Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #64 ~ the appeal~

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I don't know - i think it depends on how separate 'parole ' and ' Correctional Supervision ' are.

http://www.dcs.gov.za/docs/landing/Parole public pamphlet 2012 Eng.pdf

"In principle there is no real difference between parole placement and correctional supervision in terms of the manner of serving the sentence in the system of community corrections. In both instances the placement conditions may include house arrest, community service, compulsory attendance of programmes, restrictions regarding alcohol usage, etc."
Masipa wanted OP out in 10 months, but SA does not. The State's appeal will win and OP will spend many years in prison, convicted of Murder, without the luxury of that 5 years / 1/6th rule, rest assured. The minister stepping in is proof of what is sure to come, all of these people work together.

Uncle's money notwithstanding?
From the lack of posts here, there must still be a big issue with the new set-up. I can connect on IPad with great difficulty but no luck on laptop even after DNS flush. Anyone have any info?
From the lack of posts here, there must still be a big issue with the new set-up. I can connect on IPad with great difficulty but no luck on laptop even after DNS flush. Anyone have any info?

Same here... was miserable on iPad. Had to keep logging in over and over.
Doing okay on MacBook Air though.
It is working fine on my laptop - I just don`t have anything to say. Oscar's a jerk! There, that will do. :)
Same here... was miserable on iPad. Had to keep logging in over and over.
Doing okay on MacBook Air though.

iPad eh? You must have Uncle Arnold money. I have to use an old PC made in 2005 from melted down Russian tractors.
iPad eh? You must have Uncle Arnold money. I have to use an old PC made in 2005 from melted down Russian tractors.

Everything working ok on my tractors xxxx, xxxx, xxxxx. In respect to you, Trotterly. ;-)
OK so it`s the Daily Mail but even tabloids are sometimes right! And I believe that what her parents believe is much closer to the truth than the lies and the far fetched story he told in court. They think that `Something more sinister happened the night their vivacious daughter was killed` and I am in agreement with them on that.

Massipa was on the payroll. Anything over 5 and Oscar would have not been eligible until the minimum 5years was done.

But 5 and under. Allowed him a possible release with 1/6 of it done.

So if she gave him 6 years. His minimum would have been 5 years. But since she gave him 5 years. His minimum is less than a year.

The ammo charge should have gotten him 5 years alone. Plus the ruthless shooting while reeva was crying should have gotten him atleast 15 years alone.

I wonder if Massipa opted for a heftier retirement package so justice had to wait.
Massipa was on the payroll. Anything over 5 and Oscar would have not been eligible until the minimum 5years was done.

But 5 and under. Allowed him a possible release with 1/6 of it done.

So if she gave him 6 years. His minimum would have been 5 years. But since she gave him 5 years. His minimum is less than a year.

The ammo charge should have gotten him 5 years alone. Plus the ruthless shooting while reeva was crying should have gotten him atleast 15 years alone.

I wonder if Massipa opted for a heftier retirement package so justice had to wait.

Hmmm if she gave him 4 years then he might be out by now.

Old Masipa doesn't strike me as the sort that would drag herself up in difficult circumstances against (ahem) all sorts of prejudices into a responsible position only to blow it all by selling out for a <modsnip>

If the 1/6 rule didn't apply would you be happy with the 5 years for culpable homicide?
Hmmm if she gave him 4 years then he might be out by now.

Old Masipa doesn't strike me as the sort that would drag herself up in difficult circumstances against (ahem) all sorts of prejudices into a responsible position only to blow it all by selling out for a <modsnip>

If the 1/6 rule didn't apply would you be happy with the 5 years for culpable homicide?

Speaking for myself, if you put a 1 in front of that 5, I'd be satisfied. IMO his recklessness and disregard for the life of a fellow human should put him at the maximum end of the sentencing scale.
Has anybody read anything regarding the review board taking into account the upcoming Appeal affecting decisions to release on. C. Supervision?
Are they "allowed" to take that into account?

Whilst it seems logical and sensible to me that they would take an imminent Appeal into account and not now agree to release him , has anyone come across anything firmer than opinions?

If say, they review by Sept 7th at latest ( based on on U.Roux info) , an Appeal date given for e.g.end Nov, Appeal decision being quite swift after that (If I am remembering correctly?) and even if Appeal failed he still might be released by mid Dec? Could they justify, in their rules, the extra 5 months or so inside?
Has anybody read anything regarding the review board taking into account the upcoming Appeal affecting decisions to release on. C. Supervision?
Are they "allowed" to take that into account?

Whilst it seems logical and sensible to me that they would take an imminent Appeal into account and not now agree to release him , has anyone come across anything firmer than opinions?

If say, they review by Sept 7th at latest ( based on on U.Roux info) , an Appeal date given for e.g.end Nov, Appeal decision being quite swift after that (If I am remembering correctly?) and even if Appeal failed he still might be released by mid Dec? Could they justify, in their rules, the extra 5 months or so inside?

You would think they'd at least consider the possibility that he is a flight risk. :rolleyes:
Hmmm if she gave him 4 years then he might be out by now.

Old Masipa doesn't strike me as the sort that would drag herself up in difficult circumstances against (ahem) all sorts of prejudices into a responsible position only to blow it all by selling out for a<modsnip>

If the 1/6 rule didn't apply would you be happy with the 5 years for culpable homicide?

Read my post again. My minimum tally was 20 years he should have gotten at a minimum.

And I think Massipa didn't relate to Reeva. So it was no sweat off her back to take money or favors under the table.

I just hope her decision was due to money rather than the blatant incompetence that she has just displayed to the world.

Stevie Wonder could even see that Massipa's ruling and sentencing was some bull crap. Lol.
Masipa fell for pity. Pity for the SA Olympian that stood before her in her courtroom on his stumps, thank you for the circus Mr. Roux. Pistorius was "startled" FFS! Some sort of doctor even said so! Remember that BS (bullocks)?

OP had to pay some price, but Masipa made sure that it was a very cheap price. She is not fit to be a judge in cases where the accused happens to have a handicap, that or she is corrupt. Either way this will be sorted out, a panel of three judges will review this garbage and straighten it out based on the law, not on their emotions, good intentions, incompetence, or financial benefit.

And by the way, I could care less if they let him out before the state's appeal is heard, though it is super hilarious that they screwed him this week! Either way, when the verdict is given they will just haul him back to prison. No worries.
iPad eh? You must have Uncle Arnold money. I have to use an old PC made in 2005 from melted down Russian tractors.

Ha! It's an older iPad 2 and feels like it weighs 10 pounds!
I am probably supposed to be accessing the site through the Tapatalk app since the iPad runs on iOS.
You would think they'd at least consider the possibility that he is a flight risk. :rolleyes:

No, he just wants to work with little children at Uncle Arnold's school in Mozambique.
No extradition to cloud his days either.
You would think they'd at least consider the possibility that he is a flight risk. :rolleyes:

That's what I was thinking kittychi.
If they are meant to look at a range of risks, that is surely one of them as he has the resources and the motivation. I'm just surprised I haven't read anything about that risk being within their remit, although I must admit I haven't looked properly.

It's not like it will say in their "rules " that they can factor into their decision making : ah OP will have the means to counter appeal an upgrade to murder, potentially get bail* in the meantime and thus drag out a return to incarceration for years and years.

*Not that I imagine another judge giving him bail a second time around.
And by the way, I could care less if they let him out before the state's appeal is heard, though it is super hilarious that they screwed him this week! Either way, when the verdict is given they will just haul him back to prison. No worries.


Yes, maybe for the first time in the last ten years or so, OP is getting a type of "special treatment" that he would rather avoid?

I have got it in my head that it is a full bench of 5 judges( thus even more scrutiny ) , but may well be mis-remembering things from way back when they announced intention to appeal?
Woohoo! Now getting fairly regular connection on IPad. It took at least 20 DNS flushes but only worked when I left around 20 seconds in the Airplane on mode. Still no computer connection, yet. :gaah:
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