OR OR - Samuel Boehlke-Becker, 8, Crater Lake National Park, 14 Oct 2006

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It has been nearly a year since little Sammy disappeared. His ninth birthday also just passed. I really hope that he is alive somewhere. The article below made me think of him though. It seems that they don't believe or have any reason to believe that the skeleton is Sammy, which still leaves hope for him. But it made me think of him anyway. I just wish that we could get some more clues about his disappearance.

I also found an article about the search for Sam resuming this past July. I wasn't able to access it though. If anyone else can find a similar article and post it, that'd be great.

Skeleton found at Crater Lake could be man missing since 1991

CRATER LAKE, Ore. -- Skeletal remains of a body found in Crater Lake National Park are being studied to determine if they are the remains of a California man missing since 1991.

Park ranger Dave Brennan said a firefighter found the remains in September in the remote Bybee Creek area of the park. But he declined to release details pending further investigation.

Winter snows prevented rangers from reaching the area until this summer, when park rangers began an investigation with the FBI.

Law enforcement officials have contacted the family of Glenn Mackie of Brea, Calif., whose vehicle was found at the Rim Village parking lot in October 1991. His driver's license, keys, passport, cash and toiletries were in the car, but no trace of him was ever found.

It looks like the remains are probably not Sammy, the article isn't very clear, but it says the remains were found last September, before Sammy went missing.

Park ranger Dave Brennan said a firefighter found the remains in September in the remote Bybee Creek area of the park.

How tragic! Prayers to his family...
Could this have been a hand off like many suspect in the Trenton Duckett case?
I know the body isn't his. I just said it made me think about him.

I hadn't really thought about the hand-off possibility before. I don't know if they would still be searching in that same area if there were a lot of doubts about the father's story (even though I've read a lot of doubts here at WS). And traffic thru Crater Lake is very light in October. But it is a possibility.

It doesn't seem like the search for him in July was productive. I was able to find two articles about the search but nothing about the results.
A handoff was just a random thought. An isolated place with little traffic would be ideal if one wanted no witnesses.
I just realized that this thread doesn't contain the boy's full name. It's Samuel Savage Boehlke-Becker of Portland, Oregon.

Here's his pic:


From http://www.krem.com/topstories/stories/krem2_101706_ORmissingboy2.49733d82.html
(Note: In this story his name was incorrectly spelled as "Boehike" instead of "Boehlke.")

This is his NCMEC poster:


This is his page at the Oregon State Police Missing CHildren Clearinghouse:


This page from the National Park Service contains a lot of information:

Originally posted by Dreamweaver:

Samuel Savage Boehlke-Becker, missing 2006, Crater Lake
Originally Posted by scandi
Thanks for that Dreamweaver. You have been busy :blowkiss:

I often wonder about the little boy who dissapeared while with his father up at the edge of Crater Lake. Missing on Oct 18, 2006. Do you know if they ever found him? xox

ETA: He was Sammy Boehike, 8 years old.

9mos later Update: Crews plan to recover remains of missing boy at Crater Lake Jul 23, 2007 CRATER LAKE NATIONAL PARK, Ore. -- A search to recover any remains of an eight-year-old Portland boy who disappeared last year at Crater Lake National Park is planned for next week. (KGW Northwest NewsChannel 8, OR)

Yes, I remember this case, Sammy Boehlke, 8 yrs old, missing at Crater Lake Park, Oct. 2006.

There is no mention anywhere that he has been found.

He had a high functioning level of sensory intergration disorder. He did not like loud noises and the searchers at Crater Lake did not use air horns because of that.

It always seemed a little odd to me that he disappeared so fast. His dad was chasing him and his dad said, that Sammy stayed 50 ft in front of him.
There was an intensive search for Sammy.

Saying that, though, Crater Lake gets 525 inches of snow per year.
Sammy B went missing in Oct., right before the heavy snows came down.
Sammy has been missing 3 winters now.
It does not appear any searches have been done since 2007. Although, family could have done their own search and it may not have been reported.



Sammy has been missing nearly 3 years. I still think of him nearly every day. Praying that this training may lead to finding Sammy, and helping others who may also go missing in this beautiful area.

Rescuers training at Crater Lake where autistic boy disappeared

Search and rescue personnel from throughout the region will train beginning this weekend at Crater Lake National Park, near the area where 8-year-old Samuel Boehlke went missing Oct. 14, 2006.

The park is hosting the California Oregon Regional Search and Rescue joint training exercise that will focus on search techniques such as high angle rope operations, ground searching and working with search dogs. According to a press release from the park, authorities are hopeful the exercise may turn up clues to the missing boy’s whereabouts.

Sammy, who had a mild form of autism that gave him a fear of loud noises and bright lights, was sightseeing with his father and ran into a wooded area near Cleetwood Cove and became lost. So far, authorities haven’t been able to determine what happened to the boy.

Hundreds of people searched for him following his disappearance and continue to search as funding is available, authorities said.

Sammy has been missing nearly 3 years. I still think of him nearly every day. Praying that this training may lead to finding Sammy, and helping others who may also go missing in this beautiful area.

Rescuers training at Crater Lake where autistic boy disappeared

Search and rescue personnel from throughout the region will train beginning this weekend at Crater Lake National Park, near the area where 8-year-old Samuel Boehlke went missing Oct. 14, 2006.

The park is hosting the California Oregon Regional Search and Rescue joint training exercise that will focus on search techniques such as high angle rope operations, ground searching and working with search dogs. According to a press release from the park, authorities are hopeful the exercise may turn up clues to the missing boy’s whereabouts.

Sammy, who had a mild form of autism that gave him a fear of loud noises and bright lights, was sightseeing with his father and ran into a wooded area near Cleetwood Cove and became lost. So far, authorities haven’t been able to determine what happened to the boy.

Hundreds of people searched for him following his disappearance and continue to search as funding is available, authorities said.


Sammy may never be found.
A small body, massive snow falls, wild life, etc.
But I hope that one day someone will find him
and his family can be at peace.

Although, I still have lingering doubts about dad's story.
Just saying.
Here's a new-ish video from CNN about Sammy.


If Sammy died at Crater Lake, I still have hope that someday he will be found. The chances are probably slim, but the article I posted in 2007 was about a body being found of a man missing in the park for 16 years.

I may be in the minority here, but for now, I'm giving dad the benefit of the doubt.
I remember when this boy, Sammy, was missing.
It had already started to snow at Crater Lake.
Sammy and his dad had stopped the car,
as Sammy thought the glints in the road were gold.
They got out.
Looked around.
Then Sammy ran up a cinder hill.
When dad got to the top of the cinder hill, Sammy was no
longer in sight.
Sammy had a mild sensory intergration form of autism
and liked to hide.
Despite massive amount of searchers, Sammy was never found.

I know there were conflicting reports at first. That seems to be the case
in almost every missing person case.
But, for me, it was the 'reported' news that Sammy's dad looked
for 2 hrs before calling for help.
I don't think any parent would search that long
in a deeply forested woods, in snow,
before calling the police.
Maybe a parent would search a very long time
in the neighborhood, calling friends, stopping at
all the houses.
But, then I don't really know how long it took
the dad to call for help.
I don't know if he had a cell phone or if
it worked up at Crater Lake.
I don't know if he had to wait til
another car came through.

What I do know, is Sammy is missing.
http://www.nps.gov/crla/index.htm Crater Lake info.
For those of you that follow the astro threads, I have put in a request for Sammy's case. Hopefully it can give some insight as to what really happened that day.

Dreamweaver, I don't know any more than you do. But it is my "impression" that the dad did not have a cell phone, or it didn't work. I think I've read that when dad stopped the car, they used that person's cell phone to call 911. But of course, as it always is with media reports, that could be wrong.

I'm also not sure about the 2 hours. Reports have varied that dad lost sight of Sammy between 4:00 and 4:30, and that the park received a call at 6:00 pm. It is my opinion or feeling that it was probably closer to an hour, maybe 4:30-5:30, that Sammy's dad searched for him. Then he probably headed back to the main road to track down another visitor. In October, traffic is very light through the park, and it could have taken a while for someone to drive by.

I do agree with you that whether it was 1 hour or 2, it's still quite a long time. I also think it's odd that with all of the winter clothing Sammy was wearing, none of it was ever found. Nothing scattered by animals, like his coat, nothing.

I just don't know what to think. :( Like you, all I know is that Sammy is missing.
Beautiful anniversary pics for Samuel. Well done.
Boy lost at Crater Lake remains a mystery

Sadly, the mystery of Samuel Boehlke's disappearance remains unsolved more than three years after he vanished near the rim of the caldera at Crater Lake National Park.


Michael Justin, public information officer for the park, said Wednesday that a large search-and-rescue training exercise at the park last fall focused on locating some trace of the boy, but nothing was found.

Justin said Sammie's disappearance "still keeps me awake at night sometimes. We feel so sorry for the family."

I just read about this and was reminded of the time that the boy scout was missing...I think it was Utah...they had all those search teams out there and the boy heard them but did not answer, his family was Morman so they never even said he was autistic or had any sort of problem (apparently they kind of mainstream kids and/or deny some forms of mental/developmental problems??)

When they had the boy on tv anyone could see that there was some problem there, mentally disabled or autistic or whatever, but the family seemed to be in denial
many people (me included) felt that kid should not have been in a "regular" scout program or allowed to be on a camping trip without better supervision

for some reason this case "struck" me the same way...I don't think the dad harmed his son, he probably really loved him...but at some level he was in a form of denial and did not take the proper precautions...he felt his kid could do what other kids did....perhaps he tried to find him himself as he did not want to admit he had been negligent to even let the kid get away like that in the first place??

Very sad story, thanks for bringing this back up on this sad anniversary...I hope that Samuel is found and some closure obtained for his loved ones
I just read about this and was reminded of the time that the boy scout was missing...I think it was Utah...they had all those search teams out there and the boy heard them but did not answer, his family was Morman so they never even said he was autistic or had any sort of problem (apparently they kind of mainstream kids and/or deny some forms of mental/developmental problems??)

When they had the boy on tv anyone could see that there was some problem there, mentally disabled or autistic or whatever, but the family seemed to be in denial
many people (me included) felt that kid should not have been in a "regular" scout program or allowed to be on a camping trip without better supervision

for some reason this case "struck" me the same way...I don't think the dad harmed his son, he probably really loved him...but at some level he was in a form of denial and did not take the proper precautions...he felt his kid could do what other kids did....perhaps he tried to find him himself as he did not want to admit he had been negligent to even let the kid get away like that in the first place??

Very sad story, thanks for bringing this back up on this sad anniversary...I hope that Samuel is found and some closure obtained for his loved ones

BBM. That is Brennan Hawkins. Mainstreaming kids is the new social norm all over the US and is not religious based. This family was not in denial, they just figured it wasn't anyone's business what the issue was.
BBM. That is Brennan Hawkins. Mainstreaming kids is the new social norm all over the US and is not religious based. This family was not in denial, they just figured it wasn't anyone's business what the issue was.

Perhaps...well John Travolta also seemed to be in denial about his son,
blaming it on "vacines" or something

I seem to remember in the Utah case, the family's denial actually held up finding the boy...people were out there risking their lives, when all the while the kid was sitting there, not responding....various experts even said that had searchers been told "how" to approach him and /or call for him etc, that he could have been found sooner

so yeah I think at some point it is people's business if a family risks searchers and /or dogs and prolongs a search

I think that in this case maybe the dad felt that way...he didn't want to admit how negligent he had been...cause I feel it is pretty negligent myself...to leave a kid get away from him like this..

if it was a toddler I would say the same thing

the fact it took him 2 hours to get help bothered me...unlike some here I didn't immediately think the dad "did" something bad....I think however he was in some sort of denial ?

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