Orange County Sheriff says: Stop leaking news to media.

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I got the impression that LE might have been using LP to do their dirty work. Here Leonard, say this on TV and lets see what happens. Some of the crazy stuff he came up with may have been a rouse to see what reaction it got from the A family. You know, hot or cold? Say something farfetched so that the real story can be inserted by them....maybe I watch too much tv....I so badly want a team of experts like that show "Lie to Me" to analyze this case...I am already going over old videos using the information from that show to analyze the A family's lies.
GMA..Leonard's ties were to the FBI--not the local le
Speaking of possible leaks, I have a question, bear with me, I NEVER post.
Did anyone catch Geraldo this evening? Dr. Baden was on, they were grilling Dr. Perper about the Anna Nicole case and his failure to test her hair for substances, blah blah blah, Geraldo makes a quick mention of Caylee's hair and Baden says (quote) "they found chloroform in the babies hair'
Has that information been released???
Did I miss that?
My apologies in advance if that be the case.
Speaking of possible leaks, I have a question, bear with me, I NEVER post.
Did anyone catch Geraldo this evening? Dr. Baden was on, they were grilling Dr. Perper about the Anna Nicole case and his failure to test her hair for substances, blah blah blah, Geraldo makes a quick mention of Caylee's hair and Baden says (quote) "they found chloroform in the babies hair'
Has that information been released???
Did I miss that?
My apologies in advance if that be the case.

I heard that. Baden was stating that they should have tested Anna's hair since it contains a history of all the drug taking and there was a reference to Caylee. I think they tried to say it wasn't conclusive, in that it could've been a part of decomp or from the car but ..... interesting. Surprises in store.
Speaking of possible leaks, I have a question, bear with me, I NEVER post.
Did anyone catch Geraldo this evening? Dr. Baden was on, they were grilling Dr. Perper about the Anna Nicole case and his failure to test her hair for substances, blah blah blah, Geraldo makes a quick mention of Caylee's hair and Baden says (quote) "they found chloroform in the babies hair'
Has that information been released???
Did I miss that?
My apologies in advance if that be the case.

Not released yet that I know of, but I sure sat up and took notice of that little "slip" of Baden's-- (I posted downstairs in the rumor thread didn't know where to put it here).
I thought he said "in Caylee's hair"-- but the meaning seems clear either way. Wow.
I heard it and jumped. I had to ask if that was what I heard. DSO (darling significant other) thought it was an analogy to the tests performed on Caylee's hair, when discussing the need to do a hair analysis on ANS and that it was "if there was chloroform in the baby's hair." Not, "there was choloform in the baby's hair."

His wife is one of her defense attorneys. He isn't going to pop that kind of information out as fact. The public reaction to an announcement that there was chloroform present in Caylee's hair for months and months before her death, proven by testing bands , would have been HUGE.
I heard it and jumped. I had to ask if that was what I heard. DSO (darling significant other) thought it was an analogy to the tests performed on Caylee's hair, when discussing the need to do a hair analysis on ANS and that it was "if there was chloroform in the baby's hair." Not, "there was choloform in the baby's hair."

His wife is one of her defense attorneys. He isn't going to pop that kind of information out as fact. The public reaction to an announcement that there was chloroform present in Caylee's hair for months and months before her death, proven by testing bands , would have been HUGE.

Thanks DotsEyes-- I couldn't believe my ears. I'm going to watch again later.

Back on topic, I like leaks and slips!
"Demings didn't identify specific leaks in the investigation, but said he's never seen a similar flow of active criminal information reported publicly during his 21-year career at the Orlando Police Department"

That quote will surely be used, verbatim, by JB in any number of ways to help the defense. What the h@ll was Demings thinking when he added that needless statement.
There's been a fair bit of discussion about media reports that cite 'sources close to the investigation', but I've also noticed more than one report in which it is alleged that 'prosecutors think......' or prosecutors believe......' when I have not seen any evidence (either by way of discovery or any official LE interview/briefing) to support the particular 'news' that is being reported. Today there is another prime example from WFTV/Eyewitness News:

'Her parents pressed her in jail about what happened to Caylee.

"We're going to see her little face again. I pray to God, Casey," Cindy said.

"I know in my heart she's not far. I can feel it," Casey told them.

While Casey seemed to be comforting her parents, prosecutors believe she might have been taunting them because she murdered Caylee and knew where she was.'

Where on earth did they get that from? :confused: Is this another leak, or an example of the media making things up as they go along? :eek:
You know, I've been thinking the same thing every time I read the words, "sources close to the investigation". In fact, I googled those words and was amazed to see so many things coming from LE or SA way before they were released and were often not true according to the real documents. As early as August they were talking about the FBI reports which weren't disclosed till the end of November to the defense. Some of the statements, I think they just make up. But who knows. Some of the info had to have come from LE, because of the content, things the media couldn't know without them.

I've read so many accusations here that the defense is the ones leaking information to taint the jury but I can't think of anything they've leaked. I remember Baez admitting Casey received some sort of meds on Dec. 11 but someone from the jail had already told media and he was simply answering their questions, yes, it is true. He probably shouldn't have answered but what kind of gossip would there have been if he'd refused to answer after the media already knew about it?
I wonder about the context of "sources tell us".....Maybe they are talking about when reporters have the doc dumps a day before we do, and they put out a a teaser? Maybe "sources" are people here at WS? Could "sources" be KC's friends?
What instance is the sheriff speaking of? Sorry to be confusing....
You know, I've been thinking the same thing every time I read the words, "sources close to the investigation". In fact, I googled those words and was amazed to see so many things coming from LE or SA way before they were released and were often not true according to the real documents. As early as August they were talking about the FBI reports which weren't disclosed till the end of November to the defense. Some of the statements, I think they just make up. But who knows. Some of the info had to have come from LE, because of the content, things the media couldn't know without them.

I've read so many accusations here that the defense is the ones leaking information to taint the jury but I can't think of anything they've leaked. I remember Baez admitting Casey received some sort of meds on Dec. 11 but someone from the jail had already told media and he was simply answering their questions, yes, it is true. He probably shouldn't have answered but what kind of gossip would there have been if he'd refused to answer after the media already knew about it?
Personally, I wouldn't mind if JB leaked what happened that fateful day. Oh, just wishful thinking, I know.
Personally, I wouldn't mind if JB leaked what happened that fateful day. Oh, just wishful thinking, I know.

If anyone has that info and could leak it, I betcha it would be JB...but he'd rather wait for his Perry Mason or Johnnie Cochran moment at trial.
You know, I've been thinking the same thing every time I read the words, "sources close to the investigation". In fact, I googled those words and was amazed to see so many things coming from LE or SA way before they were released and were often not true according to the real documents. As early as August they were talking about the FBI reports which weren't disclosed till the end of November to the defense. Some of the statements, I think they just make up. But who knows. Some of the info had to have come from LE, because of the content, things the media couldn't know without them.

I've read so many accusations here that the defense is the ones leaking information to taint the jury but I can't think of anything they've leaked. I remember Baez admitting Casey received some sort of meds on Dec. 11 but someone from the jail had already told media and he was simply answering their questions, yes, it is true. He probably shouldn't have answered but what kind of gossip would there have been if he'd refused to answer after the media already knew about it?

Sources close to the investigation is a VERY generic term. Could be defense. Could be prosecution. Could be a secretary at an office that handles ANY of the paperwork. Could be an intern or a paralegal. A friend of any of the attorneys. One of the PI's on either side. The Anthonys. A janitor that looked at reports on a desk. There just is no way to know.
Sources close to the investigation is a VERY generic term. Could be defense. Could be prosecution. Could be a secretary at an office that handles ANY of the paperwork. Could be an intern or a paralegal. A friend of any of the attorneys. One of the PI's on either side. The Anthonys. A janitor that looked at reports on a desk. There just is no way to know.

Could you please show one example of a leak that could logically have come from anyone on the defense "side". These leaks came before the defense had any access to the docs and would only serve to taint the jury against his client. He'd have to be on a suicide mission and the As would not leak anything like that even if they did have knowledge before it was released to the defense. This reasoning doesn't hold water. The leaks serve the purpose of implying the accused is guilty and then they turn out to not be true at all, mostly. That's why I won't just believe any news article. I wait for the real docs to form my judgments.

ETA [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Motion to Delay Judge's ruling on the Video[/ame] I'm rather uncomfortable adding this example of a source close to the investigation because I know his heart is in the right place, leading so many tireless searches for missing persons. But, it is a good example of information being given inappropriately, and it coming from LE, not from the defense. I also think the information given to him was false, after reading TU's account of what happened. It was her hands that were red, sounding like she was reacting with hives, a normal stress response when one hears her child may have been found dead. But reading the public reaction to this information you can see that the red face was picked up and run with, being used to show her embarrasment at being caught "red handed" or guilt which is simply not the case, according to the eye witness account from Officer Uncer.
If the leak isn't "true" then whats the issue?
It's just a rumour..and false reporting
If the leak isn't "true" then whats the issue?
It's just a rumour..and false reporting

Leaking the real truth wouldn't necessarily taint the jury pool, although it is unprofessional and unethtical to give the public what the defense hasn't yet had a chance to see. Leaking a lie should be prosecuted and the person lose his job. This clearly taints the public perception and biases potential jurors if they believe the lie. Many here continue to carry forth rumors and falsehoods as if they are the gospel truth and in evidence so there is no way I'll be convinced that the potential jury pool isn't just as vulnerable to this.
Could you please show one example of a leak that could logically have come from anyone on the defense "side". These leaks came before the defense had any access to the docs and would only serve to taint the jury against his client. He'd have to be on a suicide mission and the As would not leak anything like that even if they did have knowledge before it was released to the defense. This reasoning doesn't hold water. The leaks serve the purpose of implying the accused is guilty and then they turn out to not be true at all, mostly. That's why I won't just believe any news article. I wait for the real docs to form my judgments.

ETA Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Motion to Delay Judge's ruling on the Video I'm rather uncomfortable adding this example of a source close to the investigation because I know his heart is in the right place, leading so many tireless searches for missing persons. But, it is a good example of information being given inappropriately, and it coming from LE, not from the defense. I also think the information given to him was false, after reading TU's account of what happened. It was her hands that were red, sounding like she was reacting with hives, a normal stress response when one hears her child may have been found dead. But reading the public reaction to this information you can see that the red face was picked up and run with, being used to show her embarrasment at being caught "red handed" or guilt which is simply not the case, according to the eye witness account from Officer Uncer.

I don't really consider her reaction as a leak of the case. It wasn't a private, secret moment.

And I got the same question, but going the other way. I wanta see some of these leaks folks are talking about. What kind of level/type/etc are they?

I just read a coment that Baden talked about the tox of Caylee's hair. That info hasn't been released yet. That would be an example of the defense doing it.
I think so much ado has been made, that someone needs to make a list of the so called leaks.

Just to see what level of info is being 'released.' Anything can be called a leak. Just saying there is going to be a document dump could be called a leak.

There isn't a gag order on this case. But it seems that one is being placed upon it, on the LE side at least. Where if they talk about it, it's considered a 'leak'. But if the defense talks about it.. it's..

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