorney, Terri Wood, can argue for less.

“After the hearing, Ritzheimer said he pleaded guilty because he reviewed the charge and, though he may not agree with it, admits he violated the law as it's written. "Marines believe in integrity," he said.

Ritzheimer made news outside of Oregon last year by organizing an anti-Islam protest at a Phoenix mosque and threatening to arrest a U.S. senator for treason because she supported the Iran nuclear deal.

He also led a protest at Walmart after the company removed Confederate flag merchandise.”​

I've always considered this guy very dangerous. Unless he also agreed to testify against the Bundy's both in Oregon and in Nevada, I simply do understand the thinking of the prosecutor. And, even with that, I think they are making a mistake.

I believe in integrity and I am not a Marine. I also believe he is a dangerous idiot.

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