GUILTY PA - Carlesha Freeland-Gaither, 22, Germantown, 2 November 2014 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
My impression is that they didn't have enough evidence (in the minds of the local authorities) to charge him with the VA kidnap until the DNA came back, which came back Oct 28. I think he was a suspect from the start, but they were waiting on a DNA result to bring the formal charges and arrest him. We have seen this in many cases, they like to have their ducks in a row before they bring charges. But this especially true in VA, there is some different regulations regarding rights to a speedy trial there. From what I remember reading on the Hannah Graham case, once charges are brought, they automatically go to trial within a short amount of time (3 months?? don't remember) unless a judge allows them to drag it out. Unlike most places where the defendant has to ask for a speedy trial. So, my feeling is that they were waiting until they had all the evidence they needed for a conviction before arresting him, not that they didn't know his identity until they got the DNA back.

eta: I'm at work, so put a great big JMO on this since I don't have time to look up the links to support this!
My impression is that they didn't have enough evidence (in the minds of the local authorities) to charge him with the VA kidnap until the DNA came back, which came back Oct 28. I think he was a suspect from the start, but they were waiting on a DNA result to bring the formal charges and arrest him. We have seen this in many cases, they like to have their ducks in a row before they bring charges. But this especially true in VA, there is some different regulations regarding rights to a speedy trial there. From what I remember reading on the Hannah Graham case, once charges are brought, they automatically go to trial within a short amount of time (3 months?? don't remember) unless a judge allows them to drag it out. Unlike most places where the defendant has to ask for a speedy trial. So, my feeling is that they were waiting until they had all the evidence they needed for a conviction before arresting him, not that they didn't know his identity until they got the DNA back.

eta: I'm at work, so put a great big JMO on this since I don't have time to look up the links to support this!

I believe in VA its 5 months. I read that in the Hannah Graham case too.
My impression is that they didn't have enough evidence (in the minds of the local authorities) to charge him with the VA kidnap until the DNA came back, which came back Oct 28. I think he was a suspect from the start, but they were waiting on a DNA result to bring the formal charges and arrest him. We have seen this in many cases, they like to have their ducks in a row before they bring charges. But this especially true in VA, there is some different regulations regarding rights to a speedy trial there. From what I remember reading on the Hannah Graham case, once charges are brought, they automatically go to trial within a short amount of time (3 months?? don't remember) unless a judge allows them to drag it out. Unlike most places where the defendant has to ask for a speedy trial. So, my feeling is that they were waiting until they had all the evidence they needed for a conviction before arresting him, not that they didn't know his identity until they got the DNA back.

eta: I'm at work, so put a great big JMO on this since I don't have time to look up the links to support this!

If the 1st girl had identified him in a lineup that should have been more than enough to arrest him and take him off the streets to prevent what happened in Philly.

I havent read enough of the 1st case to understand the timing however I am upset LE did not arrest him after that 1st girl escaped.

This is serious stuff what he did to that 1st girl. He was an immediate danger and LE knew that. The girl even said that the guy claimed he did it to other girls. So there was every indication he would do this again.

It just seems there was not near enough done to get this guy off the streets. I saw on the news that when the 1st girl escaped, the home where she was held was no more than 2-3 miles down the road. Surely LE found out where that home was and who he was. She was an eye witness and knew where it happened.

I am real upset right now that he was not arrested before the philly incident.

And I got even more upset last night when the LE person on TV claimed this guy has a rap sheet a mile long.
OK, so why the heck wasnt he locked up already then. I am so sick of hearing how these criminals have long rap sheets and they are just roaming the streets.

Keep these dangerous creeps locked up where they belong. Its not like this guy was stealing candy all his life.
Grrrrrrr. :(
Wow. Shes so smart. What a woman. Incredible.

Agree. It sounds to me that the 2 girls pretty much handed this guy over to LE. Just wish they would have arrested him before the Philly incident.

The 1st girl escapes herself on her own after being hit with a shovel, burned, and bleach poured all over her.

The 2nd girl, breaks out his car window, and gives up her pin hoping he would use it to leave a money trail.

Kudos to the brave 2 girls that saved themselves basically.
Here is another thing that struck me as upsetting. This below was in 1 of the news articles. I know I am not trained in LE procedures but why in the world did they not rush into the apartments and bash down all the doors to every single one if they had to. The guy could have been killing her or torturing her as they "staked out the car".

Good grief. I am sure they knew which apartment too and if not they should have forced entry into each 1.
Even if the guy wasnt home they could have still entered and got more evidence and they could have done this without anyone on the street knowing they were doing it.
Im sorry but I dont see this stake out as being the right method at all when someones life is in danger.

"Action News is told the FBI task force found the suspect's car earlier Wednesday in Jessup, Maryland. They staked out the car. Later today, the suspect and the victim exited a building and approached the car. That is when the task force moved in."

They are lucky she was still alive. So glad she is ok. And the other girl too in the other state.
The guy in the video (Ronald Davis) saying he is DB's friend looks exactly like his FB friend who "liked" the last FB post DB made about snitching not being funny and that's how graves get filled. The only person who "liked" it. He uses a different name for his FB profile that also starts with R. They call each other "bro" and tell each other "love ya" in posts so I'd say this may really be his best friend. But the innocent image of DB he paints doesn't match the FB posts.
Look at the address's the same person, IMO.
Look at the address's the same person, IMO.

Just K...I just went to DB's Facebook site and the "like" is gone and so is the person who I do believe was Ronald Davis. Interesting! Wonder why he removed the "like" and the friendship? Perhaps he has re-thought was a great person his "best friend" is?
Just K...I just went to DB's Facebook site and the "like" is gone and so is the person who I do believe was Ronald Davis. Interesting! Wonder why he removed the "like" and the friendship? Perhaps he has re-thought was a great person his "best friend" is?
Interesting. It was there when I looked at 8:50 AM.
Sorry if these things have already been mentioned. Carlesha did not kick out the windows. There was a hammer on the back seat and she used that. She also hit him in the head with it. I don't think this article mentions it, but last night on the news (same station as this article) they said he was able to subdue her using zip ties. This article also says she purposefully gave him her pin in hopes he'd use it. She's one smart cookie.

I also remember reading an article yesterday about the first assault on the teenager and it said his parents "didn't remember if they were home when the assault would have taken place." HUH??? If I can find the link, I will post it.

ETA: Found the article where it says parents don't remember:

Thanks for this. The window thing was always a difficult thing for me to understand. Granted, I know she was a fighter, but breaking a window with her feet that fast, I didn't understand. Now I do.
Well there is snitching and then there is snitching. I don't really think there is anything wrong with NOT reporting that you see your friends smoking weed at the park or drinking underage. Should you ? Maybe. That's for each to decide on their own. But when it comes to serious crimes where people are VICTIMS, then your failure to ' snitch' is making you somewhat responsible in your ' friends' next attack. If you know your friend is a rapist , kidnapper, killer and you do not snitch, then you are condoning the crime. Live with that !!!!!!!!

ETA BBM, I'm obviously talking about young people/ teens in this comment. When I was young I was doing those things, so I sure wasn't going to snitch on a friend for. Thankfully did not have any friends who were raping and killing people but that's an entirely different crime.

well from what I understand your 1st example of smoking pot and caught is classic "snitching" but the second one(example you gave) is not its called "victim of circumstances".. A lot young and old folks today don't know the difference between the two. There no loyalty in the second example because It can be you mother , sister , brother etc.That person will strike anyone. A vermin to the community and safety it would be wise to get him/her out of there.

But If you and your buddy are caught smoking pot but they don't they find any drugs only a smell. It's would wise be not to say anything " it just old age thing buddy's to the end more then snitching".

Drug dealing and all that is a whole new matter, a lot of guys tell on other guys they don't even know them never seen them in the their life just know of them or maybe seen them before and the area they use by drugs, just to get less time. That really what snitching mean telling on people for less time once your caught and don't know them. The other examples is what everyone should be calling the police for. "victim of circumstance" is real and should not be condoned, you protect you own life and others with getting that person out of there.

There private and public issues. a lot try to blend then together, Victim of circumstance( a robbery at night ) was never condone in my growing up time, a lot of folks turned them in( after some street justice of course) yes a good beating then the cops was called.. A drug selling in crime issue is very different. Some try to blend them. When they cant be or never were.
I think Delvin has A.D.D (attention deficit disorder). He seemed to vicously start his kidnapping process on both known victims but then he tend to suddenly and mentally wander off which left his victims with time to escape or to get rescued. I bet he has a I.Q of 65. He can't think pass his first thoughts. We need to identify these symptoms early in kids and give them the proper help; Because I don't want some kid who is born today trying to abduct my loved ones 20-30 years from now. But I still hope LE check for other victims who may not have been lucky.
Just K...I just went to DB's Facebook site and the "like" is gone and so is the person who I do believe was Ronald Davis. Interesting! Wonder why he removed the "like" and the friendship? Perhaps he has re-thought was a great person his "best friend" is?

The like and the FB friend are still there when I look at DB's Facebook page. And yes, according to the URL / address bar, this is the same person who is referred to as DB's best friend in the video.
I think Delvin has A.D.D (attention deficit disorder). He seemed to vicously start his kidnapping process on both known victims but then he tend to suddenly and mentally wander off which left his victims with time to escape or to get rescued. I bet he has a I.Q of 65. He can't think pass his first thoughts. We need to identify these symptoms early in kids and give them the proper help; Because I don't want some kid who is born today trying to abduct my loved ones 20-30 years from now. But I still hope LE check for other victims who may not have been lucky.

Wow. You do know that ADHD has absolutely nothing to do with IQ, right? Actually most people with ADHD are very bright. And also not serial kidnappers.
Wow. You do know that ADHD has absolutely nothing to do with IQ, right? Actually most people with ADHD are very bright. And also not serial kidnappers.

Yes I know this. My comment was 2 tier. So I was saying that not only I think he has ADD but I also think he maybe slow as well. Now since Iam posting from my blackberry and I have fat fingers; Iam sorry that I chose not to make a more defined comment. Thank you.

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