GUILTY PA - Christina Regusters for kidnap, rape of 5yo girl, Philadelphia, 14 Jan 2013 - #2

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but then what the heck was the reporter talking about in the video I linked upthread and at what point was she carried about in a bag??

acckkk this is so confusing. So much contradictory info :banghead:

Chalk it up to breaking news and a reporter attempting to play catch up real fast. This news about the bag was just released for the first time, and the media probably is working the puzzle pieces just like the rest of us.
Dave Schratwieser, Reporter

"One of the items removed from this home is a large distinctive bag. Why is that important? The 5 yr old victim in this case has told detectives that she was blindfolded and placed inside a large distinctive bag then carried through this neighborhood." at the .30 mark on the video.

So she was blindfolded and carried in a bag in the neighborhood per this information but when removed through the rear she was not blindfolded.

I know previous reports indicated that she was blindfolded inside the home, but this most recent one seems indicate she was blindfolded prior to entering the home.

Its all very confusing to me. I cannot get a sense of exactly when and where she was blindfolded and placed in the bag prior to being "carried through this neighborhood" per the Fox reporter.

I am tending to believe what is coming from Fox. They were the only ones who knew about the walk with N and mom through the neighborhood Thursday, they were the only ones there to film the search warrant execution and they seem to have an inside source. I do not doubt the bag carrying. I am just completely flummoxed as to the sequence of events or how that bag carrying thing was initiated and where.
If that bird does indeed live in the home of the person(s) who took N, I am glad the bird has been taken by LE. People who get enjoyment out of hurting people often also get enjoyment out of hurting animals. I hope that bird gets a good "rescue mom" (or dad).

Sadly, I read in one of the linked articles earlier this evening that the bird has since been returned.
My opinion regarding the blindfold/bag ordeals:

When she was abducted, it was broad daylight, and much easier to recognize cars, decorations on houses, people, signs..etc. So, I think we all agree that they didn't want her to pinpoint the house.
As far as the bag..I'm wondering if they were attempting to 'catch' any evidence in the bag. She may have been bleeding, and by putting her in a bag, it would prevent any blood from possibly dripping on the pavement/their clothing/the inside of a car. It would also catch skin cells or shedding hair from clinging to them. When she was released, it was dark, and I'm sure she was worn down and exhausted. Chances are, they weren't too concerned with her being alert or observant. I'd also be curious to know when trash day was that week. Walking with an odd shaped bag like that may not look abnormal if it was the night before trash pickup..or laundry day.
Make sense? It does in my head, but I'm tired.. :truce:
I wonder if her lip was indeed split and if so if it was prior to being (allegedly) in the bag. If so that bodes well for physical DNA type evidence to be present. I would also imagine she may have been sweaty if in a bag and may have cried, that would be scary as all heck. All of these things make me hopeful that if she was in a bag at some point, there will be solid evidence to link the bag owners to the crime.
Here's a picture of the back of the house. I wonder if it was the porch/balcony that she remembered.


Oh thanks so much Bessie. Yep, that's an alley and I grew up in that kind of house. Nobody used to have "decks" built. We call that porch thing a deck, but I think a child would remember that for sure. There's alot of them here, but there's alot of different kinds.
If that bird does indeed live in the home of the person(s) who took N, I am glad the bird has been taken by LE. People who get enjoyment out of hurting people often also get enjoyment out of hurting animals. I hope that bird gets a good "rescue mom" (or dad).

Somebody taught that bird to talk. I'm thinking it probably cost them a significant amount of money. My bet is they were good to the bird. As odd as that sounds.
In the video of the back of the house in the alley, there was a table leaned up against the entrance. I don't think it had legs on it though. Just the table top. She might have remembered something like that from the back of the house that early morning she was released.

rewatched video, it's a patio table with legs.
In the video of the back of the house in the alley, there was a table leaned up against the entrance. I don't think it had legs on it though. Just the table top. She might have remembered something like that from the back of the house that early morning she was released.

rewatched video, it's a patio table with legs.

Actually that is a seriously clean alley. So yeah something like that could I bet. Usually there's all kinds of junk, garbage, mattresses, sinks, burned out cars and you name it. Not that it matters, but I am thinking they get their trash taken out the front then. Although the fronts looked clean as well.

My husband wants to know how they keep a bird in evidence lockup :floorlaugh:

Random Qestions:
1. Do we know if N actually saw the bird? I had a neighbor 2 houses away and we could hear that bird ALL the time, even with the windows closed. People came to visit and asked if we had gotten a bird. (I'm not doubting her identification of the house---just putting things together)

2. Did anyone see the early morning news clip that showed the police putting up crime scene tape? I think that would give us a more reliable addy.

Good point about hearing the bird, but maybe not seeing it. I even posted somewhere about my neighbors bird and my DD came to visit and thought it was a person saying "help me". From that we got that bird is hearing "help me" too much?

Dang, I recall seeing yellow tape, but was so many news stories.

Hey, a bird in lockup is one thing but those big alligators the drug dealers keep are another thing.
My opinion regarding the blindfold/bag ordeals:

When she was abducted, it was broad daylight, and much easier to recognize cars, decorations on houses, people, signs..etc. So, I think we all agree that they didn't want her to pinpoint the house.
As far as the bag..I'm wondering if they were attempting to 'catch' any evidence in the bag. She may have been bleeding, and by putting her in a bag, it would prevent any blood from possibly dripping on the pavement/their clothing/the inside of a car. It would also catch skin cells or shedding hair from clinging to them. When she was released, it was dark, and I'm sure she was worn down and exhausted. Chances are, they weren't too concerned with her being alert or observant. I'd also be curious to know when trash day was that week. Walking with an odd shaped bag like that may not look abnormal if it was the night before trash pickup..or laundry day.
Make sense? It does in my head, but I'm tired.. :truce:

Makes sense to me. But then why keep that bag if that was the evidence "catch-all"?
I am trying to figure out where this white male in his 30's wearing sweats comes into the picture in this predominantly black neighborhood with these residents. Is he a landlord / owner of the home? Did someone owe him money or back rent and he said 'bring me a girl and I will float you for awhile' or what? Grrrrrr. This is just so maddening.

Right. Is he "white" or "light skinned"? To me the guy who said he knew the people that lived in the house? To me he is light skinned. Not meaning he is suspect just his coloring.

God forbid I hate to even think a crack addict would bring a child to a person they owe money to. I know horrible things happen, but I think a "white man" pulling that would get his sorry *** beat or worse. Plus it's so tough to evict somebody.

There are Caucasian Muslims out in West way however, right there I believe someone in the neighborhood would be calling the guy White John or whatever. I dated an Italian guy from there almost maybe 39 years ago and he was the only Caucasian on his block back then.
From the back view in the video it appears to my old eyes the address is 6245. I saw the front address. The address doesn't appear on the city data site. It does in the white pages with a name.

If you look at the stairs going up in back, to the left, ground level you see a door with wrought iron. That indicates to me there's a division of the main property of 6243.

White pages has them listed side by side. Haven't checked google yet. Doesn't mean much other than there are people living in the area with addresses not known via some searches, like Property records possibly. I'll check zillow too.,+PA
My opinion regarding the blindfold/bag ordeals:

When she was abducted, it was broad daylight, and much easier to recognize cars, decorations on houses, people, signs..etc. So, I think we all agree that they didn't want her to pinpoint the house.
As far as the bag..I'm wondering if they were attempting to 'catch' any evidence in the bag. She may have been bleeding, and by putting her in a bag, it would prevent any blood from possibly dripping on the pavement/their clothing/the inside of a car. It would also catch skin cells or shedding hair from clinging to them. When she was released, it was dark, and I'm sure she was worn down and exhausted. Chances are, they weren't too concerned with her being alert or observant. I'd also be curious to know when trash day was that week. Walking with an odd shaped bag like that may not look abnormal if it was the night before trash pickup..or laundry day.
Make sense? It does in my head, but I'm tired.. :truce:
It does make sense. But the earlier reports say differently, and honestly, I can't imagine walking around the neighborhood in broad daylight with a blindfolded child. That would be sure to attract attention, wouldn't it? The perp knew that in a couple of hours the abduction would be all over the evening news and people would start talking. Seems extremely risky to me.

As for the bag, even in the dark the child would easily recognize she was walking along a path through a wooded area. That would be a big clue to tracing the perps's location. And after the ordeal she'd been through, walking might have been difficult. So rather than try to guide her in the dark, frightened and weak, it might have been seen as quicker and easier to carry her through the woods inside the bag.

Who knows. The whole thing is mind boggling. If it turns out that LE does have the right house, how ironic that after all the measures to avoid detection, they overlooked the noise from the squawking bird.
Makes sense to me. But then why keep that bag if that was the evidence "catch-all"?

Afraid to dispose of it? It must have been a very identifiable bag (bright..or a distinct design on it). Dumping it at the park would be dumb because it would have more DNA than the shirt. Really..dumping it anywhere would be dumb because they KNEW someone was going to on a hunt the next morning when N was found. I think they probably washed it and threw it in a drawer. That way, the only way someonewuldever find it is if they had a search warrant. I doubt they were expecting it to be traced back to them.
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