Oviedo House again..pic of Casey and Caylee THERE

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OK. Looks like Tricia's back in the saddle again. Info off to LE now. Fingers crossed. :praying:

Thanks for letting us know! My fingers are stuck in crossed position.

Bond, this sounds great :clap: ... maybe you can summarize the info sent to LE for us?
Good catch about the picture. I think this should go to LE.

This picture though is not REAL recent. A few months perhaps, because of the current length of Casey's hair.

It could be from the first part of the year though?

I remember that Amy & Casey were going to rent a place on Oviedo until Casey ripped her off.

I wonder if anyone has searched this area?

I would think that maybe Jesse Grund or Amy took these pictures.

Casey didn't start seeing Tony Lazarro until around late May early June. And even then, they had only gone out for a few weeks...almost a month?

Someone needs to find out who she was dating during the first 4 months of the year and ask them if they took this picture.
here is the picture. same clothes?


she dont have a neckless on
:waitasec: Anyone else notice that Sawgrass 210 and the Oviedo house @ 895 N. Lake Jessup Ave were both remodelled just prior to the time when Casey would need/want a temporary spot? Sawgrass 210 was definitely done before 6/17. Oviedo house timing is a bit uncertain, but, if listed in May, I'll go out on a limb and guess it was done in the May-early-June timeframe :waitasec:

Hmmmm....just for grins it would be interesting to know if the same contractor was involved in both jobs. :waitasec:

Contractors get access w/ keys ya' know. Any contractors or laborers (e.g. plumbing, drywall, etc. etc.) in Casey's circle?

Of course, Casey might've had access to the Oviedo house keys from previous occupants.
I noticed construction going on during a news article on the Sawgrass apts very near if not at the same apt complex. Work was being done on replacment of balcony and railing. Possibly, the news hit and Sawgrass went to work! Name of news article was something about 5 Big Lies. Dont know if LP reported correctly but he said apt 218 on NG the other night and Im not sure whose apt was being referred to.
Thanks for getting what I was getting at. I've read the other posts here regarding this as well. Something just doesn't add up here to me...at least that is what I think. ;)

I have to agree, something just does not seem right. Despite the "internal" date thing on the camera. Caylee looks younger in that video and in those photos. I had hoped CA's Brother would make it on here so we could ask him if he saw Caylee with Cindy when he last saw her on his visit to his father at the facility. But I keep getting hit with the internal clock thing. But for me it is just "off".
Someone just posted a pic of Casey and Caylee walking on the myspace thread


Here is a link to the house on Lake Jessup Road in Oviedo. Click on the house pics..it is the SAME HOUSE. Judging by Caylee's appearance (hair, etc.) in comparison to the video of her on Father's Day, I think the pic is fairly recent. I strongly believed the wooded area behind that house needs to be searched. This is proof that Casey has been there and is familiar with that location (which has been vacant since APRIL)


I strongly believe Caylee is in this area. It's remote, Casey would have felt comfortable being there and it would not be out of the ordinary had someone seen her there. I also believe these woods should be searched
I strongly believe Caylee is in this area. It's remote, Casey would have felt comfortable being there and it would not be out of the ordinary had someone seen her there. I also believe these woods should be searched

LE has been requested to search inside & outside this address including the wooded area.
:waitasec: Anyone else notice that Sawgrass 210 and the Oviedo house @ 895 N. Lake Jessup Ave were both remodelled just prior to the time when Casey would need/want a temporary spot? Sawgrass 210 was definitely done before 6/17. Oviedo house timing is a bit uncertain, but, if listed in May, I'll go out on a limb and guess it was done in the May-early-June timeframe :waitasec:

Hmmmm....just for grins it would be interesting to know if the same contractor was involved in both jobs. :waitasec:

Contractors get access w/ keys ya' know. Any contractors or laborers (e.g. plumbing, drywall, etc. etc.) in Casey's circle?

Of course, Casey might've had access to the Oviedo house keys from previous occupants.

Except for the US Marine, I am unaware of ANY "man" Casey knew really WORKED for a living.
Except for the US Marine, I am unaware of ANY "man" Casey knew really WORKED for a living.

...then, there's the clean-up afterwards. IF any of Casey's friends worked on a crew that cleaned apartments, houses, etc. they might be able to make access available too, either intentional or not.

BTW...not saying its related, but, the cleaning crew thought occured to me after reading that ZFG managed a cleaning crew. :waitasec:
I have a question, where can you go on 95 and pass 2 towns and be there by 9am?
This post was made right after AH damaged her car so it may be car related.
Amy H (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 5:12pm on June 12th, 2008
It would have to have something to do with remembering to be good... I'm coming out of this thing too easy. So I told my uncle we'd try to be there by 9. He goes to work at like 4am... so nine was late for what he started with. I do however have to get to my house at some point either late tonight or tomorrow morning to get my licence plate and check book. I should be out of work hopefully by 11:30. Whatever is easiest for you. If we do it in the morning we should probably try to get out of here by like 6:30ish at the latest. But we should totally miss rush hour in both towns and just be on 95 during that part. Gimme a call!
I have a question, where can you go on 95 and pass 2 towns and be there by 9am?
This post was made right after AH damaged her car so it may be car related.
Amy H (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 5:12pm on June 12th, 2008
It would have to have something to do with remembering to be good... I'm coming out of this thing too easy. So I told my uncle we'd try to be there by 9. He goes to work at like 4am... so nine was late for what he started with. I do however have to get to my house at some point either late tonight or tomorrow morning to get my licence plate and check book. I should be out of work hopefully by 11:30. Whatever is easiest for you. If we do it in the morning we should probably try to get out of here by like 6:30ish at the latest. But we should totally miss rush hour in both towns and just be on 95 during that part. Gimme a call!

Jacksonville is off 95 and you do have to go through Orlando and Daytona to get there.
Thanks Diamond Girl!

I also noticed that Amy is from Plantation, is that a fit also?
Now THERE'S something to pick apart!

6/12 was Thursday.
*Was the above msg to Casey? If so, Amy & Casey took a bit of a road-trip Friday morning, 6/13?
*Casey & Caylee walked w/ Kristina ~6-8:30PM 6/12.
*Casey's last Facebook was 9:14PM that night to someone urging them to Fusian.
*Casey partied @ Fusian Friday night, 6/13, right?

FWIW, I also noted an unusually early 6:41AM Facebook message from Casey on 6/12, telling Jeff Hopkins to ck out Fusian.

So then who watched Caylee the evening of 6/13 then? But Cindy had Caylee on father's day. Losing my patience with Ms. Anthony ...
Friday June 13th is "supposedly" the night Casey took Caylee to Fusian.
And most found it inappropriate.
Friday June 13th is "supposedly" the night Casey took Caylee to Fusian.
And most found it inappropriate.

IIRC, there is some debate regarding the claim that Caylee was actually AT Fusian. I do recall another poster pointing to a blogger making that statement, but, I have never personally seen credible source info. I HAVE, however, seen CH's statement that he saw Caylee WITH Casey before Casey went to Fusian that night.

If you can point me to source info for Caylee BEING at Fusian, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, I'm personally going to treat that as suspect info.
:bang::blushing:...should probably move the conversation re: potential Amy&Casey roadtrip over to to the 6/10-6/14 thread.

My apologies. I got excited when I saw the info tttterri posted and just got carried away.
Not sure it deserves a thread as we do not know if the trip happened! Casey was at Tonys the afternoon of the 13th with Caylee acc to Clint, and possible with Kristina the day before or that day. Amy was planning but that does not mean that Casey came thru for her plans. Amy had had a car accident recently and seemed to be having a come to jesus according to her remark that it needed to be something to do with being good. Her prior remarks with Casey were something like Casey saying she scared the life out of her and that she was glad she was ok, and then in Amys reply, it was something like, sorry, and then "maybe it is new car time".

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