Outrage! - being made to wear pants

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Okay, have fun freaking out and talking about how nuts and misguided I am. I have been studying this stuff for years.

I hate to interrupt your sandy crotch rant, but.. nobody is forcing those women to work there.

/or to scan pork products
//or to be a cab driver for a blind person with a seeing eye dog

Slavery has been outlawed. They're free to move along.
They are here due to save face and to help fill crap jobs with crap wages to make some millionaire businessman more money while he treats his employees like slaves and denies them their Freedom of Religon which is a guaranteed right in this country.

You act as if you've never heard of sweat shops in China or India or any other Southeast Asian country. Our factory workers don't have it as bad as you seem to make it out to be.

I hope these people sue this company for violation of their first amendment rights. They were hired under the understanding they could dress in the accords of their religion and to most of these people their religion is their LIFE. When they were living in Somalia surrounded by death, disease, starvation, war, women being raped by the hundreds, all they had was their religion and for some corporate *advertiser censored* to ask them to violate one the tenants of that religion is unacceptable and unfair.

It will be interesting to see how the government would handle a lawsuit that pitted religion versus safety. I'm sure these uniforms aren't just for show.

To be honest, if the job they are working in isn't in line with their religious beliefs, they of course have the right as an American citizen to QUIT and FIND ANOTHER JOB.

Since things were so bad back in Somalia, you'd think they would be willing to make a few sacrifices to live this better life they are seeking. If not getting raped, murdered, and starved to death meant I couldn't wear a gold cross at work, then I would remove it or find a job where wearing one wasn't an issue. Nevermind the fact that as I bend over a tortilla machine, that my gold cross may fall out of my shirt and get sucked into a turbine, therefore causing me to go head first towards my demise.

Okay, have fun freaking out and talking about how nuts and misguided I am. I have been studying this stuff for years.

Okay, have fun freaking out and talking about how ethnocentric and misguided we are. Studying this stuff doesn't make you right or better than us, so please step down from your pedestal. ;)
Years ago I worked in a hospital and when we 1st were hired we were allowed to go "sockless" if we had open toed shoes. After I was there a couple years the policy changed,it was a health hazard apparently ,so we all p*ssed and moaned,but wore our socks or panty hose. It was either that or go elsewhere. Rules change,get over it!
Amen hockeymom!

Paladin, I don't think they are American citizens yet with all the rights of citizens. It takes a long time for refugees to even get a green card. Otherwise, your post is right on.
Some of the comments made here are so ethnocentric and narrow minded. If people would quit being so reactionary and actually take the time to learn about our involvement in these regions, the consequences of that and the reasons why this country takes in refugee's. And don't act like we allowed these people to come here out of the goodness of our gov't heart. They are here due to save face and to help fill crap jobs with crap wages to make some millionaire businessman more money while he treats his employees like slaves and denies them their Freedom of Religon which is a guaranteed right in this country. The same people who act so offended because these Muslims want to pray as THEIR religion dictates are some of the same people who want prayer in public schools to become mandatory....that is a double standard if I ever saw one.
If these people were not Muslims then I do not think this post would even be here. Americans have allowed themselves to fall victim to media propaganda filling their heads with stereotypes and prejudices.
Comments like 'watch out or this will become a third world country' are dripping with ignorance. So people who are other nationalities, religions, dress and economic class create the third world? No. Poverty creates the third world and what creates poverty on a massive scale like that? Why is it that some of the poorest countries in the world are the richest in resources? Could it be because huge 1st world companies run under the premise of capitalism only come in make deals with the ruling party, buy up the land which was owned by the people, then hire those people at slave wages to harvest it, export the countries resources and put nothing back into the economy. THAT creates the third world because that creates abject poverty which creates extremism, class struggles, government instability. It is all related. It is all cyclic. But of course I don't expect most of you to even begin to try to understand because you have been so endoctrinated into believeing one thing, one way and one of those is to believe that anyone who questions the intentions, the actions and the motivations behind countries fueled by capitalism are 'crazy and radical'. Not really. We are just critical thinkers who have taken the time and initiative to read beyond the nightly news and the NYTimes.

I hope these people sue this company for violation of their first amendment rights. They were hired under the understanding they could dress in the accords of their religion and to most of these people their religion is their LIFE. When they were living in Somalia surrounded by death, disease, starvation, war, women being raped by the hundreds, all they had was their religion and for some corporate *advertiser censored* to ask them to violate one the tenants of that religion is unacceptable and unfair. To them, it is the equivalent of your boss walking up to you and telling you that you can't wear that gold cross on your necklace anymore or you have to stop praying before you meals when you eat in the cafeteria.

Okay, have fun freaking out and talking about how nuts and misguided I am. I have been studying this stuff for years.
Well said! I totally agree with you and thank you for your post.
Amen hockeymom!

Paladin, I don't think they are American citizens yet with all the rights of citizens. It takes a long time for refugees to even get a green card. Otherwise, your post is right on.

Funny you mention that, since they seem to have the right to file idiotic and frivolous lawsuits.
This is why we need a "loser pays" system!
Why not find another place to work. Done!

This also can quickly evolve into a case of being sorry what they asked for. This can easily develop into employers being able to discriminate in their hiring practices legally based upon their religious practices interfering with the ability to perform the job.
This also can quickly evolve into a case of being sorry what they asked for. This can easily develop into employers being able to discriminate in their hiring practices legally based upon their religious practices interfering with the ability to perform the job.

Absolutely! I wouldn't hire anyone that caused me that much trouble.

Either aquiesce to every demand or not hire them or get sued. No thanks.

That's the problem with demanding special treatment. It can bite you in the a$$.
....To them, it is the equivalent of your boss walking up to you and telling you that you can't wear that gold cross on your necklace anymore or you have to stop praying before you meals when you eat in the cafeteria....

She has every right to quit her job and forfit the paycheck.
She does not have the right to tell a company how to run their business.

As long as God isn't paying my mortgage or my grocery bill, I will do what my boss tells me to. They're paying me for 8 hours a day, they'll get me for 8 hours a day.
It's true. And, likely a safety issue. Let someone get sucked up into a piece of machinery because of their religion and see how fast you get shut down.


I totally agree with you. There is a REASON this company changed the dress rules, and I wish it was included in the article. Either safety inspectors told them the robes the women wear were unsafe or perhaps there was a near-accident or a minor accident which had potential to become a major catastrophe. I seriously doubt that the owners of the company said "Hmm, today let's mess with all the Muslim women."

Unlike their counterparts from other parts of the Muslim world, a disproportionate percentage of recent Somali immigrants have taken lower-level assembly line jobs where accommodations for religious practices are seen as an impediment to productivity.

Assembly line jobs HAVE to be very regimented or nothing will ever get done. Imagine you are the worker one position down from someone who interupts his work to pray......your work is impacted. And the work of the factory as a whole is impacted. Perhaps these people need to educate themselves and own their own businesses, then THEY can make the rules and allow all the prayer and stopping of productivity they want!

many of the more publicized disputes in the area -- including Target cashiers who declined to scan pork and cabdrivers refusing to transport passengers with alcohol -- never made it to an EEOC filing.

An employee just can't decide what groceries he or she will scan. A taxi driver cannot dictate what is in a passenger's bag. Where do these people get off?

Many Somalis come from tribes that move with their herds every six months in a constant search for safe grazing land, Sheikhosman said. Many of these nomads are fiercely independent and equate freedom with being left alone, he said.

Ahh, here's the REAL crux of the problem. They don't like being told what to do! They really do need to see about opening their own businesses. Really!

Sheikhosman said that each time he returns to Somalia to visit his relatives, he is struck by "the general chaos of the place," he said. At a Somali airport counter, he said, the only way to be served is to yell and push one's way through a crowd.
"Imagine that a person comes coming from that environment is suddenly subjected to all these regulations and rules" in the workplace, he said. "He may think these are an intrusion to the freedom that he had at home. He's not afraid to take a stand

Coming from chaos to predictability, to "rules and regulations" should seem welcome, IMO. Who in the world would prefer chaos? And if the worker believes our rules and regulations are intruding into his "freedom" maybe he would feel more at home, well, at home in Somalia!

Another key difference with Somalis is that many of them have vague hopes of returning to their country one day when the fighting stops and thus may see assimilation as less of a priority than those who intend to settle down, Sheikhosman added.

I honestly don't blame them for fleeing from war. Or for cherishing dreams of returning to a homeland in peace. But we cannot have grocery clerks who will not scan pork (probably not alcohol either!) or taxi drivers who want to dig through our luggage, women in flowing robes working around heavy, moving equipment, OR factory production lines shut down to accomodate someone's desire to pray. Prayer can be accomplished without a rug, without facing east, and while working. They can pray all they want, they just need to do it while being productive, otherwise any company is well within their rights to let them go.
I honestly don't blame them for fleeing from war. Or for cherishing dreams of returning to a homeland in peace. But we cannot have grocery clerks who will not scan pork (probably not alcohol either!) or taxi drivers who want to dig through our luggage, women in flowing robes working around heavy, moving equipment, OR factory production lines shut down to accomodate someone's desire to pray. Prayer can be accomplished without a rug, without facing east, and while working. They can pray all they want, they just need to do it while being productive, otherwise any company is well within their rights to let them go.

I hope these people sue this company for violation of their first amendment rights. They were hired under the understanding they could dress in the accords of their religion and to most of these people their religion is their LIFE. When they were living in Somalia surrounded by death, disease, starvation, war, women being raped by the hundreds, all they had was their religion and for some corporate *advertiser censored* to ask them to violate one the tenants of that religion is unacceptable and unfair. To them, it is the equivalent of your boss walking up to you and telling you that you can't wear that gold cross on your necklace anymore or you have to stop praying before you meals when you eat in the cafeteria.

My boss does NOT allow me to wear any jewelry other than my wedding band. If I want to doll myself up every day, I'll get another job with another employer.

And your equivelant example isn't really equivelant. If I am sitting down in the cafeteria at work, I'm obviously on my scheduled lunch break.......I am NOT interupting the productivity of my job. A boss who refuses to allow an employee to pray while the employee is on a scheduled break would be obviously in the wrong. But that is not what is happening in the article. What is happening is that employees are not wanting to follow safety rules and are wanting to shut down production five times a day. What is happening is that you have a group of people who are "fiercely independant" and see rules and regulations as "impediments" to their freedoms.

It's just such an easy thing to solve. They need to find jobs where their needs can be accomdated as well as the needs of the company. Most companies are willing to work with people, but it cannot be all one sided. The employees must be willing to work with employers, also.
Funny you mention that, since they seem to have the right to file idiotic and frivolous lawsuits.

Is it legal for non citizens to file lawsuits? If not, it should be. IMVHO.

They should not get full rights until they become citizens.
It's just such an easy thing to solve. They need to find jobs where their needs can be accomdated as well as the needs of the company. Most companies are willing to work with people, but it cannot be all one sided. The employees must be willing to work with employers, also.

Or the jobs could all go oversees to China or Mexico where this wouldn't be an issue and they could put EVERYONE out of work.
If your religion is more important than the job, don't take a job that conflicts with your religion. Jobs do sometimes have to tell you what to wear - including to take that gold cross off of your neck, the ring off your finger, prayer breaks on the company's schedule not yours, or to wear pants, and only pants. If they're used to a different life - sorry, but they chose this one. America is great for accomodating lots of different beliefs, but we all have to live together, and we have some pretty minimal standards you will have to meet.
Your freedom of religion does not mean that I have to change my life to accomodate you, nor do you have to change your life to accomodate me. I do not believe the employer is required to provide accomodations for every possible religion. I think that an employer is to set their company rules and you can follow the rules or you can work else where. The discrimination comes into place when an employer specifically won't let someone work their because of their beliefs or if an employer starts making rules that target specific groups. I don't think the employer did anything wrong.

You are free to follow your religion. If your job doesn't meet your needs, than find a job that suits your needs better.

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