OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 Jul 2013 - #2

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It's completely anonymous and you can get a reward of up to a $1,000 too. Just for doing the right thing; a good thing. Isn't that amazing? Tip any information about Stephanie today!


Zwiebel I am quoting you on this to keep it visible in the thread. Never know someone just might know something and is ready to come forward. Since we are moving on to a new page I thought it would be good to have it on this page too. If the right person clicks that link, it could be a solved case! Thanks for posting it.
I had a flashback this evening and remembered when Stephanie's Thread was the SPOTLIGHT CASE OF THE MONTH. I remembered one night seeing 15 members & 24 guests viewing her case. We need to get Stephanie's thread back in the spotlight again if we can. We need visibility. We need to get the attention of the public so that someone can give that vital piece of info to LE that will solve this case. Any suggestions fellow members?
Look at this. An 11 year old from Applegate Valley with Cerebal Palsy has decided to raise awareness for Children in Need and has managed to hit the headlines. How's he done it? He's going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, obviously.

What a wonderful, inventive young man. Not in a million years would that idea have struck me. But how eye-catching is it?

I'm taking this as a sign that there are always ways to achieve things, with a little lateral thing, a lot of thought and a good heap of courage and determination.

I meant to say lateral thinking in that post above, not lateral thing!

I wish that dang article had said WHERE people could make a pledge. I am not trying to fundraise on WS as I know that's against the rules, but I really want to make a pledge for that young boy, in Stephanie's honor. I never met her, but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't object and I think it's a lovely way to remember her and help a brave local boy help kids in need.

I'll get there somehow.
I had a flashback this evening and remembered when Stephanie's Thread was the SPOTLIGHT CASE OF THE MONTH. I remembered one night seeing 15 members & 24 guests viewing her case. We need to get Stephanie's thread back in the spotlight again if we can. We need visibility. We need to get the attention of the public so that someone can give that vital piece of info to LE that will solve this case. Any suggestions fellow members?

Like so many cases, until there is news, this will fade out even here on WS. That's why I put the info on Stephanie and links in my signature, so everywhere I post on WS, people may notice. Sometimes I will mention Stephanie's case in a post on another case if it's relevant. Afterward I see WSers from the other thread liking posts over here. The trouble is, right now there is nothing to sleuth. We're in a holding pattern. :banghead:

As far as getting the public's attention, when Sasquatch made his video, that got sent to every local media outlet. I email a local TV reporter near the anniversary most months, asking her to give an update. She's been very good about it, even though I won't let her interview me. :) I think the reward would be a good story.

Thanks for hanging in there with us Sad Eyes. :loveyou:
Can your local reporter tell me how to get my donation all the way from Germany to Oregon, to that brave little boy, in Stephanie's honor? I would never have heard about it, if it wasn't for Stephanie, and that's newsworthy, isn't it?
Can your local reporter tell me how to get my donation all the way from Germany to Oregon, to that brave little boy, in Stephanie's honor? I would never have heard about it, if it wasn't for Stephanie, and that's newsworthy, isn't it?

What a lovely thought, Zwiebel! Yes, it's newsworthy. Here's hoping. :)
Can your local reporter tell me how to get my donation all the way from Germany to Oregon, to that brave little boy, in Stephanie's honor? I would never have heard about it, if it wasn't for Stephanie, and that's newsworthy, isn't it?

Zweibel, here is a link to the FB page for Lane Mendell's fundraiser, where there is a post with PayPal info for donating:

Oh, thank you. I saw that FB page and the question about who wants to support this brave little man, but then just went rushing off to try and find where I could do that - I didn't think to scroll down the page!

Talk about making life difficult for myself......
I think about Stephanie every day. Tomorrow it will be eight months since she was taken from those who love her. May this be the month that someone grows a conscience and comes forward with information and that LE gets a break. We are waiting and watching and wishing we could do more. Hugs to Stephanie's loved ones.
8 long months. Where ever you are Stephanie you have notbeen forgotten. Prayers for everyone. Special prayers today for LE to find Stephanie.
It is Mardi Gras here in NOLA. It's cold and rainy, but we endured.
Mardi Gras was not a holiday Stephanie and I enjoyed together. She was in the service industry so she was always working during Mardi Gras. And I am grateful for that, I was able to enjoy it without thinking of her too much.
There are people I see only a few times a year (like today) and I am thankful for their thoughts and prayers. So many people are thinking and praying for Stephanie and her loved ones, and it means so much.
There is not a day that goes by that that I don't think of and remember her.
Stephanie was the person in my life I thought I would grow old with, friends until the end. Who would have known the end would have come so soon?
So, to those who took her away form us, this won't end until justice is served!

I truly appreciate all of you here.
Sorry about the rain, for ashley. Being English, I can sympathise.

I'm hoping the bad weather will keep all the criminals inside, so LE will have more time to concentrate on Stephanie's case.

I have to go check how the little fellow fared climbing up that scary mountain now.....
OMG. Get them all down, it's too dangerous! People should get banned from climbing mountains.........they are reaching the summit and little fellow is right there.


Seriously, what brave, kind people. I am glad I chose this group to make a donation in Stephanie's honor because they are doing her - and their cause - proud. I haven't made it yet because I thought that might seem kind of patronizing, before the goal had been achieved?

Gosh, I wish them luck though on their final trek. Isn't it amazing what faith, loyalty and love for one's fellow man can do? :)
Zwiebel I am going to make a donation in honor of Stephanie also. I agree with you, had it not been for this thread I also would never have heard of this brave little boy doing this mountain climb. Thanks for posting the link to the FB page that gives the pay pal link. :)
Gosh dang it. I lived in Munich, where they love mountains and there are quite a few, and spent all my time avoiding visiting, thinking about or even seeing them (there was one right in view of my house, but it took a friend visiting from England to point it out to me).

Mountains are terrifying, cold places to me. Best avoided. Can't believe the search for Stephanie has got me following a mountain trek.

This is what people DO though, when they truly want to help find or help someone. Just anything, no matter how left field. And that is why POI Lennie/Lonnie Ames has been criticized. It's not a lynch mob mentality. It's not unfair.

He behaved really suspiciously when his girlfriend disappeared, and made no effort to search for her, though he had the (online and physical) resources. J' accuse M. Ames. J' accuse. Lack of effort, lack of love. You stand accused.
Gosh dang it. I lived in Munich, where they love mountains and there are quite a few, and spent all my time avoiding visiting, thinking about or even seeing them (there was one right in view of my house, but it took a friend visiting from England to point it out to me).

Mountains are terrifying, cold places to me. Best avoided. Can't believe the search for Stephanie has got me following a mountain trek.

This is what people DO though, when they truly want to help find or help someone. Just anything, no matter how left field. And that is why POI Lennie/Lonnie Ames has been criticized. It's not a lynch mob mentality. It's not unfair.

He behaved really suspiciously when his girlfriend disappeared, and made no effort to search for her, though he had the (online and physical) resources. J' accuse M. Ames. J' accuse. Lack of effort, lack of love. You stand accused.

BBM RBM (Red by me)

The Thanks Button just isn't enough, Zwie.

It has taken almost three years to gather enough evidence to charge Zach Adams this week for the kidnapping and murder of 20 year old Holly Bobo in TN. It has not been revealed yet whether her body has been recovered.

As sad as it is to know for sure that Holly is gone, this case gives me hope that there will eventually be an arrest or arrests in Stephanie's case. Prayers for both the Bobo and Warner families.


SPOTLIGHT CASE *Arrest* Holly Bobo investigation- TBI press conference 5 March 2014 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Yay! They made it to the summit safely, our little fellow got high fived by people, now they are in a Tanzanian hotel, exhausted.

Best news - just what has been done so far has ennabled the orphanage to take in two more little girls during the trip - a five year old and eight year old. There is long post from the team leader on the FB page.

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