OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 July 2013 - #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
:greetings: Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Niner. I hope you "stick around." :)

Yes, I agree that she knows something and I hope that whoever is the weakest link will talk, if only to negotiate a lesser charge. I don't think there is any way that Ames is the only one involved in or knowledgable about Stephanie's disappearance. JMO

Yes, I will be around through the trial!! :wave:
Missing Southern Oregon woman last seen on Fourth of July



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Bessie, I just noticed that you are from "The Who Dat Nation"!!! Stephanie would be so happy to know that a home-town lady is on her side and a WB Super Moderator! Also, thank you for making it easy to get from thread to thread with the easy links that you have on this post. You and Lilibet have done wonders for easy access to finding things on the thread. And a big thank you for keeping Stephanie in the Big Yellow Box at the top of the screen!
I've kept an eye on the case of Charli Scott on Maui. Her boyfriend and father of her unborn child has just been arrested for her murder. Like Ames, he thought he was smarter than everyone. Seajay states it so well in post #551 on the thread linked below. May the new searches that Detective Henderson is planning be the undoing of overconfident, arrogant Ames' and company. As one of Ames' favorite books puts it at Proverbs 16:18--"Pride is before a crash, And a haughty spirit before stumbling." The crash is coming. It really is.



ETA: I want to add that Charli's family and friends were aggressive and tenacious in their search for Charli and for information. On social media, they did not let up and really held the boyfriend's feet to the fire when his story did not add up. Whether any of this helped, I don't know, but they made sure Charli was not forgotten.
Thank you everyone for your warm welcome. I plan on"sticking around" and following this thread. As I am from western Canada, I do not know the geographical area in which Stephanie lives. However, after everything I read, the person of interest in this case is justly recognized. Again I cannot fathom the slackness of the LE from the very beginning. Unbelievable!
That firebug in Medford is still going. Two more this week. I just hate to think of police resources being deliberately wasted in that way.

Hope the police catch the firebug too - before the locals do.

Interestingly, Florida, where POI Lennie/Lonnie Ames has chosen to live, just made the top three of the most dangerous states to live. I can't imagine its reputation will improve any with its latest resident.
In honor of Stephanie (post event, because my natural instinct was just to do it) I saved a butterfly from drowning today, that fell into the river.

While I was doing that, my grumpy old dog decided to sneak off and go investigate a huge, fierce Doberman I've been trying to avoid for ages. I SLID on my bottom down a small waterfall, trying to get to him in time. Lost my shoes, my purse and my dignity.

Got there, and there's love in the air. Doberman's a girl and she just loooooves my old boy. :)
In honor of Stephanie (post event, because my natural instinct was just to do it) I saved a butterfly from drowning today, that fell into the river.

While I was doing that, my grumpy old dog decided to sneak off and go investigate a huge, fierce Doberman I've been trying to avoid for ages. I SLID on my bottom down a small waterfall, trying to get to him in time. Lost my shoes, my purse and my dignity.

Got there, and there's love in the air. Doberman's a girl and she just loooooves my old boy. :)

OUCH, Zwiebel. Canine Love is worth it, right? At least the butterfly is grateful. Hope you don't have any lasting injuries. :getwell:
That firebug in Medford is still going. Two more this week. I just hate to think of police resources being deliberately wasted in that way.

Hope the police catch the firebug too - before the locals do.

Interestingly, Florida, where POI Lennie/Lonnie Ames has chosen to live, just made the top three of the most dangerous states to live. I can't imagine its reputation will improve any with its latest resident.

They arrested a woman for arson, which is very unusual, but it seems she has mental health and meth issues. I hope she is the only arsonist. I predict that because of her mental health issues, this will not go to trial and she will be released into the community eventually. This happened in Ashland a few years ago with a well-known, homeless, mentally ill man who carelessly started a fire that jumped the freeway and burned a bunch of homes. He is still wandering around town, as ill as ever. :(

A break was made in the case with the arrest of Debra Johns.

"We had two fires at Hawthorne park from yesterday and while searching that area, one of our patrol officers Tom Sweeney located Debra Johns," said Police Chief Tim George.

Johns was arrested walking away from Hawthorne park at 8:04 Thursday morning for several outstanding warrants.

Police say they've several contacts with Johns over the years and can tie her to some of the fires.

"She's currently being charged with arson in the second degree, two counts, one at Beavertooth Oak and one at Hawthorne park, we also have a reckless burn at Hawthorne park," said George.

Police say Johns' method in those two fires is consistent with many of the 23 reported arsons in the past month.

"Not going to go into who what when and how, but I can tell you that we have consistency with this person and the type of fires that we're investigating," said George.

Investigators say the job doesn't stop with the arrest, and even with Johns behind bars tonight, this case is far from closed.

"Is this the only one? Well it's the one we got right now," Said George.

Chief George says they believe Johns also started a fire yesterday in the women's bathroom in the lobby of the Jackson county jail that caused minor damage.


In honor of Stephanie (post event, because my natural instinct was just to do it) I saved a butterfly from drowning today, that fell into the river.

While I was doing that, my grumpy old dog decided to sneak off and go investigate a huge, fierce Doberman I've been trying to avoid for ages. I SLID on my bottom down a small waterfall, trying to get to him in time. Lost my shoes, my purse and my dignity.

Got there, and there's love in the air. Doberman's a girl and she just loooooves my old boy. :)

What a sweet person you are, Zwiebel, saving a butterfly! I hope you are OK. How cute about the doggy love.
Zwe you made my day! LMBO!!! Oh, sorry I forgot to copy your quote. This is about you saving the butterfly and I can just imagine you doing it. You are a wonderful person! :loveyou:

P.S. I just am thinking....I saved a dragonfly just last week and it was a nice feeling knowing he would not be eaten up by the ants. He was upside down and he couldn't roll over to get up and fly. Of course, my experience was not as entertaining as yours, as mine was just on my front porch! LOL Hope you did not injure yourself too bad. Try to stay on dry land in the future!!! :)
Just thinking & wondering........ We never did find out if Ames spent the night at Stephanie's house on the 3rd of July. Thinking..... was he already at her house the morning of the 4th before they went to the parade or did she have to pick him up somewhere? Was his vehicle at her house the morning of the parade? Maybe Dicentra would know.
It's one of the gaps in information that are just so suspicious in this case. There has been so little co-operation or information from those apparently closest to Stephanie when she disappeared. No attempt to search for her, or publicize her case and ask others for help.

Lennie Ames was apparently so close to Stephanie, he felt entitled to move himself, his son and his partner, and his mother, into Tephanie's house when she disappeared. But not close enough to search for her or even stick around when police started asking questions.

It just doesn't add up.

Or perhaps it does.....
O/T I had NO idea what Who Dat Nation meant! I do now though, thanks to google.

Here in Germany, we just chant: 'We won the World Cup'. :)
O/T I had NO idea what Who Dat Nation meant! I do now though, thanks to google.

Here in Germany, we just chant: 'We won the World Cup'. :)

Congrats on winning the World Cup! It was rightfully deserved! You have a great team over there! It was nice to see soccer bring the world together and feel a sense of "peace" for a little while.
Welcome new support PEOPLES! The more of us taking action, the better chance we have that Steph will be found! For those of you that are wondering, we (her Ruch Family as well as her Bio-family), were directly INSTRUCTED by Henderson NOT to go to the media, to avoid them at all costs, that giving any publicity would hurt his case. I thought I was doing the right thing; following the direction of LE when I remained silent. I am willing to give any and all of you every piece of evidence I have in the hope that one of us will be able to get it to the "right" person and kick-start this investigation into high-gear. Privately contact me and I'll email you everything I have. Holding back certainly hasn't helped this case.
Just thinking & wondering........ We never did find out if Ames spent the night at Stephanie's house on the 3rd of July. Thinking..... was he already at her house the morning of the 4th before they went to the parade or did she have to pick him up somewhere? Was his vehicle at her house the morning of the parade? Maybe Dicentra would know.

Stephanie was in Ashland, working on the float July 3rd. She was exhausted, so I encouraged her to come spend the night in her room at my place instead of driving all the way to Ruch - she said she had to give her kitty medication; devoted to her "babies" she wouldn't miss giving her the medication she'd just received from her traveling vet the 2nd of July (two days later when I went searching for Sissy, I looked in the fridge and saw that only two doses of medication had been given her kitty, I knew something was horribly wrong... the last dose she gave was on the 3rd of July. The fact that she never called me or her Mama the evening of July 4th and that her cat wasn't given medication after July 3rd, leads me to believe she never made it home the night of the 4th). Stephanie had brought POI to her home the evening of the 3rd, so they could leave together EARLY the morning of the 4th. She planned to pick up Jared and his GF in Ashland, where they were living at the time, and arrive at JCFC to prepare for the parade.

I believe POI's white truck was stored at Steph's home, but I never saw him drive it; they always drove Stephanie's SUV when they went to town because his truck was unregistered. I never knew of perp driving Steph's SUV and never observed him driving it. Sissy always drove them when they went anywhere. At the time she disappeared, POI was NOT living with Stephanie. She'd changed her gate code and had made it clear that her home was HER home. I believe she was getting ready to break up with him for good when she disappeared. We all know that the most lethal time for a battered/abused woman is when she is leaving her abuser. Just something to think about...

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