Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #67 *Appeal Verdict*

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Someone refers to him as a "boy"?? Because of his immaturity, no doubt.
Masipa saw him as boy, too. Remember when he was allowed to go home every night after his psyche evaluation and Masipa told Uncle A to make sure OP stayed out of trouble?
SA Breaking News ‏@SABreakingNews 2 Std.Vor 2 Stunden
No warrant of arrest for Oscar: Jeff Wicks

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has reiterated that no w... http://bit.ly/1llm5Ze

On twitter:

Supporting tweets for Oscar: "vulnerable boy, can't take any more" ... and so on.

I had to read this 3x because I couldn't believe what I was seeing!

So what's going on here? Pros issued a Warrant and the NPA then over ruled it?

:fishy: ??
I don't think it will either. I think there will be lenience for his disability as well. Somewhere between 14 months and 2 years actual jail time followed by a full 5 years of house arrest and community service.

I heard that in South Africa jail; You have to do a minimum of 5 years before being eligible for parole on a sentence that is over 5 years.

And if this is true. Then I see why Massipa didn't give him anything over 5 years the first time.

But I am not sure of this. Maybe someone who is familiar with parole eligibility in South Africa for people with a sentence over 5 years can chime in.
I had to read this 3x because I couldn't believe what I was seeing!

So what's going on here? Pros issued a Warrant and the NPA then over ruled it?

:fishy: ??

They seem to think that coming to an agreement that OP will appear voluntarily that it will prevent him from doing a runner.... kind of ironic since that's what he is/was.
I heard that in South Africa jail; You have to do a minimum of 5 years before being eligible for parole on a sentence that is over 5 years.

And if this is true. Then I see why Massipa didn't give him anything over 5 years the first time.

But I am not sure of this. Maybe someone who is familiar with parole eligibility in South Africa for people with a sentence over 5 years can chime in.

Section 276 1(i) of the Criminal Procedure Act.

******1/6*of sentence must be served prior to placement under Correctional Supervision by the Commissioner. Sentence may not exceed 5 years.

Section 276(1) (b) of the Criminal Procedure Act.******

Normal term of imprisonment which may be referred to the*court a quoupon completion of*1/4*of sentence for possible conversion of sentence in terms of section 276A (3). The portion of sentence left to be served may not exceed 5 years.

Section 287(4) (a) of the Criminal Procedure Act.

***** Option of a fine as alternative to imprisonment where the sentence does not exceed 5 years: As soon as possible after admission subject to certain conditions.

Section 287 (4) (b) of the Criminal Procedure Act.

***** Option of a fine as alternative to imprisonment where the sentence exceeds 5 years imprisonment. Upon completion of*1/4*of sentence case may be referred to*court a quo*for possible conversion.
They seem to think that coming to an agreement that OP will appear voluntarily that it will prevent him from doing a runner.... kind of ironic since that's what he is/was.

Thank you! So what's the difference between appearing voluntarily and a warrant that wasn't enforced in the first place?

This "boy" continues to be handled with kid gloves.
"Pistorius family react to "harsh" judgement

A Pistorius family source said their phones were ringing non-stop and Pistorius was surrounded by his aunt, uncle, siblings and family.

"It was a harsh judgement, harsher than we thought but in terms of the content, we felt it would go this way after hearing what was said at the appeal," the source said.

The source added that Pistorius had been preparing mentally for the likely outcome. "You have to prepare for it."

Pistorius family and his legal team, including barrister Barry Roux and solicitor Brian Webber, are now poring over the judgement and considering their options. It is understood that they have 10 days to lodge an appeal with the Constitutional Court."


Hi aunt,uncle.siblings and family.
Hi Mr.Roux and Mr.Webber.

You do realise that every single person on this earth believes the photographic evidence from the crime scene and the statements from those poor/desperate people who heard Reeva screaming and pleading for her life before your client shot....nay ...murdered her with 4 exploding bullets..............you do realise that we know don't you?.
Please spare us 'the harsh judgement crap' ........your insulting the intelligence of normal law abiding citizens on this earth and making yourselves look like complete idiots.
Thank you.
I am still catching up on the past several pages so everyone may have moved on from this, but I wanted to comment regarding the negative posts about Reeva and the comparison to the negative posts about OP.

All of the negative comments about OP directly relate to this case and the crimes he committed - he's privileged, he thinks he's above the law, he's a hothead, he's controlling, he's reckless, he's a liar. All of the negative comments about Reeva have absolutely NOTHING to do with this case unless one feels whatever skeletons she may have had in her closet and her "failed modeling career" warrant blowing her arm and head off with bullets powerful enough to stop an elephant in its tracks.

Reeva's alleged skeletons and career choice are irrelevant. She didn't deserve any of this. She didn't deserve to be ridiculed by OP for her accent or gum chewing. She didn't deserve to be humiliated and forced to leave her best friend's engagement party because of his jealousy and insecurities. She didn't deserve to be asked to compromise her integrity and not tell anyone the truth about the Tasha's incident after convincing his buddy to take the blame. She didn't deserve the fear she undoubtedly felt during the last moments of her life. She didn't deserve to be executed while trapped in the tiny toilet cubicle of a house she felt safe in by a man she trusted. And she certainly doesn't deserve to have people on a message board judging her and her career choice.

Well said Greater Than. You speak for many of us WS's. :clap:
So......while we're on a lull here...........in view of Justice Leach's remarks about DD, does anyone think that Nel might be kicking himself for not addressing that in the Appeal?

Why didn't he, what with all the good evidence which Masipa ignored? Thinking in particular, of Magenta's testimony. The Supreme Crt certainly took it seriously.
Lenience for his disability? isn't Oscar the one who carried an almost dead adult woman down a flight of stairs no less?? In my eyes I just don't see him as disabled. Of course he doesn't want to be locked up but too bad so said. Killing some one the way he did, I do not feel sorry for him
at all. JMO

Very good point Mystymiss. Yes, OP negotiated 'wet' areas on ceramic/porcelain tiles. He carried Reeva down porcelain stairs and across a porcelain floor which was slippery and wet with blood. He negotiated all with ease. He was witnessed carrying Reeva's body down the stairs by the first people on the scene who were at the opened front door. The sentencing Judge needs to be informed about this fact IMO. I do not see him as disabled with his prosthesis on either. He has proved himself to have a level of fitness which makes him quite able bodied -beyond the average person. My opinion only.
Let me say this also: She didn't deserve to scream in mortal fear and nobody came for help, no neighbour, no Frankie, no security guard, not a single one. :tears:

Well said From Germany. He fired bullets 'which would stop an elephant' and then, he shot her brains out. :candle:
and "Pistorius wore the calm, satisfied look of a man who felt he had been vindicated by the justice system and believed his honour had been saved. "
Wasn't he supposed to be devastated over the loss of Reeva and a broken man? 100% fake and manipulative.

Just to note, psychiatry is not a perfect profession. Usually one only sees a 'snapshot' of a patient's life. If a patient is floridly unwell, then that will be evident, but the personality/character disorders are much more difficult to assess as 'context' is often missing, close others can be biased for or against.
An assessment is not beyond manipulation - even more so where the patient has family members/family friends in the same/similar professions. This is my opinion only.
Well said Greater Than. You speak for many of us WS's. :clap:

I totally agree and thank you again for Greater Than!

I just find it so pathetic that the family after a unanimous decision, continues to enable Oscar. I can't wrap my head around this except to say that the reason appears to now be self serving. I get it that they've done this in the past because of his disability but, my goodness, is there not one smidgeon of remorse for Reeva?

Does it all come down to money and power for the Pistorius family? Can't forget that Oscar tried to pay off the Steenkamps.

I am soooooooooo elated with this SCA reversal!!!
Hi aunt,uncle.siblings and family.
Hi Mr.Roux and Mr.Webber.

You do realise that every single person on this earth believes the photographic evidence from the crime scene and the statements from those poor/desperate people who heard Reeva screaming and pleading for her life before your client shot....nay ...murdered her with 4 exploding bullets..............you do realise that we know don't you?.
Please spare us 'the harsh judgement crap' ........your insulting the intelligence of normal law abiding citizens on this earth and making yourselves look like complete idiots.
Thank you.

Good catch. What's up with Massipa not aknowledging the female screams that the neighbors heard.

If the neighborhood heard screams, Wouldnt Reeva hear them too.

But Massipa allowed Oscar to act like him screaming at the burglars was the screams in question.

Yeah right.
What is the absolute minimum amount of real jail time OP could get? Yes I know it's supposed to be a 15 yr sentence, but let's assume for a moment that Maspia looks for every loophole or goes with whatever Roux suggests in terms of mitigating factors regardless of how ridiculous they may be.

Could OP be down to, essentially, just another 10 months in prison (i.e. "a 5 year prison sentence" then house arrest after that to make up the difference between 10 months and 5 years)?
Brenda Wardle reckons that he cannot use the trial broadcast angle as an appealable point at the CCourt.

She explains it here:

briefly, she says, in reply to a number of questions from some desperate Pistorians:
'he can't appeal directly to the CC. He ought to have appealed after conviction or cross-appealed."( on broadcasting issue) "...they thus lost the opportunity"

Finally she says "not too late to challenge SCA decision although success in my view is doubtful but too late for new arguments." Not quite clear on her meaning in this last quote.
Respectfully Snipped:I hadn't thought of that and you may be right....I have mixed emotions....While having a different judge set the sentence would be popular with many, I'm concerned with how many more months' delay this might entail for new judge to familiarize her/himself with the case in order to make informed decisions regarding Aggravating/Mitigating Factors.

Perhaps Judge Greenland is free... is he licensed in SA?
Since Massipa seems bias. I truly hope that the court doesn't allow her to sentence him again. Jmo
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