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DNA Solves
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southcitymom said:
Hey, it's her forum and I'm cool with her rules, but by her own admission all aspects are NOT allowed here. Why would you say otherwise?
South City Mom, have you really read through the JBR forums? Followed so many of these discussions? And did you read the thread that was closed? What it said, what Fleet White was being accused of?

There are plenty of threads where folks have thought he acted suspicous, or whatever. No one comes swooping in, locking any thread that mentions his name. The locked thread deserved to be locked, IMO.

He has been cleared. The BDP has said nothing but that he was completely co-operative. He appears to have done everything he can to bring the killer to justice. He is about the only person I can think of surrounding this case that has acted with integrity. Accusing him of this crime is counter-productive and a waste of band-width. Not to mention that it causes offense to him, his family, and the owner of this site. We're not here writing creative fiction, which demands the inclusion of anyone and everyone. We are here to try to figure out who killed this child. He didn't. Don't need to go there.
IrishMist said:
South City Mom, have you really read through the JBR forums? Followed so many of these discussions? And did you read the thread that was closed? What it said, what Fleet White was being accused of?

There are plenty of threads where folks have thought he acted suspicous, or whatever. No one comes swooping in, locking any thread that mentions his name. The locked thread deserved to be locked, IMO.

He has been cleared. The BDP has said nothing but that he was completely co-operative. He appears to have done everything he can to bring the killer to justice. He is about the only person I can think of surrounding this case that has acted with integrity. Accusing him of this crime is counter-productive and a waste of band-width. Not to mention that it causes offense to him, his family, and the owner of this site. We're not here writing creative fiction, which demands the inclusion of anyone and everyone. We are here to try to figure out who killed this child. He didn't. Don't need to go there.
I promise you I have NO PROBLEM with Tricia's decision to end that thread. I have NO PROBLEM with Tricia pulling any thread she wants to here. It's her site. She can do what she wants. I respect that.

I simply disagreed with your assertion that all aspects of the case are allowed here. Tricia has said (and her actions by pulling threads show) that they aren't. I'm okay with that. But to say all aspects of this case are allowed to be discussed here is just plain wrong.
southcitymom said:
I promise you I have NO PROBLEM with Tricia's decision to end that thread. I have NO PROBLEM with Tricia pulling any thread she wants to here. It's her site. She can do what she wants. I respect that.

I simply disagreed with your assertion that all aspects of the case are allowed here. Tricia has said (and her actions by pulling threads show) that they aren't. I'm okay with that. But to say all aspects of this case are allowed to be discussed here is just plain wrong.
Ok, I'm wrong. Sorry.
IrishMist said:
Ok, I'm wrong. Sorry.
I'm pretty sure you are I are on the same side here. :) I know Tricia's feelings about this case (they are very similar to my own!!) and I think she allows almost all reasonable (and many unreasonale) things to be discussed. It's a great site - I respect the way she runs it.

Sorry if I came across as cantankerous - I really enjoy reading your posts! SCM
capps said:
Oh ... and if you choose to go to the double B ... it's fifty bucks to post.
And Chrishope, I hope you are aware that the double b forum is run by a die-hard Ramsey supporter: Susan Bennett aka 'jameson'.
She was also the one who sold the police interviews to the tabloids - her financial greed obviously was even stronger than her 'loyalty' to the Ramseys.
Wow! It really does cost $50 to join doubble B. I thought that was a joke.

That's about $49.99 more than I'm willing to pay.
IrishMist said:
South City Mom, have you really read through the JBR forums? Followed so many of these discussions? And did you read the thread that was closed? What it said, what Fleet White was being accused of?

There are plenty of threads where folks have thought he acted suspicous, or whatever. No one comes swooping in, locking any thread that mentions his name. The locked thread deserved to be locked, IMO.

He has been cleared. The BDP has said nothing but that he was completely co-operative. He appears to have done everything he can to bring the killer to justice. He is about the only person I can think of surrounding this case that has acted with integrity. Accusing him of this crime is counter-productive and a waste of band-width. Not to mention that it causes offense to him, his family, and the owner of this site. We're not here writing creative fiction, which demands the inclusion of anyone and everyone. We are here to try to figure out who killed this child. He didn't. Don't need to go there.
I agree with you that Mr. Fleet didn't kill anyone.

Do you think Mr. Fleet knows who killed JonBenet? If he knows and doesn't come forth, does that make him complicit?
Chrishope said:
Wow! It really does cost $50 to join doubble B. I thought that was a joke.

That's about $49.99 more than I'm willing to pay.
LOL, and even one cent would be too much money to pay to get registered over there.
i_dont_chat said:
I agree with you that Mr. Fleet didn't kill anyone.

Do you think Mr. Fleet knows who killed JonBenet? If he knows and doesn't come forth, does that make him complicit?
You mean Mr. White, of course? Yes, I think he has a very, very strong suspiscion. I believe he has come forward, but until there is an unbiased DA there's not alot that can be done from his viewpoint.
rashomon said:
LOL, and even one cent would be too much money to pay to get registered over there.
Especially since they don't just kill an occasional thread, they boot you if you don't fall into lock-step!
southcitymom said:
I'm pretty sure you are I are on the same side here. :) I know Tricia's feelings about this case (they are very similar to my own!!) and I think she allows almost all reasonable (and many unreasonale) things to be discussed. It's a great site - I respect the way she runs it.

Sorry if I came across as cantankerous - I really enjoy reading your posts! SCM

Hey guys, I am truly sorry to make things confusing.

I believe that at least one parent was invovled in the death of JonBenet. However, I have no problem with people discussion the "intruder" and all of the aspects of the case except when it goes out to left field and innocent people I know are hurt by it.

Here is the deal;
What many people may not know is there is an organized effort, by Team Ramsey in my opinion, to destroy Fleet White.

They tried to destroy him a few years ago by claiming he was involved in a big pedo ring. Long story but FFJ exposed all of this.

We have a forum dedicated to the Mystery Woman/Fleet White fiasco. It's right here.

I have yet to see a discussion of Fleet White NOT turn into the "pedophile ring" discussion. One of the people from the "dark side" (that's what I call them) sees a discussion of Fleet White and then they come out in force to accuse White of all kinds of things.

I am not suggesting Chrishope is one of the people who do this..I just know that with the type of thread that was going earlier it was a matter of time before these people showed up.

The Whites have been through enough. They are innocent.
Tricia said:
I have yet to see a discussion of Fleet White NOT turn into the "pedophile ring" discussion. One of the people from the "dark side" (that's what I call them) sees a discussion of Fleet White and then they come out in force to accuse White of all kinds of things.

I am not suggesting Chrishope is one of the people who do this..I just know that with the type of thread that was going earlier it was a matter of time before these people showed up.

The Whites have been through enough. They are innocent.

Thank you. No, I don't believe FW was involved. I thought the theory advanced by the person who started the thread was weak, but I also thought the best way to show it's weakness was to ask direct questions about it. I thought the theory was intriguing as a mental exercise, espceially for those of us who are RDI - we should try to see other points of view.

I'm sorry I started the thread now. I thought maybe everyone was on several forums and I could just get a quick re-direct to a forum where the poster's theory was being discussed. I PM'd the poster and she answered my questions, which I can't go into here of course.
Tricia said:
Hey guys, I am truly sorry to make things confusing.

I believe that at least one parent was invovled in the death of JonBenet. However, I have no problem with people discussion the "intruder" and all of the aspects of the case except when it goes out to left field and innocent people I know are hurt by it.

Here is the deal;
What many people may not know is there is an organized effort, by Team Ramsey in my opinion, to destroy Fleet White.

They tried to destroy him a few years ago by claiming he was involved in a big pedo ring. Long story but FFJ exposed all of this.

We have a forum dedicated to the Mystery Woman/Fleet White fiasco. It's right here.

I have yet to see a discussion of Fleet White NOT turn into the "pedophile ring" discussion. One of the people from the "dark side" (that's what I call them) sees a discussion of Fleet White and then they come out in force to accuse White of all kinds of things.

I am not suggesting Chrishope is one of the people who do this..I just know that with the type of thread that was going earlier it was a matter of time before these people showed up.

The Whites have been through enough. They are innocent.
Rabid Ramsey supporters have tried to put the blame on the Whites, just like the Ramseys themselves did.

But if we leave out this fanatic group of pro-Ramseys: I think the reason why people are so interested in the Whites as key figures of the case is because:
- the Ramseys attended their party a few hours before JB's death and
- Fleet White had looked into the wine cellar on his own very early in the morning, and also together with John when JR later 'discovered' the body.

FW's opinion was that (like he himself a few hours before), JR could not have seen anything in the wine cellar when standing at the door, but yet John, on opening the door, gave the impression of having immediately seen JB's body, although the body was lying on the left side of the door in a pitch-dark room.
I believe Fleet White smelled a rat right from the start, which is also why he got so angry with JR later.

The Whites publicly demanded that the investigation be handed over to an independent prosecutor - had they been in any way involved in the kiling of JB, this would be the last thing they would have asked for.

But still the Whites are key witnesses. For example, they knew what JB was wearing to their Christmas party night, and how her hair was done. Was it done in those ponytails in which JB was found? This would interest me and many other posters here immensely, for the perp could have done JB's hair in those ponytails to conceal the head wound.

Just curious: would it be legally possible for the Whites to go public with this info?
Chrishope said:
Wow! It really does cost $50 to join doubble B. I thought that was a joke.

That's about $49.99 more than I'm willing to pay.

.... Believe me, you don't want to get involved with "Jammy", Chris!! $50., my *advertiser censored*!! :loser: That forum isn't worth the 1 cent either!!
rashomon said:
Rabid Ramsey supporters have tried to put the blame on the Whites, just like the Ramseys themselves did.

But if we leave out this fanatic group of pro-Ramseys: I think the reason why people are so interested in the Whites as key figures of the case is because:
- the Ramseys attended their party a few hours before JB's death and
- Fleet White had looked into the wine cellar on his own very early in the morning, and also together with John when JR later 'discovered' the body.

FW's opinion was that (like he himself a few hours before), JR could not have seen anything in the wine cellar when standing at the door, but yet John, on opening the door, gave the impression of having immediately seen JB's body, although the body was lying on the left side of the door in a pitch-dark room.
I believe Fleet White smelled a rat right from the start, which is also why he got so angry with JR later.

The Whites publicly demanded that the investigation be handed over to an independent prosecutor - had they been in any way involved in the kiling of JB, this would be the last thing they would have asked for.

But still the Whites are key witnesses. For example, they knew what JB was wearing to their Christmas party night, and how her hair was done. Was it done in those ponytails in which JB was found? This would interest me and many other posters here immensely, for the perp could have done JB's hair in those ponytails to conceal the head wound.

Just curious: would it be legally possible for the Whites to go public with this info?

The Whites are key witnesses which is why the Ramsey Spin Team has tried to destroy them through the years.

I can't in any way shape or form speak for the Whites however my feeling is that if they wanted to go public with anything they would.

The fact that they said they would cooperate with a special prosecutor means they have zero faith in the D.A's office. Who can blame them?
We have a forum dedicated to the Mystery Woman/Fleet White fiasco. It's right here.
That link doesn't work. :(

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it possible to speculate about a pedo ring involvement in JonBenet's murder without ever making reference to the MW? Isn't it also possible to envision a scenario in which a putative pedo ring involved all of the suspects investigated over the years? I think it's ironically giving the MW too much significance to assume that all speculation of a pedo ring necessarily stems from her, or that speculation of a pedo ring is necessarily targeting an individual suspect.
FourthBase said:
That link doesn't work. :(

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it possible to speculate about a pedo ring involvement in JonBenet's murder without ever making reference to the MW? Isn't it also possible to envision a scenario in which a putative pedo ring involved all of the suspects investigated over the years? I think it's ironically giving the MW too much significance to assume that all speculation of a pedo ring necessarily stems from her, or that speculation of a pedo ring is necessarily targeting an individual suspect.

No, I'm sorry. I can't allow a discussion about a "pedo ring" concerning the Whites. They have been through too much and besides, it's not true. If there was ANY evidence of this it would have been revealed already. It's just flat out not true.
OK, so...
Speculation about a pedo ring involving everyone but the Whites is OK.
Just wanted to make sure, so that I don't step on any toes in the future.
Only once in a while, YEARS between visits, I take a look at "the Double B" to see if there's anything we could have missed, and boy, is it slanted! Plus, your $50 means nothing if you step out of line by not being in total agreement.

I have a probably public-knowledge question to ask about the Whites, the answer to which might help everyone understand the situation better. Did they ever do some sort of public service, politics, which would make them known in Utah? I realize people move around a lot. Hope this isn't considered nosey, as asking questions just shows interest in the case and is why we're all grateful to be here. As usual, thanks much. We love ya.
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